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Currently Skimming:

2 Background
Pages 3-6

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 3...
... The data collection procedure discusses developing and using data collection forms and taking photographs of the crash scene, damaged hardware, and, if available, the damaged vehicle. NCHRP Report 490 included a detailed field data collection procedure and data element dictionary in Section 4 (Data Collection - Site Investigations)
From page 4...
... The ISPE analyst uses the routine ISPE results to determine the data collection area, time frame, and the data elements to collect in the field for the more detailed investigative ISPE. One obvious advantage to routinely collecting ISPE data elements is the second, more resource intensive part of the NCHRP Research Report 1010 methodology, will not be triggered.
From page 5...
... Truck- and Trailer-Mounted Attenuators and Variable Message Signs and Arrow Board Trailers 4. Support Structures, Work Zone Traffic Control Devices, and Breakaway Utility Poles 5.
From page 6...
... , or SFUE 4 devices (i.e., support structures, work zone traffic control devices, and breakaway utility poles)

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