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Pages 34-34

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From page 34...
... 262 F I R E R E S E A R C H An interferometer is described which is based on two shadowgraphs minutely displaced with respect to each other The apparatus, designed for fire research, allows the display of large test areas where the use of focusing optics becomes impractical The present system, as confined by the dimensions of the laboratory, provides a field 3 f t m diameter with sufficient illumination for exposures shorter than 0 04 s for still or motion pictures, using commercially available cameras and films A straightforward calculation suggests that a 1 W laser would allow coverage of a field 30 f t m diameter The apparatus is simple and rugged enough to be potentially useful for field studies of fires, given a sufiiciently large screen Some illustrations of apphcations and a discussion of its theory are included Baev, V

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