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Pages 4-10

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From page 4...
... RFP FOCUS AREAS The California Department of Food and Agriculture's Pierce's Disease and Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Board (CDFA PD/GWSS Board) is currently accepting proposals for research and outreach projects on the following serious pests and diseases of winegrapes: • Pierce's disease and its vectors, especially the glassy-winged sharpshooter • Brown marmorated stink bug • Grapevine fanleaf disease • Grapevine leafroll disease • Grapevine red blotch disease • Mealybug pests of winegrapes • Spotted lanternfly The committee noted that one of the 16 proposals submitted to the Board was a continuation of a project (previously funded by CDFA)
From page 5...
... This would help reviewers to fairly assess the proposed outreach activities. GENERAL INFORMATION ● Funding preference will be given to projects deemed likely to lead to practical solutions to winegrape pest and disease problems in California.
From page 6...
... However, no further instructions were given to the committee about addressing overlaps. In this regard, the Board may want to consider requesting future proposal reviewers/review panels to identify overlaps between proposals and recommend collaborations to streamline efforts in certain areas of research to accelerate the development of practical solutions.
From page 7...
... For some of the proposals reviewed by the committee, it was not immediately clear if the proposed project is new or a continuation of a previously funded project.5 5 After the release of the prepublication copy of the report to the sponsor, the sponsor representatives pointed out that a form where PIs are asked to indicate whether a project is new or continuing was also submitted by the PIs via the CDFA website, but this form was not included in the project proposal documents that the committee reviewed.
From page 8...
... This summary should also explain, in non-technical terms, the methodology, anticipated results, and how and when these results can be of benefit to growers and the winegrape industry. • Require applicants proposing continuing projects to provide information about when the project began, the number of years of activity, and the sources of previous funding, including an explicit disclosure of whether previous funding was received from CDFA, as part of the "Project History" section.
From page 9...
... The committee suggests revising the second sentence in the "Methodology to Accomplish Objectives" section to read: "For research, discuss laboratory experiment or plot design, expected results, statistical analyses, methods to be used, parameters of data collection including sampling methods, along with challenges, potential pitfalls, and limitations and plans to overcome them." RESOURCES AND LIKELIHOOD OF ACCOMPLISHING OBJECTIVES Please summarize how the resources of the Project Leader and associates (i.e., dedicated financial sources, computer facilities, laboratory and field resources, and human resources) and previous work make the proposed work feasible and increase the likelihood for accomplishing the stated objectives.
From page 10...
... The Board may also want to consider providing an explanation of what constitutes "good farming practices" to be clear about what information applicants should provide.

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