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Mine Countermeasures Technology (1993) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 43-63

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 43...
... 20. Motion picture data and grapho-numerical differentiation may be used instead, but the time required to produce results and the loss of accuracy make this method impractical for extensive use in rapid evaluation of knee mechanisms.
From page 45...
... TABLE II COMPARISON OF ACCELEROMETER AND GRAPHO-NUMERICAL METHODS Factor Considered Grapho -- Numerical Differentiation of Motion Picture Data Direct Me-enre= ment Using Accelerometers Application in cases where a single member is to be studied Satisfactory Most advantageous Application in cases where several inter- connected manbers are Most advantageous Limit ed to be studied Initial cost of . equipment Intermediate High Operating costs Intermediate Low Required processing of Development None record of film Time required to Intermediate Small reduce record Accuracy Fair Good Sensitivity and response to abrupt changes in Fair Excellent phenomenon Influence of | .
From page 49...
From page 51...
... e d ty (a)
From page 55...
... 30 25 | Y | jv FLAT RESPONSE RANGE " p> E 2oL E a | | v a" >)
From page 61...
... es 7 ae 4 Pe J _~*
From page 63...
... LINEAR ACCELERATION == Least reading -2 ft./sec.

Key Terms

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