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Currently Skimming:

Pages 48-50

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 48...
... Plots of underprediction error versus total error for the laboratory data and underprediction error for field data versus total error for laboratory data along with the error statistics calculations assisted in the ranking of the equations. The equations of Sheppard and Miller (2006)
From page 49...
... = Projected Width * Shape Factor Shape Factor = 1, circular α = skew angle in radians Flow Skew Angle Only limited data exist for the effects of flow skew angle on equilibrium local scour depths.
From page 50...
... Scour evolution rates are important for these cases because equilibrium scour depths are not likely to be achieved during the design event. Substantial bridge foundation cost savings could be realized if scour evolution rate were considered when predicting design scour depths.

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