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Currently Skimming:

Pages 50-54

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 50...
... TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 50 YUL–MTL: Moving Landscapes Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec, Sylvain Paquette, and Patrick Marmen. Applied Research + Design Publishing, 2016; 261 pp.; $40; 978-1-94074-309-7.
From page 51...
... TR N EW S 303 M AY–JUN E 2016 51 Guidebook on Alternative Quality Management Systems for Highway Construction NCHRP Report 808 This volume guides readers through the process of developing a quality management system that is both responsive to specific project needs and broad enough to be replicated with adaptations as needed for future projects of similar scope, complexity, and delivery schedules. 2015; 96 pp.; TRB affiliates, $45.75; nonaffiliates, $61.
From page 52...
... TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 52 Labor–Management Partnerships for Public Transportation: Vol. 1, Toolkit; and Vol.
From page 53...
... TR News welcomes the submission of manuscripts for possible publication in the categories listed below. All manuscripts submitted are subject to review by the Editorial Board and other reviewers to determine suitability for TR News; authors will be advised of acceptance of articles with or without revision.
From page 54...
... TRN303 The Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR) has long been recognized as one of the leading sources for scholarly research and practical papers on all aspects of transportation.

Key Terms

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