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Currently Skimming:

Pages 59-62

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 59...
... We asked the question: Should DOT invite proposals in broad areas defined by DOT? Our conclusion was that they should -- with the understanding that DOT is still looking for innovative thinking, but is attempting to guide the efforts into areas which DOT perceives to be most significant.
From page 60...
... This "need" is proposed to avoid any premature dismissal of promising ideas. In addition to the priority listing, we have some conclusions about a number of issues concerning the relative emphases of the University Research Program.
From page 61...
... produce research; flexible goals vs. specified outputs; and, to prove once and for all that technical people are reasonable, we are willing to conclude that soft sciences should have about 50 percent of the total effort and hard sciences the other 50 percent.
From page 62...
... One of the "important research needs" that was proposed at our panel meeting was to develop a more objective method for establishing R&D priorities. This was not intended to substitute for good judgment, but to help guide and support these judgments.

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