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Currently Skimming:

Pages 591-592

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 591...
... This chapter considers the additional actions that may be necessary to ensure that financial flows follow the changing economics, avoid unnecessary risks, and harness opportunities, and do all of this with a keen eye to the equity of outcomes. Because this chapter examines current and potential financial-sector reforms, the committee focuses on the following questions: What is the financial sector's unique role in decarbonization, distinct from policies that change the fundamental econom ics of GHG emissions?
From page 592...
... Table 11-1, at the end of the chapter, summarizes all the recommendations that appear in this chapter regarding how the financial sector and capital markets can support decarbon ization across the economy. As noted, this chapter does not discuss government funding, financial incentives, and regulations that directly target the economics of conventional, GHG-emitting activi ties versus low- and zero-emission alternatives.

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