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Pages 62-64

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From page 62...
... 62 C H A P T E R 3 The procedures detailed in the HCM7 do not consider the impacts of arterial weaving, which is defined as the crossing of two or more traffic streams in the same direction between two or more access points on a multilane urban street with some type of traffic control. The primary objective of this project was to develop a deterministic method for evaluating the operational performance of weaving sections on arterials.
From page 63...
... Findings and Applications 63   The statistically insignificant results for total crashes may be attributed to a relatively small sample size in terms of the number of sites. Based on the data obtained, the research team developed an operational analysis methodology for evaluating arterial weaving segments suitable for HCM-type analysis.
From page 64...
... 64 Operational Performance and Safety Effects of Arterial Weaving Sections In addition to these, the research team evaluated the feasibility of using the percentage of drivers who are unable to perform their weaving maneuver as a guide when designing weaving sections. It was determined that shorter weaves and higher demands can lead from one to five missed maneuvers per 15 min.

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