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Pages 8-14

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From page 8...
... 8 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND Since the inception of using sets of plans for construction purposes, a persistent challenge has been the miscommunication between designers and constructors, even when they were part of the same organization.
From page 9...
... 9 19th century England with the emergence of two very influential figures: 1) a new kind of businessman known as "the general contractor," and 2)
From page 10...
... 10 henhouse" scenario, and would not fund D-B projects. In 1992, the Florida DOT (FDOT)
From page 11...
... 11 NEPA AND THE EXPANDED ENVIRONMENTAL-PERMITTING PROCESS When the lead author worked as a designer for FDOT in the 1980s, the agency's roadway and accompanying drainage designs mainly had to be approved and permitted only by the local state water management district. Now, besides the water management districts, the FDOT and other state DOTs have to procure permits from a bevy of affected environmental agencies, mostly federal, such as the U.S.
From page 12...
... 12 embraced IPD methods such as Design-Build, CM/GC, and Public-Private-Partnerships (3P)
From page 13...
... 13 The focus of this research was to discover or formulate a method for agencies to coordinate the NEPA process, the environmental-permitting process, and the CRP, so that the maximum number of worthy ideas from industry might be integrated into the design, with minimal NEPA re-evaluations and environmental-permitting process replications. Any method developed was to be presented in such a way as to work with, or be integrated into, a decision-making framework.
From page 14...
... 14 SCOPE OF STUDY This research project aimed at developing a decision-making framework to help transportation agency decision-makers resolve questions related to the appropriate CRP for any particular transportation construction project. To accomplish this, the research team performed a comprehensive literature review, followed by preliminary phone interviews with knowledgeable staff at all 52 U.S.

Key Terms

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