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1 Introduction
Pages 9-16

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From page 9...
... This report specifically addresses ocean acoustics, but many of the topics and ideas can be thought of interchangeably with underwater acoustics in lakes, rivers, bays, etc. Underwater sounds carry indicators of the state of the ocean, conveying both characteristics of their sources and their complex interactions with ocean boundaries, basic ocean physical properties (e.g., changes in temperature, salinity)
From page 10...
... The expanding applications of ocean acoustics, relating to biology, ecology, oceanography, and conservation, to name a few, contribute to an increasing need for additional education and training opportunities to support a robust workforce. The increasing diversification of ocean acoustics applications is evident in how the ocean acoustics community identifies with multiple Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
From page 11...
... is the only subdiscipline that experienced growth over the past 15 years. In the academic landscape, content in ocean acoustics, general acoustics, and supporting disciplines is included in the following formal degree departments: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, civil engineering, computer science, biology, physics, aerospace engineering, oceanography, ocean engineering, geophysics, and marine science.
From page 12...
... It was also charged to examine not only the future demand for ocean acousticians across all ocean disciplines but also the state of the field in embracing and incorporating new technologies related to observations, data archiving and accessibility, cooperative metadata resource hubs, machine learning (ML) , and artificial intelligence (AI)
From page 13...
... Suggested Actions, Categorical Resolution Classification, QuarterCentury Progress, and Contemporary Priority/Relevance Information Resolution Current 1997 Lackie Report Suggested Actions Classification Progress Priorities/Relevance 1 Take actions to maintain the production of students receiving Fiscal 2 Medium graduate education in acoustics, even if many of those receiving such education do not take jobs in Navy R&D. 2 Take public action to recognize the importance of ocean Outreach 1 High acoustics to the Navy by increasing funding, protecting the program from cuts, establishing research chairs and student awards, or other appropriate, high-visibility actions.
From page 14...
... NOTES: Categorical resolution classification, quarter-century progress, and contemporary priority/relevance information reflects committee assessment based on collective knowledge and information gained through the information-gathering panels in alignment with the Statement of Task. Resolution classification relates to the mechanism for addressing and achieving a solution/resolution identified by the recommendation.
From page 15...
... The survey was distributed to individuals within academia, industry, government, and professional societies involved in ocean acoustics and related fields. Committee members promoted the survey at professional meetings and workshops, including the spring 2023 ASA meeting and 2023 Global Ocean Science Education Workshop, and recruited through their own networks to reach as wide and as diverse an audience as possible.
From page 16...
... Chapter 4 contains a compilation of the current and potential future workforce and employment landscape. Chapter 5 evaluates methods for increasing workforce diversity and provides examples of education and training strategies to attract students and retain professionals in the ocean acoustics career pipeline.

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