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Why Indoor Chemistry Matters (2022) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

1 Introduction
Pages 9-18

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 9...
... indoor chemistry is complex and may lead to the creation of new chemicals of concern, (2) indoor chemicals can adversely impact indoor air quality and the indoor environment, and (3)
From page 10...
... . Collectively these chemicals can affect indoor air quality and degrade the indoor environment in other ways.
From page 11...
... Health Canada has released a Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline for acrolein. indoor environment.
From page 12...
... develops quantitative physical-chemical models that describe gas-phase and surface chemistry in the indoor environment and consider how occupants, indoor activities, and building conditions influence various molecular processes occurring indoors (Shiraiwa et al., 2019)
From page 13...
... While much of the research to date about the relationship between chemical exposures and human health has focused on understanding acute health effects, associations with chronic and delayed illnesses are also important. Against that backdrop, EPA, the Sloan Foundation, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approached the National Acad emies requesting an assessment of the state of the science regarding chemicals in indoor air in the nonindustrial indoor environment.
From page 14...
... The committee stayed informed about several ongoing National Academies activities, including the work of the Committee on Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Approaches. This National Academies effort resulted in several workshops given in 2021 that dis cussed the state-of-the-science on exposure to PM2.5 indoors, its health impacts, and engineering approaches and interventions to reduce exposure risks, including practical mitigation solutions in residential settings (NASEM, 2021)
From page 15...
... Although early studies in the field had highlighted specific classes of reactions as being important in indoor spaces, recent work has delved into determining their nature in sufficient detail and new assessments of the impacts on human exposure can now be made. Chapter 5 addresses the active management of chemicals in indoor environments using inter ventions to clean air and surfaces.
From page 16...
... 1965. Indoor air pollution in Rotterdam homes.
From page 17...
... 2019. Impact of outdoor air pollution on indoor air quality in low-income homes during wildfire seasons.
From page 18...
... 2020. Indoor air pollution, related human diseases, and recent trends in the control and improvement of indoor air quality.

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