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Appendix A: Committee Biographies
Pages 98-100

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From page 98...
... is currently the Director of the Center for Acoustics Research & Education and a Research Professor at the University of New Hampshire. She was a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment Program and serves as a Scientific Advisor to the Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme.
From page 99...
... Liesl Hotaling is President of Eidos Education; Director of Program Development for the Marine Technology Society; a Marine Research Associate with the University of Rhode Island; and a Senior Research Engineer with the College of Marine Science, University of South Florida. She serves as the lead for the Marine Technology Society's Microcredentials effort, seeking to grow the number of marine technicians and improving knowledge of marine technologies and their applications.
From page 100...
... climate change education programs. She is the co-founder of the Global Ocean Science Education Workshops that bring together ocean scientists, education professionals, business leaders, and policymakers.

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