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4 Health Conditions Related to Intimate Partner Violence
Pages 99-122

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From page 99...
... Wu and colleagues (2010) performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining injuries in women who disclosed IPV while presenting to an emergency department (ED)
From page 100...
... . The most common dental injuries due to experiencing IPV are dental fractures, tooth luxations, and tooth avulsions (Alessandrino et al., 2020)
From page 101...
... . However, a systematic review of 52 studies on the effects of IPV on physical health and health-related behaviors found that certain TBI-linked symptoms, including dizziness, depression, and sleep disturbances, were commonly reported by people experiencing IPV who did not have a history of TBI (Stubbs and Szoeke, 2022)
From page 102...
... . IPV-related non-fatal strangulation results in a variety of adverse outcomes, including carotid artery dissection, carotid artery stenosis, stroke, tracheal perforations, laryngeal cartilage fracture, TBI, hypoxic brain injuries, dysphagia, dysphonia, loss of consciousness, seizures, contusions, cervical musculoskeletal injuries, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
From page 103...
... . A systematic review and meta-analysis of 57 studies investigating the signs and symptoms of women experiencing IPV who presented to primary care found that gynecologic infections, STIs, and unwanted pregnancy were the gynecologic and reproductive health conditions most often associated with IPV (Vicard-Olagne et al., 2022)
From page 104...
... . Their analysis found that among women experiencing IPV prior to being pregnant, continuing an unintended pregnancy and giving birth was not associated with a decrease in physical IPV (Roberts et al., 2014)
From page 105...
... noted substantial variation in the reported prevalence of sexual IPV in their systematic review of 43 peer-reviewed articles investigating the prevalence of sexual IPV. They noted that inconsistency in the terminology used in the studies and hesitancy on the part of the person experiencing intimate partner sexual assault due at least in part to the existing intimate relationship may contribute to underestimates of prevalence (Bagwell-Gray et al., 2015)
From page 106...
... . Women experiencing IPV are less likely to have control over a partner's condom use, a key method for protecting them from HIV infection (Bergmann and Stockman, 2015)
From page 107...
... . Experiencing IPV is also associated with delayed and inadequate prenatal care, which in turn is associated with preterm delivery and low birthweight infants (Cha and Masho, 2014)
From page 108...
... . A systematic review found that experiencing IPV significantly negatively affects the mental health of Black and Hispanic women (Stockman et al., 2015)
From page 109...
... . They also found that psychological IPV in the form of leveraging transgenderspecific vulnerabilities to gain power and control was associated with excess mental health burden in transgender individuals experiencing IPV (Peitzmeier et al., 2020)
From page 110...
... . A study of 81 women admitted to a Level 1 trauma center in rural North Carolina over 6 months found a significant relationship between experiencing IPV during their lifetime and substance use (Hink et al., 2015)
From page 111...
... . The increased prevalence of chronic pain among those experiencing IPV was echoed in another systematic review conducted by Vicard-Olagne and colleagues (2022)
From page 112...
... . A systematic review investigating the relationship between IPV and chronic pain found conflicting findings in the literature about the nature of the role of PTSD and depression in the relationship between experiencing IPV and chronic pain (Walker et al., 2022)
From page 113...
... 2018. Recent intimate partner violence against women and health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies.
From page 114...
... The co-occurrence of depression, substance abuse, and intimate partner violence in culturally diverse pregnant women. J Womens Health (Larchmont)
From page 115...
... 2016. Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and the risk for adverse infant outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
From page 116...
... 2023. Associations between intimate partner violence and adverse birth outcomes during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
From page 117...
... 2014. Intimate partner violence and HIV infection among women: A systematic review and meta analysis.
From page 118...
... 2022. Intimate partner violence as a predictor of substance use outcomes among women: A systematic review.
From page 119...
... 2022. The effect of intimate partner violence on the physical health and health-related behaviors of women: A systematic review of the literature.
From page 120...
... 2020. Preparing mental health profes sionals to work with survivors of intimate partner violence: A comprehensive systematic review of the literature.
From page 121...
... 2010. Pattern of physical injury associated with intimate partner violence in women presenting to the emergency department: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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