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1. Introduction
Pages 9-11

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From page 9...
... In a society that is more dependent on weather and climate than ever before, the increasing ability to observe and predict the atmosphere, oceans, and related elements of the Earth system has shown significant value in protecting life and property and in allowing society to mitigate the effects of, adapt to, and take advantage of the variability and extremes in weather and climate. Satellite observations provide a unique vantage point from which to study the Earth system.
From page 10...
... However, the emphasis of this report is on the many NASA missions that have both a fundamental research component and the potential for applications to benefit society and on ways in which the research results from these missions can be more effectively transitioned into operations. Chapter 2 sets the research-to-operations context by reviewing previous studies related to the charge of this committee, the research-to-operations process in general, and the missions and roles of NASA, NOAA, and the Department of Defense (DOD)
From page 11...
... Advances in the ability to observe Earth from space and to assimilate these observations into high-resolution, coupled Earth system models form the scientific and technological basis for the vision of an Earth Information System a complete, geo-referenced quantitative description of the Earth system that supports a variety of applications and users. A robust and flexible mechanism for transitioning research and technological advances quickly into operations is necessary to achieve the vision in a timely fashion and to maximize the return on research investment.

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