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Modeling Large-Scale Networks--Tony Jebara
Pages 5-10

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 5...
... For example, in a class of ­ incoming freshmen students with no known friendship connections, is it possible to predict which pairs will become friends at the end of the year using only their demographic profile information? Similarly, can ­ olocation be used to predict c communication -- that is, using only the location history of a population of mobile phone users, can an observer predict which pairs of users are likely to communicate with each other?
From page 6...
... More specifically, A and X permit the estimation of an appropriate distance metric that can then be used to compute the distance between user i's demographic vector xi and user j's demographic vector xj. This distance metric helps quantify how various attributes compete in the formation of friendship links, for example, how much does an age difference matter relative to a height difference when computing the affinity or distance between a pair of users?
From page 7...
... For instance, through Facebook social networks it appears that when students form friendships, those at Harvard are relatively more attentive to differences in relationship status, those at Stanford and Columbia are relatively more sensitive to differences in graduation year, and for those at MIT differences in dorm assignments are most important. Thus, social network structure helps tease apart demographic attributes and determine which are more or less relevant.
From page 8...
... Note that the relative importance of the demographic attri­ utes varies across the four different universities in the study. b Jebara Figure 2_R02544.eps likely form between new users and elucidate which specific aspects of user profiles and demographics are predictive of communication and social interaction (Lazer et al.
From page 9...
... Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) , Montreal, June.

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