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5 Findings and Recommendation
Pages 62-64

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From page 62...
... The intensity and extent of autonomy-related research, develop ment, implementation, and operations in the civil aviation sector suggest that there are several potential benefits to increased autonomy for civil aviation. These benefits include but are not limited to improved safety and reliability, reduced acquisition and operational costs, and expanded operational capabilities.
From page 63...
... Agencies and organizations in government, industry, and academia that are involved in research, development, manufacture, certification, and regula tion of IA technologies and systems should execute a national research agenda in autonomy that includes the following high-priority research projects, with the first four being the most urgent and the most difficult: • Behavior of Adaptive/Nondeterministic Systems. Develop methodologies to characterize and bound the behavior of adaptive/nondeterministic systems over their complete life cycle.

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