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8 Space, Time, and Resources
Pages 215-244

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From page 215...
... In this chapter, we focus on the practical needs of students to successfully engage in science investigation and engineering design. We highlight the current state of America's public school facilities, propose a more flexible design for science learning spaces, review safety considerations and practices for the science classroom and outdoors, describe time for instruction and equitable funding for space and technologies as the means to best support science learning, and provide examples of opportunities for fidelity to the current vision for science teaching and learning when resources are limited.
From page 216...
... . The State of Middle and High School Science Learning Spaces School facilities matter for science teaching and learning, and there is a growing body of evidence linking physical spaces and overall school experience.
From page 217...
... . Utah conducted research to determine students' experience in science laboratories and the needs of teachers facilitating them across the state, while audits of middle and high school science labs across 30 school districts in the greater Kansas City region were conducted as part of an agenda to improve student achievement in STEM subjects (Campbell and Bohn, 2008; Success Link, 2007)
From page 218...
... For both middle school and high school, there are elements of the classroom design that are important to facilitate aspects of science investigation and engineering design. Students spend much of their time working in small groups and undertake design projects and science investigations that are open-ended and student-planned, and thus need flexible workspace in which they can access the materials and equipment that they need, as they need it (Neill and Etheridge, 2008)
From page 219...
... Rather than science learning spaces defined by discipline, a high school needs two basic types of science classrooms, all flexible, but only some (the second type) equipped specifically for chemistry and biology needs, including facilities such as an exhaust-capable fume hood and possibly temperature-controlled incubator spaces (U.S.
From page 220...
... , and materials separate from those used in science classes, which means that engineering-specific needs are also considered when planning and designing science learning spaces. Outdoor learning spaces are also important adjacencies to both foster and reinforce science learning, particularly within middle school contexts.
From page 221...
... . Budgeting for Science Learning Spaces The cost of newly constructed or renovated science lab spaces in an existing public school building is more expensive than other types of school spaces (National Research Council, 2006)
From page 222...
... SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS FOR ENGAGING IN SCIENCE INVESTIGATION AND ENGINEERING DESIGN Throughout this report, we have shown how engaging in science investigation and engineering design affords high-quality instruction to all students; however, active involvement in investigation and design could increase risks to students if steps are not taken to ensure student safety during these experiences. In America's Lab Report, student safety was briefly explored, and at that time, many U.S.
From page 223...
... Ongoing professional development is recommended as part of the teachers' practice, covering information about yearly changes in safety procedures, particularly those that are frequently used by teachers and more likely to result in laboratory accidents (American Chemical Society, 2018; National Science Teachers Association, 2007)
From page 224...
... have led to established parameters for class size. This relationship was observed in both middle and high school science classes, and is particularly evident when there is less than 60 square feet of workspace per student (National Science Teachers Association, 2014b)
From page 225...
... provide Internet-accessible general safety guidelines and practices that are commonly accepted for secondary science and engineering education to provide and maintain safe learning and working environments for students and staff. Safety Standards for Engineering Education In addition to all of the safety considerations outlined for science classroom spaces, there are a few specific considerations for student safety when engaging in engineering design.
From page 226...
... Connecticut State Department of Education: Middle School Science Safety ( International Technology and Engineering Education Association-Council for Super­ ision and Leadership: ITEEA-CSL Safety Website v (
From page 227...
... But while many organizations have developed safety protocols and liability documents around science laboratories, use of chemicals, and specific equipment, few have done so for conducting field investigations. NSTA, one of the few, has developed a Field Trip Safety resource (National Science Teachers Association, 2015, see section V)
From page 228...
... Current Patterns in Science and Engineering Lab Safety Many of today's public schools remain under-resourced and ill-equipped to safely provide students with quality science learning experiences (Baker, Farrie, and Sciarra, 2018; Filardo and Vincent, 2017)
From page 229...
... At the time that this initiative was launched, average class sizes in Massachusetts were 25 for middle school and 22 for high school (U.S. Department of Education, 2014, Table 7)
From page 230...
... MAKING SCIENCE LEARNING A PRIORITY IN MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS In addition to physical space, budgetary, and safety considerations, effectively supporting students in science investigation and engineering design warrants an increase in emphasis on science learning. Historically, science has fallen behind English Language Arts (ELA)
From page 231...
... When middle school science t ­eachers were asked to estimate the time breakdown for each component within a recent science lesson, 40 percent of time on average was allocated to whole-class activities, 31 percent to small group work, and 20 percent to individual student work (Weiss, 2013, p. 18, Table 28)
From page 232...
... . Computer-based technology can support learners in conducting many aspects of scientific investigation and engineering design.
From page 233...
... , the use of assistive technology or providing materials in alternate formats, following the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) , are important accommodations to maximize access to science investigation and engineering design experiences ( ­ Burgstahler, 2012, Table 8-2)
From page 234...
... . Disparities in Funding for Science Learning Needs The goal of making science learning accessible to all students is complex and can require special knowledge, skill, authority, and resources.
From page 235...
... continue to pose serious problems for providing quality science instruction to the most vulnerable populations of students. Quality science facilities, specialized equipment, and supplies facilitate science investigation and engineering design opportunities for all students, which prepare them to be college- and/or career-ready and informed 21st-century citizens.
From page 236...
... . Thus, failure to distribute teachers equitably remains a challenge and likely decreases opportunities to create safer and effective learning environments for conducting science investigation and engineering design.
From page 237...
... . In terms of technology-related issues, aged computers and lack of access to computers were reported as a serious problem for instruction, particularly in middle school science classes, but Internet access and reliability, and the availability of software were generally nonproblematic across middle and high schools (Banilower et al., 2013, p.
From page 238...
... There are ways to begin engaging students in science investigation and engineering design in the classroom now concurrently with district-level coordination of larger shifts in funding allocation for science learning that will be required for alignment to all recommendations in this report. For example, there are a variety of ways to modify a water quality project to fit local needs and currently available resources.
From page 239...
... While some schools have appropriate facilities, over one-half of the nation's public schools still need extensive improvements to meet the needs for students to effectively engage in science investigation and engineering design. Moreover, consistent and increased investment in facilities is needed to sufficiently provide adequate spaces for 21st-century science learning.
From page 240...
... Additionally, longer instructional periods may be most compatible with investigation and design experiences that need to span multiple class periods. Technology and specialized equipment greatly enhance science investigation and engineering design experiences and improve the ability of students to gather meaningful and accurate data to support explanations.
From page 241...
... . Making Science Labs Accessible to Students with Disabilities: Applica tion of Universal Design to a Science Lab.
From page 242...
... . School Science Facilities Planner.
From page 243...
... . The State of Middle School and High School Science Labs in the Kansas City Region.

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