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Pages 115-184

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From page 115...
... P A R T B Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices
From page 117...
... B-3 Practitioner's Guide Contents B­4 Guide Orientation B­6 Guide Overview B­6 Preparing for Emerging and Innovative PMR Practices B­7 Emerging and Innovative PMR Practice Database B­7 Practice Capability Assessment and Advancement B­7 Fostering Innovation Within the Agency B­11 Preparing for Emerging and Innovative PMR Practices B­11 Background B­12 A Long­Range Vision -- Context for PMR in 2070 B­13 The Future Context B­14 Making the Case for Emerging and Innovative Practices B­16 The Importance of Leadership B­19 The Importance of Practitioner Pressure B­22 Peer Agency Pressure and the Opportunities Presented B­22 Overview of Emerging and Innovative PMR Practices and Benefits B­33 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) B­36 Emerging and Innovative PMR Practice Database B­37 PMR Practice Capability Assessment and Advancement B­37 Practice CMF B­43 Practice RAF B­58 Fostering Emerging/Innovative Practices Within the Organization B­58 Organization CMF B­64 Organization Improvement Framework B­70 Appendices 1 through 5
From page 118...
... B-4 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Guide Orientation This guide assists transportation professionals on the application of practices involving emerging and innovative materials, tools, approaches, and technologies to address long­range (30 to 50 years) highway infrastructure preservation, maintenance, and renewal (PMR)
From page 119...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-5 Definitions of PMR • Preservation: Includes work activities that are planned and performed to improve or sustain the asset condition in a state of good repair. Asset preservation primarily includes preventive maintenance, minor rehabilitation and retrofitting of infra­ structure elements [pavements, bridges, intelligent transportation system (ITS)
From page 120...
... B-6 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Guide Overview This guide is organized around a roadmap for emerging and innovative PMR practices that incorporates a successive, yet iterative, series of actions: awareness, advocacy, assessment, adop­ tion, and action plan, each of which is discussed in the sections that follow. The flow diagrams in Part B, Figures 1 through 3 illustrate how the practitioner may navigate each of these actions and access the guide's specific sections and tools.
From page 121...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-7 Emerging and Innovative PMR Practice Database An Emerging and Innovative PMR Practice Database (provided in Part B, Appendix 2 as part of NCHRP Web-Only Document 272) describes 16 emerging PMR practices identified through a process of evaluation and prioritization during the research for this guide.
From page 122...
... B-8 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part B, Figure 1. How to use the practitioner's guide (1 of 3)
From page 123...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-9 Part B, Figure 2. How to use the practitioner's guide (2 of 3)
From page 124...
... B-10 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part B, Figure 3. How to use the practitioner's guide (3 of 3)
From page 125...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-11 Preparing for Emerging and Innovative PMR Practices Background This guide is prepared under the NCHRP Project 20­83(03) A, "Long­Range Strategic Issues Affecting Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal of Highway Infrastructure" that addresses long­range strategic issues (30 to 50 years into the future)
From page 126...
... B-12 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation A Long-Range Vision -- Context for PMR in 2070 In the year 2070, the nation's multimodal transportation system remains anchored by a ubiquitous highway net­ work that has been transformed over the past half­century despite chronic limitations of available resources. These transformations have dramatically improved the safety, efficiency, reliability, and durability of what is now more accurately characterized as the vehicle­highway network, or VHN.
From page 127...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-13 The Future Context The vision presented in the previous section suggests that a robust and increasingly resilient and adaptive network of streets and highways will continue to be needed into the future. This network will continue to include pavements, bridges, tunnels, drainage systems, and other com­ ponents of highway infrastructure that are familiar in today's world and will remain familiar in the evolving context.
From page 128...
... B-14 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation This guide highlights a select group of 16 emerging PMR­related practices that best addresses the implications of identified future drivers and scenarios (briefly summarized later in this guide)
From page 129...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-15 PMR Activities Are Never-Ending Highway infrastructure wears out over time, and it must always be kept in an acceptable operating condition. This means never­ending investments in PMR activities that may range from snow removal to major reconstruction.
From page 130...
... B-16 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation The Importance of Leadership Seeking out and implementing emerging PMR practices is not just the job of researchers and practitioners. It requires leadership and an organizational culture that fosters self­ awareness, continuous learning, and adaptation to beneficial changes.
From page 131...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-17 For such practices to flourish in an organization, leadership must be onboard, whether through highly visible and encouraging actions or through less visible but no less important support. Innovative practices must not only be encouraged and supported, but also must not be impeded by the enterprise as a whole and all of its component parts, such as: • Planning and resource allocation processes, • Procurement and administrative procedures, • Management systems and information technologies, • Recruitment and promotion practices, • Education and training, and • Willingness to accept prudent risks where the probabilities of success and anticipated returns on investment are based upon systematic testing and evaluation.
From page 132...
... B-18 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Leaders must balance numerous priorities and often cannot afford to devote extensive time to exploring all issues in depth. As they may not possess a background steeped in the technical spe­ cifics of PMR, they must receive and act upon the counsel of PMR practitioners who can provide the necessary understanding and recommendations of the importance of PMR improvement.
From page 133...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-19 leadership in a manner that might tilt the playing field in their direction. None of this helps the case for objective, merit­driven practices, but it reflects a reality that often needs to be addressed.
From page 134...
... B-20 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Just as leaders must build trust with external stakeholders by communicating the benefits and progress (or failures) of innovative practices, practitioners must brief and educate leadership, who may have a limited background on the technical details of PMR and limited time to devote to the subject.
From page 135...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-21 Part B, Table 2. Tips for emerging and innovative PMR practice champions.
From page 136...
... B-22 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Peer Agency Pressure and the Opportunities Presented State transportation agencies enjoy a longstanding tradition of particularly close inter­ relationships at the technical discipline level and the leadership level through AASHTO and four regional counterpart organizations. These connections among peer agencies and peer pro fessionals provide invaluable insights, as well as opportunities for practitioners to advocate for emerging PMR practices and for collaboration in advancing these innovations.
From page 137...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-23 Part B, Table 3. Hyper-performance materials.
From page 138...
... B-24 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part B, Table 5. Perpetual/long-life highway infrastructure.
From page 139...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-25 Part B, Table 7. Connected vehicle applications to supply real-time conditions information.
From page 140...
... B-26 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part B, Table 9. Machine learning -- artificial intelligence for asset management.
From page 141...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-27 Part B, Table 11. Automated enforcement for work zones.
From page 142...
... B-28 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part B, Table 13. Construction robotics.
From page 143...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-29 Part B, Table 15. Enterprise information systems -- PMR applications.
From page 144...
... B-30 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part B, Table 17. Advanced TSMO device and communications systems maintenance.
From page 145...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-31 External Benefits from Adopting Emerging PMR Practices The benefits of emerging and innovative PMR practices are ultimately for the people and enterprises served by the transportation agency. It is generally accepted, but still not universal practice, to explicitly account for benefits beyond the agency's "internal" bottom line in making investment decisions.
From page 146...
... B-32 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Improved System Reliability Reliability is increasingly important in travel decisions as unanticipated delays cannot be planned for without allowing for significantly greater travel times than may have been necessary. Many of the same improved life­cycle and TSMO­related PMR innovations that contribute to safety and mobility also contribute to improved reliability.
From page 147...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-33 Improved Performance Measurement and Asset Data Utilization Emerging practices that improve the life cycle of PMR assets through adoption of a long­ life approach -- supported by asset and operational performance monitoring systems as well as complementary data utilization and analytics -- have the most consequential impacts on the core agency objectives of improved efficiency and effectiveness. These practices are supported by a set of processes, techniques, and methodologies that are heavily dependent on developments in sensor technologies, embedded systems, network connectivity, data management, data analytics, and automation that individually, and to an even greater extent in combination, contribute to improving agency performance.
From page 148...
... B-34 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation logical steps involved in implementation. Agencies can fashion their own unique approach while learning from the experiences of others as they create an internal framework that encourages awareness, advocacy, assessment, adoption, and action plans in the advancement of emerging PMR practices.
From page 149...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-35 within their practice. Awareness can refer to the context in which these practices apply, including the leading­edge practices, the status of research and development in progress, problems being addressed, and alternative approaches being developed and tested.
From page 150...
... B-36 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Supportive Staff A function of culture and organization, and often referred to as an organization's most valu­ able asset, staff who embrace the tenets of innovative practices are mandatory to success. Staff must possess the right combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities; they must have access to new knowledge and sustain their capacities to keep up with the leading edge.
From page 151...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-37 PMR Practice Capability Assessment and Advancement This guide offers the practitioner two assessment tools based on applications of the capability maturity framework (CMF)
From page 152...
... B-38 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation understanding of agency capability and potential gaps in capability relative to the CSF criteria provided. For example, a user may consider all three criteria for a particular CSF and decide that certain elements of Level 1 and Level 2 apply at the same time, and choose to characterize the agency's capability as somewhere between levels.
From page 153...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-39 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 1. A w ar en es s of th e Em er gi ng PM R P ra ct ic e C on te xt A w ar en es s: Le ad in g ed ge p ra ct ic es ; S ta tu s of R &D in p ro gr es s; P ro bl em s be in g ad dr es se d; A lte rn at ive ap pr oa ch es b ei ng d ev el op ed an d te st ed La rg el y un aw ar e or v er y lim ite d aw ar en es s an d in te re st So m e aw ar en es s an d m od er at e in te re st in fo llo w in g th e fu nd am en ta l a nd a pp lie d re se ar ch a nd d ev el op m en t H ig h le ve l o f a w ar en es s an d ke en in te re st in c lo se ly fo llo w in g fu nd am en ta l an d ap pl ie d re se ar ch a nd d ev el op m en t in th is a re a Sp ec ifi c Aw ar en es s: W ha t i t i s; W ha t i t d oe s; W he re it sh ou ld w or k w el l; W he re it m ig ht n ot a pp ly ; L ev el o f e ffo rt an d re so ur ce s re qu ire d (s ta ffi ng , ex pe rti se , f ac ilit ie s, e qu ip m en t, tim e an d bu dg et )
From page 154...
... B-40 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 3. E m er gi ng / In no va tiv e PM R P ra ct ic eSu pp or tiv e Sy st em s, Pr og ra m s, a nd Bu dg et s Ag en cy R &D Th e ag en cy d oe s no t e ng ag e in ap pl ie d R &D o f s uc h pr ac tic es Th e ag en cy o cc as io na lly u nd er ta ke s ap pl ie d R &D o f s uc h pr ac tic es th at m ay s ol ve a pr ob le m o f c on ce rn th at o th er s ha ve n ot ad eq ua te ly a dd re ss ed Th e ag en cy h as a n ac tiv e in -h ou se a nd / or c on tra ct a pp lie d R &D p ro gr am o f pr ac tic es fo cu se d on p rio rit y pr ob le m s of co nc er n th at h av e no t b ee n ad eq ua te ly ad dr es se d Ag en cy P ilo t T es tin g Th e ag en cy ra re ly u nd er ta ke s pi lo t t es tin g of in no va tiv e pr ac tic es Th e ag en cy o cc as io na lly u nd er ta ke s pi lo t te st in g of p ra ct ic es th at m ay s ol ve a p ro bl em of c on ce rn th at o th er s ha ve n ot a de qu at el y ad dr es se d Th e ag en cy re gu la rly d oe s pi lo t te st in g of p ra ct ic es fo cu se d on p rio rit y pr ob le m s of c on ce rn th at h av e no t b ee n ad eq ua te ly a dd re ss ed In st itu tio na l K no w le dg e M an ag em en t S ys te m Th er e is n o fo rm al s ys te m fo r sh ar in g or c om pi lin g te ch ni ca l kn ow le dg e re la te d to th es e pr ac tic es , w hi ch re si de s am on g th e ex pe rie nc e of in di vi du al s Ke y st af f m ai nt ai n th ei r o w n in di vi du al sy st em s fo r c om pi lin g, u pd at in g, a nd ac ce ss in g in fo rm at io n sp ec ifi c to th es e pr ac tic es a nd s ha re th is te ch ni ca l k no w le dg e in fo rm al ly o r o n an a sne ed ed b as is An a ge nc yw id e kn ow le dg e m an ag em en t s ys te m is u se d to c om pi le , up da te , a nd a cc es s sp ec ifi c in fo rm at io n on th es e pr ac tic es Ac ce ss to F un di ng Ac ce ss to fu nd in g in s up po rt of su ch p ra ct ic es is a d ho c an d illde fin ed in th e ab se nc e of a ny es ta bl is he d bu dg et ar y pr oc es s or pr og ra m g ea re d to w ar d fu nd in g th is ty pe o f i nn ov at io n Al th ou gh th er e is n o es ta bl is he d bu dg et ar y pr oc es s or p ro gr am g ea re d to w ar d fu nd in g th is ty pe o f p ra ct ic e, th er e ar e re co gn iz ed op po rtu ni tie s to m ak e th e ca se a s a "s pe ci al pr oj ec t" ou ts id e of re gu la r p ro ce ss es Th e op po rtu ni ty fo r m ak in g th e ca se fo r su ch p ra ct ic es is th ro ug h es ta bl is he d bu dg et ar y an d pr og ra m p ro ce ss es th at en co ur ag e in no va tio n ad vo ca te s to co m pe te fo r f un di ng As si st an ce fr om S up po rt Fu nc tio ns : In fo rm at io n te ch no lo gy , h um an re so ur ce s, a nd p ro cu re m en t un its a nd s up po rti ng s ys te m s G ai ni ng a ss is ta nc e in th e fo rm of a dm in is tra tiv e an d te ch ni ca l su pp or t, pa rti cu la rly fo r n ew in iti at ive s, c an b e ar du ou s to ac hi ev e G ai ni ng a ss is ta nc e in th e fo rm o f ad m in is tra tiv e an d te ch ni ca l s up po rt re qu ire s pa tie nc e an d pe rs is te nc e, p ar tic ul ar ly fo r n ew in iti at ive s, b ut is ty pi ca lly a ch ie va bl e G ai ni ng a ss is ta nc e in th e fo rm o f ad m in is tra tiv e an d te ch ni ca l s up po rt is re ad ily a ch ie va bl e, e ve n fo r n ew in iti at ive s Av ai la bi lit y of F ac ilit ie s, Eq ui pm en t, an d Te st S ite s Th er e is in su ffi ci en t c ap ac ity in fa ci lit ie s, e qu ip m en t, an d te st si te s av ai la bl e w ith in th e ag en cy or a cc es si bl e th ro ug h ou ts ou rc in g to u nd er ta ke s uc h pr ac tic es Th e ca pa ci ty in fa ci lit ie s, e qu ip m en t, an d te st s ite s av ai la bl e w ith in th e ag en cy o r ac ce ss ib le th ro ug h ou ts ou rc in g to u nd er ta ke su ch p ra ct ic e is b ar el y su ffi ci en t, bu t c an b e ex pe ct ed to in cr ea se w ith th e ad va nc em en t of th es e pr ac tic es Th er e is s uf fic ie nt c ap ac ity in fa ci lit ie s, eq ui pm en t, an d te st s ite s av ai la bl e w ith in th e ag en cy o r a cc es si bl e th ro ug h ou ts ou rc in g to u nd er ta ke s uc h pr ac tic e P ar t B , T ab le 1 9.
From page 155...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-41 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 4. F rie nd ly C ul tu re a nd O rg an iz at io n To w ar d Em er gi ng / In no va tiv e Pr ac tic es Le ad er sh ip S up po rt; C ol la bo ra tio n an d Te am w or k; R ec ep tiv ity to N ew Id ea s; D ed ic at io n to C on tin uo us Im pr ov em en t La rg el y ab se nt Pr es en t i n th e or ga ni za tio n un its in vo lve d in th is ty pe o f P M R p ra ct ic e Pe rv as ive th ro ug ho ut th e ag en cy Su pp or t f ro m In te rn al P ar tn er s: As n ee de d to a dv an ce s uc h em er gi ng P M R p ra ct ic e Th er e is li ttl e or n o in te re st fr om si st er u ni ts w ith in th e ag en cy w ho se p ar tic ip at io n in a dv an ci ng th is p ra ct ic e is e ss en tia l Th er e is s om e le ve l o f i nt er es t a nd a bi lit y to p ro vi de s up po rt in a dv an ci ng th is P M R pr ac tic e fro m e ss en tia l s is te r u ni ts , t ho ug h no t t o th e sa m e de gr ee a s th e le ad u ni t Th er e is p ro ac tiv e, e nt hu si as tic in te re st an d su pp or t f ro m s is te r u ni ts a nx io us to pa rtn er in a dv an ci ng th is P M R p ra ct ic e O rg an iz at io na l B ar rie rs Th er e is o ne o r m or e ba rri er w ith in th e or ga ni za tio n to ad va nc in g th is P M R p ra ct ic e, w hi ch is u nl ike ly to b e ov er co m e Th er e is o ne o r m or e ba rri er w ith in th is or ga ni za tio n to a dv an ci ng th is P M R p ra ct ic e, w hi ch v er y lik el y ca n be o ve rc om e Th er e ar e no b ar rie rs w ith in th e or ga ni za tio n to a dv an ci ng th is P M R pr ac tic e R is k– R ew ar d R es po ns e R is k av er si on w ith re sp ec t t o th is PM R p ra ct ic e an d a ge ne ra l f ea r of fa ilu re w ill im pe de a bi lit y to ad va nc e it w ith in th e or ga ni za tio n Th er e is a w illi ng ne ss to a dv an ce th is P M R pr ac tic e an d ac ce pt th e po ss ib ilit y of fa ilu re be ca us e of le ad er sh ip s up po rt an d ac ce pt ed ris k m an ag em en t s tra te gi es Th e po te nt ia l o f f ai lu re is s ee n as a le ar ni ng e xp er ie nc e in cl ud in g by le ad er sh ip a nd th er e is n o he si ta nc y ab ou t a dv an ci ng th is P M R p ra ct ic e be ca us e ris ks a nd ri sk m an ag em en t a re w el l u nd er st oo d 5.
From page 156...
... B-42 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 6. L eg al , R eg ul at or y an d Po lic y Is su e M an ag em en t Li ab ilit y Is su es Id en tifi ed fo r t hi s PM R p ra ct ic e bu t n ot a de qu at el y ad dr es se d Id en tifi ed fo r t hi s PM R p ra ct ic e an d ad dr es se d in a m in im al ly a cc ep ta bl e m an ne r Fo rm al ly a dd re ss ed , i nc lu de d un de r ris k as se ss m en t, an d lia bi lit y pr ot ec tio n m ea su re s de ve lo pe d fo r t hi s PM R pr ac tic e In te lle ct ua l P ro pe rty Is su es Id en tifi ed fo r t hi s PM R p ra ct ic e bu t n ot a de qu at el y ad dr es se d Id en tifi ed fo r t hi s PM R p ra ct ic e an d ad dr es se d in a m in im al ly a cc ep ta bl e m an ne r Fo rm al ly a dd re ss ed , i nc lu de d un de r ris k as se ss m en t, in te lle ct ua l p ro pe rty pa rtn er sh ip s av ai la bl e, a nd m ec ha ni sm s in p la ce to m an ag e th em fo r t hi s PM R pr ac tic e Le ga l a nd R eg ul at or y C ha lle ng es Id en tifi ed fo r t hi s PM R p ra ct ic e bu t n ot a de qu at el y ad dr es se d Id en tifi ed fo r t hi s PM R p ra ct ic e in a m in im al ly ac ce pt ab le m an ne r Fo rm al ly a dd re ss ed a nd a ny is su es re la te d to th is P M R p ra ct ic e ha ve b ee n re so lve d Po lic y Is su es Th er e ar e po te nt ia l p ol ic yle ve l co nfl ic ts re la te d to th is P M R pr ac tic e th at h av e be en id en tifi ed bu t n ot a dd re ss ed Th er e ar e no k no w n po lic yle ve l c on fli ct s re la te d to th is P M R p ra ct ic e Th er e ar e po lic ie s in p la ce w hi ch su pp or t a dv an ci ng th is P M R p ra ct ic e 7.
From page 157...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-43 Practice RAF The Practice RAF lays out a high­level action plan for advancing the emerging and innovative practices. The term "advancing" (as opposed to "implementation")
From page 158...
... B-44 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation the costs and benefits attributable to existing practices to a level of accuracy comparable to the estimates for the emerging practice. This preliminary benefit–cost assessment is part of the RAF, the purpose of which is to assist in determining whether to advance a given PMR practice to the testing and evaluation phase.
From page 159...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-45 P ar t B , T ab le 2 0.
From page 160...
... B-46 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation The Go/No-Go Decision The Practice CMF assessment of capability, in combination with the Practice RAF action steps, should provide agency decision makers with the information they need to make a "go/no­go" decision on whether to advance the PMR practice to the testing and evaluation stage. It also provides an ability to move forward quickly as soon as a "go" decision is made.
From page 161...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-47 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 162...
... B-48 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 163...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-49 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 ) Su gg es te d Ac tio ns C ha lle ng es a nd R is ks C ha lle ng es a nd ri sk s ha ve be en th or ou gh ly id en tifi ed in an e xp lic it, s ys te m at ic , r is k m an ag em en t f ra m ew or k th at cu lm in at es in w el l-d efi ne d st ra te gi es fo r s ur m ou nt in g ch al le ng es a nd m an ag in g ris ks .
From page 164...
... B-50 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
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... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-51 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 166...
... B-52 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 167...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-53 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 ) Su gg es te d Ac tio ns R is k– R ew ar d R es po ns e Th e po te nt ia l o f f ai lu re is s ee n as a le ar ni ng e xp er ie nc e in cl ud in g by le ad er sh ip , an d th er e is n o he si ta nc y ab ou t a dv an ci ng th e PM R pr ac tic e be ca us e ris ks a nd ris k m an ag em en t a re w el l un de rs to od Le ve ra ge a ge nc y ris k m an ag em en t p ro ce ss es to e ns ur e id en tifi ca tio n of th e po te nt ia l fo r f ai lu re a nd h ow to le ar n fro m th is e xp er ie nc e    B ui ld in to o th er a ct io ns re la te d to in no va tio n R &D , t es tin g, d em on st ra tio n, d ep lo ym en t, an d su pp or t f ro m o th er fu nc tio ns a p la n to a nt ic ip at e po te nt ia l a ve nu es o f f ai lu re , m iti ga tio n if po ss ib le , a nd a m et ho do lo gy to c ap tu re le ss on s le ar ne d an d ex tra ct p os iti ve ou tc om es fr om fa ilu re if it o cc ur s    I nc lu de a re co ve ry a pp ro ac h an d an tic ip at or y op tio ns to c on tin ue in no va tio n ex pl or at io n in lie u of c om pl et e ab an do nm en t    D oc um en t t he se c on si de ra tio ns in a "f ai lu re re sp on se s tra te gy " → N ot e: C oo rd in at e w ith o th er ri sk m an ag em en t p la nn in g, in cl ud in g as a p ar t o f t he co m pl et e pr ac tic e R AF th e id en tifi ca tio n of p ot en tia l b ar rie rs a nd ri sk s an d m iti ga tio n st ra te gi es a ss oc ia te d w ith e ac h ac tio n ta ke n to a dv an ce th e PM R p ra ct ic e 5.
From page 168...
... B-54 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 169...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-55 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 ) Su gg es te d Ac tio ns Le ga l a nd R eg ul at or y C ha lle ng es Fo rm al ly a dd re ss ed a nd a ny is su es re la te d to th is P M R pr ac tic e ha ve b ee n re so lve d Id en tif y ot he r l eg al a nd re gu la to ry is su es re la te d to th e PM R pr ac tic e an d ad dr es s as ap pr op ria te    I de nt ify o th er le ga l a nd re gu la to ry c ha lle ng es (o th er th an li ab ilit y an d in te lle ct ua l p ro pe rty )
From page 170...
... B-56 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 171...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-57 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 172...
... B-58 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Fostering Emerging/Innovative Practices Within the Organization The previous section focused on the assessment of the capabilities and actions required to decide on whether and how to advance a particular emerging/innovative practice using the PMR Practice CMF and the Practice RAF. Another, somewhat less specific but no less significant capability assessment can be done at either the agency­wide level or by a single organizational unit that assesses the capability to foster such practices.
From page 173...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-59 How Is the Assessment Conducted? The assessment process is the same as for the Practice CMF, except that the evaluation is con­ ducted by assessing capability in terms of the seven CSFs at high levels rather than examining their respective components.
From page 174...
... B-60 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 1.
From page 175...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-61 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 3. E m er gi ng / In no va tiv e Pr ac tic eSu pp or tiv e Sy st em s, Pr og ra m s, a nd Bu dg et s • Ag en cy la ck s ro bu st , s up po rti ve s ys te m s an d pr og ra m s to fo st er in no va tiv e pr ac tic es , in cl ud in g pa rti ci pa tio n in a pp lie d re se ar ch an d de ve lo pm en t, pi lo t t es tin g, k no w le dg e m an ag em en t, an d ab ilit y to re ad ily a cc es s fa ci lit ie s, e qu ip m en t, or te st s ite s as so ci at ed w ith th e pr ac tic e • Ac ce ss to fu nd in g fo r p ra ct ic e is a d ho c an d illde fin ed a nd la ck s an e st ab lis he d bu dg et ar y pr oc es s or p ro gr am • Ad m in is tra tiv e an d te ch ni ca l s up po rt fo r n ew in iti at ive s an d in no va tiv e pr ac tic es is n ot re ad ily av ai la bl e • Ag en cy h as id en tifi ed th e ne ed fo r a nd is at te m pt in g to d ev el op s up po rti ve s ys te m s an d pr og ra m s to fo st er in no va tiv e pr ac tic es (e .g ., ap pl ie d re se ar ch a nd d ev el op m en t, pi lo t t es tin g, kn ow le dg e m an ag em en t, et c.
From page 176...
... B-62 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 5. In no va tio nSu pp or tiv e St af f • Ac qu is iti on o f n ew k no w le dg e is ty pi ca lly th e re su lt of m od es t, in cr em en ta l i m pr ov em en t t o ex is tin g pr ac tic e • Su pp or t f or c on tin uo us e du ca tio n an d tra in in g th at m ig ht s tim ul at e in te re st in in no va tiv e pr ac tic es is s ev er el y lim ite d or u na va ila bl e • St af f c ap ac ity a nd te ch ni ca l e xp er tis e is st re tc he d th in , a nd c om m itt ed to s up po rti ng ex is tin g pr og ra m s us in g cu rre nt p ra ct ic es , w ith li ttl e or n o tim e to in ve st in le ad in g ed ge / in no va tiv e pr ac tic es • R ec ru itm en t a nd re te nt io n de ci si on s ar e ba se d on c an di da te s' pr of es si on al k no w le dg e re la te d to e xi st in g pr ac tic es ra th er th an a re as th at m ay su pp or t i nn ov at ive p ra ct ic es • So m e, b ut n ot a ll ke y st af f, pr oa ct ive ly s ee k op po rtu ni tie s to a cq ui re a nd in co rp or at e ne w kn ow le dg e th at c an s ig ni fic an tly im pr ov e ex is tin g pr ac tic e • C on tin uo us e du ca tio n an d tra in in g op po rtu ni tie s to fo st er in no va tiv e pr ac tic es h av e be en id en tifi ed , b ut li m ite d re so ur ce s ca n m ak e it di ffi cu lt to a cc es s th em • St af f c ap ac ity a nd te ch ni ca l e xp er tis e ne ed ed to s up po rt in no va tiv e pr ac tic es , e ith er in -h ou se or a cc es si bl e th ro ug h ou ts ou rc in g, a re id en tifi ed an d ad dr es se d in a n ad h oc m an ne r • N ew h ire s po ss es si ng s ki lls a nd in te re st in le ad in g ed ge p ra ct ic es a nd a pp ly in g in no va tio n ar e of te n pr io rit iz ed b ut m ay b e di ffi cu lt to re cr ui t • St af f a re e xp ec te d to , a nd th e m aj or ity d o, pr oa ct ive ly s ee k op po rtu ni tie s to a cc es s ne w kn ow le dg e th at c an a dv an ce e xi st in g pr ac tic e to w ar d th e le ad in g ed ge • C on tin uo us e du ca tio n an d tra in in g op po rtu ni tie s to fo st er in no va tio n ar e tre at ed a s hi gh p rio rit ie s an d re ad ily a cc es si bl e to s ta ff • Su ffi ci en t s ta ff ca pa ci ty a nd te ch ni ca l e xp er tis e to s up po rt in no va tiv e pr ac tic es c an g en er al ly be a ss em bl ed , e ith er in -h ou se o r t hr ou gh ou ts ou rc in g or p ar tn er in g • Ag en cy p ro ac tiv el y se ek s an d cu lti va te s st af f th at p os se ss th e de si re a nd k no w le dg e to a pp ly le ad in g ed ge /in no va tiv e pr ac tic es to th ei r r ol es an d re sp on si bi lit ie s; a ge nc y's re pu ta tio n as an in no va tiv e in st itu tio n he lp s to a ttr ac t t he se in di vi du al s 6.
From page 177...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-63 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 7.
From page 178...
... B-64 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Organization Improvement Framework The OIF should contain at a minimum a description of the agency's (or unit's) existing prac­ tices and capabilities with respect to the CSFs, a description of gaps identified from the Orga­ nization CMF assessment, criteria and performance metrics characterizing the identified target level, and actions to address the gaps and achieve the targets.
From page 179...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-65 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 180...
... B-66 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 181...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-67 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 182...
... B-68 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 183...
... Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices B-69 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 184...
... B-70 Part B, Appendices 1 through 5 are part of NCHRP Web-Only Document 272 and can be down­ loaded from by searching for "NCHRP Report 750, Volume 7." These appendices are as follows: Part B, Appendix 1 Long List of Emerging Highway PMR Practices Part B, Appendix 2 Emerging and Innovative PMR Practice Database Part B, Appendix 3 The Capability Maturity Model Part B, Appendix 4 Emerging PMR Practice and Innovation Capability Maturity Framework Assessment Illustrative Example Part B, Appendix 5 Innovation Required Actions Framework (IRAF) Illustrative Example A P P E N D I C E S 1 T H R O U G H 5

Key Terms

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