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Pages 185-232

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From page 185...
... P A R T C Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices
From page 187...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-3 Leadership's Guide Contents C­4 Leadership's Guide Orientation C­7 Guide Overview C­7 Preparing for Emerging and Innovative PMR Practices C­7 Fostering Innovative Practices Within the Agency C­7 Remarks on the Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance and Renewal Practices C­9 Preparing for Emerging and Innovative PMR Practices C­9 Study Background C­10 A Long­Range Vision – Context for PMR in 2070 C­11 The Future Context C­12 Making the Case for PMR Innovative Practices C­13 The Importance of Leadership C­18 The Importance of Practitioner Pressure C­19 Peer Agency Pressure and the Opportunities Presented C­20 Overview of Emerging PMR Practices C­28 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) C­31 Fostering Innovative Practices within the Organization C­31 Organization CMF C­39 Organization Improvement Framework (OIF)
From page 188...
... C-4 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Leadership's Guide Orientation This guide seeks to stimulate interest among leaders of transportation agencies in foster­ ing emerging and innovative practices as they relate to the preservation, maintenance, and renewal (PMR) of highways and in providing assistance in this effort.
From page 189...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-5 • The ways in which we preserve, maintain, and renew highway infrastructure will change over the next 30 to 50 years in response to inevitable changes in the level and patterns of usage of the system; innovations in materials, methods, and technologies; the availability of resources; and other external non­transportation­related factors. While this guide highlights 16 exemplary emerging PMR practices worthy of familiarization and consideration for their beneficial impacts upon highway PMR over this timeframe, a key tenet of this guide is preparation rather than prediction.
From page 190...
... C-6 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Definitions of PMR • Preservation: Includes work activities that are planned and performed to improve or sustain the asset condition in a state of good repair. Asset preservation primarily includes preventive maintenance, minor rehabilitation and retrofitting of infra­ structure elements [pavements, bridges, intelligent transportation system (ITS)
From page 191...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-7 Guide Overview This guide is organized into two main sections. The first section provides information that sets the stage for innovative practices.
From page 192...
... C-8 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part C, Figure 1. How to use the leadership's guide.
From page 193...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-9 Preparing for Emerging and Innovative PMR Practices Study Background The following steps were taken in the preparation of this guide: • Identification of factors and trends that could significantly influence highway infrastructure PMR needs over a 30 to 50­year horizon. • Identification of an initial "long list" of more than 60 potential emerging and innovative PMR practices that could significantly improve the ability of transportation agencies to address those needs.
From page 194...
... C-10 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation A Long-Range Vision -- Context for PMR in 2070 In the year 2070, the nation's multimodal transportation system remains anchored by a ubiquitous highway net­ work that has been transformed over the past half­century despite chronic limitations of available resources. These transformations have dramatically improved the safety, efficiency, reliability, and durability of what is now more accurately characterized as the vehicle­highway network, or VHN.
From page 195...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-11 The Future Context The vision presented in the previous section suggests that a robust and increasingly resilient and adaptive network of streets and highways will continue to be needed into the future. The building blocks of this network will continue to include pavements, bridges, tunnels, drainage systems, and other components of highway infrastructure that are available in today's world and will remain available in the future.
From page 196...
... C-12 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Making the Case for PMR Innovative Practices While there is a certain qualitative "feel­good" benefit that may accompany doing something that is new and different, being innovative just for its own sake is not sound justification. There must be reasons that are sound and practical to justify the investment and commitment of time and energy required to advance from the state­of­current practice to the leading edge.
From page 197...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-13 ing motivated by advancements, particularly those requiring upfront outlays in expectation of downstream benefits. PMR Advancements Can Attract Talent It is common for highway agencies to have difficulty in attracting young professionals to preservation and maintenance functions.
From page 198...
... C-14 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation for PMR functions in general to receive less leadership attention than other, higher profile areas, it is worth focusing on the potential for this occurring and the implications for emerging and innovative PMR practices. Gaining Leadership Attention for PMR Not unique to transportation is the all­too­often, yet understandable, consumption of the attention of organizational leadership by the most visible and consequential areas of responsibility -- revenues, budgets, operations, system enhancement decisions, stakeholder engage ment, politics -- to the detriment of areas such as preservation, maintenance, and renewal of the physical plant.
From page 199...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-15 Some degree of organizational inertia and hesitancy (if not outright hostility) to change are virtually inevitable barriers to change, even in top­notch organizations.
From page 200...
... C-16 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation leaders "walk the talk" that counts in the end. Leaders talking up the value of advancements is an important step, but "taking the walk" requires a lot more than just talk.
From page 201...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-17 Leading Edge Versus Bleeding Edge A conscious strategy among agency leadership may be to strive to be on the leading edge of best practices, proven in peer agencies with similar circumstances, while simultaneously avoid­ ing the "bleeding edge" where costs and risks associated with potential innovative practices are likely to be greater. This may not be a bad strategy.
From page 202...
... C-18 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Change Management Finally, it is important for agencies to consider the need for change management strategies when implementing innovative practices. The potential for resistance to change from legacy systems and practices should not be ignored, particularly among practitioners whose skillsets may no longer be needed and from managers whose area of responsibility may be diminished.
From page 203...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-19 they are practitioners who are excited about a prospective innovation in their area of expertise that could represent a significant step forward in enhancing the agency's efficiency and effec­ tiveness. The best innovation champions are wellsprings of passion, pressure, and persistence about the innovation that has captured their interest.
From page 204...
... C-20 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation • Identifying PMR innovative practices being advanced among peer transportation agencies and determining potential relevance and value added on the home turf. • Soliciting peer agency experience with specific practices to obtain objective feedback and to temper less­than­objective claims from innovation advocates or critics.
From page 205...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-21 Part C, Table 4. Connected V2I technology providing communications between passing vehicles and roadside units.
From page 206...
... C-22 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part C, Table 6. Integrated building information modeling (iBIM)
From page 207...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-23 Part C, Table 8. Remote sensing systems -- PMR applications.
From page 208...
... C-24 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part C, Table 10. Predictive-proactive maintenance regime for roadway assets.
From page 209...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-25 Part C, Table 12. Structural health monitoring.
From page 210...
... C-26 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part C, Table 14. Artificial intelligence -- PMR traffic management applications.
From page 211...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-27 Part C, Table 16. Self-diagnosing/reporting and work ordering.
From page 212...
... C-28 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Part C, Table 18. The internet of things (IoT)
From page 213...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-29 Many innovative practices are direct or indirect outcomes of the research and development that emanate from other sectors (e.g., information technology, telecommunications, and materials science) some of which are not well known or wholly unknown to the highway community.
From page 214...
... C-30 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Systems, Programs, and Budgets Essential support functions and resources are the backbone for virtually any agency activity. This is particularly true for agencies interested in innovative practices.
From page 215...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-31 External Collaboration Advancements at transportation agencies will not occur without collaboration with exter­ nal partners. Leaders and practitioners often turn to their peers, academic institutions, and the transportation industry at large to gain an appreciation for leading and best practices and to see how worthy ideas, methods, or processes can be transferred or adapted.
From page 216...
... C-32 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation • Level 1: The agency generally has not considered the CSF with respect to fostering innovative practices. • Level 2: The agency has been considering the CSF with respect to fostering innovative prac­ tices, may have plans in place to develop an approach to provide the CSF capability, and may have begun to implement the approach.
From page 217...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-33 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 1.
From page 218...
... C-34 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 3.
From page 219...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-35 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 4.
From page 220...
... C-36 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 5. S up po rti ve St af f • Kn ow le dg e Ac qu is iti on an d Su st ai na bi lit y: Le ar ni ng p ra ct ic es C on tin uo us e du ca tio n an d tra in in g • St af f C ap ac ity • R ec ru itm en t a nd R et en tio n • Ac qu is iti on o f n ew k no w le dg e is ty pi ca lly th e re su lt of m od es t, in cr em en ta l i m pr ov em en t t o ex is tin g pr ac tic e • Su pp or t f or c on tin uo us e du ca tio n an d tra in in g th at m ig ht s tim ul at e in te re st in in no va tiv e pr ac tic es is s ev er el y lim ite d or u na va ila bl e • St af f c ap ac ity a nd te ch ni ca l e xp er tis e is s tre tc he d th in , a nd c om m itt ed to su pp or tin g ex is tin g pr og ra m s us in g cu rre nt p ra ct ic es , w ith li ttl e or n o tim e to in ve st in le ad in g ed ge /in no va tiv e pr ac tic es • R ec ru itm en t a nd re te nt io n de ci si on s ar e ba se d on c an di da te s' pr of es si on al kn ow le dg e re la te d to e xi st in g pr ac tic es ra th er th an a re as th at m ay s up po rt in no va tiv e pr ac tic es • So m e, b ut n ot a ll ke y st af f, pr oa ct ive ly s ee k op po rtu ni tie s to a cq ui re a nd in co rp or at e ne w k no w le dg e th at c an s ig ni fic an tly im pr ov e ex is tin g pr ac tic e • C on tin uo us e du ca tio n an d tra in in g op po rtu ni tie s to fo st er in no va tiv e pr ac tic es ha ve b ee n id en tifi ed , b ut li m ite d re so ur ce s ca n m ak e it di ffi cu lt to a cc es s th em • St af f c ap ac ity a nd te ch ni ca l e xp er tis e ne ed ed to s up po rt in no va tiv e pr ac tic es , ei th er in -h ou se o r a cc es si bl e th ro ug h ou ts ou rc in g, a re id en tifi ed a nd a dd re ss ed in a n ad h oc m an ne r • N ew h ire s po ss es si ng s ki lls a nd in te re st in le ad in g ed ge p ra ct ic es a nd a pp ly in g in no va tio n ar e of te n pr io rit iz ed b ut m ay b e di ffi cu lt to re cr ui t • St af f a re e xp ec te d to , a nd th e m aj or ity do , p ro ac tiv el y se ek o pp or tu ni tie s to a cc es s ne w k no w le dg e th at c an ad va nc e ex is tin g pr ac tic e to w ar d th e le ad in g ed ge • C on tin uo us e du ca tio n an d tra in in g op po rtu ni tie s to fo st er in no va tio n ar e tre at ed a s hi gh p rio rit ie s an d re ad ily ac ce ss ib le to s ta ff • Su ffi ci en t s ta ff ca pa ci ty a nd te ch ni ca l ex pe rti se to s up po rt in no va tiv e pr ac tic es c an g en er al ly b e as se m bl ed , ei th er in -h ou se o r t hr ou gh o ut so ur ci ng or p ar tn er in g • Ag en cy p ro ac tiv el y se ek s an d cu lti va te s st af f t ha t p os se ss th e de si re an d kn ow le dg e to a pp ly le ad in g ed ge / in no va tiv e pr ac tic es to th ei r r ol es a nd re sp on si bi lit ie s; a ge nc y's re pu ta tio n as a n in no va tiv e in st itu tio n he lp s to at tra ct th es e in di vi du al s P ar t C , T ab le 1 9.
From page 221...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-37 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 6. L eg al , R eg ul at or y an d Po lic y Is su e M an ag em en t • Li ab ilit y Is su es • In te lle ct ua l P ro pe rty Is su es • Le ga l a nd R eg ul at or y C ha lle ng es • Po lic y Is su es • Le ga l a nd re gu la to ry is su es th at m ay im pe de in no va tiv e pr ac tic es (l ia bi lit y, in te lle ct ua l p ro pe rty is su es , l ow bi d pr oc ur em en ts )
From page 222...
... C-38 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 7.
From page 223...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-39 Organization Improvement Framework (OIF) The OIF provides an action­oriented framework that begins with the results of the Organiza­ tion CMF assessment and indicates actions required to advance the organization to the highest target level (Level 3)
From page 224...
... C-40 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 225...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-41 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 226...
... C-42 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 227...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-43 Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 228...
... C-44 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Cr iti ca l S uc ce ss Fa ct or Co m po ne nt s Po te nt ia l T ar ge t ( Le ve l 3 )
From page 229...
... Leadership's Guide to Emerging Highway Preservation, Maintenance, and Renewal Practices C-45 Remarks on the Practitioner's Guide to Emerging Practices Organization CMF at the Unit Level The OIF is geared toward assessing agency­wide capability to foster innovative practices, and can also be used by discipline leaders and technical managers to assess the same capability of fostering innovative practices at the individual unit level. Enlightened leadership at the senior management level can be dampened -- indeed, undermined -- by less than enlightened leader­ ship at the middle management or first­line supervisory level.
From page 231...
... Abbreviations and acronyms used without definitions in TRB publications: A4A Airlines for America AAAE American Association of Airport Executives AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI–NA Airports Council International–North America ACRP Airport Cooperative Research Program ADA Americans with Disabilities Act APTA American Public Transportation Association ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATA American Trucking Associations CTAA Community Transportation Association of America CTBSSP Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program DHS Department of Homeland Security DOE Department of Energy EPA Environmental Protection Agency FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAST Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (2015) FHWA Federal Highway Administration FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FRA Federal Railroad Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration HMCRP Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (2012)

Key Terms

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