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Appendix A: Statement of Task
Pages 41-42

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From page 41...
... To monitor progress in implementing the planetary protection guidelines associated with priority missions and programs identified in the planetary science decadal survey -- Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013–2022 -- and in successor planetary science decadal surveys, and other relevant reports issued by the National Academies; and 2. To serve as a source of information and advice on those measures undertaken by robotic spacecraft and human exploration missions to protect the biological and environmental integrity of extraterrestrial bodies for future scientific studies and the means to preserve the integrity of Earth's biosphere when spacecraft return potentially hazardous extraterrestrial materials to Earth.
From page 42...
... 1. Are there identifiable populations of solar system small bodies that are sufficiently numerous, of sufficiently similar accessibility, and/or of sufficiently low relevance to the study of chemical evolution related to the search for extraterrestrial life that the contamination of one object in the population would reasonably be expected to have no tangible effect on the potential for scientific investigation using other objects in the population?

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