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Pages 23-23

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From page 23...
... in order to focus on digital signal processing solutions and analog semiconductors.37 In a similar move, Motorola has decided to exit the DRAM business, but it will continue its manufacturing joint ventures with Toshiba in Japan, switching the production capability over to logic products.38 Meanwhile, Toshiba is balking at continued development of the IGb DRAM with Siemens and IBM due to Toshiba's desire to focus on stacked-capacitor memory while IBM and Siemens are backing trench capacitor cell technology.39 ~ . ~ Issues Raised by Globalization Globalization of the world economy and corporate technology development raises important policy questions for the United States and Japan, which have been widely debated in recent years.40 On one side are those who believe that governments should embrace, not restrict cooperative technology development with foreign companies and governments and on the other those who believe that policies of openness that ignore reciprocity concerns are ideologically driven and ignore the enduring importance of national interest.4~ The former emphasize the strong trend toward global technological and economic integration, the global spread of innovative activity, and growing technological cooperation among private firms.

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