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Appendix E: List of Recommendations
Pages 105-108

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From page 105...
... Recommendation. Because one of the objectives of the PNGV program is to develop a vehicle that will be competitive in a global market and because fuel economy is a stronger market force in Europe and Asia than in the United States, the PNGV should continue development of the compression-ignition direct .
From page 106...
... Recommendation. PNGV should evaluate and compare reasonably optimized fuel-processor systems for different fuels to determine if the fuel-flexible or multifuel processing systems would be cost effective and would provide acceptable performance compared to systems optimized for a single fuel.
From page 107...
... A comprehensive mechanism should be established to help define feasible, timely, compatible fuel and power-plant modifications to meet the PNGV goals. This mechanism will require extensive cooperation among automotive and fuels industry participants at all levels of responsibility, but also among technical and policy members of relevant government organizations.
From page 108...
... Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, should work closely with the California Air Resources Board on these issues. Once the systems model has been validated, it would be an appropriate tool to use in quantifying the necessary trade-offs.

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