National Academies Press: OpenBook

Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety (2012)

Chapter: Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future

« Previous: Appendix A: Statement of Task
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2012. Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13273.

Appendix B

Public Agendas of the Committee on
the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater
Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil
Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent
Similar Accidents in the Future

During the course of its study, the committee held 22 meetings. The agendas listed below indicate presenters and discussants who participated in public sessions.


Embassy Suites Washington, Convention Center

900 10th Street, Northwest

Washington, D.C. 20001

Thursday, August 12

Welcome, purpose of public session, and introduction of committee members Donald Winter, Committee Chair

U.S. Department of the Interior
David Hayes, Deputy Secretary (via speakerphone)

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and
Enforcement (BOEMRE)
      Michael Bromwich, Director
      David Dykes, Chief, Office of Safety Management, Field Operations,
          Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region

Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2012. Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13273.

John McCarroll, Manager, Lake Jackson District, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Committee discussion with BOEMRE presenters

American Petroleum Institute (API)
Erik Milito, API Upstream Department
David Soffrin, API Standards Department
Andy Radford, API Upstream Department
Roland Goodman, API Standards Department

Committee discussion with API presenters

Open microphone for public comment

Friday, August 13

Welcome and purpose of public session
Donald Winter, Committee Chair

U.S. Coast Guard
Captain Eric Christensen, Chief, Vessel Activities

Committee discussion with Captain Christensen

Commander Jennifer Williams, Chief, Foreign and Offshore Vessel Compliance Division

Lieutenant Commander Joseph Bowes, Program Manager, Offshore Compliance Branch

Republic of the Marshall Islands, Office of the Maritime Administrator

Brian Poskaitis, Deputy Commissioner for Maritime Affairs

Committee discussion with Mr. Poskaitis

Captain Thomas Heinan, Deputy Commissioner for Maritime Affairs

Brian Bubar, Deputy Commissioner for Maritime Affairs

American Bureau of Shipping

Kenneth Richardson, Vice President of Energy Projects

Committee discussion with Mr. Richardson

Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2012. Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13273.


Keck Center of the National Academies
500 Fifth Street, Northwest
Washington, D.C. 20001

Welcome, purpose of public session, and introduction of committee members Donald Winter, Committee Chair

BP’s Deepwater Horizon Accident Investigation Report

Mark Bly, BP Group Head of Safety and Operations

Tony Brock, Vice President, Health, Safety, Security, and the Environment (HSSE) and Engineering, BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc.

Steve Robinson, Director and Vice President, BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc.

Kent Corser, Drilling Engineering Manager, BP North America Gas

Fereidoun Abbassian, Vice President, Drilling and Completions Technology

Dave Wall, Vice President, HSSE and Integrity Management

Committee discussion with BP presenters

Halliburton presentation

Thomas Roth, Vice President, Cementing

John Gisclair, In-Site Support Coordinator, Energy Services Group

Committee discussion with Halliburton presenters

Marine Well Containment System

C. R. (Charlie) Williams II, Chief Scientist, Well Engineering and Production Technology, Shell

Committee discussion with Mr. Williams


National Academies Keck Center
500 Fifth Street, Northwest
Washington, D.C. 20001

Presentation via teleconference on enacted and planned regulatory changes made by BOEMRE since the Deepwater Horizon incident

Tommy Beaudreau, Senior Advisor to the BOEMRE director

Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2012. Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13273.


JW Marriott Houston
5150 Westheimer
Houston, Texas 77056

Welcome, purpose of public sessions, and introduction of committee members Donald Winter, Committee Chair

Safety case example

Charlie Williams, Chief Scientist, Well Engineering and Production Technology, Shell

Responses to committee’s questions

Bill Arnold; GM Health, Safety and Environment; Worldwide Exploration and Production, ConocoPhillips

William Daugherty, Drilling Manager, ATP Oil and Gas Corporation

Steve Kropla, Group Vice President, Operations/Accreditation, International Association of Drilling Contractors

Charlie Williams, Chief Scientist, Well Engineering and Production Technology, Shell

Richard Williams, President, Gulf of Mexico

Aaron Swanson, Director, OCS Regulation, Baker Hughes

Responses to committee’s questions

Michael Denkl, HSE Manager, North America Offshore and Alaska, Schlumberger Limited

Cory Loegering, Region Vice President, Deepwater Apache Corporation

Jeremy Thigpen, President, Downhole and Pumping Group

Renju Jose, Manager, Corporate Development, National Oilwell Varco

Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2012. Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13273.
Page 138
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2012. Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13273.
Page 139
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2012. Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13273.
Page 140
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B: Public Agendas of the Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2012. Macondo Well Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Lessons for Improving Offshore Drilling Safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13273.
Page 141
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The blowout of the Macondo well on April 20, 2010, led to enormous consequences for the individuals involved in the drilling operations, and for their families. Eleven workers on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig lost their lives and 16 others were seriously injured. There were also enormous consequences for the companies involved in the drilling operations, to the Gulf of Mexico environment, and to the economy of the region and beyond. The flow continued for nearly 3 months before the well could be completely killed, during which time, nearly 5 million barrels of oil spilled into the gulf.

Macondo Well-Deepwater Horizon Blowout examines the causes of the blowout and provides a series of recommendations, for both the oil and gas industry and government regulators, intended to reduce the likelihood and impact of any future losses of well control during offshore drilling. According to this report, companies involved in offshore drilling should take a "system safety" approach to anticipating and managing possible dangers at every level of operation—from ensuring the integrity of wells to designing blowout preventers that function under all foreseeable conditions—in order to reduce the risk of another accident as catastrophic as the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill. In addition, an enhanced regulatory approach should combine strong industry safety goals with mandatory oversight at critical points during drilling operations.

Macondo Well-Deepwater Horizon Blowout discusses ultimate responsibility and accountability for well integrity and safety of offshore equipment, formal system safety education and training of personnel engaged in offshore drilling, and guidelines that should be established so that well designs incorporate protection against the various credible risks associated with the drilling and abandonment process. This book will be of interest to professionals in the oil and gas industry, government decision makers, environmental advocacy groups, and others who seek an understanding of the processes involved in order to ensure safety in undertakings of this nature.


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