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Suggested Citation:"Module 2 - Getting Started." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2007. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14036.
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Suggested Citation:"Module 2 - Getting Started." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2007. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14036.
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Suggested Citation:"Module 2 - Getting Started." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2007. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14036.
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Suggested Citation:"Module 2 - Getting Started." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2007. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14036.
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Page 11
Suggested Citation:"Module 2 - Getting Started." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2007. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14036.
Page 11
Page 12
Suggested Citation:"Module 2 - Getting Started." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2007. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14036.
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This module has two primary objectives. First, it is designed to help you evaluate the degree to which freight issues and concerns already are being addressed within your transportation planning program. This will allow you to develop a better understanding of where you are start- ing from in terms of freight planning. The module’s second objective is to help you use the results of this evaluation to identify specific freight planning activities that are most appropriate for your region and organization. These objectives are accomplished through three specific steps: 1. Freight Self-Assessment. The freight self-assessment is an exercise that will help you assess how well you understand your region’s freight system, its characteristics, and its strengths and limitations; assess how well you understand the users of the freight system and their issues and concerns; and identify the types of resources you may have available to develop or enhance your freight planning program. 2. Definition of Freight Planning Program Stage. Using the results of the freight self-assessment, you will be able to describe your freight planning program as being in the basic stage or advanced stage. Understanding the state of your freight planning program will help you better identify the specific freight planning activities that you may wish to undertake. 3. Identification of Program Elements and Freight Planning Activity Guidelines. The final step is to identify the appropriate mix of planning activities to enhance an existing or develop a new freight planning program and direct you to the component-specific guidelines for freight planning activities that are provided in Module 3. These three steps are described in the following subsections. Step 1. Freight Self-Assessment The freight self-assessment is designed to help you 1. Know Your Region. Identify the key freight facilities, industries, freight generators, and con- sumers; understand their transportation needs; and be cognizant of the current political envi- ronment regarding freight in your region (anti-truck, neighborhood complaints, large volume of through traffic, etc.); 2. Know Your Freight Stakeholders. Identify the major freight players in your area, including key freight service providers (e.g., trucking companies, steam ship lines, barge operators, rail- roads, airlines); key freight service buyers (e.g., shippers and receivers); and other stake- holders (e.g., third-party logistics providers, brokers, forwarders); and 3. Know Your Organization. Evaluate how your previous planning activities may fit within a freight planning program; evaluate the degree to which freight interests have been integrated into current policy, planning, and programming activities; identify available funding sources; and determine available staff resources for freight planning in terms of time, interest, and expertise. 2-1 M O D U L E 2 Getting Started

The purpose of the self-evaluation is to help you ascertain your current level of understand- ing of freight issues and to document what already has been done by your organization relating to freight transportation. It does not translate into a comprehensive regional freight profile. Rather, the self-evaluation is designed to be completed at a low level of effort and to provide a starting point for developing or enhancing a freight planning program. The following guidelines are provided to illustrate the process: • Step 1. Review the Guidebook. It is important that staff be familiar with the organization and content of the Guidebook because it will provide the overall context of a freight program and will help staff understand the scope of the activities. • Step 2. Identify Examples of Existing Freight Program Activities. It is likely that your MPO has undertaken some activities that will impact freight transportation. These activities may include freight-related research, freight data collection, or improvements to your transporta- tion system that benefit freight movement. This information will determine the response to specific self-evaluation questions as well as determine the existing level of freight activity. • Step 3. Identify Personnel to Participate in the Self-Assessment. It is important that freight planning activities involve a variety of MPO staff across disciplines and incorporate and integrate other local and state freight activities. For example, many state DOTs have someone assigned to freight and intermodal planning; FHWA Division Offices typically have staff that support freight initiatives; and local technical boards and political leaders may have an industry or business back- ground. These individuals can and should contribute to the self-assessment process. • Step 4. Review and Prepare Answers to the Self-Assessment Questions. A series of questions has been developed to guide staff through the self-evaluation process (provided in Tables 2.1 through 2.3). These questions should be used to stimulate dialogue among key personnel to ascertain the current condition of freight transportation policy, planning, and programming activities in the region. Answers should be developed for each question to feed into the next activity. It is not expected that staff have all the answers to these questions. What is important is that the right mix of staff and partners be contacted to determine whether or not the answers are known. These steps may be a challenging task, but should be completed in a timely manner over a fairly short period of time (2 weeks to 1 month based on the availability of key partners). A lim- ited amount of research and a few meetings or conversations with key partners should provide the necessary level of input. 2-2 Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas 1. Is freight in the news in our area? What are the circumstances? Do they reflect problems/ 2. What conflicts exist between system users and impacted communities (i.e., at-grade rail crossing issues, noise from airports, highways or trains, high-accident locations, conflicting needs or projects/success stories? land uses)? How are the conflicts being mitigated? 3. Are there any major freight-related problems that are known within the transportation com- munity (public and private)? 4. How is freight related to the economic base of the community? What percent of our region’s jobs are classified as transportation or transportation-related? 5. Are we a transportation hub? What are the key freight routes serving our region? Do we have a full complement of freight services? 6. Are there major freight terminals or intermodal facilities in the area? Where are they? 7. What is the nature of the freight being carried in our region? Does it originate or terminate in our region or is it just passing through? Table 2.1. Freight self-assessment questions: your region.

Step 2. Definition of Your Freight Planning Program Stage There is no answer key for interpreting the results of the freight self-assessment. Rather, answer- ing the questions provided in Tables 2.1 through 2.3 should give you a better understanding of what you know with regard to freight and where the gaps are in that knowledge, for example: • How well do you know your region? In general, do you already have a good understanding of the freight system? Its performance? The key components for each mode? What areas are the weakest? The answers to these questions will help you identify the technical areas that need specific attention. • How well do you know your freight stakeholders? Can you identify major carriers and ship- pers? Do you know their key issues? Why they move goods the way they do? The impact they have on your region’s economy and transportation system? The answers to these questions will help you identify data collection and outreach areas that need specific attention. • How well do you know your organization? Are you aware of freight-specific initiatives? Can you identify staff members or other partners that have freight expertise? What freight resources were identified? Has your agency conducted any freight-specific elements? The answers to these questions will help you determine the level of freight expertise that exists within your agency, as well as the potential resources that are available. Getting Started 2-3 1. What agencies are involved in regional transportation policy, planning, and programming activities (Municipalities? Counties? State?)? 2. What are the largest businesses in the region? Do we understand their operations? What mode of transportation do they use? Do they move a lot of freight? 3. Do we understand what materials or products are moving into, out of, within, and through our region? 4. What transportation service characteristics are most important to our shippers and receivers? Efficiency? Safety/Security? Reliability? Competitiveness? Intermodal? 5. Do we know who our service providers are for each mode? 6. Do we understand the concerns of our freight stakeholders? What are their needs? What would they like to see improved? 7. Has the private sector participated in policy, planning, or programming activities to date? Do they understand our process? 1. What public sector investments have been made in freight-related facilities in recent years? How significant and/or successful have they been? How were they funded? 2. What freight planning efforts have we already conducted? What resources were used to sup- port these efforts? 3. Are we aware of a regional private sector freight champion who has or could support our freight policy, planning, and programming activities? 4. Are we aware of MPO staff who have expertise or interest in freight planning? 5. Do we have political support from our community leaders? 6. What support have we received or can we expect from our state and federal partners? What is the state-of-the-practice of statewide freight planning? Is our FHWA Division Office active? 7. What kind of freight-related data do we use or have access to? Table 2.2. Freight self-assessment questions: your freight stakeholders. Table 2.3. Freight self-assessment questions: your organization.

Based on this input, you can likely describe your freight planning program in one of two ways: basic or advanced. Table 2.4 provides a description of these two categories of freight planning. Note that the definitions of basic and advanced are meant to reflect the current practices of small- and medium-sized MPOs to provide Guidebook users with a starting point. The answers to the questions and your self-categorization will facilitate the selection of appro- priate freight activities. This process is described as follows. Step 3. Identification of Program Elements and Freight Planning Guidelines Step 3 builds on the results of Steps 1 and 2 to identify the appropriate mix of planning activ- ities to enhance an existing or to develop a new freight planning program. This step will be used to direct you to the component-specific guidelines for freight planning activities that are pro- vided in Module 3. Though freight planning activities differ from area to area depending on size, industry mix, freight system characteristics, and other factors, there are certain program elements that are included in every successful metropolitan freight planning program. Because each of these indi- vidual elements relates to each of the others, they are represented as a spectrum, rather than a collection of individual, sequential steps. The six elements that make up this spectrum are shown in Figure 2.1 and described in more detail following the figure. 2-4 Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas ExamplesCharacteristicsFreight Planning Stage Basic Freight system needs are handled indirectly as part of the overall transporta- tion program activities… • Little or no freight-specific planning activities • Few known freight data sources • Little or no interaction to date with the private sector freight community • Limited knowledge of eco- nomic base, industry, or specific freight needs • Freight system is addressed as part of larger transportation projects • No freight-specific planning activi- ties have been attempted • Area is a recently designated MPO • MPO is beginning to recognize the importance of freight planning, but there is little advocacy for freight planning within the organization, limited resources, and staff is struggling with how to begin a freight planning program Advanced Freight system needs have begun to receive some attention, however, they have not been fully integrated into the trans- portation program activities… • Some history of freight-specific planning activities • Some interaction with private sector stakeholders as part of a specific project • Basic understanding of freight system and its regional importance • Freight program elements are beginning to form, leaders are beginning to emerge • MPO developed a freight profile or intermodal management system after ISTEA, but may not have developed an implementable program • MPO developed a private sector or other such group, but may have since disbanded due to lack of interest • MPO wants to build on some of the ad hoc freight planning activities of the past, but is unsure how to link efforts together into a continuous process Table 2.4. Categorization of existing freight program activities.

1. Institutional Support. MPOs with successful freight planning programs have accepted the responsibility for making freight planning a significant program activity. High-level advo- cates provide policy direction and allocate existing staff and financial resources to expressly include freight issues as part of the transportation planning processes, including LRTPs and short-range transportation improvement programs. There are very few examples of funding resources that are expressly dedicated to conducting freight planning activities. Rather, freight-related activities must fit within existing MPO programs and responsibilities. Because this often involves the reallocation of existing staff and funding resources, institutional sup- port for conducting freight planning activities is critical. 2. Data Collection. MPOs with strong freight planning programs have developed a better understanding of the nature, location, mode, and quantity of freight movements through data collection programs. These data collection programs come in many shapes and sizes: some MPOs purchase or have access to detailed commodity flow data; others rely on publicly avail- able information; still others collect freight-specific data on their own. In all cases, though, data are important to the success of the program by helping establish a regional freight pro- file and identifying needs and deficiencies. 3. Outreach and Partnerships. MPOs with successful freight planning programs provide a rel- evant means for freight stakeholders to have input into the planning process on a continuous basis. The MPOs with the best freight planning programs are often those that have developed strong relationships with the private sector freight community in their area. Outreach to part- ner agencies, such as state or local governments, is also important in many areas. Many out- reach programs also stimulate and support training and educational activities. 4. Analysis. Providing an analytical structure and tools to effectively evaluate the potential impacts of freight investments is critical. Corridor plans, project identification, performance measures, and project evaluation criteria all represent effective analysis tools that allow poten- tial freight projects to flow into the normal MPO programming process, compete for avail- able resources, and, if successful, move into the implementation cycle. 5. Project Implementation. Project delivery and implementation are key components in a suc- cessful freight program. Successful policy and planning activities lay the ground work for project development. Undertaking projects is where many of the most successful freight pro- grams have built their credibility and created the momentum to mainstream freight into the overall transportation program. A successful freight program incorporates policy, planning, and programming in a cyclical manner as part of a region’s ongoing transportation program. 6. Feedback. Freight planning, like conventional highway and transit planning, must be con- tinuous and updated on a regular basis. Once integrated into an existing metropolitan trans- portation planning program, specific freight planning activities should be evaluated to ensure that they are meeting the freight needs of the region. Regularly assessing the effectiveness of the freight planning program to refine existing freight planning activities or to develop new ones will have two important benefits. First, it will help mainstream freight planning within the MPO by incorporating freight issues into traditional planning activities and updates. Sec- ond, it will ensure that the MPO’s freight planning program is responsive to the dynamic nature of the freight industry. Figure 2.2 provides a link among all three steps of this evaluation process and can be used to help you identify which specific freight planning activities you may wish to focus on in Module 3. Getting Started 2-5 Institutional Support Data Collection Outreach and Partnerships Analysis Project Implementation Feedback Figure 2.1. Spectrum of freight transportation program elements.

Those MPOs with basic programs may wish to focus on activities on the left side of the spectrum, such as developing a freight policy directive, investigating available freight training and educa- tion resources, developing a regional freight profile, or conducting a freight needs and deficien- cies analysis. These types of activities would help an MPO with a basic freight planning program better understand the freight characteristics of the region and where the freight transportation system is failing to meet the needs of users. Armed with this information, the MPO can make more informed decisions about where to and how much to invest. Those MPOs with more advanced freight planning may wish to focus on activities associated with the right side of the freight planning spectrum. These MPOs may already have developed a regional freight profile and engaged the private sector and now need to take the next step in the process by developing more comprehensive analysis techniques and tools; reinvigorating private sector outreach efforts; or funding, financing, and implementing freight improvement projects. The activities associated with the right side of the spectrum can help these MPOs take informal freight planning activities and turn them into a more comprehensive program, helping to main- stream freight within the MPO. At this point, an MPO is ready to identify the initial freight planning activities. Based on these activities and a cursory review of Module 3, staff should identify a road map of planned activi- ties. This road map could consist of developing policy language and a regional freight profile to lay the foundation of a freight program; or it could consist of identifying and evaluating specific freight projects to feed the LRP and TIP processes. It all depends on the current level of sophis- tication and the perceived regional needs. It is important that the Guidebook users realize that these initial activities represent the first activities for developing an ongoing and integrated freight program. MPO needs will vary, as will the levels of analytical sophistication. However, it is imperative that every MPO have the ulti- mate goal of establishing freight as part of its transportation program at a level that meets its regional stakeholders’ (public and private) needs. Modules 3 and 4 will provide the specific guidelines and resources available to support MPO staff in this process. 2-6 Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas Know Your Organization Basic Intermediate/ Advanced Know Your Stakeholders Know Your Region Long-Range Plan Element Freight Policy Directive Data/Tool Development Regional Freight Profile Needs ID Training and Education Outreach and Partnerships Corridor Plans Project ID Performance Measures Evaluation Criteria Funding and Financing Project Impacts Assessment of program effectiveness Enhancement of existing or development of new freight activities Institutional Support Data Collection Outreach and Partnerships Analysis Project Implementation Feedback Figure 2.2. Integration of initial freight program evaluation processes.

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TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 570: Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas explores how freight policy, planning, and programming processes can be most effectively designed, initiated, and managed in metropolitan areas of these sizes. The report examines lessons learned from experiences in small- and medium-sized metropolitan areas that resulted in more effective consideration of freight issues in policy, planning, and programming decisions.


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