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Airside Snow Removal Practices for Small Airports with Limited Budgets (2015)

Chapter: Appendix D - AIP Requirements for Snow Removal Equipment and Building Eligibility

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - AIP Requirements for Snow Removal Equipment and Building Eligibility ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Airside Snow Removal Practices for Small Airports with Limited Budgets. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22105.
Page 66
Page 67
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - AIP Requirements for Snow Removal Equipment and Building Eligibility ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Airside Snow Removal Practices for Small Airports with Limited Budgets. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22105.
Page 67

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66 APPENDIX D AIP Requirements for Snow Removal Equipment and Building Eligibility Airport Improvement Program Handbook ORDER 5100.38D September 30, 2014 Table M-1 Other Equipment Project Requirements d. Acquire Snow Removal Equipment (1) For 14 CFR part 139 certificated airports: (a) Equipment required for clearing snow and ice from the runways, principal taxiways, aprons, and emergency access roads is eligible. (b) The equipment must be justified based on the current version of Advisory Circular 150/5200-30, Airport Winter Safety and Operations and Advisory Circular 150/5220-20, Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment. (c) The number of eligible pieces must be determined using the above two advisory circulars and the airport’s approved Snow and Ice Control Plan, and there must be existing FAA specifications for the equipment. (d) Eligibility is limited to the minimum requirements recommended by the advisory circulars unless the ADO approves the airport’s assertion that the volume of traffic requires additional equipment. Sponsors must have submitted detailed information supporting additional equipment and the ADO must have agreed with the justification. (2) For airports that are not 14 CFR part 139 certificated airports: (a) Per FAA policy, only one snow removal carrier vehicle is eligible unless the ADO concurs that the airport is large enough, busy enough, and/or has significant snowfall to warrant an additional vehicle. (b) The equipment must be designed and justified based on the current version of Advisory Circular 150/5200- 30, Airport Winter Safety and Operations and Advisory Circular 150/5220-20, Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment. (c) Per FAA policy, incidental use is permitted at nonprimary airports without an active 14 CFR part 139 certificate only if: (i) The activity does not significantly degrade the SRE useful life. (ii) The SRE is used only for airport purposes and will not be used off airport. (iii) The SRE is only used by airport employees. (iv) The SRE is generally used for activities on AIP eligible surfaces. (v) The incidental use is not used as part of the SRE justification. (3) The sponsor provides the ADO with a current Snow Removal Equipment Inventory. (4) Fixed and portable snow melters are eligible in very limited circumstances and must have been coordinated and approved by APP-500. The airport must be able to document that there is no other safe and efficient way to remove snow without adversely impacting aircraft operations. ADOs often issue guidance to the airports in their region. One example is the Minneapolis ADO (PGL 08-04, April 24, 2008) (Appendix D). Reflecting national direction, the Policy states that no more than a single piece of AIP-funded SRE for a nonprimary airport is eligible unless written justification is submitted by the airport sponsor to the FAA for approval. The Minneapolis ADO provides a spreadsheet to help an airport justify acquisition of SRE for their airport (Appendix E). Table O-3 Other Building Project Requirements (Other than Terminals) c. Snow Removal Equipment Building (Construct, Expand, Modify, Improve, or Rehabilitate) (1) Snow removal equipment buildings are intended to protect the AIP-funded snow removal equipment and materials. (2) Funding snow and ice control buildings is limited to space in the building necessary for eligible Snow Removal Equipment as well as storing abrasive or chemicals used in treatment of paved areas. All other areas and equipment recommended in the current version of Advisory Circular 150/5220-18, Buildings for Storage and Maintenance of Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment and Materials, must be paid for by the sponsor. (3) The eligibility of a maintenance bay for safety and security equipment is provided elsewhere in this table and may be included in the SRE building if the requirements for the safety and security equipment maintenance bay are met. (4) At the time the building is programmed, the eligible equipment must be owned, on order, or budgeted by the airport within the next five years. (5) The SRE building is not intended to function as personnel quarters, snow desk, training space, or other functions. It is only intended for storage of eligible equipment. If non-eligible equipment storage is included in the building, the requirements for including ineligible or non-AIP funded work in the contract in Paragraph 3-42 must be met. (6) The difference between construct, expand, modify, improve, and rehabilitate is listed in Table O-2.

67 d. Construct Sand and Chemical Storage Building (Construct, Expand, Modify, Improve, or Rehabilitate) (1) Small stand-alone buildings for storage of airport surface deicing chemicals and sand may be constructed if the size and design is appropriate for the facility. (2) This function may also be incorporated as eligible area in a snow removal equipment building. (3) Snow and ice control abrasive or chemicals are to be used for airport pavement (not aircraft) because 49 USC § 47102(3)(G) does not permit the purchase or storage of deicing materials for aircraft. (4) The difference between construct, expand, modify, improve, and rehabilitate is listed in Table O-2. Source: Excerpt from FAA Order 5100-38D AIP Handbook 2014.

Next: Appendix E - Sample Table of Contents for a Snow and Ice Control Plan »
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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 67: Airside Snow Removal Practices for Small Airports with Limited Budgets covers challenges and successful strategies that airport operators use at small airports with significant budget and other constraints to coordinate and conduct snow removal operations.


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