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Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Understanding Airline and Passenger Choice in Multi-Airport Regions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22443.
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69 Hess, S., & J.W. Polak (2005). Mixed logit modelling of airport choice in multi-airport regions. Journal of Air Transport Management, 11 (2), 59–68. Ishii, J., S. Jun, & K. Van Dender (2009). Air travel choices in multi- airport markets. Journal of Urban Economics, 65 (2), 216–227. Suzuki, Y., M.R. Crum, & M.J. Audino (2003). Airport choice, leakage, and experience in single-airport regions. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 129 (2), 212–218. Tam, M.L., W.H.K. Lam, & H.P. Lo (2011). The impact of travel time reliability and perceived service quality on airport ground access mode choice. Journal of Choice Modelling, 4 (2), 49–69. Warburg, V., C. Bhat, & T. Adler (2006). Modeling demographic and unobserved heterogeneity in air passengers’ sensitivity to service attributes in itinerary choice. Transportation Research Record: Jour- nal of the Transportation Research Board, 1951, 7–16. Windle, R., & M. Dresner (1995). Airport choice in multiple-airport regions. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 121 (4), 121–132. Zhang, Y., & Y. Xie (2005). Small community airport choice behavior analysis: A case study of GTR. Journal of Air Transport Manage- ment, 11 (6), 442–447. References

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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 98: Understanding Airline and Passenger Choice in Multi-Airport Regions examines the business models airlines use to establish service in regions with multiple airports and explores how passengers select an airport within a multi-airport region.


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