National Academies Press: OpenBook
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Page 73
Suggested Citation:"Acronyms and Abbreviations ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Guidebook for Assessing Evolving International Container Chassis Supply Models. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22682.
Page 73
Page 74
Suggested Citation:"Acronyms and Abbreviations ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Guidebook for Assessing Evolving International Container Chassis Supply Models. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22682.
Page 74

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Guidebook for Assessing Evolving International Container Chassis Supply Models | NCFRP Report 20 | 73 Acronyms and Abbreviations 3PL Third-party Logistics BACP Bay Area Chassis Pool BCO Beneficial Cargo Owner CCM Consolidated Chassis Management CIMC China Intermodal Marine Containers (Group) Ltd. CYKH Cosco, Yang Ming, K-Line, Hanjin COCP Chicago Ohio Valley Consolidated Chassis Pool COFC Container on flat car CO-OP Cooperative CPCS CPCS Transcom Ltd. CY Container yard DCCP Denver Consolidated Chassis Pool DCLI Direct ChassisLink Inc. DOT Department of Transportation GCCP Gulf Consolidated Chassis Pool GVW Gross vehicle weight HMM Hyundai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. HRCP Hampton Roads Chassis Pool IAM International Association of Machinists IANA Intermodal Association of North America IEP Intermodal Equipment Provider ILA International Longshoremen's Association ILWU International Longshore and Warehouse Union ISO International Standards Organization LABP Los Angeles basin pool MC Motor Carrier MCCP Mid-South Consolidated Chassis Pool MPO Municipal Planning Organization MWCP Midwest Consolidated Chassis Pool NERP Northeast Regional Pool NHS National Highway System NVOCC Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier OCEMA Ocean Carrier Equipment Management Association RILA Retail Industry Leader Association SACP South-Atlantic Consolidated Chassis Pool

74 NCFRP Report 20 | Guidebook for Assessing Evolving International Container Chassis Supply Models | 74 TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit TIP Transportation Improvement Plan TNWA The New World Alliance TOFC Trailer on Flat Car UPC Unitary Pool Concept VSA Vessel-sharing Agreement

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TRB’s National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) Report 20: Guidebook for Assessing Evolving International Container Chassis Supply Models describes the historical and evolving models of international container chassis ownership and management in the United States. It is intended to provide an understanding of the most salient issues and implications as the chassis supply market continues to evolve.


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