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Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2011. Decision Making for Outsourcing and Privatization of Vehicle and Equipment Fleet Maintenance. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22869.
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45 1. Eger, R. J., III, D. A. Knudson, J. Marlowe, and L. Ogard. Evaluation of Transportation Organization Outsourcing: Decision Making Cri- teria for Outsourcing Opportunities. Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2002. 2. Warne, T. R. NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice No. 313: State DOT Outsourcing and Private-Sector Utilization. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2003. 3. Public Financial Management. Outsourcing Methods and Case Studies. City of Colorado Springs Sustainable Funding Committee, 2009. . ./Report_Outsourcing_04_ 2009.pdf. Accessed October 2010. 4. Chang, H.-C., Y. Itou, V. Kabakchieva, L. Lozowy, R. Munoz- Raskin, R. Ramos, M. Seaman, and Y. Tugce Turner. Managed Competition in Indianapolis: The Case of Indianapolis Fleet Services. Columbia University, New York, 2005. 5. Privatization: Lessons Learned by State and Local Governments. Report to the Chairman, House Republican Task Force on Priva- tization, United States General Accounting Office, March 1997. 6. Kim, D. S., J. D. Porter, P. Kriett, W. Mbugua, and T. Wagner. Fleet Replacement Modeling. School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University, July 2009. 7. Maintenance Division, Montana Department of Transportation, Accessed December 2010. 8. TransTech Management. Final Report on the Fleet Maintenance Pilot Project, Virginia Department of Transportation, January 2006. 9. Based on correction made by NCHRP 13-03A Project Panel mem- ber to the contractor’s Preliminary Draft Final Report. 10. Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide: A Comprehensive Reference for In-House & Outsourced Maintenance Operations. NAFA, National Association of Fleet Administrators. 11. Martin, L. How to Compare Costs Between In-house and Con- tracted Services. Reason Foundation, 1993. show/123968.html. Accessed October 2010. 12. Office of Management and Budget. Circular No. A-76. Revised, May 2003. incl_tech_correction. Accessed October 2010. 13. Kehoe J., W. Dodson, R. Reeve, and G. Plato. Activity-Based Man- agement in Government. Coopers & Lybrand, 1995, p. 26. 14. Young, R. D. On Cost Analysis Comparisons: Government In- House Provision vs. Contracting Out. Institute of Public Service and Policy Research, University of South Carolina, http://www. Comparisons.pdf. Accessed October 2010. 15. Deis, D. R., E. Watson, and C. G. Wilmot. Designing a Compre- hensive Model to Evaluate Outsourcing of Louisiana DOTD Func- tions and Activities. Louisiana Transportation Research Center, June 2002. References

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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 692: Decision Making for Outsourcing and Privatization of Vehicle and Equipment Fleet Maintenance presents a framework for conducting systematic analysis and making decisions on outsourcing and privatization of vehicle and equipment fleet maintenance.

The framework defines a decision process model that can be applied to a wide range of outsourcing decision alternatives. The report focuses on the unique features of state department of transportation fleet maintenance.

The report includes case studies designed to help illustrate the practical application of the framework, and forms and templates for use in conducting and documenting the outsourcing analysis and organizing the results.


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