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Suggested Citation:"Summary ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Tools to Facilitate Implementation of Effective Metropolitan Freight Transportation Strategies. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25341.
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Suggested Citation:"Summary ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Tools to Facilitate Implementation of Effective Metropolitan Freight Transportation Strategies. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25341.
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Suggested Citation:"Summary ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Tools to Facilitate Implementation of Effective Metropolitan Freight Transportation Strategies. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25341.
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1 Growing metropolitan areas frequently encounter challenges related to the movement of freight. Freight transportation professionals often seek effective practices and technolo- gies to address top-priority freight issues in the metropolitan setting. While research on strategies to address metropolitan freight challenges is available, there is limited research on the facilitators of; barriers to; and approaches, processes, and relationships for accelerating adoption of metropolitan freight transportation solutions. Practitioners would benefit from guidance on these facilitators and barriers, along with an indication of how their implemen- tation influences change by freight strategy. There is also a need for a sketch-planning tool that incorporates this information and uses it to help practitioners identify possible strate- gies for specific user-identified problems. To this end, the multipart objective of NCHRP Project 08-106 was to develop guidance for transportation practitioners that identifies and evaluates the following: • Facilitators that favor implementation of effective strategies to improve metropolitan freight transportation. • Barriers that prevent the implementation of effective strategies. • Approaches, processes, and relationships that could accelerate the adoption of effective strategies in metropolitan freight transportation. To meet this multipart objective, the project research team conducted a state-of-the- practice literature review, developed and administered a survey to freight transportation professionals, and conducted a peer-exchange workshop. From these efforts, researchers gained insights on current challenges and problems, possible strategies, potential facilitators of and barriers to the associated strategies, and associated weights for facilitators and barriers. The research team developed a strategy resource matrix (SRM) to document the literature search. The SRM also powers the Urban Freight Implementation Tool (UFIT), a sketch- planning assessment tool that identifies possible strategies to address specific problems identified by a practitioner. UFIT outputs fact sheets that contain implementation notes and guidance for implemen- tation of the identified strategies. Citation notes are also available from UFIT for even more detailed information on the identified strategies. As a sketch-planning tool, UFIT provides graphical outputs that compare urban freight transportation strategies to aid the practitioner in identifying the most promising strategies based on criteria and ranked relevance as defined by the user. S U M M A R Y Tools to Facilitate Implementation of Effective Metropolitan Freight Transportation Strategies

2 Tools to Facilitate Implementation of Effective Metropolitan Freight Transportation Strategies The research documented herein provides several contributions to the study of metro- politan freight movement, including the following: • A state-of-the-practice review of current challenges and possible solutions. • An updated taxonomy of and definitions for 30 freight strategies, containing several example strategies within, based on the state of the practice (and state of the art). • A taxonomy of 16 factors, which can be either facilitators of (positive) or barriers to (negative) metropolitan freight strategy implementation. • Practitioner input on the weights of these facilitators and barriers by metropolitan freight strategy. • An SRM, organized by source, providing detailed information of key characteristics for implementation of the metropolitan freight strategies. • A sketch-planning tool (UFIT), powered by the SRM, that allows for practitioner assess ment of a specific user-defined problem with output of identified strategies for consideration. • Default weights for the implementation facilitators and barriers built into UFIT (with a user option to adjust the weights). • Comprehensive citation notes, available through UFIT, providing practitioners with the details of the identified strategies. • Fact sheets detailing 30 metropolitan freight strategies, including implementation notes, opportunities and constraints, and examples of strategy application. • Pilot study investigations that tested UFIT performance in real situations. Figure 1 shows the key contributions and tools of this work, including the taxonomies of the strategies and facilitators/barriers.

15. Costs 14. Safety 13. Energy 12. Environmental 11. Societal 10. Geographical 9. Implementation Time 8. Organizational/Institutional 7. Labor 6. Regulatory 5. Political 4. Technological 3. Operational 2. Traffic 1. Infrastructure INFRASTRUCTURE AND FREIGHT OPERATIONS SCOPE AND SURROUNDINGS 16. Funding FINANCIAL SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY ADMINISTRATIVE Facilitators/Barriers for Strategy Implementation Taxonomy of1630 1. Geometric Modifica- tions 2. Designated Truck Routes/Lanes 3. On-Street Parking and Loading Zones 5. Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements 6. Parking Restrictions 27. Developing an Urban Freight Plan 28. Freight Advisory Committee (FAC) 29. Contractual Freight Partnerships 30. Integrating Freight and Economic Policies 7. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) 8. Autonomous Vehicles/ Connected Vehicles 9. Vehicle Parking Reservation Systems 10. Freight Demand Management 11. Multimodal/ Intermodal Urban Distribution 12. Intermodal Logistics Center (ILC) 13. Urban Consolidation Center (UCC) 14. Urban Freight Villages 15. Urban Logistics Services 16. Alternative Pickup/ Delivery Locations 17. Certification Programs 20. Urban Distribution Using Multiple Types of Vehicles 21. Vehicle Access Control 22. Truck Side Guards 23. Preferential Parking 24. Preferential Zoning 25. Taxation and Fees 26. Integrating Freight into the Land Use Planning Process 18. Low-Noise Delivery Programs/Regulations 19. Freight Rail Routing through Urban Center 4. Multiuse Lanes or Shared Lanes PLANNING Taxonomy ofINCENTIVES VEHICLE- BASED LOGISTICAL TECHNO- LOGICAL IN FR A- ST R U CT U R E TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Metropolitan Freight Strategies A strategy resource matrix (SRM) of all metropolitan freight strategy literature and keys to implementation. A taxonomy of 30 metropolitan freight strategies, and a taxonomy of 16 facilitators and barriers for strategy implementation. Fact sheets of all strategies with implementation notes to enhance facilitators and overcome barriers for implementation. A sketch-planning Urban Freight Implementation Tool (UFIT) to assess strategies, which includes user-adjustable default weights from practitioner input on the facilitators and barriers. Figure 1. Contributions and tools to facilitate implementation of effective metropolitan freight strategies including strategy and facilitator/barrier taxonomies.

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 Tools to Facilitate Implementation of Effective Metropolitan Freight Transportation Strategies
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TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Report 897: Tools to Facilitate Implementation of Effective Metropolitan Freight Transportation Strategies provides transportation practitioners and decision makers with guidance for implementing effective metropolitan freight transportation strategies. The report outlines thirty strategies that are tailored to the specific circumstances that are found in local areas. It also identifies and describes sixteen factors that impact implementation.

The report includes three appendices, a Powerpoint presentation, and an Excel tool.


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