National Academies Press: OpenBook

Sustainable Highway Construction Guidebook (2019)

Chapter: References

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Page 33
Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2019. Sustainable Highway Construction Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25698.
Page 33

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33 Azhar, S., M. Khalfan, and T. Maqsood. 2015. Building Information Modelling (BIM): Now and Beyond. Construction Economics and Building, 12:4, 15–28. Booz Allen Hamilton. 2014. NCHRP Report 750 Strategic Issues Facing Transportation Volume 4: Sustainability as an Organizing Principle for Transportation Agencies. Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C. FHWA. 2010. FHWA Green Procurement Guide. gppg041910.htm. Kaivo-oja, J., J. Panula-Ontto, J. Vehmas, and J. Luukkanen. 2014. Relationships of the Dimension of Sustain- ability as Measured by the Sustainable Society Index Framework. International Journal of Sustainable Devel- opment & World Ecology, 21:1, pp. 39–45. Korkmaz, S., D. Riley, and M. Horman. 2010. Piloting Evaluation Metrics for Sustainable High-Performance Building Project Delivery. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136:8, pp. 877–885. Scott, S., K. R. Molenaar, D. D. Gransberg, and N. C. Smith. 2006. NCHRP Report 561: Best-Value Procurement Methods for Highway Construction Projects. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C. Uttam, K., and C. L. L. Roos. 2015. Competitive Dialogue Procedure for Sustainable Public Procurement. Journal of Cleaner Production, 86, pp. 403–416. World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. Our Common Future. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. Zietsman, J., T. Ramani, J. Potter, et al. 2011. NCHRP Report 708: A Guidebook for Sustainability Performance Measurement for Transportation Agencies. Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washing- ton, D.C. References

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Sustainability is often an element that informs decisions made during the planning, programming, and design phases of highway construction projects. However, the construction phase of a highway project is also an opportunity to advance sustainability.

The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 916: Sustainable Highway Construction Guidebook provides clear and practical information on what constitutes sustainability in the context of highway construction and how to evaluate any proposed construction practice for its sustainability potential.

The guidebook supports implementation by describing ways to explicitly advance sustainability in procurement and contracting and how to develop a sustainability management plan for the construction phase.

An overview of NCHRP Research Report 916 is provided in this PowerPoint presentation. A separate publication, NCHRP Web-Only Document 262: Sustainable Highway Construction, describes the research process and outcomes used to develop NCHRP Research Report 916.

A summary of NCHRP Web-Only Document 262 is provided in this PowerPoint presentation.


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