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Page 55
Suggested Citation:"Glossary." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Availability and Use of Pedestrian Infrastructure Data to Support Active Transportation Planning. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25995.
Page 55

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55 All public roadways – Survey data collection category defined as all roadways owned by public entities. All projects – Survey data collection category defined as all projects (e.g., resurfacing, restriping and new roadway construction) within a given geographic area. All state roadways – Survey data collection category defined as all roadways owned by the state DOT. Data collection – The act of obtaining pedestrian infrastructure data either through primary sources (e.g., field visits) or secondary sources (e.g., GIS files created by a partner agency). Data maintenance – The level to which collected data are kept up to date over time or checked for quality and consistency. Data storage – The mechanism or media used to store pedestrian infrastructure data. The media could be physical (e.g., paper drawings) or digital (e.g., database or PDF). Infrastructure attributes – The details collected about infrastructure. For example, width is an attribute of a roadway shoulder. Pedestrian infrastructure data – Information about physical assets within a state-owned or -operated right of way. These assets may include shoulders, sidewalks, crosswalks, signals or multiuse trails. Some projects – Survey data collection category defined as a subset of construction projects (e.g., resurfacing and restriping) within a given geographic area. Some state roadways – Survey data collection category defined as a subset of roadways owned by the state DOT within a given geographic area. Glossary

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Availability and Use of Pedestrian Infrastructure Data to Support Active Transportation Planning Get This Book
 Availability and Use of Pedestrian Infrastructure Data to Support Active Transportation Planning
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In March 2010, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) released a policy statement supporting the development of fully integrated transportation networks. The policy is to “incorporate safe and convenient walking and bicycle facilities into transportation projects.”

The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Synthesis 558: Availability and Use of Pedestrian Infrastructure Data to Support Active Transportation Planning documents how state DOTs are collecting, managing, sharing, and analyzing pedestrian infrastructure data.

Documenting and summarizing current DOT practices for defining, storing, collecting and sharing pedestrian infrastructure data will help agencies tailor the data collection process to build data infrastructure that supports various uses, leading to more consistent and efficient planning and management of pedestrian infrastructure.


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