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Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.


Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators

The second session of the workshop featured six presentations and one discussion on the environmental and industry implications of alternative protein products, the role of plant-based alternatives as transition and maintenance foods, consumer and food-safety perspectives on alternative proteins, and regulatory considerations for these products. The session was moderated by Patricia Williamson, Cargill, Inc.


Patrick Brown, Impossible Foods, Inc., outlined the environmental implications of animal-sourced protein and potential ramifications of replacing meat with alternative proteins. He discussed the role of technology in facilitating this dietary shift and the economics of the plant-based meat industry. In 2011, Brown founded Impossible Foods—a for-profit company that produces and sells plant-based meat alternatives—with the mission of reversing the collapse of biodiversity and averting climate catastrophe by completely replacing the use of animals as a food technology by 2035. He described the use of animals in the global food system as “the most destructive technology ever invented by humans.”

Environmental Implications of Animal-Sourced Proteins

Brown began by stating that a well-studied catastrophic collapse of biodiversity has been taking place for more than 50 years. He described

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

a project being led by the World Wildlife Fund and Zoologic Society of London in which hundreds of academic institutions are tracking the total populations of more than 4,000 animal species selected to represent the diversity of animals worldwide. According to Brown, this project reports the ongoing collapse of selected populations—which include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish—with a 68 percent decrease in total population occurring between 1970 and 2016 (WWF, 2022). He added that recent reports have documented similar collapses in populations of insects, particularly flying insects, that may be even greater in magnitude. Brown described the decline in global biodiversity as having catastrophic effects on the viability of Earth’s biosphere.

The use of animals in the food system is driving this biodiversity collapse, Brown maintained, adding that exploitation, habitat destruction, and habitat degradation account for more than 80 percent of biodiversity decline (WWF, 2014). He explained that exploitation takes place primarily in the form of overfishing, while animal agriculture destroys and degrades habitats via land clearing and fencing. Brown described the scale of animal agriculture by comparing it with other animal life. He reported that the total biomass of farmed cattle outweighs that of all wild land mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians by 10-fold. Farmed pigs and farmed goats/sheep outweigh all wild land vertebrates by 50 percent and 25 percent, respectively. Farmed poultry outweighs all remaining wild birds by three-fold. Additionally the meat consumed by humans each year outweighs all living wild land vertebrates by a factor of more than six (WWF, 2014). Brown remarked that if humans met the current global demand for meat via hunting instead of farming, all land vertebrates would be eliminated within 2 months.

Brown went on to report that according to the International Livestock Research Institute, a group that advocates for the use of livestock to improve food security and reduce poverty, animal agriculture currently exploits 45 percent of Earth’s ice-free land surface for grazing or growing feed crops for livestock. This figure equates to more than 80 percent of humanity’s total land footprint, he added. In comparison, he said, the total land area of all cities worldwide occupies less than 1 percent of the ice-free surface of Earth, while all cities, suburbs, and infrastructure occupy less than 3 percent. Each day, he continued, the amount of land cleared to accommodate livestock—whether for grazing cattle or raising feed crops—averages twice the land area of San Francisco, and demand for meat drives more than 90 percent of the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. Brown described the smoke rising from the Amazon as “secondhand smoke from steak.”

Brown highlighted the effects of cattle farming on biodiversity by presenting photos of Point Reyes National Seashore Park and a neighboring cattle farm. The park features wilderness and native coastal vegetation

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

typical of California. Brown remarked that the farm refers to itself as a “renewable, sustainable, organic, grass-fed beef farm,” yet its grazing lands are devoid of the abundant vegetation present in the park site at its border. He noted that the farm has vastly less biomass for storing carbon and less biodiversity in terms of plants and animals than the park. Brown referenced recent research finding that the total amount of biomass released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) in the course of converting land to use for animal agriculture is the equivalent of 22 years’ worth of fossil fuel emissions at the 2018 rate (Hayek et al., 2021).

Environmental Implications of Plant-Based Proteins

According to Brown, eliminating the need for animals as a food technology would allow vast amounts of land to recover their original biomass and biodiversity, reducing CO2 emissions on a massive scale and effectively reversing environmental damage. He and a colleague conducted research on the effect on atmospheric greenhouse gas levels and global warming of phasing out animal agriculture (Eisen and Brown, 2022). Using data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, they modeled the complete phaseout of animal agriculture over a period of 15 years.

Brown explained that, according to this model, native biomass and ecosystems could be restored on land previously used for grazing and growing livestock feed within 40 years. He added that, whereas the CO2 emitted from fossil fuels cannot be turned back into coal, the CO2 from animal agriculture can revert back to use by trees and plant biomass. In addition to CO2, Brown noted that animal agriculture also contributes methane and nitrous oxide (major greenhouse gases); livestock emissions are responsible for about one-third of atmospheric methane and more than half of atmospheric nitrous oxide. Brown explained that because those gases spontaneously decay, ending their release would immediately result in negative emissions. In contrast, he said, the only method for achieving negative emissions for CO2 at any scale is via photosynthesis and biomass recovery. Brown’s modeling indicates that neutrality of greenhouse gas emissions would begin 10 years after the end of animal agriculture. He maintained that eliminating the need for animal agriculture would generate negative emissions at a rate sufficient to negate ongoing fossil fuel emissions for a period of 30 years. However, he argued, both the magnitude and speed of such a shift in negative emissions are needed. He posited that phasing out animal agriculture over the next 15 years could offset more than half of total human contributions to global warming through the remainder of the 21st century.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

Brown suggested that replacing the use of animals in the global food system would offer additional benefits aside from reversing the collapse of global biodiversity and halting net global greenhouse gas increases for 30 years. For example, he postulated that this shift would increase the global fresh water supply by 50 percent and decrease the human land footprint by more than 80 percent. Allowing reforestation of land previously cleared for agriculture would increase the world’s tree population by approximately 50 percent, he added. And he asserted that the change could bring substantial public health benefits, including lowered risks of viral pandemics, antibiotic-resistant infections, and foodborne illnesses.

Role of Industry and Technology in Alternative Proteins

Brown stated that industry is an efficient way to change behavior in a short period of time. He argued that there is no real chance within any finite amount of time of getting more than 7 billion people to shift their diet away from routine consumption of animal products through education or persuasion alone. Efforts to change people’s minds on meat consumption have generally not worked on a large scale, he continued, adding that governments are unlikely to regulate what consumers eat or what farmers grow because “it could jeopardize their political careers.” According to Brown, the fundamental problem is not that billions of people enjoy eating animal products daily but that the wrong technology is being used to produce them. In his view, existing technology for animal protein production is inefficient, destructive, prehistoric, and fundamentally unimprovable; thus, a strong investment thesis and business opportunity exist for new technology. Brown pointed out that current meat production technology serves a $3 trillion annual global market, a magnitude that strengthens the case for investment opportunities for venture capitalists. He remarked that his efforts to secure private investments in Impossible Foods were far more successful than his attempts to access public research funding.

Brown founded Impossible Foods, Inc., from the perspective that protein production is a science and technology challenge. He began with a research and development team that worked for 5 years before the company became a commercial business. Currently, Impossible Foods employs more than 200 scientists from diverse disciplines that include biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, and engineering. Brown explained that the team began its undertaking by studying how meat functions as a biochemical system and then determined how plant ingredients could match the biochemical and biophysical properties that constitute the salient sensory and nutritional properties of meat. He observed that the company’s strategy for building a new technology platform to replace the role of animals in the food system has enabled competition with the

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

animal-products industry in the global marketplace and provided consumers with options.

Brown surmised that, based on historical examples of technology adoption, the objective of replacing animals in the food system by 2035 is achievable. Moreover, he suggested that improved technology can rapidly replace even deeply entrenched technology. He illustrated this point by noting that sales of film cameras steadily increased throughout the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s until the advent of the digital camera. Although the first digital camera cost around $1,000 and featured memory capacity limited to eight photos, the new digital technology quickly replaced film cameras. Within 8 years of the release of the first digital camera, Kodak went bankrupt. Thus, Brown asserted, change can happen quickly when driven by consumer demand and competition in the marketplace.

Benefits of Novel Alternative Proteins

Brown remarked that the technology platform created by Impossible Foods has delivered plant-based beef, pork, and chicken products whose taste mainstream consumers prefer over that of leading animal-based competitors. He described these novel products as having fewer calories; less total fat and saturated fat; and more protein, iron, and micronutrients than their animal-sourced counterparts. In addition, he reported, these alternative proteins are more sustainable according to independent life-cycle analyses. Brown added that in contrast to the traditional meat industry, plant-based technology and the products it enables continue to expand and improve. He noted that this technology is still in the early stages of discovery, with an entirely new platform and ingredient supply chain currently being built, both of which will continue undergoing an iterative process of improvement.

Brown acknowledged that existing plant-based products tend to be more expensive than their animal-based competitors. He stressed, however, that the plant-based food industry is being built from scratch, without existing infrastructure, production capability, and supply chains, whereas the infrastructure for the animal agriculture system has been in place for decades or centuries. Thus, the current economics of Impossible Foods are those of a growing startup company. Brown noted that the company is quickly moving toward scale, and the economics become inherently better at a larger scale, with lower prices for consumers and greater access to highly nutritious foods for people living in poverty worldwide. According to Brown, these economics at scale are related to the difference in resources consumed by novel alternative protein products compared with their animal-sourced counterparts. As an example, he remarked that the Impossible Foods beef product uses 4 percent of the land, 12 percent of

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

the water, and 8 percent of the fertilizer and agrochemicals needed to produce beef from cows. He added that fewer plant crops are required to produce plant-based meat than are needed to feed livestock, requiring less farm labor to raise crops and eliminating the farm labor needed to manage animals. Moreover, he said, manufacturing and packaging plant-based foods are far more labor efficient than disassembling cows to put into packages. Brown summarized by stating that every aspect of the economics of plant-based proteins is favorable compared with the economics of traditional meat once scale has been achieved.

Opportunities for Reinventing the Agricultural Supply Chain

Brown maintained that as technology continues to improve, the replacement of animals in the food system with plant-based technologies is inevitable and will create opportunities to reinvent the agricultural supply chain. To illustrate this point, he stated that much of the current agriculture system and many of the major stable crops are optimized for the use of livestock in producing meat; the crops grown for meat production are optimized for bulk yield of nutrients, polymerized amino acids, and starches to be fed to livestock. He characterized the current system—which would be rendered obsolete once replaced by a plant-based system—as inefficient and inherently destructive. Additionally, Brown suggested that consideration of the raw materials needed to convert proteins and fats from plant crops directly into human food altogether redefines the merits of and value proposition for crops and agriculture. He predicted, for example, that farmers and landowners will have the opportunity to increase profits through recovery of biomass. Given the 2030 carbon prices projected by The World Bank for biomass recovery on land currently used for animal agriculture, the development of this new agricultural supply chain stands to increase profits for farmers, he contended.


Mark Messina, Soy Nutrition Institute Global, discussed the global protein demand, the protein and nutritional content of various plant-based proteins, and the role of novel plant-based meat alternatives in transitioning to and maintaining a diet with a higher plant-to-animal ratio. The global population is projected to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050, he observed, raising the issue of how best to meet the increasing calorie and protein demand over the next 30 years (PRB, 2020). He cited research indicating that meeting the demand for protein within environmental limits is

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

one of the greatest challenges for the global food system in the 21st century (Porritt and McCarthy, 2015).

In an effort to anticipate the worldwide global protein demand in 2050, Messina continued, researchers developed five potential scenarios based on a range of protein intake (Henchion et al., 2017). At the low end of the spectrum, he elaborated, if each person consumed 50 grams of protein per day, the result would be a worldwide protein demand 13 percent below its current level. At the high end of protein intake, if each person consumed 100 grams of protein per day, global protein demand would increase by 78 percent. According to Messina, evidence suggests that the latter scenario is more likely in the next 30 years because populations around the world currently derive about 16 percent of their calories from protein (Lieberman et al., 2020). He added that although predominant protein types differ dramatically among regions, the percentage of total calories derived from protein is relatively consistent. Messina suggested that this observation supports the protein leverage hypothesis proposed in 2005, which maintains that biological control mechanisms tightly regulate protein intake (Simpson and Raubenheimer, 2005). He surmised that populations would shift toward a plant-based diet in response to concerns about the environment, personal health, and animal welfare.

Establishing an Optimal Animal-to-Plant Protein Ratio

An optimal dietary ratio of animal-to-plant protein has not yet been established, observed Messina. The EAT-Lancet Commission Report suggests that most dietary protein should come from plants, while the Dutch Food-Based Dietary Guidelines recommend an animal-to-plant protein ratio of about 1 to 1—a recommendation that according to Messina aligns with the U.S. diet that was typical in 1909. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), he explained, used disappearance data to make crude estimates of protein intake (Gortner, 1975), and these estimates indicate that in 1909, approximately half of protein intake came from plants and half from animals. Over the past 100 years, Messina noted, the U.S. ratio changed dramatically in favor of animal protein, and a recent analysis found that in 2015, the animal-to-plant protein ratio was about 1.84 to 1 (Shan et al., 2019). Similarly, he added, most high-income countries around the world obtain about twice as much protein from animals as from plants. He pointed out, moreover, that 46 percent of the plant protein consumed in the United States comes from refined grains, which do not offer the nutritional benefits that other sources of plant protein do.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

Traditional Plant-Based Proteins

Messina stated that multiple plant protein sources are available to meet the world’s protein needs in 2050. He cited legumes, pulses, and beans as good sources of protein and fiber that are affordable and have a low environmental footprint. He clarified that dried beans are a subset of pulses, while pulses are a subset of legumes, while soybeans and peanuts are classified as oilseed legumes because of their high fat content. These foods are underutilized sources of nutrition, Messina asserted. For example, only about 6 percent of the world’s protein intake and 2 percent of North America’s protein intake are derived from pulses (Rawal and Navarro, 2019); South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean are the only regions of the world that obtain more than 6 percent of protein intake from pulses. Messina pointed out that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020–2025 recommends three half-cup servings of cooked beans per week, which equates to 23.2 grams of protein per week or 3.3 grams per day. Replacing three weekly servings of animal protein with beans, he observed, would reduce the animal-to-plant protein ratio from 1.84:1 to 1.43:1 (Shan et al., 2019). He described this shift as a modest improvement. On the other hand, increasing bean intake to one serving per day, thereby replacing 8 grams of animal protein with plant protein, would further reduce the ratio to almost 1:1.

Messina acknowledged the unlikelihood that most consumers would adopt a diet including enough bean protein in place of animal protein to bring the animal-to-plant protein intake ratio to approximately 1:1. He referenced one study that found that vegans consume on average only 64 grams of legumes per day, which is less than one serving (1/2 cup cooked, 85–87 grams) (Orlich et al., 2022). Given that the general population is unlikely to begin consuming a serving of beans per day, he argued that other plant protein sources should be considered. Although many vegetarians eat black bean burgers, he noted, these traditional meat substitutes have not facilitated a significant shift in the national animal-to-plant protein intake ratio. Moreover, he maintained, although traditional soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, and edamame could continue to gain popularity, these products are unlikely to achieve mass appeal at a scale that would contribute substantially to U.S. and global protein intake.

Novel Plant-Based Meat Alternatives

According to Messina, in contrast to traditional sources of plant protein, the new generation of plant-based meat alternatives has the potential to gain mass appeal. These products, he explained, are made from concentrated sources of bean protein—such as soy and pea—and are designed to

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

emulate the orosensory properties of meat; he cited research suggesting that the success of meat substitutes will be contingent on their resemblance to meat in both taste and texture. To support this point, he noted that household scanner data collected in the United States indicate that 86 percent of purchasers of novel plant-based meat alternatives in 2018–2020 also purchased beef (Neuhofer and Lusk, 2022).

Messina remarked that this new generation of alternatives are transition and maintenance foods in that they ease the transition from an animal-based diet to a diet featuring more plant protein and make it easier to maintain such a diet. He added that processed meat alternatives have long been considered transition foods and thus can be part of a strategy for supporting healthier eating patterns (Gastaldello et al., 2022). In his view, although cooked beans and tofu feature desirable nutritional attributes, transitioning from eating beef burgers to eating plant-based burgers is likely to be a more acceptable approach to incorporating plant protein into the diet. Messina acknowledged, however, that even this transition may be difficult because the preparation and consumption of meat dishes are linked to cultural traditions and norms as well as to collective and individual identities, such that meat has a central role in American society and in many societies throughout the world. In addition to aiding in this transition, Messina stressed the benefit of plant-based meat alternatives in making it easier to maintain a plant-based diet. He argued that this is an important consideration given the limited research suggesting that many vegetarians do not remain on a plant-based diet indefinitely.

Messina went on to remark that despite the favorable attributes of plant-based meat alternatives, these products have received pushback. He cited a paper published in 2021 in which the author contends that the current trend toward increased consumption of highly processed plant-based convenience foods poses concerns regarding public health and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Macdiarmid, 2022). Additionally, Messina noted that these products (namely plant-based meat and dairy alternatives, such as burgers, sausages, and cheese) are classified by the NOVA food classification system as ultraprocessed foods—foods that should be discouraged in the diet (Monteiro et al., 2019).

Messina explained that a meta-analysis of 43 studies found that intake of ultraprocessed foods was linked to a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including obesity, breast cancer, and metabolic syndrome (Lane et al., 2021). He noted, however, that these associations are based on observational not clinical trial data. Messina co-authored a paper reporting that the common criticisms of ultraprocessed foods do not apply to soy-based meat and dairy alternatives more so than to their animal-based counterparts, beef and cow’s milk, which are classified by NOVA as unprocessed or minimally processed—foods to be encouraged in the diet (Messina et al., 2022). The

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

specific concerns addressed in the paper include the hyperpalatability of ultraprocessed foods; their high energy density and high energy intake rate; and their tendency to have low satiety, snackability, and convenience, which are attributes that can lead to overconsumption and, potentially, obesity.

Messina also pointed out that numerous nutrient profiling systems used around the world have rated plant-based meat alternatives quite highly. For example, the Australian Health Star Rating System uses a five-point scale for foods, with 5 representing the healthiest score. Plant-based burgers received a Health Star rating of 3.9, whereas meat burgers received a score of 2.9 (Curtain and Grafenauer, 2019).

Comparative Nutritional Quality of Plant-Based Alternatives

Messina highlighted the relevance of comparing the nutritional content of plant-based meat alternatives with that of meat and of legumes. Animal products are nutrient dense and provide numerous micronutrients, he observed, thus playing a role in meeting human nutritional needs (Agarwal and Fulgoni, 2022). According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, for example, beef consumption contributes significantly to U.S. caloric and nutrient intake, including 21 percent of zinc, 20 percent of vitamin B12, and substantial amounts of other B vitamins and highly bioavailable iron. The authors of this analysis conclude that eliminating beef from dietary recommendations would require taking steps to replace the nutrients it provides. Messina noted that vegan diets can have nutrient shortfalls of zinc; vitamin B12; calcium; and, in some cases, B6, choline, iron, and vitamin A. He stated that these shortfalls are not likely to be present in a shift from a 2:1 to a 1:1 animal-to-plant protein intake ratio.

Messina noted that the Study With Appetizing Plantfood-Meat Eating Alternative Trial (SWAP-MEAT) found several beneficial effects and no adverse effects from the consumption of plant-based meats (Crimarco et al., 2020). In this crossover study, participants consumed plant-based meat alternatives or analogous animal products for 8 weeks, then alternated those for an additional 8 weeks. The meat-alternative products used in the study provided about 25 percent of total calories and 50 percent of total protein, and when on the plant-based meat-alternative diet, participants consumed approximately 2.5 servings of those products per day. Messina reported that at the end of the plant-based phase of the SWAP-MEAT trial, statistically significant reductions in trimethylamine N-oxide, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and body weight were observed. He emphasized that researchers found no adverse effects of these products. He added that limited research suggests that plant-based meat alternatives may have a positive effect on the gut microbiome, a finding that he believes warrants additional study (Toribio-Mateas et al., 2021).

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

According to Messina, research is lacking on how plant-based meat alternatives compare nutritionally with legumes. He described beans as a “nutrition powerhouse,” providing protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, and potassium. In addition, he said, the wide range of phenolic and polyphenolic compounds contained in beans potentially contributes to their health benefits (Carbas et al., 2020; Rodríguez Madrera et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2018). Messina cited numerous observational studies and clinical research suggesting that bean intake can reduce the risk of chronic disease—including cardiovascular disease—as well as overall mortality and possibly obesity.

Messina then highlighted an advantage of plant-based meat alternatives: their potential to be fortified with shortfall nutrients in plant-based diets and to be tailored to the needs of specific populations. As an example, he described one popular soy-based meat-alternative product that is fortified with zinc, iron, thiamin, niacin, B2, B6, and B12. He added that plant-based meat alternatives also have the potential to eliminate compounds in legumes that may be objectionable to some consumers, such as the oligosaccharides that can cause flatulence. He also cited limited evidence suggesting that soy protein may be more digestible when consumed in the form of a meat-alternative product compared with beans or legumes (Gilani et al., 2005). Messina explained that the process for extracting protein to create meat alternatives may eliminate some compounds in legumes that can inhibit protein digestibility.

Research Opportunities

Messina closed by stating that plant-based foods and plant-based meat alternatives present several opportunities for further research. Specifically, he suggested that more data are needed on the bioavailability of nutrients in plant-based meat and dairy alternatives. He cited research on soy milk indicating that although soybeans are high in oxalates and phytates—compounds that inhibit calcium absorption—the bioavailability of calcium from soy milk and from cow’s milk is similar. Messina also remarked on the potential usefulness of conducting a modified SWAP-MEAT trial that would compare plant-based meat alternatives with legumes, arguing that such a study could lead to increased understanding of the potential role of plant-based meat alternatives in the diet.

In summary, Messina asserted that the substantial increase in global protein needs projected to occur over the next 30 years will necessitate a shift toward plant-based dietary habits. Although legumes are good sources of protein, he said, they are unlikely to play a major role in this shift. Conversely, he believes that plant-based meat alternatives that emulate the orosensory properties of meat have the potential to gain mass appeal; with fortification, these alternatives can compare nutritionally with animal products.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.


Sherry Frey, NielsenIQ, described current trends in consumer perspectives and purchasing patterns with respect to plant-based products and alternative protein sources. Data indicate, she said, that many consumers view the benefits of health and wellness as having personal, social, and planetary ramifications.

Plant-Based Consumer Trends

NielsenIQ has conducted research on consumer behaviors and perspectives related to plant-based foods, Frey reported, including the quantities and specific products people are purchasing and the motivations driving these purchases. She clarified that this research differentiated meat alternatives made with beans, vegetables, and grains from those made with isolated proteins, although consumers tend to group these products together and consume them at similar rates. In this research, consumers were asked to provide one-word responses representing their perspective on plant-based foods. These responses reflected a diversity of consumer perspectives, Frey said, ranging from “healthy,” “organic,” and “good” to “nasty,” “fake,” and “yuck.”

Although some consumers have negative perspectives on plant-based products, Frey described a halo effect of the association of these foods with health. She noted that marketers are leveraging this effect, and products labeled “plant-based” can now be found on food and beverage shelves throughout grocery stores. She added that labels such as “plant-based” and “plant-powered” are also being used on nonedible items such as diapers, feminine care products, cosmetics, cleaning products, pet foods, and over-the-counter supplements. Frey remarked that interest in this trend is growing, with consumers reporting that they want to increase consumption of plant-based products. At the same time, however, her company’s research has indicated confusion among consumers about what “plant-based” actually means and about the criteria to use in selecting such products. According to Frey, the claims made on product packaging could potentially contribute to this confusion.

Plant-Based Industry Economics

Frey provided an overview of the market for plant-based products. Annual sales across all categories of plant-based products total $11.3 billion, she reported, adding that this figure does not include inherently plant-based goods such as fruits and vegetables, whose sales total approximately

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

$88 billion across fresh, frozen, and canned varieties. Plant-based foods and beverages make up the majority of plant-based products sold, she continued, with $9.3 billion in annual sales. Alternative plant-based meats—including both fresh and fully cooked products—total $971 million in sales and constitute 1.2 percent of total meat sales. Frey noted that alternative meat is currently at a price premium of about 38 percent above the cost of conventional meat. She reported further that alternative milk products total $2.6 billion in annual sales; plant-based foods in this category with the highest sales volume are alternative milk, creamers, and beverages. Fully cooked meat alternatives are the fourth highest–selling plant-based food category, Frey observed, and plant-based fully cooked, processed, and fresh meat alternatives have all seen sales growth of 39 percent or higher over the past 3 years, although sales of processed and fresh meat alternatives have declined over the past year. Frey commented that although the phenomenal growth in sales of alternative meats is now slowing, sales of alternative milk, cream, and beverages are continuing to increase at a consistent rate.

Consumer Preferences for Plant-Based Products

Frey next observed that NielsenIQ has studied consumer preferences and motivations for purchasing plant-based products, finding that the most commonly cited preference is for products that taste, look, and feel like their analogs. Other preferences expressed are for products that have few ingredients, are as natural as possible, are minimally processed, offer organic options, and are labeled as being sustainable or environmentally friendly. Frey reported that preferences for new and existing brands were nearly split in 2021, accounting for 45 percent and 55 percent, respectively, of growth in sales of plant-based protein. Market expansion and innovation are reflected in the brands available, she noted, as the NielsenIQ study identified 126 existing brands and 3,281 new brands.

Frey then highlighted research conducted on the types of plant-based protein experiencing sales growth. That research, she reported, showed that protein from bean, soy, and oat can be considered proven trends, accounting for the largest market shares of all plant-based proteins; peanut, almond, and textured vegetable protein are growing trends, with lower volume in sales than bean, soy, and oat but demonstrating substantial sales growth; and protein from flaxseed, cashew, and pea is a developing trend that accounts for the smallest volume of sales but also reflects growth.

Frey also described research conducted on the reasons consumers purchase meat alternatives on a regular or occasional basis. This research revealed that taste, overall health, and nutritional benefits are the top reasons for consuming meat alternatives, regardless of whether they are made with beans, vegetables, and grains or with isolated proteins and starches.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

Frey noted that animal welfare was cited by 21 percent of consumers for both categories of meat alternatives. Consumers were also surveyed about what effect they view meat alternatives as having on the environment. Frey reported that approximately 40 percent of all shoppers surveyed perceived meat alternatives as having a positive environmental impact, whereas 20 percent perceived them as having no such impact; more than 20 percent indicated they were not sure, while 8 percent reported a perceived negative impact.

Frey also reported the results of research using a digital ethnography method, which entailed examining consumer conversations to capture underlying trends that might not be revealed in direct consumer research. That research showed, she said, that sustainable farming (i.e., farming methods that do not rely on industrial fertilizers and monocropping) is important to consumers and that sustainability concerns contribute to their desire to avoid animal products. However, she added, consumers also indicated concerns that a plant-based diet could be associated with unsustainable plant production methods.

According to Frey, the food and beverage industry appears to be responding to consumer environmental concerns through an increase in the environmental claims made about products, including sustainability production and packaging practices, as well as claims about social responsibility and animal welfare. She presented global data indicating that animal welfare claims are among the top-five drivers of purchase interest among consumers across the food and beverage, personal care, and household care categories. These claims include “animal welfare certified,” “cruelty free,” “free of animal by-products,” and “certified human raised and handled.” Frey added that the increasing popularity of a flexitarian diet (a diet that intersperses meat consumption with meat-free meals) is playing a role in the growth of the meat-alternative market. Only 1 percent of households buy only meat alternatives, compared with 21 percent of households that buy both traditional meat and meat alternatives. Thus, Frey stated, the market of people who buy both traditional and alternative meat presents an opportunity for the industry. She also referenced research indicating some trends among heavy buyers of meat alternatives that included larger proportions of Asian people, larger households, people with high incomes, and individuals ages 45–54.

Slowing Sales of Meat Alternatives

Frey went on to discuss a recent decline in sales of plant-based meat alternatives that has caused concern about whether the market for these products is slowing. In her view, the numbers of new repeat shoppers being brought incrementally into the market should be factored in with sales numbers in

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

assessing the alternative proteins market. Over the past 2 years, she reported, a quarter of all meat-alternative buyers have been new to these products; 37 percent of these consumers have returned to make a repeat purchase, and more than half of them have made additional repeat purchases. She added that among alternative ground meat, meat patties, chicken tender and nugget analogs, and tofu, the category of meat patties accounts for the highest percentages of first-time, first-repeat, and additional-repeat purchasers. Frey noted that the convenience aspect of patties contributes to their sales.

Frey remarked that at the time of this workshop, McDonald’s had recently announced it would phase out the McPlant alternative patty in the United States, and Cracker Barrel faced backlash after announcing the addition of a plant-based sausage patty to its menu. According to Frey, these events can be attributed in part to some people associating plant-based products with political leanings. She stressed, however, that although the meat-alternative market has seen some decline since 2021, it is nearly double what it was in 2019.

Frey presented the results of a survey designed to shed light on how many consumers are trying meat-alternative products and repeatedly purchasing them, as well as the reasons why some opt not to repurchase. The percentage of meat-alternative buyers who repurchase these products has seen an overall decline, she reported. Among those who purchased meat-alternative products once or twice, the top reasons given for not making additional purchases were taste, not meeting expectations, and cost. Frey noted that the reasons given for not continuing to purchase alternative-meat products were consistent regardless of whether the products were made with beans, vegetables, and grains or with isolated proteins and starches.

Frey also observed that consumers are paying attention to the health attributes and processing of meat alternatives. Digital ethnography, she said, indicated preferences for natural products free of artificial ingredients and containing minimal additives. Approximately 94 percent of alternative-meat products contain artificial ingredients, she noted; 89 percent have more than 200 calories per serving; 86 percent exceed the saturated fat limit; and more than 80 percent are made with more than 21 ingredients. Frey pointed out that regardless of these nutritional issues, health is one of the main reasons consumers cite for consuming alternative proteins.

Projecting Future Protein Trends

Frey next reviewed data collected to inform projections about future trends in alternative proteins. Consumers were asked whether they expected their consumption of plant-based foods and beverages to increase or decrease in the future. Frey reported that almost half of all shoppers said they expected their consumption of these products to increase, and this

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

proportion was particularly high for consumers of animal-product alternatives (62 percent). Only 7 percent of all shoppers and 5 percent of alternative-product consumers anticipated that their consumption of plant-based foods would decrease.

Frey also presented global data collected to track consumer perspectives on food innovations. Consumers were surveyed about their willingness to try new foods derived from such innovations as regenerative agriculture, vertical farming, and cultured or laboratory-grown meat. Approximately 29 percent of those surveyed were unaware of or unwilling to try products created via regenerative agriculture and vertical farming, said Frey, whereas more than half were unaware of or unwilling to try cultured or laboratory-grown meat (30 percent and 23 percent of those surveyed, respectively). About 54 percent of consumers were willing to try regenerative agriculture or vertical farming products, compared with 37 percent of consumers willing to try cultured or laboratory-grown meat. Frey added that awareness of and willingness to try cultured or laboratory-grown meat varied geographically. For instance, consumers in India and China reported higher awareness of these products, as well as greater willingness to try them, compared with consumers in other regions. Frey noted that these data were collected to help gauge consumer interest in alternatives and to assess the evolution of alternative products.

Frey concluded her presentation by stating that consumer interest in plant-based and alternative proteins is strong and is expected to grow, but consumers indicate confusion and some dissatisfaction with these products. She stressed that different brands have varying levels of repeat customers, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction, adding that taste, health, and cost are major factors in how consumers meet their protein needs.


Paul Hanlon, Abbott Nutrition, provided his perspective as an industry toxicologist responsible for evaluating the safety of alternative protein products. He outlined the components of food safety assessments, described the process of precision fermentation, and highlighted challenges in conducting hypothesis-driven safety assessments for alternative proteins.

Food Ingredient Safety Assessments

Hanlon opened with an overview of the process through which novel alternative proteins—like all new food ingredients—are evaluated for safety before they can be used in manufactured products. He explained that a new or updated safety assessment of a food ingredient is conducted when an ingredient (1) has never been consumed as a food, (2) is produced via a new

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

manufacturing process, (3) is being added to a new food product, or (4) is being added to an existing food product in higher amounts.

Hanlon explained that alternative protein ingredients fall into two broad categories: protein isolated from traditional foods and those manufactured using the process of precision fermentation. Proteins extracted from traditional foods, he elaborated, are derived from agricultural commodities such as legumes, oats, corn, soy, dairy milk, nuts, and hemp, whereas precision fermentation is a process in which a microorganism is used to produce a protein (e.g., fungal-produced beta-lactoglobulin, yeast-produced beta-lactoglobulin, yeast-produced ovomucoid). Hanlon noted that even if a protein produced by precision fermentation already exists in the food supply, a safety assessment is required because fermentation is a new method of manufacturing that protein.

Hanlon went on to describe the three key components of a safety assessment for any food substance, including alternative proteins. The first is to define the ingredient by evaluating its manufacturing process and creating an appropriate specification for it. The second step is to assess how much of the ingredient people would be consuming, using information about the foods in which it will be used and estimating the quantity of those foods that people eat. This process informs the third step—determination of whether the amounts of the ingredient expected to be consumed will be safe. Hanlon explained that this step involves evaluating any existing data regarding the inherent safety of the ingredient and, in cases of data gaps, conducting additional safety studies of the ingredient. He noted that safety assessments of food ingredients have been conducted successfully for several decades. Thus, he said, although alternative proteins are relatively new to the food supply, the safety of these novel ingredients is assessed with models that have long been used to evaluate new ingredients.

Precision Fermentation in Food Production

Before describing the three components of the food safety assessment process in more detail, Hanlon provided an overview of how the process of precision fermentation is used to create novel, alternative proteins. He remarked that because the process of precision fermentation uses microorganisms to manufacture these proteins, it can seem futuristic and abstract compared with the process of extracting protein from traditionally consumed foods. To illustrate this point, he compared the concept of consuming a corn protein with that of consuming a milk protein that was never in contact with a cow but instead was produced by a fungus. However, he stressed, microorganisms have been used throughout human history to make such foods as bread, beer, yogurt, cheese, and wine. Hanlon described precision fermentation as an evolution of this long-standing practice that has led to

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

a more effective, precise method of using microorganisms to create a highly specific food ingredient.

Hanlon elaborated on the point that although precision fermentation is an iteration of an ancient method, the process has been in use for decades. Riboflavin (vitamin B2), for example, a common vitamin added to food products, was originally produced using chemical synthesis beginning in the 1930s (Liu et al., 2020; Revuelta et al., 2017; Schwechheimer et al., 2016). Microorganisms were subsequently identified as a potential mechanism for producing B vitamins, and in the 1960s, nonmodified microorganisms were used to generate riboflavin. Hanlon explained that the yields of that process were not high in comparison with chemical synthesis, and so this original microorganism-driven process never became commercially viable. Then in the 1990s, researchers created a cost-effective method of producing riboflavin using a genetically modified microorganism. According to Hanlon, the new process proved to be so effective that by 2015, it was being used to produce virtually all riboflavin.

Ingredient Specifications

Hanlon returned to his overview of the food safety assessment process by elaborating on the critical first component: establishing a specification for an ingredient. He stated that various criteria are used to define the elements that should and should not be present in an ingredient. Desirable elements, he added, constitute an ingredient’s purity. For an alternative protein, he explained, specifications around purity could relate to nutritive content (e.g., protein, fat, and carbohydrate content) or other desirable content, including amino acid profile, fiber, and minerals such as zinc. The relevant impurities that should be addressed by the specification, Hanlon continued, are determined by evaluating which substances could be present in the finished ingredient at relevant concentrations. Impurities could also include substances inherent in the environment—such as heavy metals and microbiological contaminants—that are incorporated into agricultural commodities and transferred into finished products; substances present in the source of the ingredient, such as alkaloid glycosides in fava beans or glycoalkaloids in protein; or substances introduced during the manufacturing process. Hanlon explained that once an ingredient’s purities and impurities have been identified, minimum and maximum amounts are defined to establish a specification for that ingredient. He added that specifications are similar for proteins isolated from traditional foods and those derived via precision fermentation.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

Consumption Quantity and Safety

Once the composition of an ingredient has been characterized and defined, Hanlon continued, the next step in the safety assessment is to estimate the quantity of the ingredient that people are likely to consume. He noted that the process for calculating estimated daily intake is the same for both extracts from agricultural commodities and precision fermentation products. He explained that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) Notice Inventory—a database of all GRAS notices with public access—provides transparency about how companies demonstrate the safety of food ingredients.1 These notices include how the estimated daily intake for the food ingredient was calculated. According to Hanlon, the approach taken for many alternative protein ingredients is based on the conservative assumption that people will use the product as an alternative rather than an additional protein source. Thus, he clarified, the use of alternative proteins in a variety of foods is not expected to increase overall protein consumption or raise protein intake above the recommended dietary allowance. Hanlon noted that the recommended dietary allowance is the amount sufficient to meet nutritional requirements and should not be interpreted as a maximum limit.

Hypothesis-Driven Safety Assessments

Hanlon went on to explain that, once ingredient exposure has been projected, the third and final step is to conduct the overall safety assessment. For alternative proteins, he elaborated, this process includes (1) evaluating whether the new ingredient is different from proteins that have traditionally been consumed, and (2) if so, determining how to demonstrate that any differences pose no safety concerns beyond those of traditional proteins.

Safety assessments conducted for all food ingredients should be hypothesis-driven, Hanlon asserted. To avoid unnecessary research that would generate data on every possible safety concern, he explained, a hypothesis is developed regarding the potential risks specific to an ingredient. The process of creating such a hypothesis for an alternative protein begins with a review of all available information to identify potential risks. Hanlon noted that potential risks of the traditional protein source are used as a reference to help identify any significant differences in production or composition between that traditional source and the alternative. Next, he continued, the available information is assessed to determine whether the alternative protein presents no additional safety concerns, or gaps


1 More information about the GRAS Notice Inventory is available at (accessed October 12, 2022).

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

are present that require additional safety studies. Hanlon observed that numerous factors are considered in evaluating whether a traditional and alternative protein are equivalent with respect to safety. For example, the digestibility of traditional and alternative proteins is assessed using both in vitro and in vivo methods.

The safety assessment also explores potential risks introduced by the production process, said Hanlon. For example, a safety assessment of a protein produced with precision fermentation using a fungus will include examining the microorganism to ensure that it is not pathogenic or toxigenic. If a microorganism has been genetically modified, Hanlon added, the genes inserted into the organism will be assessed for safety concerns. Existing literature is reviewed for data regarding any identified potential risks, he noted, and additional safety studies can be required when data are insufficient to support the conclusion that differences between the alternative and traditional proteins are safe. He also described common safety studies used for food ingredients to assess general toxicity (the ability of a substance to produce systemic toxicity) or genotoxicity (the ability of a substance to damage genetic information within cells). General toxicity studies typically involve conducting a 90-day feeding study in rats, he elaborated, whereas a panel of assays is typically used to assess genotoxicity.

Hanlon reflected on some of the challenges that arise in assessing the safety of alternative proteins using these methods. For instance, in the 90-day feeding study in rats, food ingredients are typically administered at an amount far greater than a human would be expected to consume. Hanlon explained that because approximately 20 percent of a standard rat diet is composed of protein, it is not possible to increase a rat’s protein intake by 10- or 100-fold without disrupting the nutritional balance of the animal’s diet. Hanlon also provided the example of safety studies conducted on food enzymes, proteins often produced via precision fermentation. He noted that a review of more than 200 genotoxicity and general toxicity studies of enzymes found an absence of any adverse effects (Ladics and Sewalt, 2018). He added that proteins, including enzymes, are readily digested into amino acids by mammals after consumption. Thus, he maintained, animal studies are unlikely to have any value for evaluating the safety of most alternative proteins, and other methods of demonstrating the safety of these proteins, including nonanimal methods, may be more helpful. This matter is gaining worldwide traction, Hanlon observed, noting that in November 2022 the World Health Organization (WHO) and FAO would be holding a joint expert meeting as a first step toward developing global guidance on the safety assessment of alternative proteins.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.


Jeremiah Fasano, FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), described regulatory decision-making tools for novel food technologies. He explained that the FDA’s authorities over food safety are set forth in the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act of 1938, which defines relevant terms, processes, and procedures, and its subsequent 1958 amendments, which mandate premarket approval for new uses of food additives. With respect to safety considerations for any substance added to food, including alternative sources of protein, the FD&C Act (1) defines what a food additive is, (2) outlines the GRAS provision, (3) requires premarket approval of new uses of food additives, (4) establishes the standard of review, (5) establishes the standard of safety, and (6) establishes formal rulemaking procedures.

Food Safety Definitions, Tools, and Programs

Fasano described the statutory definition of a food additive in the FD&C Act as broad, given that it covers

any substance the intended use of which results or may reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly, in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristic of any food including any substance intended for use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food.

Fasano explained that under the FD&C Act, food additives are subject not only to premarket review and approval by the FDA but also to regulation prescribing the conditions under which a food additive may be safely used, with successful food additive petitions resulting in a regulation number. He highlighted certain notable exceptions to the statutory definition of a food additive, including prior sanctioned ingredients, color additives (which have separate regulations), pesticides, animal drugs that may remain in food, and dietary ingredients in dietary supplements.

Building on Hanlon’s prior introduction of the GRAS notification program, Fasano elaborated on a key exception to the statutory definition of a food additive: substances that are considered GRAS if “the substance is generally recognized, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate its safety, as adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use.” A specific use of a substance that meets the criteria for GRAS status is not subject to the premarket approval requirements of the FD&C Act and thus does not require rulemaking. However,

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

Fasano elaborated, the FDA maintains a voluntary premarket program under which the agency evaluates a firm’s conclusion of GRAS status for its intended use of an ingredient. The submissions and the agency’s responses are posted to the GRAS Notice Inventory on the FDA website.

Fasano emphasized that the standard for safety and evidence required for a GRAS conclusion is the same as that for an approved food additive. He explained that for the GRAS provision to apply to an ingredient, safety data must not only demonstrate reasonable certainty of no harm from the intended use but also be (1) generally available (i.e., not confidential and published in peer-reviewed publications) and (2) generally accepted (i.e., through consensus among qualified scientific experts regarding safety). Fasano remarked that in a sense, it can sometimes be more challenging to satisfy the criteria for GRAS status than those for a food additive because the latter requires approval only by the FDA, whereas meeting the GRAS criteria involves convincing the relevant scientific community as a whole that a particular use of an ingredient is safe.

Fasano explained that the safety standard for food additives outlined in the FD&C Act requires reasonable certainty that a substance will not cause harm, not absolute proof of safety. The FDA’s approach to assessing the safety of substances added to food, he summarized, includes identifying the ingredient, determining the exposure that will result from its intended use, considering its relevant properties, and reviewing appropriate data. As described earlier by Hanlon, the basic elements of the safety assessment are (1) defining and characterizing an ingredient, its manufacturing process, and specifications; (2) identifying its intended uses; (3) estimating maximum levels of consumption for the intended use; and (4) determining whether it will be safe at the estimated exposure levels. Fasano noted that this process applies to any substance being added to food.

Safety Assessment of Precision Fermentation Products

Fasano reiterated Hanlon’s explanation that the method of precision fermentation, or recombinant fermentation, uses microorganisms to produce food ingredients (Figure 3-1), and that bacteria and fungi have a long history in traditional food production to make yogurt, cheese, pickles, wine, bread, and other foods. Fasano noted that fermentation has also been used as a source of enzymes to treat or otherwise modify food. Originally, he said, these enzymes were those already produced by the organism. In 1990, however, the FDA evaluated a genetically engineered microorganism used in the production of an ingredient for use in conventional food for the first time (recombinant chymosin). In the decades since, Fasano observed, the FDA has routinely evaluated recombinant ingredients derived from microbial fermentation through its premarket programs.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
FIGURE 3-1 The precision fermentation process.
SOURCE: Presented by Jeremiah Fasano on August 17, 2022, from Waschulin and Specht, 2018. Reprinted with permission from The Good Food Institute.

Typically, Fasano explained, recombinant fermentation represents a new way of making a substance that is already found in food. He gave the example of the use of precision fermentation to produce steviol glycosides—sweet-tasting chemical compounds that traditionally have been extracted from plants. The heterologous expression of steviol glycoside biosynthetic enzymes is introduced into various microorganisms to enable a biosynthetic pathway, and this fermentation process yields steviol glycoside that is then collected as an ingredient. Fasano stated that microorganisms can also be used to recapitulate the production process of human milk oligosaccharides, traditionally found in milk, and that precision fermentation is also being used to produce food ingredients such as soy leghemoglobin and soluble egg-white protein. Fasano described these ingredients as innovative applications of the basic principle of using microorganisms to produce engineered substances for use in food.

According to Fasano, the same safety assessment process for all substances used in food is applied to ingredients produced with precision fermentation: the ingredient is defined, the exposure level is projected, and appropriate data are reviewed. He explained that in a new production process, the potential presence of certain contaminants might vary from that of other processes, and a safety assessment would evaluate the potential

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

for contaminants specific to the new process. Likewise, he added, any differential posttranslational modification made in producing a protein from a particular source would be assessed to determine whether this change would affect digestibility or other factors. Any potential differences resulting from a process are identified to evaluate their relevance from a safety perspective, said Fasano.

Safety Assessment of Animal Cell Culture in Food and Feed Production

Fasano explained that animal cell culture is a process that is widely used in a therapeutic and research context and is now being explored for use in food production. In a partnership established in 2019, the FDA and USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) jointly oversee products that feature cultured livestock or poultry cells to be used in human food.2 The FDA oversees cell collection and cell culturing and conducts premarket consultations on production processes. Both the FDA and FSIS provide oversight over the harvesting of live cellular material in the field. FSIS oversees conventional processing, packaging, and labeling of products containing harvested cellular material. The FDA oversees the entire process, Fasano noted, from collection through market, for human foods incorporating cultured fish and seafood cells, with the exception of Siluriformes fish.

The FDA’s agreement with USDA includes a commitment to multiple activities related to the use of this new food production technology, said Fasano. He detailed these activities as (1) conducting premarket consultations; (2) overseeing cell collection, banking, and culture; (3) coordinating with FSIS to oversee the harvesting of cellular material from livestock, poultry, and Siluriformes fish; (4) enforcing FDA requirements applicable during production; (5) conducting inspections as necessary; and (6) overseeing food products incorporating cultured fish and seafood cells. Fasano noted that during premarket consultation, numerous factors are evaluated, such as the production materials used as inputs in the process, the process for initial tissue collection to establish cell lines, the development and maintenance of cell lines and banks, and the properties of the material at collection.

In summary, Fasano stated that the FDA has methods for evaluating substances or additives to ensure that they will not adulterate the foods to which they are added. Production processes are considered with regard to any effects they may have on the safety or properties of food. Fasano


2 More information about the formal agreement between the FDA and USDA regarding oversight of human food containing cultured animal cells is available at (accessed October 13, 2022).

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

remarked that the FDA’s goal is not to identify differences between foods with and without the substances or additives but, more specifically, to identify differences that may be relevant from a food safety perspective. Thus, as production processes change, he concluded, so too may the data required to establish safety.


Douglas Balentine, FDA CFSAN, outlined the required components of food labels. He opened by explaining that existing labeling requirements for all foods are applied to all alternative protein foods to ensure that labels are meeting a consumer’s expectations and needs. The FDA may consider issuing guidance around how to apply the labeling guidelines appropriately for these new products as it deems necessary, he added, as it is doing for labeling of plant-based alternative foods. Balentine clarified that his presentation would focus on labels overseen by the FDA, noting that USDA has labeling authority over many food products containing meat, poultry, and certain types of fish. As mentioned by Fasano, the FDA and USDA also have a shared responsibility for labeling food products derived from cell culture technologies. As these products evolve and enter the marketplace, said Balentine, the two agencies may take somewhat different approaches, but generally the methods they use with respect to the labeling of food products are aligned. He highlighted as one notable difference the use of premarket approval for labels by USDA and not by the FDA, which conducts postmarket label reviews.

For most consumers, Balentine remarked, the food label is an important source of information for guiding food choices and understanding the nutritional composition and benefits of foods they consume. He observed that in general, the label outlines a food’s nutritional composition and may contain claims and other messages. More specifically, mandatory components of the label include (1) a statement of identity (i.e., what type of food the package contains); (2) the net quantity of contents within the package; (3) the name and location of the company that manufactures the product; (4) an ingredient statement; (5) nutrition labeling; (6) allergen labeling if applicable; and (7) material facts about the food, such as safe handling information or preparation instructions. He noted that existing labeling regulations apply to all foods, including emerging alternative protein products.

Statement of Identity

A product’s statement of identity is the name of the food, said Balentine, adding that the name may be required by law or legislation (e.g., butter,

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

cheddar cheese), whereas in other cases, a common name is used for a food (e.g., tomato soup, chocolate chip cookie). Such terms have emerged over time, he noted, and are commonly understood to represent specific foods. Balentine added that marketers often use a fanciful, branded, or registered trademark name for a particular food in an effort to make the food stand out. If the name a marketer has selected for a food is not sufficiently clear, he said, an appropriately descriptive term or set of terms must be included to provide clarity to consumers. According to Balentine, descriptive terms are often needed for alternative protein foods to ensure that consumers understand what they are purchasing. For example, the statement of identity for a plant-based yogurt could be “soy-based yogurt alternative,” making clear that the product is an alternative to traditional yogurt. Thus, stated Balentine, statements of identity help consumers understand the nature of the food they are buying and how it is to be used. He emphasized that this can be particularly important for foods that are substituting for or replacing animal-based products.

Ingredients and Allergens

An ingredient statement listing all food ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight is a requirement for all packaged foods, said Balentine. The common names of ingredients must be used, and sub-ingredients must be included. Names of novel ingredients, such as those featured in some alternative protein products, can include a comment or bullet to add further clarity about the ingredient’s identity. Balentine pointed out that using similar names for an ingredient across product categories helps consumers recognize the ingredient from one product to another. Any ingredients that constitute less than 2 percent of the food’s weight may be grouped together.

Balentine stated that allergen labeling is required for any major food allergens, as defined by the FD&C Act. He stressed that this feature is important for consumers with food sensitivities or allergies and noted that alternative proteins made from fermentation processes are potentially allergenic; for example, dairy proteins produced from yeast or other fungi are likely to have the same allergenic potential as dairy proteins produced by animals. Thus, Balentine stressed, appropriate disclosure is critically important to consumers with milk allergies. Likewise, he pointed out that insect proteins may have the potential to cause cross-reactions for people with crustacean allergies, depending on how the proteins are purified and isolated and the nature of the ingredient itself. Thus, he said, as new ingredients come to the marketplace, it is important to monitor for the emergence of any cross-reactions or new allergies to appropriately address any allergen-related risks.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

Voluntary Elements

Balentine commented that food labels can also contain voluntary elements, such as additional material facts, nutrient content claims, health claims, and other truthful and nonmisleading information.3 He explained that the claims required for most foods apply to foods featuring novel proteins and given that alternative proteins are often marketed as substitutions for traditional animal-based products, claims are used to differentiate new foods from their analogs. He gave the example of an alternative product whose label may include a claim that it contains lower saturated fat or higher nutrient levels than those of a traditional animal-based product. He added that claims can refer to percent reductions of certain dietary components compared with competing products.

Some alternative protein foods may qualify for existing health claims, Balentine observed, which require preapproval by the FDA. Health claims, he elaborated, include expressed or implied statements about the relationship of a food substance to a disease or health-related condition for either the general U.S. population or a subpopulation, such as women or older adults. He noted that a product may feature an approved health claim on its label and/or in promotional activities.

Balentine explained that food labels can also carry function claims, which state a relationship between a body function and a nutrient, food component, or food. These function claims do not require premarket approval, he said, but they must be supported by sound science.

Claims regarding a product’s social, economic, or environmental effects can also be included on the label, Balentine stated, provided they are truthful and not misleading. He noted that many companies producing alternative protein foods use claims of environmental friendliness, sustainability, or social welfare to differentiate their products from those that are animal based. Although the FDA does not have specific guidance or regulations pertaining to these types of general claims, Balentine said, the agency ensures that the claims are based on sound facts and are not found to be misleading to consumers during postmarket review. He added that the FDA views these claims in the context of the entire label.

Balentine concluded by remarking that, in addition to regulations at the national level, international groups are discussing issues related to food labeling and nutrition. He reported that both FAO and WHO are encouraging the Codex Alimentarius4 to develop appropriate guidelines and


3 More information about nutrient content claims is available at (accessed October 14, 2022).

4 More information about the Codex is available at (accessed October 31, 2022).

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

standards regarding nutritional composition and labeling requirements to move toward a common set of international guidelines.


The discussion following the presentations summarized above focused on regenerative agriculture, regulatory processes, the role of mimicry in plant-based alternatives, repurposing agricultural land, consumer perceptions of processing and ingredient count, and defining alternative protein.

Regenerative Agriculture

Williamson asked whether regenerative agricultural practices could serve as an intermediary step toward eliminating animal agriculture, allowing some level of meat production while decreasing the harmful effects of traditional animal agriculture. Brown remarked that “regenerative agriculture” is not a well-defined term, and that it is often applied to a certain grazing approach for which little evidence indicates that it improves carbon levels and some contrary evidence exists. He argued that replacing millions of acres of the Amazon rainforest with cows regeneratively grazing and ostensibly putting carbon into the soil will never approach the climate benefit of removing 22 years’ worth of fossil fuel emissions and restoring native ecosystems. Any effort to decrease harmful effects on the climate is a step in the right direction, he acknowledged, but the levels of effectiveness of regenerative agriculture and elimination of animal agriculture are vastly different.

Regulatory Processes

Williamson posed a question from an audience member about the safety and regulatory processes involved when a new substance is added to food. Hanlon responded that an assessment is performed on any new substance—whether a protein is extracted from an agricultural source or created via precision fermentation—to ensure that its safety is equivalent to that of similar substances already available to consumers. This process, he explained, involves examining the ingredient’s composition and consumption patterns. To illustrate, he used the example of a milk protein produced by a fungus for which it could be determined that there were no compositional differences from a milk protein produced by a cow, so that assurance of the safety of the fungal-produced protein could rely on data demonstrating the safety of its counterpart produced by a cow.

In response to a question about whether companies can volunteer additional safety testing data during or after the GRAS approval process,

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

Fasano clarified that the FDA does not issue GRAS approvals; rather, if a substance meets GRAS criteria, it is exempt from the requirement to obtain premarket approval. Thus, he said, GRAS status is an exemption from an approval process, not an approval in and of itself. For a substance to meet GRAS criteria, he added, evidence of safety must be publicly available and supported by broad consensus. Fasano noted that given the level of evidence required to meet GRAS criteria, a company making a robust case for a GRAS exemption would not need to submit additional data. Therefore, further data would be relevant only in specific circumstances, such as a modification being made in the production process.

Role of Mimicry in Plant-Based Alternatives

Williamson asked about an approach for decreasing consumption of animal-based proteins by creating new plant-based products that do not attempt to mimic animal products. For example, falafel nuggets could provide a plant-based alternative to animal protein without having to match the taste, texture, and appeal of an animal-based counterpart. Frey reiterated that consumer responses indicate the importance of similarity to a dairy or meat counterpart as a factor in plant-based purchases. This preference, she asserted, also is reflected in the popularity of plant-based patties and nuggets, which are both convenient for and familiar to consumers. At the same time, however, Frey pointed out that consumer interest in plant-based products across categories indicates an opportunity for innovation beyond efforts to mimic analogs. Messina referenced several studies indicating that plant-based products that do not attempt to replicate the experience of consuming animal-based products are more readily accepted by people already on a plant-based diet than by those on an omnivorous diet. He cited as an example black bean burgers, remarking that they do not mimic beef and, despite having been available for decades, have neither achieved mass appeal nor shifted the animal-to-plant protein intake ratio in any country. He added that people who consume animal-based products are more likely to eat products similar in taste and texture to the products with which they are familiar than unfamiliar plant-based products.

Repurposing Agricultural Land

A question was raised about the potential for land recovered through reduced animal farming to be used for nonsustainable purposes. Brown responded that this topic is being actively considered at Impossible Foods. He stressed that animal agriculture is the most land-intensive human activity by a wide margin, with all cities and suburbs in the world occupying about 3 percent of the amount of land used for animal agriculture. Therefore, he

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

argued, strong economic drivers for the repurposing of agricultural land for commercial construction are absent. Brown commented further that, according to several studies, abandoned agricultural land can readily recover native ecosystems provided it has not been severely damaged. He observed that forests are flourishing in what used to be New England farmland, and forest is even found at the Chernobyl site just 35 years after the nuclear accident there occurred. Thus, he maintained, land will default to recovery of biomass unless economic incentives drive its use for other purposes. Brown also highlighted movement toward creating economic incentives for carbon capture. Although he acknowledged that the future of this market is unpredictable, he pointed out that the current demand for carbon capture in the voluntary carbon market exceeds the supply of credible carbon capture products. Thus, he asserted, there could be significant earning potential in this area for farmers, given that U.S. cattle ranchers average single-digit earnings per acre, whereas restoring native ecosystems and selling carbon credits at current voluntary market carbon prices offers earnings several-fold greater. He argued further that economic incentives for restoring ecosystems and capturing carbon are more likely than incentives for other land uses.

Consumer Perceptions of Processing and Ingredient Count

Hanlon remarked that as a food toxicologist, he does not relate his food choices to the number of additives or processing techniques used to produce a particular food. Pointing to the heavy emphasis of classification systems such as NOVA on the degree of processing and number of additives for a food, rather than on its nutrient content or energy density, he asked about the effect of such classification systems on consumer choices. Frey replied that in many countries around the world, consumers are increasingly reporting attention to the level of processing used for foods. This conversation is starting to gain attention in the United States as well, she noted, along with the idea that consumers should avoid products containing hard-to-pronounce ingredients. Over the past few years, she pointed out, enormous growth has occurred in “clean labeling,” which features claims that products do not contain artificial ingredients, flavors, or colors. Beyond foods, she added, preferences for natural products are increasingly applied to home and body products. In recent months, she said, ingredient count has emerged as another consumer focus. She stated that this is not a positive or negative development but a lens through which to understand how consumers view products with higher or lower ingredient counts. In summary, Frey observed that consumers are examining labels, reading ingredients, and indicating a preference for natural products with clean labels.

Messina contended that the food industry has done a poor job of educating the public around the role of food processing and ingredient count.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

The number of ingredients is completely unrelated to a product’s nutrient quality, he remarked. To illustrate he pointed to such products as the Impossible Burger that have long ingredient lists because they are fortified with nutrients. Furthermore, he maintained, the complexity of ingredient names on labels does not necessarily reflect the safety of the ingredients. And he noted that “ascorbic acid” is more difficult to pronounce than “vitamin C,” yet these are two names for the same nutrient.

Williamson asked Frey whether consumers have indicated that they pay attention to nutrient density. Frey replied that consumers pay attention to nutrients listed on nutrition labels but that the topic of nutrient density is absent from consumer responses. She added that researchers are discussing different metrics for measuring the nutrient content of products. Williamson commented that products sometimes feature claims about nutrient content, such as the claim that alternative protein sources have higher fiber content than that of their animal counterparts.

Defining Alternative Protein

Naomi Fukagawa, USDA, asked the panel to define “alternative protein.” Balentine remarked that in his work with Codex, the discussion features a distinction between long-standing plant-based proteins, such as tempeh, tofu, and black bean burgers, and products developed to resemble and replace animal-based counterparts, such as beef, chicken, or salmon. In this sense, he suggested, the term “alternative protein” does not apply to all sources of plant-based dietary protein. He pointed out, for example, that legumes are a source of protein but would not be considered an alternative protein food, as they are not intended to directly replace a specific animal-based product. Fasano stated that many forums refer to alternative proteins as a conceptual group, but from the safety perspective, these foods are produced with varied technologies that often have little relationship to one another. Thus, he maintained, the functional or consumer perspective on alternative proteins is quite different from the technical one. Hanlon said he applies the term “alternative protein” to a food that is new, featuring either novel composition or an existing protein produced via a new manufacturing method. Frey observed that consumers wishing to increase consumption of plant-based foods can eat either inherently plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, or products that mimic conventional products. In the data she shared in her presentation, “alternative protein” refers to counterparts to conventional proteins that offer consumers an alternative to traditional foods. Her company is tracking protein trends in terms of whether they are proven, growing, or developing because this information helps researchers understand the evolution of the plant-based protein perspective.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.

Messina commented on the cultural dimension of terminology. He noted that in Indonesia, tempeh is a protein-rich national food that is considered a primary protein, not an alternative. Messina suggested that as plant-based products gain in popularity, the term “alternative protein” will lose relevance and fall out of use. Brown remarked that he is averse to the term and considers it of limited usefulness for several reasons. For instance, the term is centered on an animal-based diet; for people eating a vegan diet, meat would be the alternative protein. Additionally, Brown said, the term encompasses many disparate products, making it imprecise. Moreover, he dislikes the use of the term “protein” as a synonym for meat or fish, as evidenced in the common refrain, “you need a protein for your meal.” As a biochemist, he understands protein as a class of molecules, and in his view, equating protein with animal muscle creates confusion among consumers and reinforces the normalization of eating parts of animals. Williamson observed that conceptual vocabulary is often redefined as innovation evolves.

Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 41
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
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Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 43
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 44
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 45
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 46
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 47
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 48
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 49
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 50
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 51
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 52
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 53
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 54
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 55
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 56
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 57
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 58
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 59
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 60
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 61
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 62
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 63
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 64
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 65
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 66
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 67
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 68
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 69
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 70
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
Page 71
Suggested Citation:"3 Implications for the Industry, Consumers, and Regulators." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/26923.
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Alternative Protein Sources: Balancing Food Innovation, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Health: Proceedings of a Workshop Get This Book
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Alternative protein sources, which can be derived from plant and animal cells or created by precision fermentation, can have health, environmental, socio-economic, and ethical impacts. With a variety of types of alternative proteins being developed and available on the market, consumers, regulatory agencies, manufacturers, and researchers are faced with many different considerations. The National Academies Food Forum hosted a workshop that took a multi-sector approach to explore the state of the science on alternative protein sources as they relate to issues around diet quality, nutrition, and sustainability. The workshop also examined how alternative protein food processing innovations can be balanced in a way that optimizes nutritional content, affordability, and accessibility. This Proceedings of a Workshop summarizes the discussions held during the workshop.


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