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Nutrient Requirements of Sheep. (1968)

Chapter: 43 - 63

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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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Suggested Citation:"43 - 63." National Research Council. 1968. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep.. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27604.
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TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Nutrient Requirements of Sheep 37 Feed name or Mean LV. Feed name or Mean C.v onolyses As fed Dry £% onalyses As fed Dry + % Ether extract % 3.3 a.) Protein (N x 6.25) % 7.2 9.0 Sheep dig prot % 4.4 §.5 FESCUE, MEADOW. Festuca elatior Cellulcse % 10.4 13.0 Lignin % 6.4 8.0 Fescue, meadow, hay, sc, (1) Energy GE kcal/kg] 2870. 3587. Fescue hay, tall Sheep DE keal/feg]} 1725. 2156. Sheep ME kcal/Mg} 1522. 1902. Ref no 1-01-912 Sheep TON % 40. 50. Calcium % 1.90 2.37 Ory matter % 88.5 100.0 3 Phasphorus % 10 12 Ash % 7.3 6.2 15 Carotene ma/kg 14.5 18.1 Crude fiber % 27.6 31.2 16 Ether extract % 2.6 3.0 37 N-free extract % 41.7 47.1 Protein (N x 6.25) % 9.3 10.5 39 Sheep dig prot % 5.8 6.5 Dicalcium - see Calcium phosphate, dibasic, comm Cellulose %| 33.4 37.8 Lignin % 6.1 6.9 55 Energy GE kcal/g | 3661. 4137. Sheep DE kcal/g $2958. 2778. Distillers grains - see Corn, see Sorghum, grain Sheep ME kal ‘kg |2016. 2278. variety, see Rye Sheep TON % 56. 63. Calcium % 244 ~50 | 49 Magnesium % 44 .50 | 38 Phosphorus % ~32 .36 153 Potassium % 1.65 1.87 | 30 Manganese ma/eg 21.7 24.5 OROPSEED, SAND. Sporobolus cryptandrus FISH, MENHADEN. Brevoortia tyrannus Dropseed, sand, aerial pt, fresh, dormant (2) Sand dropseed Fish, menhaden, whole or cuttings, cooked mech- extd dehy grnd, (5) Ref no 2-05-596 Fish meal, menhaden Ref no 5-02-009 Dry matter % 86.0 100.0 Ash % 5.4 6.3 Dry matter % 92.0 100.0 2 Ether extract % 1.2 1.4 Ash % 19.6 21.3 17 Protein (N x 6.25) % 4.3 5.0 Crude fiber % 1.0 1.1 90 Sheep dig prot % 1.6 1.9 Ether extract % 7.7 8.4 a1 Cellulose % 39.6 46.0 N-free extract % 2.4 2.6 Lignin % 6.9 8.0 Protein (N x 6.25) % 61.3 66.6 5 Energy GE keal/ig | 3593. 4178. Sheep dig prot % 49.6 53.9 Sheep DE kealfg | 2073. 2410. Energy Sheep ME keal/g 11780. 2070. Sheep DE kcalfeg | 3002. 3263. Sheep TON % 51. 59. Sheep ME kcal/kg | 2462. 2676. Calcium % 49 57 Sheep TON % 66. 74, Phosphorus *% 05 06 Calcium % 5.49 5.97 | 16 Carotene mg/kg .3 .4 tron % .056 -061) 37 Phosphorus *% 2.81 3.05 | 31 Copper me/kg 8.4 9.1 23 Manganese mg/kg 25.7 27.9 40 Choline ma/eg | 3080. 3348. Ear corn chop - see Corn, ears, grnd Niacin ma/tg 55.9 60.8 13 Pantothenic acid marke 8.8 9.6 Riboflavin mesg 4.8 5.2 32 Thiamine ma/g .7 .8 69 Feeding ost meal - see Oats, cereal by-prod, mx 4 for Arginine % 4.00 @.35 Contnsed (1) Gry forages and roughages (3) silages (2) pasture, range plants, and (4) energy feeds forages fed green (5) protein supplements 58 59 Feed nome or Meon AV. onclyses As fed Dry +% Histidine % 1.60 1.74 Isoleucine % 4.10 4.46 Leucine * §.00 5.44 Lysine % §.30 5.76 6 Methionine % 1.80 1.96 5 Phenylalanine % 2.70 2.93 Threonine * 2.90 3.16 Tryptophan % 60 65 Tyrosine * 1.60 1.74 Valine * 3.60 3.91 FLAX. Linum usitatissimum Flax, seed screenings, (4) Ref no 4-02-056 Ory matter % 91.6 100.0 Ash % 7.3 8.0 Crude fiber % 13.3 14.5 Ether extract * 10.2 11.1 N-free extract % a4a.9 49.0 Protein (N x 625) % 15.9 17.4 Sheep dig prot % 8.9 9.7 Energy Sheep DE kcalfg 125865. 2622. Sheep MEkcalg 12120. 2314. Sheep TON % 59. 64. Calcium * .37 -40 Phosphorus % 43 -47 Flax, seed, mech-extd grnd, mx 0.5 acid insol ash, (5) Linseed meal (AAFCO) Linseed meal (CFA) Linseed oil meal, expeller extracted Linseed oil meal, hydraulic extracted Linseed meal, old process Ref no 5-02-045 Dry matter % 91.0 100.0 2 Ash % 5.6 6.2 10 Crude fiber % 9.0 9.9 17 Ether extract % 5.2 5.7 25 N-free extract % 35.8 39.4 Protein (N x 625) % 35.5 36.8 7 Sheep dig prot % 29.7 32.6 Energy Sheep DEkcal/feg (3210. 3527. Sheep ME kcal/eg 12632. 2692. Sheep TON % 73. Bo. Calcium * 244 -48 126 Iron * O17 ~0O19]37 Magnesium % .58 64 Phosphorus * »89 98 18 Potassium * 1.24 1.36 Continead (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 60

38 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Mean AV. onolyses As fed Dry +% Sodium % 21) 12 Cobelt mg/g -400 500] 40 Copper maftg 26.4 29.0 29 Manganese meg 39.4 43.3 35 Carotene ma/rg 2 .2 Choline meg | 18635. 2048. Folic acid ma/rg 2.90 3.20 Niacin meg 35.6 39.1 16 Pantothenic acid mae/kg 17.8 19.6 26 Riboflavin me/kg 3.5 3.8 21 Thiamine ma/kg 5.) 5.6 46 Vitamin A equiv tU/g 3 3 Methionine % .70 ~77 Flax, seed, solv-extd grnd, mx 0.5 acid insol ash, (5) Solvent extracted linseed meal (AAFCO) Solvent extracted linseed meal (CFA) Linseed oi! meal, solvent extracted Ref no 5-02-048 Ory matter % 91.0 100.0 2 Ash % 5.8 6.4 12 Crude fiber % 9.0 9.9 11 Ether extract * 1.7 1.9 5} N-free extract * 39.3 43.2 Protein (N x 6.25) % 35.1 38.6 8 Sheep dig prot % 30.6 33.6 Energy Sheep DE kcal/g | 3129. 3439. Sheep ME kcal/feg | 2566. 2820. Sheep TON % 71. 76. Calcium % 40 44 20 fron % 033 ~036 Magnesium % ~60 - 66 Phosphorus * »-83 «91 21 Potassium * 1.38 1.52 Sodium % 0164 ~15 Cobelt me/kg 20 20 Copper mg/kg 25.7 28.2 Manganese mg/g 37.6 41.3 36 Choline meee {} 1225. 1347. Niacin ma/rg 30.1 33.1 Riboflavin me/kg 2.9 3.2 Thiamine me/kg 9.5 10.4 28 Flax, seed screenings, extn unapec grnd (5) Flax seed screenings oil feed (CFA) Ref no 5-02-053 Ory matter * 91.5 100.0 1 Ash % 8.5 9.3 22 Crude fiber * 11.4 12.5 18 Ether extract % 7.2 7.9 11 N-free extract * 40.1 43.9 Protein (N x 6.25) % 24.1 26.4 7 Sheep dig prot % 13.6 14.9 Costinsed (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants end torages fed green 61 Feed name or onolyses Mean Feed name or Meon AV. onalyses As fed Dry +% Energy Sheep DE keal/eg } 2375. 2601. Sheep ME kcal/kg 1947. 2133. Sheep TON % 54. 59. Calcium % 244 ~48 Phosphorus % 65 ~69 Flax, seed screenings, mech-extd grnd, (5) Flaxseed screenings meal (AAFCO) Ref no 5-02-054 Ory matter % 91.0 100.0 1 Ash * 6.7 7.4 16 Crude fiber % 12.0 13.2 20 Ether extract * 9.4 10.3 18 N-free extract % 47.0 51.7 Protein (N x 6.25) % 16.8 17.4 1) Sheep dig prot % 12.0 13.2 Energy GE keal/fg 14316. 4743. Sheep DE kcal/fig | 3009. 3307. Sheep ME keai/eg |2468. 2712. Sheep TON % 68. 75. Cakium % .37 41 Phosphorus * «43 47 GALLETA. Hilaria jamesii Galleta, serial pt, fresh, dormant, (2) Ref no 2-05-594 Dry matter % 66.0 100.0 Ash % 14.3 16.6 Ether extract % 1.7 2.0 Protein (N x 625) % 4.7 5.5 Sheep dig prot % 1.2 1.4 Cellulose % 24.1 28.0 Lignin % 6.9 8.0 Energy GE wale 13520. 3860. Sheep DE keal/feg | 1434, 1667. Sheep ME kcal/g } 1128. 1312. Sheep TON % 34. 39. Colcium % -90 1.05 Phosphorus * 06 -07 Carotene me/kg 3 ~4 Gluten feed - see Corn, gluten w bran Grain sorghum - see Sorghum, grain veriety (Q) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 62 As fed | Dry GRAINS. Scientific name not used Grains screenings - see also Barley, grain screenings: Wheat, grain screenings Grains, screenings, refuse mx 100 small weed seeds chaff hulls dust scourings noxious seeds, (4) Refuse screenings (CFA) Ref no 4-02-151 Ory matter % 90.3 100.0 Ash % 9.6 10.6 Crude fiber % 28.3 33.3 Ether extract * 3.9 4.53 N-free extract % 34.1 37.8 Protein (N x 625) % 14.4 16.0 Sheep dig prot % 10.4 11.5 Energy Sheep DE kcal/g | 2150. 2361. Sheep ME kcal/yg | 1763. 1952. Sheep TON % a9. 54. Alanine % 59 -65 Mginine % 62 69 Aspartic acid % - 66 95 Glutamic acid % 2.82 3.12 Glycine * 54 60 Histidine * 27 »30 Isoleucine * »48 -55 Leucine % ~89 »99 Lysine % 244 -49 Methionine % 214 015 Phenylalanine % 59 65 Proline * 99 1.10 Serine % 252 -58 Threonine * 42 «47 Tyrosine % .29 32 Valine % 58 64 Grains, screenings, uncleaned, mn 12 grain mx 3 wild osts mx 17 buckwhest and lerge seeds mx 68 small weed seeds cheff hulls dust scour- ings noxious seeds, (4) Uncleaned screenings (CF A) Ref no 4-02-153 Dry matter % 91.5 100.0 Ash % 7.7 8.4 Crude fiber % 16.7 18.3 Ether extract % 4.0 4.4 N-free extract % 46.8 $3.3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 14.3 15.6 Sheep dig prot % 10.2 11.2 Energy Sheep DE malig | 2603. 2910. Coatinned 6) minerais (7) vitamins (8) additives 653

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed name or Mean C.V. onelyses As fed Dry +% Sheep MEbeaifg [2183. 2386. Sheep TON % 60. 66. Calcim % »37 »40 Phosphorus % 41 ~45 Alanine % .49 54 Mginien % -61 67 Aapc:tic acid % 74 .81 Glutamic acid % 3.38 3.69 Ghycine % 56 61 Histidine % 227 -30 teoleucine % 41 245 Leucine % 82 -90 Lysine % -38 42 Methionine % 217 -19 Phenyisienine % 53 58 Proline % 1.05 1.15 Serine % -61 -67 Threonine % 40 44 Tyrosine % 53 58 Valine % 53 58 Grains, brewers grains, dehy, mx 3 dried spent hops, (6) Brewers dried grains (AAF CO} Brewers dried grains (CFA) Ref no 5-02-141 Dry matter % 92.0 100.0 1 Aah % 3.6 3.9 14 Crude fiber % 15.0 16.3 14 Ether extract % 6.2 6.7 19 N-tree extract % 41.4 45.0 Protein (N 1 6.25) % 25.9 28.1 M1 Sheep dig prot % 19.1 20.8 Energy Sheep DE malig 12799. 3042. Sheep ME keal/eg 12294. 2494. Sheep TON % 63. 69. Caickem % .27 .29 | 45 iron % 025 -027] 33 Magnesium % 14 215 7/71 Phosphorus % .50 -54 115 Potassium % 08 .09 | 72 Sodium % .26 28 Cobstt me/eg -100 - 100] 30 Copper mae 21.3 22.2 56 Manganese me/kg 37.6 40.9 24 Choline meee | 1587. 1725. Folie acid meske 22 24 Niacin mg/kg 43.4 47.2 39 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 8.6 9.3 a9 Riboftevia me/kg 1.5 1.6 88 Thismine me/g 7 8 53 Vitamin Bé mg/kg 66 72 Arginine % 1.30 1.41 Histidine % .50 54 Isoleucine % 1.50 1.63 Leucine % 2.30 2.50 Conteeaed Q) dry forages and roughages @ pasture, range plants and forages fed green 64 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep Feed name or Mean C.V. onalyses As fed Ory +% Lysine % 90 -96 Methionine % .40 243 Phenyialenine * 1.30 1.41 Threonine % ~90 98 Tryptophan * 40 «43 Tyrosine % 1.20 1.30 Valine % 1.60 1.74 GRAMA. Bouteloua spp Grama, seriel pt, fresh, immature, (2) Ref no 2-02-163 Ory matter % 41.0 100.0 7 Aah % @.6 11.3 26 Crude fiber % 11.2 27.2 11 Ether extract * 8 2.0 35 N-free extract % 19.0 46.4 Protein (N x 6.25) % 5.4 13.1 16 Sheep dig prot % 3.8 9.2 Energy Sheep OE malig §157. 28622. Sheep ME nal/feg | 949. 2314. Sheep TON % 26. 64. Calcium % 022 -53 | 64 Phosphorus % -08 -19 | 54 Copper m/e 2.3 5.5 Manganese me/tg 15.5 37.9 Grama, serial pt, fresh, mature, (2) Ref no 2-02-1606 Dry matter * 63.4 100.0 11 Aah * 7.2 11.4 33 Crude fiber % 20.7 32.7 8 Ether extract % 1.1 1.7 55 N-free extract * 30.2 47.7 Protein (N x 6.25) % 4.1 6.5 18 Sheep dig prot % 1.9 3.0 Energy Sheap Demalig 11873. 2954, Sheep ME bcal/g 11536. 2422. Sheep TON % a2. 67. Colclum * 22 ~34 | 25 Magneshsn % .08 2153 Phosphorus % .08 ~12 133 Potassium % 22 35 Cobalt mej oll 18 Copper meg 8.1 12.8 Manganese me/kg 30.0 a7.4 Carotene mej 19.3 30.4 81 Vitamin A equiv 1U/g 32.2 50.7 (3) silages Feed nom ~- analyses P= GRASS—LEGUME. Scientific name not used Grassegume, mixed, serial pt, ensiled, (3) Ref no 3-02-303 Ory matter % 29.3 100.0 Aah % 2.3 8.0 Crude fiber % 9.2 31.4 Ether extract % 1.0 3.4 N-free extract % 13.3 45.4 Protein (N x 6.25) % 6.6 11.8 Sheep dig prot % 1.8 6.0 Energy Sheep Demag | 723. 2469. Sheep ME hal/fig | 593. 2024. Sheep TON % 16. 56. Caichem % 223 -78 Phosphorus % ~13 28 Grese-legume, mixed, serial pt w molasses added, ensiled, (3) Ref no 3-02-3080 Ory matter % 30.0 100.0 Aah % 2.2 7.4 Crude fiber % 9.3 31.1 Ether extract % 1.1 3.3 Nfree extract % 14.1 47.0 Protein (N x 6.25) % 3.4 11.2 Sheep dig prot % 1.7 5.7 Energy Sheep DEmalig | 754. 2513. Sheep MEkcaifg | 618. 2061. Sheep TON % 17. 57. Colclum % 231 1.04 Phosphorus % .08 .28 Groundnut - see Peanut Hominy feed - see Corn, grits by-prod Johneongrass - see Sorghum, John ongrass Kafir - see Sorghum, kafir Kentucky bleegress - see Bleegress, Keatecky (6) minerals (7) vitamins @ additives 66

40 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed name or Mecn. C. onolyses As fed Dry t% LESPEDEZA. Lespedeza spp Lespedeza, hay, sc, pre-bim, (1) Ref no 1-07-954 Dry matter % 92.1 100.0 Ash % 6.5 7.1 Crude fiber % 21.8 23.7 Ether extract % 3.1 3.4 N-tree extract % 44.2 48.0 Protein (N x 6.25) % 16.4 17.8 Sheep dig prot % 11.5 12.5 Energy Sheep DE kcal/g (2477. 2690. Sheep ME kcal 12032, 2206. Sheep TON % 56. 61. Caicium % 1.05 1.14 Phosphorus % .24 .26 Lespedeza, hay, s-c, early bim, (1) Ref no 1-02-510 Dry matter % 93.4 100.0 2 Ash % 6.0 6.4 19 Crude fiber % 27.6 29.6 10 Ether extract % 3.9 4.2 25 N-free extract % 41.4 44,3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 14.5 15.5 10 Sheep dig prot % 9.8 10.5 Energy Sheep DE kcal/fg (2388. 2557. Sheep ME kcal/g 119586. 2097. Sheep TON% | 54. 58. Calcium % 1.15 1.23 | 28 Iron % .03 .04 | 26 Magnesium % -26 .28 | 23 Phosphorus % .23 ~25 | 20 Potassium % .93 1.00 | 21 Manganese mefeg | 191.6 205.1 34 Lespedeza, hay, +-c, mid-bim (1) Ref no 102-511 Ory matter % 93.0 100.0 Ash % 5.5 5.9 Crude fiber % 28.6 30.7 Ether extract % 3.7 4.0 N-free extract % 40.6 43.7 Protein (N x 625) * 14.6 15.7 Sheep dig prot % 9.9 10.6 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg 12378. 2557. Sheep ME keal/fig 11950. 2097. Costinsed (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants and forages fed green 67 Feed name or Meon LY. onolyses As fed Dry +4 Sheep TON®%® | 54. 58. Calcium % 1.11 1.19 Iron % »030 032 Magnesium % 225 27 Phosphorus % 224 26 Potassium * -96 1.05 Lespedeza, hay, s-c, full blm, (1) Ref no 1-02-512 Ory matter % 93.2 100.0 2 Ash % 5.0 5.4 l2 Crude fiber % 28.9 31.0 5 Ether extract % 2.9 3.1 1g N-free extract % 43.9 47.1 Protein (N x 6.25) % 12.5 13.4 13 Sheep dig prot % 8.0 8.6 Energy Sheep DE kcalfg 12924. 2601. Sheep ME kcal/kg | 1988. 2133. Sheep TON % 55. 59. Caicium * 97 1.04 9 iron * -03 .O3 15 Magnesium % ~22 24 22 Phosphorus % 221 223 19 Potassium % ~96 1.03 4 Manganese mg/kg 141.2 151.5 7 Lespedeza, serial pt, fresh, early bim, (2) Ref no 2-02-540 Dry matter % 25.0 100.0 Ash * 3.2 12.8 Crude fiber % 8.0 32.0 Ether extract % »5 2.0 N-free extract % 9.2 36.8 Protein (N x 625) % 4.1 16.4 Sheep dig prot % 3.) 12.3 Energy Sheep DE kcal Ag 650. 2601. Sheep ME kcal /kg 533. 2135. Sheep TON % 15. 59. Calcium % +34 1.35 iron * -006 025 Magnesium * .07 27 Phosphorus % .05 21 Potassium * 28 1.12 Lespedeza, serial pt, fresh, m ture, (2) Ref no 202-542 Ory matter % 35.5 100.0 7 Ash % 2.6 7.4 l2 Crude fiber % 15.9 44.9 3 Costinned (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 68 Feed nome or Mean V. onolyses As fed Ory +% Ether extract % 7 2.1 15 N-free extract % 11.6 32.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 4.5 12.8 8 Sheep dig prot % 3.2 6.9 Energy Sheep DE kcal /ag 676. 2469. Sheep ME kcal ‘kg 718. 2024. Sheep TON % 20. 56. Cakium % 36 1.02 Iron * -0O1 02 Magnesium % . 06 ~16 Phosphorus * 1) 31 Potassium % .27 77 Manganese meshg 30.2 85.1 LIMESTONE. Scientific name not applicable Limestone, grnd, mn 33 Ca, (6) Limestone, ground (AAFCO) Ref no 6-02-632 Ory matter % 100.0 100.0 Ash % 95.8 95.8 Calcium * 33.84 33.84 10 iron % »~ 330 330 Phosphorus % 02 02 Sodium % -06 »06 Manganese mg.‘kg 279.6 279.6 99 Linseed meel - see Flax Mange! - see Beet, mangels Meadow hey - see Native plants, Intermountain Mest meal - see Animal, carcess res Mest mee! tankage - see Animal, carcess res w blood Meat scrap - see Arumal, carcass res Middlings - see Wheat, flour by-prod, f-sift, mx 4 for Milk - see Cattle, milk Milo - see Sorghum, milo (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 69

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed name or analyses Mean As ted | Dry +% Molasses - see Beet, suger, molasses; Citrus, syrup; Sugarcane, molasses. Monosodium phosphate - see Sodium phosphate, monobasic NAPIERGRASS. Pennisetum purpureum Nepiergress, seriel pt, fresh, pre-bim, (2) Ref no 2-03-158 Dry matter % 14.9 100.0 Aah % 1.4 9.2 Crude fiber % 4.7 31.5 Ether extract % 4 3.0 N-free extract % 6.7 45.3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 1.6 11.0 Sheep dig prot % 1.0 6.4 Energy Sheap DElcalig | 348. 2337. Sheep ME malig |] 285. 1916. Sheep TON % 8. 53. Caicium % 209 .60 Phosphorus % -06 ~41 Nepiergress, serial pt, fresh, late blm, (2) Ref no 2-03-162 Dry matter % 23.0 100.0 Ash % 1.2 5.3 Crude fiber % 9.0 39.0 Ether extract % .3 1.1 N-free extract % 10.8 46.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 1.8 7.8 Sheep dig prot % .8 3.6 Energy Sheap DE kcalfig | 497. 2160. Sheep ME bal/ig | 907. 1771. Sheep TON % 11. a9. Colciem % .08 235 Phosphorus % 07 .30 (1) dry forages and roughages (2 pesture, range plants and forages fed green Nutrient Requirements of Sheep Feed nome or Mean C.V. onolyses As fed | Dry +% NATIVE PLANTS, INTERMOUNTAIN. Scientific name not used Native plants, Intermountain, hay, sc, (1) Meadow hay Ref no 103-181 Ory matter % 92.9 100.0 2 Ash % 7.5 6.1 7 Crude fiber % 28.0 30.1 3 Ether extract % 2.8 3.0 18 N-free extract % 46.2 49.7 Protein (N x 625) % 8.4 9.1 17 Sheep dig prot % 2.7 2.9 Energy Sheep DEkalig | 1884. 2028. Sheep ME kcaifig | 1545. 1663. Sheep TON % a3. a6. Calcium % 53 57 Phosphorus % 16 17 NATIVE PLANTS, MIDWEST. Scientific name not used Native plants, Madwest, hey, s-c, immature, (1) Prairie hay, immature Ref no 103-183 Dry matter % 89.5 100.0 Ash % 8.3 9.3 16 Crude fiber % 28.4 31.7 4 Ether extract % 2.3 2.6 24 N-free extract % 42.7 47.7 Protein (N x 625) % 7.8 68.7 8 Sheep dig prot % 3.9 4.4 Energy Sheep DE malig | 2210. 2469. Sheep MEkcalig } 1811. 2024. Sheep TON % 5a. 56. Calcium % 51 .57 115 Iron % 01 -O1 719 Magnesium % .22 .24 | 18 Phosphorus % 17 219 | 20 Potassaun % 97 1.08 7 Native plants, Medwest, hay, s-c, mid-bim, (1) Prairie hay, mid-bloom Ref no 1-07-956 Ory matter % 91.0 100.0 Ash % 8.7 9.6 Crude fiber % 29.2 32.1 Coated (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 71 41 Feed nome or Mean Vv. onolyses As fed Dry +% Ether extract % 2.6 . N-free extract * 43.1 47.4 Protein (N x 6.28) % 7.4 a | Sheep dig prot % 3.7 1 Energy Sheep DE kcal/feg 12006. 2205. Sheep ME keal/feg 11645. 1808. Sheep TON % 46. 5a. Calcium % 31 34 Phosphorus % 219 21 Native plants, Midwest, hay, s-c, full bim, (1) Prairie hay, full bloom Ref no 103-184 Dry matter % 63.5 100.0 9 Ash % 8.5 10.2 8 Crude fiber % 27.5 33.0 2 Ether extract * 2.7 3.2 15 N-free extract * 38.3 46.0 Protein (N x 625) % 6.3 7.6 25 Sheep dig prot % 2.8 3.4 Energy Sheep DE kecal/feg 12020. 2425. Sheep ME kcai/feg 11656. 19886. Sheep TON % a6, 55. Native plants, Medwest, hey, s-c, late bim, (1) Prairie hay, late bloom Ref no 107-957 Dry matter % 91.3 100.90 Ash % 8.6 9.4 Crude fiber % 29.7 32.5 Ether extract % 3.0 3.3 N-free extract * 44.0 48.2 Protein (N x 6.25) * 6.0 6.6 Sheep dig prot % 2.0 2.2 Energy Sheep DE kcalfg (1972. 2160. Sheep ME kcalfg (1617. 1771. Sheep TDN % a5. 49. Colclum % 33 - 36 Phosphorus % ~1l2 e135 Native plants, Midwest, hay, s-c, milk staga, (1) Prairie hay, milk stage Ref no 1-03-185 Dry matter * 91.9 100.0 Ash % 7.5 8.2 Crude fiber % 30.9 33.6 Ether extract % 2.6 2.8 N-free extract * 46.5 50.6 Contimeed (6) minerats (1) vitamins (8) additives 72

42 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed name or Mean V. onolyses As fed Dry +% Protein (N x 6.25) % 4.4 4.8 Sheep dig prot % 29 1.0 Energy Sheep DE keaifig | 1945. 2116. Sheep MEkeaifng } 1594. 1735. Sheep TON % 44. 48. Calcium % 36 39 Phosphorus % 212 213 Native plants, Midwest, hay, +c, mature, (1) Prairie hay, mature Ref no 103-187 Ory matter % 92.3 100.0 2 Ash % 6.9 7.5 14 Crude fiber % 31.2 33.8 5 Ether extract % 2.3 2.5 17 N-free extract % 47.6 51.6 Protein (N x 6.25) % 4.2 4.6 25 Sheep dig prot % 6 .7 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg | 2198. 2361. Sheep MElal/g 11802. 1952. Sheep TON % 50. 54. Calcium % 235 -38 | 24 Chlorine % 12 -13 119 tron % .01 -O1 | 32 Magnesium % -22 .24 !27 Phosphorus % 08 -09 | 20 Potassium % 63 -68 | 20 Sodium % 01 -01 199 Cobsit ma/rg ~12 213 | 47 Carotene mg/kg 9.6 10.4 52 Vitamin A equiv iu/g 16.0 17.3 Native plants, Midwest, hay, s-c, over ripe, (1) Prairie hay, over ripe Ref no 103-188 Ory matter % 91.5 100.0 1 Ash % 7.3 7.9 11 Crude fiber % 31.5 34.4 6 Ether extract % 2.7 2.9 19 N-free extract % 46.5 50.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 3.7 4.0 31 Sheep dig prot % .2 .2 Energy Sheep DE kcal/feg | 2136. 2337. Sheep MEtwai/fig | 1755. 1916. Sheep TON % a8. 53. (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants and forages fed green Feed nome or Mean C.V analyses As fed Dry 4 NEEDLEANDTHREAD. Stipe comata Needleandthread, serial pt, fresh, dormant, (2) Ref no 2-07-989 Dry matter % 86.0 100.0 Ash % 15.3 17.8 Ether extract % 4.2 4.9 Protein (N x 6.25) % 3.4 4.0 Sheep dig prot % 1.0 1.2 Cellulose % 28.4 33.90 Lignin * 6.9 8.0 Energy GE keal/feg 13367. 3915. Sheep DE mecalfig | 1697. 1973. Sheep ME kcal/eg } 1416. 1647. Sheep TON % 40. 47. Caictum * .76 - 88 Phosphorus % 06 .07 Carotene mg/kg 3 4 OATS. Avena sativa Oats, hay, s-c, (1) Ref no 1-03-280 Dry matter % 86.2 100.0 5 Ash % 6.6 7.5 24 Crude fiber % 27.3 31.0 11 Ether extract % 2.7 3.1 25 N-free extract % 43.4 49.2 Protein (N x 625) % 8.1 9.2 26 Sheep dig prot % 4.5 §.1 Energy Sheep DE kcaifg | 21200. 2361. Sheep MEwal/g } 1722. 1952. Sheep TON % a8. 54, Catclum % -23 26 | 25 Chlorine % ~ 46 52 9 iron % -04 -05 [23 Magnesium * «26 -29 | 99 Phosphorus % 21 ~-24 | 28 Potassium % 85 ~97 | 63 Sodium % 215 17 18 Cobalt me/kg .06 -07 Copper me/kg 3.9 4.4 Manganese mg/kg 65.7 74.7 49 Carotene mae/kg 66.9 101.0 85 Vitamin A equiv lU/g 146.2 168.4 (3) silages (4) energy feeds () protein supplements 74 Feed nome or on C.Y. onelyses As fed Ory t% Osts, straw, (1) Ref no 1-03-283 Dry metter % 90.1 100.0 2 Ash * 7.4 8.2 16 Crude fiber % 36.9 41.0 9 Ether extract % 1.9 2.1 21 N-free extract % 39.9 44.3 Protein (N x 6.25) % a.0 4.4 27 Sheep dig prot % 24 .4 Callulose % 36.1 40.1 Lignin * 13.1 14.6 Energy Sheep DE kealfg }1708. 1896. Sheep ME keai/fg 114901. 1555. Sheep TON % 39. 43. Calcium % ~ 30 33 16 Chlorine * -70 78 8 iron * 02 02 22 Magnesium % 16 -168 | 30 Phosphorus % «09 -10 | 34 Potassium % 2.20 2.44 24 Sodium % 233 «37 | 26 Sulfur % 22 24 11 Copper ma/eg 9.1 10.1 24 Manganese mg/kg 35.3 39.2 a4 Oats, aerial pt, ensiled, (3) Ref no 3-03-2988 Dry matter % 31.7 100.0 15 Ash % 2.7 8.4 a6 Crude fiber % 10.0 31.6 14 Ether extract % 1.3 4.1 25 N-free extract % 14.6 46.2 Protein (N x 625) % 3.1 9.7 24 Sheep dig prot % 1.6 §.0 Energy Sheep DE heai/fig 66. 2776. Sheep ME heal jg 722. 2278. Sheep TON % 20. 63. Caictum % »1l2 037 | 32 Iron % . -O1 Magnesium * O01 02 Phosphorus % ~10 -30 | 27 Potassium % 1.08 3.41 Copper me/kg 1.7 5.5 Manganese me/kg 12.8 40.4 Carotene ma/kg 37.8 119.5 92 Vitamin A equiv U/e 63.0 199.2 6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 75

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Mean AV. onoly ses As ted Dry +% Osts, cereal by-prod, mx 4 for, (4) Feeding oat meal (AAFCO) Oat middlings (CFA) Ref no 403-303 Dry matter % 91.0 100.0 ! Aah *% 2.3 2.5 18 Crude fiber % 4.0 4.4 24 Ether extract % 5.8 6.4 22 N-free extract % 63.1 69.3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 15.8 17.4 12 Sheep dig prot % 12.6 13.9 Energy Sheep DE lcaifig | 3812. 4189. Sheep ME bali | 3126. 3435. Sheep TON % 66. 95. Calcium % .08 .09 | 10 Wwon % -038 042 Phosphorus % .49 ~54 6 Manganese meskg 44.0 46.4 27 Niecin mesg 28.1 30.9 20 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 23.1 25.4 9 Riboflavin ma/rg 1.8 2.0 17 Thiamine me/e 7.0 7.7 2) Aginine % 70 77 Histidine % 30 33 Lysine % 10 21) Tyrosine % 291 1.00 Oats, grain, (4) Ref no 403-309 Ory matter % 89.0 100.0 3 Aah % 3.2 3.6 26 Crude fiber *% 11.0 12.4 33 Ether extract % 4.5 5.1 24 N-free extract % 58.5 65.7 Protein (N x 6.25) *% 11.8 13.2 17 Sheep dig prot % 9.2 10.3 Caltulose % 16.0 18.0 Lignin * 8.9 10.0 Energy GEmeaifig | 4187. 4704. Sheep DE malig | 2943. 3307. Sheep ME malig | 2914. 2712. Sheep TON % 67. 75. Caichem % 10 o11 > [70 iron % .0U7 .008/75 Magneshan % 217 -19 [28 Phosphorus % .35 -39 | 43 Potessium % .37 -42 |33 Sodium % 06 .07 159 Cobalt ma/kg ~060 .070/] 99 Copper mg/kg 5.9 6.6 74 Manganese mg/kg 38.2 42.9 8 Biotin mg/kg .30 ~30 |99 Choline meg! 1073. 1206. 17 Costinsed (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pesture, range plants and forages fed green Nutrient Requirements of Sheep 43 Feed nome or Mean CY. onolyses As fed Dry t% Folic acid me/kg .40 .40 | 57 Niacin mg/kg 15.8 17.8 al Pantothenic acid ma/kg 12.9 14.5 33 Ridoftavin ma/tg 1.6 1.8 99 Thiamine me/eg 6.2 7.0 26 a-tocopherol me/kg 5.9 6.6 28 Vitamin Bg me/kg 1.2 1.3 42 Aginine % 71 -80 | 29 Cystine % .16 .20 | 54 Histidine % 18 .20 | 58 Isoleucine % 53 ~60 | 21 Leucine % .89 1.00 | 21 Lysine % 36 -40 | 28 Methionine % 18 .20 | 35 Phenylalanine % 62 ~70 | 22 Threonine % 36 -40 | 24 Tryptophan % 18 .20 | 35 Tyrosine % 53 60 5 Valine % 62 .70 | 26 Oats, grain, Pacific coast, (4) Ref no 4-07-999 Ory matter % 91.2 100.0 Ash *% 3.7 4.0 Crude fiber *% 11.0 12.1 Ether extract % 5.4 5.9 N-free extract % 62.1 68.1 Protein (N x 6.25) *% 9.0 9.9 Sheep dig prot % 7.0 7.7 Energy Sheep DEkcaifig |3217. 3527. Sheep ME bal/fig 12638. 2892. Sheep TON % 73. 80. Caichem % .09 10 Phosphorus % 33 36 Osts, grosts, (4) Oat groats (AAFCO) Oat groats (CFA) Hulled oats (CFA) Ref no 4-03-331 Dry matter % 91.0 100.0 2 Ash % 2.2 2.4 20 Crude fiber % 3.0 3.3 40 Ether extract % 5.8 6.4 21 N-free extract % 63.2 69.5 Protein (N x 6.25) % 16.7 16.4 11 Sheep dig prot % 15.1 16.6 Energy Sheep DE kcal/g (9052. 4453. Sheep ME weal/g | 3322. 3651. Sheep TON % 92. 101. Colcium % .07 .08 Magnesium % .09 10 Conseased (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 77 Feed nome or Mean C. onalyses As fed Dry ‘ Phosphorus % 243 -4? 8 Potassium % 734 37 Copper m/e 6.4 7.0 Manganese mg/tg 28.6 31.4 16 Niacin mg/tg 6.1 8.9 13 Pantothenic acid m/e 14.7 16.2 16 Riboflavin mae/kg 1.3 1.4 9 Thiamine me/kg 6.8 7.5 1 Vitamin Bg ma/kg 1.1 1.2 21 Orange - see Citrus, orange ORCHARDGRASS. Dectylis glomersta Orchardgrass, hey, +c, (1) Ref no 103-438 Ory matter % 86.5 100.0 3 Ash % 6.7 7.6 14 Crude fiber % 30.0 34.0 l2 Ether extract % 3.0 3.4 3§ N-free extract * 40.0 45.3 Protein (N x 625) % 8.6 9.7 4) Sheep dig prot % 4.3 a.9 Cellulose % 22.) 25.0 36 Lignin * 6.7 7.6 39 Energy GE kcal/kg | 2059. 4597. 3 Sheep DEkcalg |} 2102. 2361. Sheep ME keal/feg 11724. 1952. Sheep TON % 48. 5a. Colcium % 240 «45 | 25 Chlorine % - 36 41 fron % ~O1 -O1 66 Magnesium % 28 ~-32 | 24 Phosphorus % 33 ~37 31 Potassium % 1.85 2-10 | 20 Sulfur % +23 -26 Cobatt mg/kg -02 02 Copper mae/kg 12.1 13.7 Manganese ma/kg 220.4 249.6 27 Zinc 16.0 16.1 Carotene me /kg 29.6 33.5 95 Vitamin A equiv IU 'g a9.3 55.8 Orchardgrass, serial pt, fresh, immature, (2) Ref no 2-03-440 Dry matter % 23.8 100.0 1 Ash % 2.7 11.4 17 Crude fiber % 5.6 23.6 10 Ether extract % rel 4.8 16 N-free extract % 9.9 41.8 Protein (N x 625) % 4.4 18.4 13 Sheep dig prot % 3.4 14.1 Costensed (6) minerats (7) vitamins (8) additives 78

44 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Feed nome or Meon C.V. anclyses As fed Dry *% Energy Sheep DE kcal ig 703. 2954. Sheep ME keaieg | 576. 2422. Sheep TON % 16. 67. Calcium * 14 -58 714 Iron % -02 20 Magnesium % -0? 31 17 Phosphorus * 13 -55 24 Potassium * - 80 3.38 20 Manganese mg/kg 32.0 134.3 le Carotene mekg 80.3 337.4 a4 Vitamin A equiv Ug 133.9 562.4 Orchardgrass, aerial pt, fresh, early bim, (2) Ref no 2-03-442 Ory matter % 27.5 100.0 7 Ash % 2.3 8.4 17? Crude fiber % 7.9 26.8 8 Ether extract * 1.3 4.6 1 N-free extract * 12.4 45.1 Protein (N x 6.25) % 3.6 13.1 16 Sheep dig prot % 2.5 9.2 Energy Sheep DE kcal ng 776. 2622. Sheep ME kcal kg 636. 2314. Sheep TON % 18. 64, Calcium % .07 25 tron % 02 -08 Phosphorus * 01) » 39 Copper me kg 9.1 33.1 Manganese me/kg 28.6 104.1 OYSTERS. Crassostrea spp, Ostrea spp Oysters, shells, f-grnd, mn 33 Ca, (6) Oyster shell flour (AAFCO) Ref no 6-03-481 Ory matter % 100.0 100.0 Ash % 80.8 60.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 1.0 1.0 Calcium % 38.05 38.05 Iron % 290 290 Magnesium % .30 .30 Phosphorus % .O7 .07 Potassium % -10 »10 Sodium % 2) 21 Manganese mfg | 133.3 133.3 (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants, and forages fed green 79 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed name or Meon CV onalyses As fed Dry t% PEA. Pisum spp Pea, aerial pt wo seeds, ensiled, (3) Pea vine silage Ref no 3-03-596 Dry matter % 24.5 100.0 Ash * 2.2 9.0 Crude fiber % 7.3 29.8 Ether extract % 8 3.3 N-free extract % 11.0 44.86 Protein (N 1 6.25) % 3.2 13.1 Sheep dig prot % 1.9 7.7 Energy Sheep DE kcal ‘kg 616. 2513. Sheep ME kcal /ig 505. 2061. Sheep TON % 14, 57. Calcium * 32 1.31 Phosphorus % 06 224 PEANUT. Arachis hypogaes Peenut, kernels, mech-extd grnd, mx 7 fbr, (5) Peanut meal (AAFCO) Peanut meal (CFA) Peanut oil meal, expeller extracted Ref no 5-03-649 Dry matter % 92.0 100.0 2 Ash % 5.7 6.2 14 Crude fiber % 11.0 12.0 34 Ether extract * 5.9 6.4 33 N-free extract * 23.6 25.6 Protein (N x 625) % 45.8 49.8 10 Sheep dig prot % 91.7 45.3 Energy Sheep DE kcal/feg 13570. 366o. Sheep ME kcal/kg 12927. 3162. Sheep TON % 81. as. Calcium % 17 18 39 Magnesium * 33 - 36 Phosphorus % 57 62 19 Potassium % 1.15 1.25 Manganese mg/kg 25.5 27.7 Choline me/fkee | 1683. 1829. Niacin mg/kg 169.0 163.7 Pantothenic acid mg/g 48.2 $2.3 Riboflavin mg/kg §.3 5.8 Thiamine ma/rg 7.3 7.9 Arginine % 4.69 5.10 Histidine % 1.00 1.09 Isoleucine % 2.00 2-17 Leucine * 3.10 3.37 Lysine * 1.30 1.42 Contineed (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 80 Feed name or Meon C. onalyses As fed Ory +% Methionine % -60 »65 Phenylalanine * 2.30 2.50 Threonine % 1,40 1.52 Tryptophan % -50 54 Valine % 2.20 2.39 Peanut, kernets, solv-extd gmnd, mx 7 fbr, (5) Solvent extracted peanut meal (AAFCO) Groundnut oil meal, solvent extracted Peanut oil meal, solvent extracted Ref no 5-03-650 Dry matter % 92.0 100.0 1 Ash % 4.5 4.9 8 Crude fiber % 13.0 14.1 37 Ether extract % 1.2 1.3 36 N-free extract % 25.9 28.2 Protein (N x 6.25) % 47.4 51.5 12 Sheep dig prot % 43.1 46.9 Energy Sheep DE kcal/g 13367. 3660. Sheep ME kcal/kg | 2761. 3001. Sheep TON % 76. 85. Caicium % -20 -22 Magnesium * .034 204 Phosphorus % | 65 -71 714 Manganese mg/g 29.0 31.5 Choline mg/kg |} 2000. 2174. Niacin mai 170.1 164.9 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 53.0 57.6 Riboflavin me jig 11.0 12.90 Thismine ma/rg 7.3 7.9 Arginine % 5.90 6.41 Histidine % 1.20 1.30 Isoleucine % 2.00 2.17 Leucine % 3.70 4.02 Lysine % 2.30 2.30 Methionine % »40 43 Phenylalanine % 2.70 2.935 Threonine % 1.50 1.63 Tryptophan % -50 54 Tyrosine % 1.80 1.96 Valine % 2.80 3.04 PHOSPHATE, DEFLUORINATED Phosphate, defluorinsted grnd, mn 1 pt F per 100 pt P, (6) Phosphate, defluorinated (AAFCO) Defiuorinated phosphate (CFA) Ref no 6-01-780 Ory matter * 99.8 100.0 Calcium % 33.00 33.07 iron % -920 922 Contineed (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 81

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Mean C.V. onolyses As fed Dry +% Phosphorus % 18.00 18.04 Potassium *% 09 .09 Sodium % 3.95 3.96 Fluorine mg/kg |11800.00 1803.61 POTATO. Solanum tuberosum Potato meal - see Potato, tubers, dehy grnd Potato, tubers, ensiled, (3) Ref no 3-03-768 Ory matter % 25.1 100.0 20 Ash % 1.5 6.1 26 Crude fiber * 2.1 8.5 §§ Ether extract % 02 8 45 N-free extract % 18.7 74.6 Protein (N x 6.25) % 2.5 10.0 21 Sheep dig prot % 1.5 6.0 Energy Sheep DE kcal /kg 874. 3483. Sheep ME bealfig | 717. 2856. Sheep TON % 20. 79. Calcium % 01 04 Phosphorus % 06 23 Potato, tubers, dehy grnd (4) Potato meal Ref no 4-07-850 Ory matter * 90.3 100.0 Aah % 11.9 13.2 Crude fiber % 1.4 1.6 Ether extract % 5 6 N-free extract % 70.5 78.1 Protein (N x 625) % 5.9 6.5 Ceicium % .07 .08 Chlorine % 36 ~40 Phosphorus % -20 22 Potassium *% 1.97 2.18 Manganese me/kg 2.9 3.2 Potato, tubers, fresh, (4) Ref no 4-03-787 Dry matter % 24.6 100.0 Aah % 9 3.6 Crude fiber * 5 2.1 Ether extract % oo | 24 N-free extract % 20.9 6e.9 Protein (N x 6.25) * 2.2 9.90 Sheep dig prot % 1.4 5.7 Contmeed (1) dry forages and roughages @ pesture, range plants and forages fed green 82 Feed name or Mean onalyses As fed Dry Energy Sheep DE heal /ig 911. 3704. Sheep ME kcal /kg 747. 3037. Sheep TON % 21. 84. Prairie hay - see Native plants, Midwest RAPE. Brassica spp Rape, seed, mech-extd grnd, (5) Rapeseed oi! meal, expeller extracted Rapeseed meal, expeller extracted Ref no 5-03-870 Dry matter % 93.6 100.0 Ash % 6.0 6.4 Crude fiber % 13.7 14.6 Ether extract % 6.3 6.7 N-free extract % 30.6 32.7 Protein (N x 6.25) % 37.1 39.6 Sheep dig prot % 30.4 32.5 Energy Sheep DE kcal/fg | 3178. 3395. Sheep ME Weal/eg | 2606. 2784. Sheep TONS! 72. 77. Calcium % 60 64 Phosphorus % 97 1.04 Choline mag }6295. 6725. Niacin mae/kg 149.8 160.0 Pantothenic acid me/kg 6.6 9.2 Riboflavin me/kg 3.6 3.8 Thiamine e/g 1.7 1.8 Alanine % 1.72 1.84 Arpinine % 2.08 2.22 Aspartic acid % 2.69 2.87 Glutamic acid % 6.59 7.04 Glycine % 1.91 2.04 Histidine % 96 1.05 Isoleucine % 1.52 1.62 Leucine % 2.63 2.81 Lysine % 1.79 1.91 Methionine % 277 -82 Phenylalanine % 1.52 1.63 Protine % 2.33 2.49 Serine % 1.65 1.76 Threonine % 1.67 1.786 Tryptophan % «38 | Tyrosine % 88 94 Valine * 1.95 2.08 (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 85 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep 45 Feed nome or Mean C.V. onalyses As fed | Dry £4 Rape, seed, solv-extd grnd, (5) Rapeseed oil meal, solvent extracted Rapeseed meal, solvent extracted Ref no 5-03-871 Dry matter % 90.3 100.0 Ash % 6.5 7.2 Crude fiber % 13.8 15.3 Ether extract % 2.4 2.7 N-free extract % 28.2 31.2 Protein (N x 6.25) % 39.4 43.6 5 Sheep dig prot % 32.3 35.8 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg 12867. 3175. Sheep MEkcalfeg 12351. 2604. Sheep TON % 65. 72. Calcium % -40 244 Phosphorus % -90 1.00 Choline meg |6073. 6725. Niacin meg | 194.5 160.0 Pantothenic acid me /kg 8.53 9.2 Riboflavin mg/kg 3.4 3.8 Thiamine me/keg 1.6 1.8 Alanine % 1.69 1.87 Arginine % 2.16 2.39 Aspartic acid % 2.64 2.93 Glutamic acid % 6.63 7.34 Glycine % 1.68 2.08 Histidine % 1.05 1.16 Isoleucine % 1.43 1.58 Leucine % 2.63 2.91 Lysine * 2.09 2.32 Methionine % .76 84 Phenylalanine % 1.49 1.65 Protine % 2.41 2.67 Serine % 1.65 1.83 Threonine % 1.65 1.83 Tryptophan % 48 53 Tyrosine % 83 292 Valine % 1.90 2.10 REDTOP. Agrostis albe Redtop, aerial pt, fresh, full bim, (2) Ref no 203-891 Dry matter % 26.3 100.0 Ash % 1.8 7.0 13 Crude fiber % 6.6 25.1 9 Ether extract *% 9 3.5 21 N-free extract % 14.8 56.3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 2.1 8.1 a3 Sheep dig prot % 1.2 4.5 Energy Sheep DEmcal/g} 812. 3086. Costmeed (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 84

46 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Meon C.V. onolyses As fed Dry £% Sheep ME kcal /kg 665. 2530. Sheep TON % 14. 70. Carotene mg/kg 40.1 152.6 47 Vitamin A equiv Ug 66.8 259.4 RICE. Oryza sativa Rice, bran w germ, dry-mil, mx 13 fbr CeCO3 de- clared above 3 mn, (4) Rice bran (AAFCO) Ref no 4-03-928 Dry matter % 91.0 100.90 2 Ash % 10.9 12.0 | Crude fiber % 11.0 12.1 16 Ether extract % 15.1 16.6 20 N-free extract % 40.5 44.5 Protein (N x 6.25) % 13.5 14.8 9 Sheep dig prot % 9.2 10.1 Energy Sheep DE kcatg |3210. 3527. Sheep ME kcal/kg 12632. 2892. Sheep TON % 73. 80. Caicium % -06 -0O7 | 54 Iron % »-019 -O21; 21 Magnesium * 95 1.04 13 Phosphorus % 1.82 2.00 17 Potassium % 1.74 1.91 a Copper mesh 13.0 14.3 25 Manganese mg/g 417.8 459.2 41 Zinc mg/kg 29.9 32.9 Biotin mg/kg @.20 4.60 Choline mefg 11254. 13786. Niacin me/kg 303.2 333.2 19 Pantothenic acid me/kg 23.5 25.8 a3 Ribotlavin mg/kg 2.6 2.9 30 Thiamine me/kg 22.4 24.6 42 Arginine % .50 .55 Cystine % 10 oil Histidine % 20 22 Isoleucine % ~40 «44 Leucine % ~60 «66 Lysine % .50 55 Phenylalanine % ~40 44 Threonine % ~40 244 Tryptophan % «10 oll Valine % -60 - 66 Rice, grosts, polished, (4) Rice, white, polished Ref no 4-03-942 Ory matter % 69.0 100.0 3 Ash % 5 6 a7 Crude fiber % «4 4 46 Continoed (1) dry forages and roughages @) pesture, range plants and forages fed green 65 Feed nome or Mean C.V onclyses As fed Dry £% Ether extract % 24 ~4 32 N-free extract % 80.4 90.4 Protein (N x 625) % 7.3 8.2 10 Sheep dig prot % 5.5 6.2 Energy GE kcal/g (3609. 4049. Sheep DE kcal/eg 13492. 3924. Sheep ME kcat/ig (2864. 3218. Sheep TONS | 79. 89. Calcium % -903 -O3 [42 Iron * -O02 -002 Magnesium % ~02 -02 Phosphorus % ~f2 214 52 Potassium % ~153 215 Copper mg/g 2.9 3.3 Manganese me /kg 10.9 12.3 Zine mg/kg 1.8 2.0 Choline mete | 907. 1019. Niacin me /kg 14,1 15.8 29 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 3.3 3.7 51 Riboflavin mekg 6 7 3 Thiamine mg/ng 6 7 48 4-tocopherol mg/kg 3.6 4.0 Vitamin Be ma/kg 4 4 Auginine % - 36 ~40 39 Cystine % -09 10 Glycine % 71 - 80 Histidine % -18 ~20 Isoleucine % 245 - 51 Leucine % 71 - 80 Lysine % 2? -30 |21 Methionine % 27 » 30 10 Phenylalanine * 55 -~60 Threonine % ~ 36 ~40 Tryptophan * .09 10 Tyrosine % -62 70 Valine % 53 -60 RUSSIANTHISTLE, TUMBLING. Salsola kali tenuifolie Russianthistle, tumbling, hay, sc, (1) Ref no 103-988 Ory matter % 66.4 100.0 3 Ash % 13.0 14.7 20 Crude fiber % 25.0 28.3 15 Ether extract % 1.8 2.0 32 N-free extract % 38.1 43.1 Protein (N x 6.25) % 10.5 11.9 27 Sheep dig prot % 6.9 7.8 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg | 1676. 1896. Sheep ME kcal/feg | 1375. 1555. Sheep TON % 38. 43. Catclum % 1.63 1.64 | 28 Continoed (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 66 Feed name or Mean C. onolyses As fed Dry t Magnesium % 1.05 1.19 455 Phosphorus % ~26 29 |99 Russianthistie, tumbling, erie! pt, fresh dormant, (2) Ref no 2-08-000 Dry matter % 80.0 100.0 Ash * 15.7 19.6 Ether extract % 2.4 3.0 Protein (N x 6.25) * 11.8 14.7 Sheep dig prot % 7.8 9.7 Cellulose % 14.4 18.0 Lignin * §.6 7.0 Energy GEkal/fg 12846, 3558. Sheep DEkcalfg (1709. 2136. Sheep MEkcal/g 11423. 1779. Sheep TON % a0. 50. Calcium % 2.69 3.30 Phosphorus % 213 216 Carotene mg/g 7.2 9.0 RYE. Secale cereale Rye, straw, (1) Ref no 104-007 Dry matter % 66.9 100.0 2 Ash % 4.3 4.8 21 Crude fiber % 42.3 47.6 9 Ether extract % 1.3 1.5 15 N-free extract * 38.3 43.1 Protein (N x 625) * 2.7 3.0 a5 Sheep dig prot % -1.4 -1.6 Energy Sheep DE keal/ig ]1764. 1984. Sheep ME kcalfg 11446. 1627. Sheep TON % aod. 45. Coiclum % 25 28 16 Chlorine * 21 24 l2 Magnesium % 07 -08 | 32 Phosphorus % .09 -10 28 Potassium % - 86 97 11 Sodium % el2 213 20 Sulfur % «10 ofl 22 Copper mg/kg 3.6 4.0 10 Manganese me/kg 5.9 6.6 8 (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 87

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Mean C.V. anolyses As fed | Dry t% Rye, flour by-prod, c-sift, mx 8.5 flr, (4) Rye middlings (AAFCO) Ref no 404-031 Ory matter % 90.0 100.0 2 Aah % 3.4 3.8 17 Crude fiber % 6.0 6.7 22 Ether extract % 3.1 3.4 14 N-free extract * 60.4 67.1 Protein (N x 625) % 17.1 19.0 | Sheep dig prot % 12.8 14.2 Energy Sheep DE kcalfig | 3135. 34853. Sheep ME kcalfg /2570. 2856. Sheep TON % 71. 79. Calcium % -06 .07 Phosphorus % 63 ~70 1 Potassium % ~63 ~70 Manganese me/ke 44.0 48.9 1 Niacin mg/kg 16.9 18.8 2 Pantothenic acid me/kg 23.1 25.7 1 Riboflavin me/kg 2.4 2.7 7 Thiamine me/ke 3.3 3.7 3 Rye, flour by-prod mil-r, mx 9.5 fbr, (4) Rye mill run (AAFCO) Ref no 4-04-034 Ory matter % 90.0 100.90 1 Aah * 3.8 4.2 8 Crude fiber % §.0 5.6 1 Ether extract % 3.4 3.8 10 N-free extract % 60.6 67.3 Protein (N x 6.25) * 17.2 19.1 13 Sheep dig prot % 12.7 14.1 Energy Sheap DE kcal/g | 2976. 3307. Sheep ME keai/fig | 2441. 2712. Sheep TON % 68. 75. Calcium % 207 -08 Magnesium % 23 .26 Phosphorus % 59 66 Potassium % - 83 92 Rye, grain, (4) Ref no 4-04-047 Dry matter % 89.0 100.0 2 Aah * 1.7 1.9 12 Crude fiber % 2.0 2.2 42 Ether extract % 1.6 1.8 22 N-free extract % 71.8 80.7 Protein (N x 6.28) % 11.9 13.4 13 Sheep dig prot % 9.4 10.6 Costinsed (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pesture, range plants and forages fed green 868 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep Feed nome or Mean C.V onolyses As fed Dry $ Energy Sheep DEkcal/fg (3336. 3748. Sheep MEkalAg (2735. 3073. Sheep TON % 76. 85. Calcium % 06 -07 | 37 iron % .008 -009] 23 Magnesium % 12 -13 [19 Phosphorus % 34 ~38 | 22 Potassium % 46 -52 | 16 Sodium % 02 -O2 | 80 Copper me/kg 7.8 8.8 17 Manganese ma/ke 66.9 75.2 a6 Zine mg/kg 30.5 34.3 42 Biotin ma/rg .06 -07 | 21 Folic acid me/kg 60 -70 | 66 Niacin mg/kg 1.2 1.3 23 Pantothenic acid ma/tg 6.9 7.7 37 Riboflavin me/keg 1.6 1.8 40 Thiamine ma/ke 3.9 a.4 31 @-tocopherol mate 15.0 17.4 Arginine % 53 -60 | 20 Cystine % 18 .20 Histidine % 227 -30 | 29 Isoleucine % 53 60 Leucine % 271 80 Lysine * 45 51 24 Methionine % 18 -20 | 15 Phenylalanine % ~62 ~70 | 19 Threonine % 36 ~40 | 20 Tryptophan % .09 -10 ] 31 Tyrosine % 27 -30 Valine % -62 -70 | 12 Rye, distil grains, dehy, (5) Rye distillers dried grains (AAFCO) Rye distillers dried grains (CFA) Ref no 5-04-023 Dry matter % 93.0 100.0 3 Ash * 2.6 2.8 49 Crude fiber % 14.0 15.1 20 Ether extract % 6.4 6.9 24 N-free extract % 47.5 51.1 Protein (N x 625) % 22.4 24.1 16 Sheep dig prot % 13.5 14.5 Energy Sheep DE keai/eg | 2665. 2866. Sheep ME leal/rg 12166. 2350. Sheep TON % 60. 65. Celcium % 213 214 Magnesium % 217 18 Phosphorus % 41 -44 Potassium % o11 212 Sodiuen % 17 18 Manganese ma/rg 18.5 19.9 Niacin mg/kg 16.9 18.2 9 Thiamine ma/kg 1.3 1.4 50 (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 89 47 Feed nome or Mean CV. onclyses As fed Dry $ RYEGRASS, ITALIAN. Lolium multifiorum Ryegrass, Italien, aerial pt, fresh, (2) Ref no 204-073 Dry matter % 24.3 100.0 15 Ash * 3.8 15.7 26 Crude fiber *% 5.3 21.8 12 Ether extract % 1.0 4.2 22 N-free extract % 10.2 42.0 Protein (N x 6.25) % 4.0 16.3 25 Sheep dig prot % 1.7 7.0 Energy Sheep DEkcal/fg | 546. 2249, Sheep ME kcal /kg 4486. 1844, Sheep TON % 12. 51. Colciurn % ~ 16 ~64 8 Magnesium % 08 235 12 Phosphorus % 10 41 16 Potassium % .49 2.00 4 Rye mill run - see Rye, flour by-prod mil-rn SAFFLOWER. Carthamus tinctorius Safflower, seed, (4) Ref no 407-958 Ory matter % 93.1 100.0 Ash % 2.9 3.3 Crude fiber % 26.6 28.6 Ether extract % 29.8 32.0 N-free extract % 17.5 18.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 16.3 17.5 Sheep dig prot % 12.9 13.9 Energy Sheep DE meal/feg | 3612. 3660. Sheep ME keal/feg 12962. 3182. Sheep TON % 2. 88. Safflower, seed, mech-extd grnd, (5) Whole pressed safflower seed (AAFCO) Safflower oi! meal, expeller extracted Safflower oil meal, hydraulic extracted Ref no 5-04-1098 Ory matter % 91.0 100.0 1 Ash * 3.7 4.1 9 Crude fiber % 31.0 34.1 6 Ether extract % 6.0 6.6 13 N-free extract % 30.5 33.5 Costensed (6) minerals (71) vitamins (8) additives 90

48 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Mean CV. Feed name or Mean C.V. analyses As fed Dry t% analyses As fed Dry 1% Protein (N x 625) % 19.7 21.7 2 Energy Sheep dig prot % 17.0 18.7 Sheep DEkcal/fg 13072, 3395. Energy Sheep ME kcalfg | 2520. 2784. Sheep DE kcal kg | 1886. 2072. Sheep TON % 70. 77. Sheep ME kcal/kg } 1546. 1699. Calcium % »24 226 Sheep TON &% 43. 47. Phosphorus % 1.66 1.83 Calcium % .23 225 Iron % .05 -905 Magnesium % ~33 - 36 Phosphorus % ~71 786 Potassium % ~72 79 Sodium % »05 -05 Copper mg ‘hg 9.7 10.7 Manganese mg kg 17.8 19.6 SAGE, BLACK. Salvia mellifera Zine mg ‘kg 39.8 43.7 Biotin mg. kg 1.4 1.5 Sage, black, browse, fresh, dormant, (2) Folic acid mg/kg 44 48 Niacin me.’kg 65.8 94.3 Ref no 2-05-564 Pantothenic acid mae/kg 4.0 4.4 Riboflavin mg ‘kg 18.0 19.8 Ory matter % 76.0 100.0 Arginine % 1.20 1.32 Ash % 4.7 6.2 Cystine % - 80 - 88 Ether extract % 7.1 9.4 Lysine % -70 ~77 Protein (N x 6.25) % 6.5 8.5 Methionine % -40 43 Sheep dig prot % 3.3 4.4 Tryptophan % »30 ~33 Cellulose % 16.7 22.0 Lignin % 12.2 16.0 Energy GE kcal/fg (3807, 5062. Safflower, seed, solv-extd grnd, (5) Sheep DE keal/mg [1582. 2081. Solvent extracted whole pressed safflower seed Sheep ME kcal/kg | 854, 1124. (AAFCO) Sheep TON % 36. 47. Calcium % -46 -60 Ref no 5-04-110 Phosphorus % 12 ~16 7 Carotene mg/kg 13.4 17.6 Dry matter % 91.8 100.0 Ash % 4.7 5.1 Crude fiber % 32.3 35.2 Ether extract % 3.9 4.2 N-free extract % 29.6 32.2 Protein (N x 6.25) % 21.4 23.3 Sheep dig prot % 17.2 18.7 Energy SAGEBRUSH, BIG. Artemisia tridentata Sheep DE kcalfeg |2186. 2381. Sheep ME kcal/kg 11792. 1952. Sagebrush, big, browse, fresh, dormant, (2) Sheep TON % 50. 5a. Calcium % 234 -37 Ref no 2-07-992 Phosphorus % 84 92 Ory matter % 76.0 100.0 Ash % 4.6 6.3 Safflower, seed wo hulls, solv-extd grnd, (5) Ether extract % 7.7 10.1 Safflower meal without hulls Protein (N x 6.25) % 7.1 9.4 Sheep dig prot % 4.1 5.4 Ref no 5-07-959 Cellulose % 16.0 21.0 - Lignin % 12.2 16.0 Dry matter % 90.5 100.0 Energy GE keal/ng | 3877. 5101. Ash % 6.4 7.1 Sheep DEkcaifg [ 1751. 2304. Crude fiber % 8.5 9.4 Sheep ME kcal /kg 964. 1268. Ether extract % 1.7 1.9 Sheep TON % 39. 51. N-free extract % 29.4 32.5 Calcium % 51 -67 Protein (N x 6.25) % 44.5 49.1 Phosphorus % 214 218 Sheep dig prot % 37.4 41.3 Carotene m/e 12.2 16.1 Contased (1) dry forages and roughages (3) silages (2) pasture, range plants, and (4) energy feeds forages fed green 91 (5) protein supplements 92 Feed nome or Meon C.Y. analyses As fed Dry t SAGEBRUSH, BUD. Artemisia spinescens Sagebrush, bud, browse, fresh, early leaf, (2) Ref no 2-07-991 Ory matter % 25.0 100.0 Ash % 5.4 21.4 Ether extract % 1.2 4.9 Protein (N x 6.25) % a.3 17.3 Sheep dig prot % 3.4 13.7 Cellulose % 4.$5 18.0 Lignin % 2.0 8.0 Energy GE kcal/kg | 10600, 92539. Sheep DE kcal Ag 639. 2557. Sheep MEkcal/g | S02. 2008. Sheep TON % 13. 51. Caicium % 224 .97 Phosphorus % -06 -33 Carotene mg/kg 6.90 23.8 Sagebrush, bud, browse, fresh, immature, (2) Ref no 2-04-124 Dry matter % 28.9 100.0 Ash % 5.3 18.5 35 Crude fiber % 6.8 23.4 Ether extract % 9 3.1 51 N-free extract % 11.7 40.6 Protein (N x 6.25) % 4.2 14.4 22 Sheep dig prot % 3.0 10.4 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg 803. 2778. Sheep ME kcal /xg 658. 2276. Sheep TON % 18. 63. Calcium % ~3) 1.06 35 Magnesium % 214 49 Phosphorus % -08 -29 175 SAGEBRUSH, FRINGED. Artemisia frigida Sagebrush, fringed, browse, fresh, mid-bim, (2) Ref no 2-04-129 Dry matter % 43.2 100.0 Ash % 2.8 6.4 Crude fiber % 11.4 26.5 Ether extract % 2.2 5.2 N-free extract % 23.1 53.4 Protein (N x 625) % 3.7 8.5 Sheep dig prot % 2.1 a.9 Energy Sheep DE kcal/fg }1314. 3042. Contiased (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 93

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Mean analyses As fed Dry Sheep MEkcal/fg 11077. 2494, Sheep TON % 30. 69. Sagebrush, fringed, browse, fresh, mature, (2) Ref no 204-130 Dry matter % 50.0 100.0 Aah % 6.4 12.8 Crude fiber % 15.8 31.7 Ether extract % 1.8 3.5 N-free extract % 23.0 46.0 Protein (N 2 6.25) % 3.0 6.0 Sheep dig prot % 1.3 2.6 Energy Shesp DE keal/fg (1977. 2954. Shesp MElcal/fg [1 211. 2422. Sheep TON % 3a. 67. SALTBUSH, NUTTALL. Atriplex nuttallii Saitbush, nuttall, browse, fresh, dormant, (2) Ref no 2-07-993 Dry matter % 75.0 100.0 Ash * 16.1 21.5 Ether extract % 1.6 2.2 Protein (N x 625) % 5.4 7.2 Sheep dig prot % 2.6 3.4 Celtulose * 14.2 19.0 Lignin % 7.5 10.0 Energy GE acalg |2771. 3695. Sheep DE kcal/g 1119. 1492. Sheep MEkcai/g |] 990. 1320. Sheep TON % 27. 36. Caiciem * 1.66 2.21 Phosphorus % 16 221 Carotene mg/kg 14.2 19.0 SALTBUSH, SHADSCALE. Atriplex confertifolia Seltbush, shadscale, browse, fresh, dormant, (2) Ref no 2-05-565 Dry matter % 80.0 100.0 Ash % 18.7 23.4 Ether extract % 1.9 2.4 Protein (N x 625) * 6.2 7.7 Sheep dig prot % 3.4 4.3 Cellulose % 14.4 18.0 Lignin % 10.4 13.0 Energy GE kcal/kg | 2906. 3633. Sheep DE kcalg } 1006. 1257. Coemaned (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants and forages fed green 94 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep 49 Feed name or Meon CY. analyses As ted Dry *% Sheep MEkcal/yg | 700, 880. Sheep TON % 25. 31. Calcium % 2.02 2.553 Phosphorus % .07 .09 Carotene me/re 15.7 19.6 SALTGRASS. Dist'chlis spp Saltgrass, hay, s-c, (1) Ref no 1-04-168 Dry matter % 88.4 100.0 5 Ash % 10.9 12.3 16 Crude fiber % 27.6 31.2 7 Ether extract % 1.9 2.1 14 N-tree extract % 40.3 45.6 Protein (N x 6.25) % 7.8 8.8 5 Sheep dig prot % 4.0 4.5 Energy Sheep DEkcai/g |1949. 2205. Sheep ME kcal/fg 11598. 1606. Sheep TON % aa, 50. Saltgrass, serial pt, fresh, over ripe, (2) Ref no 2-04-169 Dry matter % 74.4 100.0 Ash * 5.4 7.3 34 Crude fiber * 26.0 34.9 5 Ether extract % 1.9 2.6 13 N-free extract % 37.9 51.0 Protein (N x 625) * 3.1 4.2 22 Sheep dig prot % .7 .9 Energy Sheep DE keal/g | 2230. 2998. Sheep MEkcal/fmg 118629. 2458. Sheep TON % 50. 68. Calcium % 17 -23 |] 19 Magnesium % -22 ~30 Phosphorus % 05 -07 | 32 Saltgrass, serial pt, fresh (2) Ref no 2-04-170 Dry matter % 74,4 100.0 Ash * 5.6 7.5 22 Crude fiber % 22.5 30.3 10 Ether extract % 1.3 1.8 18 N-tree extract % 40.1 53.9 Protein (N x 625) % 4.8 6.5 30 Sheep dig prot % 2.2 3.0 Energy Sheep DEkcalfg f226053. 3042. Conteened (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 95 Feed name or Mean CV. onolyses As fed Ory +% Sheep ME bcal/feg | 1856. 2494, Sheep TON % SI. 69. Catcium % 16 -21 | 59 lron % 01 -02 Magnesium % 2) 28 Phosphorus % -O7 09 | 35 Potassium % -18 24 Manganese mg/kg 115.2 154.8 SALTGRASS, DESERT. Distichlis stricta Saltgrass, desert, serial pt, fresh, (2) Ref no 2-04-171 Dry matter % 75.0 100.0 Ash % 5.1 6.8 9 Crude fiber % 22.3 29.7 1 Ether extract % 1.3 1.7 5 N-free extract % a1.9 55.9 Protein (N x 6.25) % a.4 5.9 9 Sheep dig prot % 1.9 2.5 Energy Sheep DE kcalfig | 2314. 3086. Sheep ME malig | 1898. 2530. Sheep TON % 52. 70. Calcium % -12 -16 | 26 Phosphorus % -07 -09 4,25 Sand dropesed - sse Drops sd, sand Screenings - see Barley, grain screenings; SEDGE. Carex spp Sedge, hay, s-c (1) Ref no 1-04-193 Dry matter % 90.2 100.0 3 Ash % 7.0 7.8 22 Crude fiber % 27.9 30.9 6 Ether extract % 2.3 2.5 33 N-tree extract % 43.7 48.5 Protein (N x 6.25) % 9.3 10.3 16 Sheep dig prot % 4.7 5.2 Energy Sheep DE keal/fg 11989. 2205. Sheep MEbcal/fg | 1631. 1808. Sheep TON % a5. 50. Shorts - see Wheat, flour by-prod, c-sift, mx 7 fbr (6) minerats (7) vitamins (8) additives 96

90 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Mean C.V. analyses As fed | Dry + % Skimmed milk - see Cattle, milk, skim SODIUM PHOSPHATE, MONOBASIC Sodium, phosphate, monobasic, NaH2POQs-H20, tech, (6) Monosodium phosphate (AAFCO) Ref no 6-04-288 Dry matter % 96.7 100.0 Ash % 96.7 100.0 Phosphorus % 21,80 22.46 Sodium % 32.5 33.4 120.00 124.10 SODIUM TRIPOL YPHOSPHATE Sodium, tripolyphosphate, comm, (6) Sodium tripolyphosphate (AAFCO) Ref no 6-08-076 Dry matter % 96.0 100.0 Phosphorus % 24.94 25.98 SORGHUM. Sorghum vulgare Sorghum grain - see atso Sorghum, grain variety: Sorghum, kafir; Sorghum, milo SORGHUM, GRAIN VARIETY. Sorghum wuigare Sorghum, grain variety, aerial pt, sc, (1) Grain sorghum fodder, sun-cured Ref no 104-372 Dry matter % 90.53 100.0 j Ash % 8.5 9.4 14 Crude fiber % 29.8 27.5 7 Ether extract % 1.7 1.9 15 N-free extract % 49.0 54.3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 6.2 6.9 6 Sheep dig prot % 2.3 2.6 Energy Sheep DE kcal/ag |} 2190. 2425. Sheep ME kcalfg | 1795. 1968. Sheep TON % 50. 55. Cakium % - 56 ~62 Phosphorus % 017 19 (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants, and torages fed green 97? Feed name or anclyses Mean As fed Dry 1+ wt Sorghum, grain variety, aerial pt wo heads, s-c, (1) Grain sorghum stover, sun-cured Ref no 1-07-961 Dry matter Ash Crude fiber Ether extract N-free extract Protein (N x 6.25) Sheep Energy Sheep Sheep Sheep Calcium Phosphorus DE keal /kg ME kcal tg TON % % % 85.1 8.2 27.7 1.8 42.9 4.5 -.8 1801. 1476. a1. 2534 09 100.0 9.6 32.6 50.4 5.3 -1.0 2116. 17535. aA. ~40 1) Sorghum, grain variety, aerial pt, ensiled, (3) Grain sorghum fodder silage Ref no 307-962 Ory matter Ash Crude fiber Ether extract N-free extract Protein (N x 6.25) Sheep Energy Sheep Sheep Sheep Calcium Phosphorus r R KF RK HF x dig prot % DE kcal/kg ME kcal/kg TON % % % 29.4 2.2 7.7 16.4 2.1 5 752. 616. 17. -07 »O05 100.0 7.4 26.3 3.3 $5.7 7.3 1.7 2557. 2097. 5@. 25 ~18 Sorghum, grain variety, grain, mn 6 mx 9 prot, (4) Ref no 4-08. 138 Dry matter % 86.0 100.0 Ash % 2.0 2.3 Crude fiber % 1.9 2.2 Ether extract % 2.6 3.0 N-free extract * 74.4 84.6 Protein (N x 6.25) % 7,0 7.9 Sheep dig prot % 5.6 6.4 Energy Sheep DE kcal/eg | 3992. 3968. Sheep ME kcal/eg] 26864. 3254. Sheep TON % 79. 90. Alanine % -6) -69 Arginine % 26 -29 Aspartic acid * 48 54 Cysteine % 10 etl Conweesd 3) silages 4) energy feeds 5) protein supolements 96 Feed name or Mean onalyses As fed Dry Glutamic acid % 1.36 1.54 Glycine % +26 +29 Histidine % «16 18 Isoleucine % 26 -30 Leucine % -68 77 Lysine * ~18 ~20 Methionine % .09 10 Phenylalanine % 234 ~39 Proline % ~52 ~59 Serine % - 30 23a Threonine % 23 26 Tyrosine % ~14 16 Valine % ~35 240 Sorghum, grain variety, grain, mn 9 mx 12 prot, (4) Ref no 4-08-139 Dry matter Ash Crude fiber Ether extract N-free extract Protein (N x 6.25) Sheep dig prot Lignin Energy Sheep DE kcal /kg Sheep ME kcal /g Sheep Alanine Arginine Aspartic acid Cysteine Giutamic acid Glycine Histidine Iscleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Proline Serine Threonine Tyrosine Valine x z e Fe R K RK KH we F M Me eM KM K K KM MW KX K K KH we we 88.0 2.1 2.6 71.1 10.5 6.4 349¢. 2864. 79. 97 ~ 33 - 70 14 2.24 ~32 23 43 1.41 22 ~ 13 53 -84 44 ~32 22 -53 100.0 2.2 2.4 2.9 80.8 11.7 9.5 1.3 3968. 3254. 90. 1.10 +38 ~79 »16 2.594 ~37 «26 -49 1.60 225 215 -60 96 -50 ~37 225 -60 Sorghum, grain variety, grain, mn 12 mx 15 prot, (4) Ref no 4-08-140 Dry matter % 86.0 100.0 Ash % 2.3 2.6 Crude fiber % 1.8 2.0 Ether extract % 1.5 1.7 N-free extract % 71.0 80.7 Protein (N x 6.25) % 11.4 13.0 Continmed (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 99

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Meon AV. onalyses As fed Dry +% Sheep dig prot % 9.2 10.5 Energy Sheep DE lcal/fng | 3953. 3924. Sheep MEkcal/g | 2832. 3218. Sheep TON % 78. 89. Alanine % 1.17 1.33 Agnine % 39 43 Aspartic acid % 61 292 Cysteine % 16 20 Glutamic acid % 2.59 2.94 Glycine % 35 40 Histidine % 26 .29 Isoleucine * 49 56 Leucine % 1.77 2.01 Lysine % 23 .26 Methionine % 14 .16 Phenylalanine % ~62 -70 Proline % 97 1.10 Serine % 51 58 Threonine % 37 42 Tyrosine % 26 29 Valine % -61 69 Sorghum, grain veriety, distil grains, dehy, (5) Grain sorghum distillers dried grains (AAFCO) Ref no 5-04-374 Dry matter % 94.0 100.0 2 Aah % 3.9 4.1 34 Crude fiber % 12.0 12.8 38 Ether extract % 8.4 8.9 32 N-free extract % 38.5 41.0 Protein (N x 6.25) % 31.2 33.2 23 Sheep dig prot % 25.9 27.6 Energy Shesp DE kcaifig 13982. 3704. Sheep ME al/feg 12655. 3037. Sheep TON % 79. a4. Colckum % 714 ~15 Phosphorus % 59 63 SORGHUM, JOHNSONGRASS. Sorghum halepense Sorghum, Johnsongrass, hay, s-c, (1) Ref no 104-407 Dry matter % 90.7 100.0 2 Aah % 8.0 8.8 18 Crude fiber % 30.2 33.3 7 Ether extract % 1.9 2.1 19 N-free extract % 43.6 48.1 Protein (N x 625) % 7.0 7.7 30 Sheep dig prot % 3.1 3.4 Energy Sheep DE maine 12239. 2969. Contianed (1) dry forages and roughages 2 pasture, range plants and forages fed green 100 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep Feed name or Mean LV. onalyses As fed Ory +% Sheep ME bcal/fg 11836. 2024. Sheep TON % 51. 56. Calcium % .73 ~61 [31 iron % -050 060 Magnesium % 32 -35 [14 Phosphorus % .28 .31 1/24 Potassium % 1.22 1.35 | 10 Carotene me/rg 33.6 37.0 25 Vitamin A equiv lU/g 56.0 61.7 SORGHUM, KAFIR. Sorghum vulgare Sorghum, kafir, grain, (4) Ref no 404-428 Dry matter % 90.0 100.0 2 Aah % 1.5 1.7 26 Crude fiber % 2.0 2.2 aa Ether extract % 2.9 3.2 16, N-free extract % 71.8 79.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 11.8 13.1 7 Sheep dig prot % 9.5 10.6 Energy Sheep DEwalfg | 3611. 4012. Sheep ME tealfeg | 2961. 3290. Sheep TON % 82. 91. Calcium % -O4 -08 tron % 010 -010 Phosphorus % .33 .37 9 Copper me/rg 6.3 7.0 27 Manganese me/rg 15.86 17.6 23 Niacin me/rg 36.6 40.7 18 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 12.2 13.6 21 Riboftavin mg/kg 1.4 1.5 a4 Thiamine me/rg 3.8 4.2 13 Vitamin Be mg/kg 6.80 7.50 6 Mginine % 36 -40 Histidine % 27 -30 tsoteucine % 54 60 Leucine % 1.62 1.80 Lysine % .27 ~30 Methionine % 18 .20 Phenytalanine % 63 70 Threonine % 45 50 Tryptophan % 18 20 Valine % 63 70 SORGHUM, MILO. Sorghum vulgare Sorghum, milo, grain (4) Ref no 404-444 Ory matter % 89.0 100.0 2 Aah % 1.7 1.9 aa Continaed (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 101 51 Feed name or Meon C.V. onalyses As fed Dry +% Crude fiber * 2.0 2.2 36 Ether extract % 2.8 3.1 18 N-free extract % 71.6 80.4 Protein (N x 625) % 11.0 12.4 8 Sheep dig prot % 8.6 9.7 Energy GE teal/fg | 3906. 4389. Sheep DE kcal/fg | 3689. 4145. Sheep MEkcai/ig | 3025. 3399. Sheep TON % 84. 94. Caicium % .04 .04 | 99 Magnesium % -20 -22 | 26 Phosphorus % 29 33 19 Potassium % 235 ~39 7 Sodium % 01 Ot Cobalt me/rg ~100 ~100| 62 Copper mg/kg 14.1 15.8 33 Manganese mg/kg 12.9 14.5 49 Choline mg/g | 678. 761. 17 Niacin mg/kg 42.7 48.0 35 Pantothenic acid me/kg 11.4 12.8 42 Riboflavin mg/kg 1.2 1.3 23 Thiamine me/tg 3.9 4.4 14 Vitamin Bg me/rg 4.10 4.60 Arginine * +36 -40 | 14 Cystine % ~18 .20 195 Histidine % .27 ~30 | 16 tsoleucine % -53 -60 | 21 Leucine * 1.42 1.60 | 12 Lysine * 227 ~-30 | 27 Methionine * .09 2-10 [62 Phenylalanine % 245 »51 26 Threonine % 27 30 Tryptophan *% .09 ~-10 731 Tyrosine % 36 ~40 [27 Valine % ~53 60 5 Sorghum, milo, heads, chop, (4) Ref no 4-04-446 Ory matter % 90.0 100.0 i Ash % | 4.6 34 Crude fiber % 7.90 7.8 26 Ether extract % 2.5 2.8 10 N-free extract % 66.3 73.7 Protein (N x 6.25) % 10.0 11.1 11 Sheep dig prot % 7.6 @.4 Energy Sheep O@twaig| 3373. 3748. Sheep ME brai/feg! 2766. 3073. Sheep TON % 76. es. (6) minerats (7) vitamins (8) additives

52 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep Composition of Feeds—Continued TABLE 6 Feed nome or Mean C.V onolyses As fed Dry 1% SORGHUM, SORGO. Sorghum vulgare saccharatum Sorghum, sorgo, aerial pt, ensiled, (3) Sorghum, sorgo, fodder silage Ref no 304-468 Dry matter % 26.0 100.0 13 Ash % 1.8 6.8 a0 Crude fiber % 7.0 26.8 10 Ether extract % 8 3.1 a0 N-free extract % 14.8 §7.0 Protein (N x 6.25) % 1.6 6.3 21 Sheep dig prot % 4 1.4 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg 676. 2601. Sheep ME kcal kg 554. 2133. Sheep TON % 15. 59. Calcium * -09 235 80 {ron % 005 -020)10 Magnesium % .07 27 12 Phosphorus % 905 »20 |60 Potassium % 32 1.22 il Copper mg/kg 8.1 31.3 15 SORGHUM, SUDANGRASS. Sorghum vulgare Sorghum, Sudangrass, hay, s-c, (1) Ref no 1-04-480 Dry matter % 88.9 100.0 4 Ash % 8.5 9.6 16 Crude fiber % 25.7 28.9 10 Ether extract % 2.0 2.2 50 N-free extract % 41.4 46.6 Protein (N x 6.25) % 11.3 12.7 24 Sheep dig prot % 5.8 6.5 Cellulose % 28.4 31.9 Lignin % 12.1 13.6 Energy GE kcal/feg | 3756. 4225. Sheep DE kcal/g | 2038. 2295. Sheep ME kcal/feg | 1671. 1880. Sheep TON % 46. 52. Calcium % -50 -56 | 35 Iron % ~020 020] 25 Magnesium % ~ 36 ~40 | 30 Phosphorus * 28 31 55 Potassium * 1.37 1.54 32 Sodium * ~02 »0O2 [40 Sulfur % -05 -06 29 Cobelt me/kg -120 2130 Copper mete 32.8 36.8 Manganese mg/g 83.0 93.3 26 (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants and forages fed green 105 Feed name or Mean C.V. analyses As fed Dry t Sorghum, Sudangrass, serial pt, fresh, immature, (2) Ref no 204-484 Dry matter % 17.6 100.0 9 Ash % 1.6 9.0 17 Crude fiber % 5.4 30.9 12 Ether extract % ~7 3.9 18 N-free extract % 6.9 39.4 Protein (N x 6.25) % 3.0 16.8 20 Sheep dig prot % 2.0 11.6 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg 504. 2866. Sheep ME kcal ‘kg 414. 2350. Sheep TON % Il. 65. Sorghum, Sundangrass, serial pt, fresh, mid-bim, (2) Ref no 204-485 Dry matter % 22.7 100.0 9 Ash * 2.4 10.4 6 Crude fiber % 8.2 36.1 Ether extract % ~4 1.8 12 N-free extract % 9.8 43.0 Protein (N x 625) % 2.0 8.7? 168 Sheep dig prot % 1.4 6.0 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg 621. 2734. Sheep ME kcal/kg | 509. 2242. Sheep TON % 1a. 62. Sorghum, Sudangrass, aerial pt, ensiled, (3) Ref no 304-499 Dry matter % 23.3 100.0 17 Ash % 2.3 8.9 40 Crude fiber % 8.0 34.4 10 Ether extract % ~? 3.1 29 N-free extract % 10.1 43.4 Protein (N 1 625) % 2.4 10.2 2? Sheep dig prot % 1.6 7.0 Energy Sheep DE kcal/kg 575. 2469. Sheep ME keal/mg | 472. 2024, Sheep TON % i3. 56. Calcium * 215 ~64 tron % . -9010 Magnesium % 231 49 Phosphorus * -05 23 Potassium * 72 3.07 Copper mg/g 8.5 36.6 Manganese meg 23.0 98.8 Sorgo - see Sorghum, sorgo (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 1ua Feed name or Mean CV. analyses As fed | Ory +% SOYBEAN. Glycine max Soybean, hay, s-c, (1) Ref no 104-558 Dry matter % 69.2 100.0 3 Ash % 7.2 8.1 24 Crude fiber % 28.6 32.1 18 Ether extract % 2.7? 3.0 44 N-free extract % 36.1 40.5 Protein (N x 6.25) % 14.5 16.3 15 Sheep dig prot % 10.0 11.2 Cellulose % 27.7 31.) 22 Lignin % 10.1 11.4 39 Energy GE kcal/feg | 3902. 4375. Sheep DE kcal/g | 2124, 2381. Sheep ME bkcal/fg] 1741. 1952. Sheep TON % a8. 54. Calcium * 3.15 1.29 26 Chlorine % 213 ~15 Iron % ~030 ~O30/ 78 Magnesium % .70 79 17 Phosphorus * 20 -23 | 60 Potassium % - 86 97 30 Sodium % e11 12 99 Sulfur % 23 +26 17 Cobalt mesg -080 090 Copper me/kg 8.0 9.0 Manganese mg/kg 82.6 92.6 36 Zine me/kg 21,4 24.0 Cerotene mg/kg 31.8 35.7 90 Vitamin A equiv lU'g 53.0 59.5 Vitamin O2 \W/g .7 .8 63 Soybean, hulls, (1) Soybean hulls (AAFCO) Soybran flakes Ref no 104-560 Dry matter % 91.3 100.0 2 Ash % 4.6 5.0 15 Crude fiber % 35.5 38.9 3 Ether extract % 2.1 2.3 26 N-tree extract % 36.6 40.1 Protein (N x 6.25) % 12.5 13.7 5 Sheep dig prot % 6.0 6.8 Cellulose % 47.6 52.1 Lignin % 5.9 6.5 Energy Sheep DE kcai/fgj) 1731. 1696. Sheep ME kcal/eg] 1920. 1555. Sheep TON % 39. 43. Calcium % ~54 -59 Phosphorus % 16 217 Manganese m/e 12.7 13.9 (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 105

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed name or Mean C.V. onolyses As fed | Dry $% Soybesn, straw, (1) Ref no 1-04-567 Dry matter % 67.6 100.0 2 Aah % §$.6 6.4 9 Crude fiber % 38.6 44.1 Ether extract * 1.2 1.4 36 N-free extract % 37.3 42.6 Protein (N x 625) % 4.8 5.5 22 Sheep dig prot % 1.4 1.6 Energy Sheep DE bcalfg 11661. 1896. Sheep ME kcal/kg | 1362. 1555. Sheep TON % 38. 43. Calcium % 1.39 1.59 l2 Magnesium % 81 -92 115 Phosphorus % 05 06 99 Potassium % »46 2-53 115 Manganese me/kg 4a.9 51.2 Soybean, seria! pt, ensiled, (3) Ref no 3-04-581 Ory matter % 26.0 100.0 15 Aah % 2.8 9.9 26 Crude fiber % 8.7 31.1 12 Ether extract % 9 3.1 46 N-free extract % 11.5 41.2 Protein (N x 6.25) % 4.) 14.7 17 Sheep dig prot % 3.2 11.6 Energy Sheep DE fecal /leg 679. 2425. Sheep ME kcal/kg 557. 1966. Sheep TON % 1S. 55. Calcium * 235 1.25 17 bron % .010 -040! 22 Magnesium % oll 38 15 Phosphorus % 714 49 48 Potassium % 26 93 l2 Copper me/eg 2.6 9.3 7 Manganese mesg 31.8 113.5 37 Carotene mg/kg 21.7 77.6 46 Vitamin A equiv IU/g 36.2 129.4 Soybean, seed, mech-extd grnd, mx 7 fbr, (5) Soybean meal (AAFCO) Soybean meal, expeller extracted Soybean meal, hydraulic extracted Soybean oil meal, expeller extracted Soybean oil meal, hydraulic extracted Ref no 5-04-600 Ory matter % 90.0 100.0 2 Ash % 5.7? 6.3 10 Contenaed (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants, and forages fed green 106 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep Feed name or Mean CV. analyses As fed Ory +% Crude fiber % 6.0 6.7 16 Ether extract % 4.7 5.2 19 N-free extract % 29.8 33.13 Protein (N x 6.25) % 43.8 48.7 5 Sheep dig prot % 39.4 43.6 Energy GEkcalfg 14332. 4813. Sheep DE kcal/g | 3290. 3660. Sheep ME keal ‘eg ] 2701. 3001. Sheep TON % 75. 83. Calcium % 27 .30 26 tron % ~016 -9018/29 Magnesium % 625 .28 | 12 Phosphorus * 63 -70 [21 Potassium % 1.71 1.90 1 Sodium % 24 .27 163 Cobelt mg/kg 200 -200] 21 Copper mg/kg 18.0 20.0 31 Manganese mg/g 32.3 35.9 23 Biotin me/kg ~30 -30 Choline mee |26735. 2970. 13 Folic acid mesg 6.60 7.30 [32 Niacin mg/kg 30.4 33.8 18 Thiamine m/e 4.0 a.4 95 Arginine % 2.60 2.869 [13 Cystine % 60 67 Glycine % 2.50 2.786 Histidine % 1.10 1.22 ? Isoleucine * 2.80 3.11 19 Leucine * 3.60 4.00 6 Lysine * 2.70 3.00 10 Methionine % 80 -89 161 Phenylalanine % 2.10 2.35 6 Threonine % 1.70 1.89 14 Tryptophan % ~60 .67 [12 Tyrosine % 1.40 1.56 126 Valine % 2.20 2.44 5 Soybesn, seed, solv-extd grnd, mx 7 fbr, (5) Solvent extracted soybean meal (AAFCO) Soybesn meal, solvent extracted Soybean oil meal, solvent extracted Ref no 5-04-604 Dry matter % 89.0 100.0 2 Aah % 5.8 6.5 10 Crude fiber % 6.0 6.7 20 Ether extract % 9 1.0 70 N-free extract % 30.5 34.3 Protein (N x 625) % as.8 51.5 7 Sheep dig prot % 41.3 46.4 Energy GE keal/feg | 4198. 4719. Sheep DEkcal/ig | 3139. 3527. Sheep ME kcal/eg | 2574. 2692. Sheep TON % 71. 80. Calcium * 232 -36 | 56 iron % -012 .013] 34 Magnesium % 27 ~30 | 60 Phosphorus % .67 -75 121 Consimeed (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 107 53 Feed name or Mean AV. onoly ses Asfed Dry + % Potassium * 1.97 2.21 6 Sodium * 234 ~-38 | 68 Cobalt mg/g » 100 ~100163 Copper mek 36.53 40.8 12 Manganese me/kg 27.5 30.9 le Choline mg/kg 12795. 3083. 9 Folic acid mek 70 - 60 Niacin mg/kg 26.8 30.1 21 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 19.5 16.3 28 Riboflavin mg/g 3.3 3.7 25 Thiamine mesg 6.6 7.4 57 Arginine % 3.20 3.60 |14 Histidine % 1.10 1.26 14 Isoleucine % 2.50 2.81 16 Leucine % 3.40 3.62 1a Lysine % 2.90 3.26 13 Methionine % »60 -67 a3 Phenylalanine % 2.20 2.47 7 Threonine % 1.70 1.91 5 Tryptophan % -60 ~67 9 Tyrosine % 1.40 1.57 | 14 Valine % 2.40 2.70 7 Soybesn, seed, (5) Ref no 5-04610 Dry matter % 90.0 100.0 Ash % a.6 5.1 Crude fiber % §.0 5.6 Ether extract % 18.0 20.0 N-free extract % 24.5 27.2 Protein (N x 6.25) % 37.9 42.1 Sheep dig prot % 34.1 37.9 Energy Sheep DE kcal/feg | 3690. 4100. Sheep ME kcalg 13026. 3362. Sheep TON % 6a, 93. Calcium % ~25 -28 Phosphorus % -59 - 66 Soybran flakes - see Soybesn, hulls Spent bone black - sse Animel, bone charcoal SQUIRRELTAIL GRASS. Sitanion spp Squirrelteil grass, serial pt, fresh, dormant, (2) Ref no 2-05-566 Dry matter % 66.0 100.0 Ash % 14.7 17.1 Ether extract % 2.2 2.6 Protein (N x 6.25) % 3.9 4.5 Coetmeed (6) minerats (7) vitamins (8) additives 1U6

54 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome or Meon CY. analyses As fed Dry +% Sheep dig prot % 9 1.1 Cellulose % 32.7 38.0 Lignin % 7.7 9.0 Energy GE kcal/feg |3280. 3814, Sheep DE kcal/eg 11696. 1914. Sheep ME kealg 113988. 1614, Sheep TON % 40. a6. Calcium % 258 67 Phosphorus % 06 -07 Carotene mg/kg 9 1.1 SUGARCANE. Saccharum officinarum Sugarcane, molasses, dehy, (4) Cane molasses, dried Molasses, cane, dried Ref no 4.04695 Dry matter % 96.0 100.0 Ash % 8.0 8.3 Crude fiber % 5.0 5.2 Ether extract * 1.0 1.0 N-free extract % 71.7 74.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 10.3 10.7 Energy GE kcal/kg 13087. 3212. Sugarcane, molasses, mn 48 invert sugar mn 79.5 degrees brix, (4) Cane molasses (AAFCO) Molasses, cane Ref no 4.04696 Dry matter % 75.0 100.90 7 Ash % 6.1 10.8 34 Ether extract % oi] at 99 N-free extract % 63.6 84.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 3.2 4.3 87 Sheep dig prot % 9 1.2 Energy GE kcal/eg | 3086. 4114. Sheep DE kcal/eg (2381. 3175. Sheep ME keal/g | 3953. 2604, Sheep TON % 54. 72. Catcium * 89 1.19 | 51 Iron % ~O19 025 9 Magnesium % 35 47 56 Phosphorus % -08 A | 75 Potassium % 2.38 3.17 | 21 Copper mek 59.6 79.4 62 Manganese mg/kg 42.2 56.3 56 Choline mesg 676. 3167. 87 Niacin mg/kg 34.3 45.7 44 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 36.3 $1.1 34 Riboflavin mek 3.3 4.4 99 Thiamine mg/kg a] 1.2 63 (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pasture, range plants and forages fed green 109 (5) protein supplements 110 Feed name or Mean C. analyses As fed | Dry t SWEETCLOVER. Melilotus spp Sweetclover, hay, sc, (1) Ref no 1-04-754 Dry matter % 87.2 100.0 4 Ash % 7.6 8.7 19 Crude fiber % 28.1 32.2 15 Ether extract % 1.9 2.2 17 N-free extract % 35.4 40.6 Protein (N x 625) % 14.2 16.3 19 Sheep dig prot % 10.1 11.6 Energy Sheep DE kcal/g | 2038. 2337. Sheep ME keai/g | 1671. 1916. Sheep TON % 46. 53. Calcium % 1.54 1.77 5 Iron % -010 .020/ 18 Magnesium % 54 -62 | 18 Phosphorus % 25 +26 27 Potassium * 1.17 1.34 | 23 Copper mg/re 8.8 10.1 10 Manganese meske 69.8 103.0 20 Carotene mg/kg} 108.5 124.4 16 Vitamin A equiv Ug 180.9 207.4 TIMOTHY. Phieum pratense Timothy, hay, sc, pre-bim, (1) Ref no 104-881 Ory matter % 686.6 100.0 Aah % 6.6 7.53 Crude fiber % 29.1 32.9 Ether extract % 2.6 3.0 N-free extract * 39.2 44.3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 10.9 12.3 Sheep dig prot % 6.9 7.8 Energy Sheep DE kcatfg 12617. 2954, Sheep ME kcal/eg |} 2146. 2422. Sheep TON % 59. 67. Catcium * -58 - 66 Phosphorus % -30 34 Timothy, hay, sc, earty bim, (1) Ref no 1-04-882 Dry matter % 87.7 100.0 4 Aah % 5.4 6.2 11 Crude fiber % 29.1 33.2 6 Ether extract * 2.3 2.6 16 Continoed (3) silages (4) energy feeds Feed name ar Mean C. analyses As fed Dry t N-free extract % 43.2 49.3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 7.6 8.7 l2 Sheep dig prot % 4.1 4.7 Energy GE kcal/g |3893. 4439. Sheep DE kcal/g 12165. 2469. Sheep ME bkcal/yg 11775. 2024. Sheep TON % 49. 56. Caicium % 53 -60 |20 Phosphorus % .23 -26 |30 Potassium * ~81 92 Timothy, hay, sc, mid-bim, (1) Ref no 104-883 Dry matter % 88.4 100.0 2 Ash * 5.1 5.8 13 Crude fiber % 29.6 33.5 4 Ether extract % 2.4 2.7 10 N-free extract % 43.8 49.5 Protein (N x 6.25) * 7.5 6.5 15 Sheep dig prot % 4.6 5.2 Energy GE kcaifg 13860. 4366. Sheep DEtcalfg 12339. 2646. Sheep ME bcal/fg (1918. 2170. Sheep TON % 53. 60. Calcium * + 36 «41 Magnesium * 14 ~16 Phosphorus % 217 ~19 Carotene mg/kg 47.2 $3.4 Vitamin A equiv lu/g 78.7 89.0 Timothy, hay, s-c, lete bim, (1) Ref no 104-885 Ory matter % 68.0 100.0 Ash * 5.53 6.0 Crude fiber % 28.5 32.4 Ether extract * 2.2 2.5 N-tree extract % 44.7 50.8 Protein (N x 625) * 7.3 8.3 Sheep dig prot % 3.2 3.6 Energy Sheep DE malig | 2134. 2425. Sheep ME keai/g | 1749. i968. Sheep TON % 48. 55. Calcium * «35 38 Phosphorus % 16 -18 Timothy, sersal pt, fresh, pre-bim, (2) Ref no 204-903 Dry matter % 28.53 100.0 Aah * 1.9 6.8 Crude fiber % 5 33.5 Continued (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 11)

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed nome o Mean C.Y. analyses As fed Dry *% Ether extract % 1.1 4.0 N-free extract % 13.1 46.4 Protein (N x 6.25) % 2.6 9.5 Sheep dig prot % 1.4 §.0 Energy Sheep DE lecal /ng 724. 2557. Sheep ME malig | 593. 2097. Sheep TON % 16. 58. Calcium % 14 50 Magnesium % 04 215 Phosphorus % ~10 35 Potassium % 68 2.40 Timothy, aerial pt, fresh, mid-bim, (2) Ref no 2-04-905 Ory matter % 28.1 100.90 Aah % 2.0 7.1 2 Crude fiber % 9.5 33.7 5 Ether extract % 9 3.2 5 N-free extract * 13.1 46.5 Protein (N x 625) % 2.7 9.6 25 Sheep dig prot % 1.0 3.7 Cellulose % 8.7 31.0 7 Lignin % 1.8 6.3 9 Energy Sheep DEWwalfg | 644. 2292. Sheep MEkcaifg | 528. 1879. Sheep TON % 15. 52. Timothy, serial pt, ensiled, (3) Ref no 304-922 Ory matter % 37.5 100.0 15 Ash % 2.6 7.0 10 Crude fiber % 12.7 33.9 6 Ether extract % 1.2 3.3 9 N-free extract % 17.1 45.6 Protein (N x 625) % 3.8 10.2 10 Sheep dig prot % 2.1 5.5 Energy Sheep DE kalfg $1025. 2734. Sheep MElcal/eg | 841. 2242. Sheep TON % 23. 62. Calcium * 22] 55 11 tron * ~0U4 -010] 16 Magnesium * 06 «15 [23 Phosphorus * 3) «29 [24 Potassium % 63 1.69 8 Copper mele 2.3 5.5 17 Manganese me/rg 33.8 90.2 19 Carotene mete 29.6 78.9 30 Vitamin A equiv 1U/g 49.3 131.5 Toruta dried yeast - see Yeast torulopsis (1) dry forages and roughages (2) pesture, range plants and forages fed green ile Nutrient Requirements of Sheep 55 Feed nome or Mean C.V. Feed name or Mean C. onalyses | As fed Dry + onalyses As fed Dry ¢ Sheep TON % 8. 81. Calcium * 06 -64 TREFOIL, BIRDSFOOT. Lotus corniculatus Phosphorus % -02 22 Trefoil, birdsfoot, hay, sc, (1) Ref no 105-044 VETCH. Vicia spp Dry matter % 91.2 100.0 Vetch, hay, s«, (1) Ash % 6.0 6.6 Crude fiber %] 27.0 29.6 Ref no 1-05-106 Ether extract % 2.1 2.3 N-free extract % 41.9 45.9 Ory matter % 88.2 100.0 3 Protein (N x 6.25) % 14.2 15.6 Aah % 8.0 9.1 20 Sheep dig prot % 9.8 10.7 Crude fiber % 25.1 28.5 11 Energy Ether extract % 2.3 2.6 32 Sheep DEteal/fg (2413. 2646. N-free extract % 35.1 39.8 Sheep ME bcal/ig 11979. 2170. Protein (N x 6.25) * 17.6 20.0 21 Sheep TON % 55. 60. Sheep dig prot % 13.8 15.6 Calcium % 1.60 1.75 Energy Phosphorus % 20 22 Sheep DE kcal/fg 12372. 2690. Sheep ME kal/fg (1945. 2206. Sheep TON % 54. 61. Trefoil, birdsfoot, serial pt, fresh, (2) Calcium % 1.20 1.36 |32 Iron % .040 -050]59 Ref no 207-998 Magnesium % 224 .27 «(29 Phosphorus % 30 234 119 Ory matter % 20.0 100.0 Potassium % 1.87 2.12 [27 Ash % 1.5 7.5 Sodium % 46 -52 | 11 Crude fiber % 2.6 13.0 Sulfur % 213 -15 [26 Ether extract % 1.0 5.0 Cobsit mere »310 - 350 N-free extract % 9.3 46.5 Copper mere 8.7 9.9 7 Protein (N x 6.25) % 5.6 28.0 Manganese me/rg 53.7 60.9 30 Sheep dig prot % 4.6 23.0 Energy Sheep DElalfg | 661. 3307. Sheep MEkeal/eg | Sa2, 2712. Wheat grain - see also Whest, hard red spring; see Sheep TON % 15. 75. Wheat, soft red winter Calctum % 44 2.20 oo > Phosphorus % 05 25 Potassium % 46 2.30 WHEAT. Triticum spp Wheat, hay, sc, (1) TURNIP. Brassica rape Ref no 105-172 Turnip, roots, fresh, (4) Ory matter % 85.9 100.0 3 Ref no 405-067 Ash % 5.9 6.9 22 Crude fiber % 23.9 27.8 14 Ory matter % 9.3 100.0 Ether extract % 1.7 2.0 17 Aah % 9 9.7 N-tree extract % 47.9 55.8 Crude fiber * 1.2 11.8 Protein (N x 6.25) % 6.4 7.5 15 Ether extract % 72 2.2 Sheep dig prot % 3.4 4.0 N-free extract % 5.8 62.3 Energy Protein (N x 6.25) *% 1.3 14.0 Sheep DE kcal/feg | 1970. 2293. Sheep dig prot % .8 9.0 Sheep MEkcal/eg 11615. 1680. Energy Sheep TON % as. 52. Sheep DE taal /g 332. 3571. Carotene mesg 95.9 111.6 Sheep MEkcalfg | 272. 2928. Vitamin A equiv Ug] 159.9 186.0 Consinaed G) silages (6) minerats (4) energy feeds (7) vitamins (8) additives

96 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed name or Meon C.V Feed name or Meon C.V onolyses As fed | Dry + % analyses As fed | Dry +% Wheat, straw, (1) Wheat, bran, dry-mil, (4) Wheat bran (AAFCO) Ref no 105-175 Bran (CFA) Ref no 4-05-190 Ory matter % 90.1 100.0 4 Ash % 7.3 8.1 18 Dry matter % 89.0 100.0 3 Crude fiber % 37.4 41.5 7 Ash % 6.1 6.9 17 Ether extract % 1.5 1.7 31 Crude tiber % 10.0 11.2 22 aatract % 40.6 45.1 Ether extract % 4.1 4.6 19 Protein (N x 6.25) % 3.2 3.6 27 N-free extract % 52.8 59.3 Sheep Gig prot % 1.94 1.5 Protein (N x 625) % 16.0 18.0 1a Cellulcse % 45.1 50.1 23 Sheep dig prot % 12.0 13.5 Lignin % 12.3 13.7 Energy GE kcal/kg |4052. 4554. Energy Sheep DE kcal/g J2590. 2930. Sheep DE kcal/eg 11509. 1675. Sheep ME kcal/feg 2129. 2386. Sheep ME kcal ‘tg 11236. 1374. Sheep TON % 59. 66. Sheep TON % 34, 38. Calcium % ~14 16 [71 Calcium % ~15 017 7 35 Iron % O17 .019]27 Chicrine % 27 ~ 30 16 Magnesium % 255 62 16 Iron % 010 ~-O20] 20 Phosphorus * 1.17 1.32 32 Magnesium % eld ~l2 | 99 Potassium * 1,24 1.39 |22 Phasphorus % 07 .08 99 Sodium * .06 O07 57 Potassium % 1.00 1.1i 32 Cobalt m@/kg 1.000 1.100/40 Sodium % -13 014 «(45 Copper mg/kg 12.3 13.8 52 Sultur % 17 ~19 19 Manganese mg/kg 115.7 130.0 15 Cobalt mg/kg ~040 -040 Choline mg/kg 968. 1110. Copper mg/kg 3.0 3.3 19 Folic acid mg/kg 1.80 2.00 92 Manganese mg/kg 36.4 40.4 30 Niacin meg /kg 209.2 235.1 aa Carotene mg/kg 2.0 2.2 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 29.0 32.6 25 Vitamin A equiv Ug 3.3 3.7 Riboflavin mg/kg 3.1 3.5 37 Thiamine mg/kg 7.9 8.9 43 a-tocopherol mg/kg 10.8 12.1 36 Arginine % 1.00 1.82 13 Cystine * - 30 34 Glycine % ~90 1.9) Wheat, serial pt, fresh, immature, (2) Histidine % .30 -34 {24 Isoleucine % +60 -67 | 24 Ref no 205-176 Leucine % -90 1.01 8 —_———7- Lysine % .60 .67 | 22 Methionine * -10 11 63 Dry matter % 2:.5 100.0 25 Phenylalanine % 50 »56 {15 Ash % 2.9 13.3 18 Threonine % 40 45 18a Crude fiber % 3.7 17.4 21 Tryptophan % .30 234 411 Ether extract % 1.0 4.4 18 Tyrosine % 40 »45 | 40 N-tree extract % 7.8 36.3 Valine * 70 79 16 Protein (N x 6.25) % 6.1 28.6 14 Sheep dig prot % 5.1 23.6 Energy Wheat, flour by-prod, c-sift, mx 7 fbr, (4) Sheep DEkcal/g | 673. 3130. Wheat shorts, mx 7 fbr (AAFCO) Sheep ME kcal | 552. 2566. Shorts, mx 8 fbr (CFA) Sheep TON % 15. 71. Calcium % .09 042 | 494 Ref no 4-05-201 Magnesium % 05 21 22 Phosphorus % 09 40 | 30 Dry matter % 90.0 100.0 1 Potassium % 75 3.50 13 Ash % 3.9 4.5 23 Carotene mg/kg 111.8 $20.2 39 Crude fiber % 5.0 5.6 26 Vitamin A equiv 1U/¢ 186.4 867.2 Ether extract % 4.2 4.7 17 N-free extract % 58.5 65.0 Costinaed (1) dry forages and roughages (3) silages (2) pasture, range plants, and (4) energy feeds forages fed green 115 (5) protein supplements 1:16 Feed nome or Mean C. cnalyses As fed Dry t Protein (N x 625) % 18.4 20.4 9 Sheep dig prot % 15.6 17.3 Energy Sheep DE keaifeg | 3373. 3748. Sheep ME kcaifg |} 2766. 3073. Sheep TON % 76. 85. Calcium * ~lt 212 28 Iron % ~010 -011183 Magnesium % 26 29 25 Phosphorus % 76 ~-84 | 26 Potassium % -85 094 Sodium * ~O7 -08 Cobalt me/kg ~100 - 100! 64 Copper mg/kg 9.2 10.3 37 Manganese mg/kg 104.5 116.1 26 Choline mg/kg 928. 1093. Niacin mg/kg 949.6 105.1 18 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 17.6 19.6 38 Riboflavin mg/kg 2.0 2.2 3} Thiamine mg/kg 15.8 17.6 2 a-tocopherol mg/kg 29.9 33.2 Wheat, flour by-prod, mx 9.5 fbr, (4) Wheat middlings (AAFCO) Wheat standard middlings Ref no 405-205 Dry matter % 90.0 100.0 2 Ash % 4.4 4.9 13 Crude fiber % 8.0 6.9 19 Ether extract % 4.6 5.1 12 N-free extract % 55.8 62.0 Protein (N x 6.25) % 17.2 19.2 9 Sheep dig prot % i3.4 18.9 Energy Sheep DE kcalfeg | 2976. 3307. Sheep ME kcal/fg | 2941. 2712. Sheep TON % 68. 75. Calcium % -15 ~-16 | 72 Iron % -010 -O10/ 353 Magnesium % -37 41 [11 Phosphorus % -91 1.01 [15 Potassium % 98 1.08 8 Sodium % ~22 24 Cobalt ma/kg - 100 . 100] 20 Copper mg/kg 22.0 24.4 9 Manganese meee | 116.4 131.5 12 Choline mg/g} 1074. 1195. Folic acid mg/kg -90 1.00 Niacin mg/kg 98.6 109.5 23 Pantothenic acid me/reg 19.86 22.0 30 Riboflavin mg/kg 2.0 2.2 27 Thismine me/kg 32.8 14.2 19 Arginine % -90 1.00 | 25 Cystine % ~ 20 ~22 Glycine % 240 244 Histidine % -40 244 | 30 Isoleucine % -80 88 | 28 Continned (6) minerals (7) vitamins (8) additives 117

TABLE 6 Composition of Feeds—Continued Feed name or Mean VV. onclyses As fed Dry +% Leucine % 1.20 1.33 | 20 Lysine % 70 «77 | 26 Methionine % 20 -22 | 36 Phenylalanine * 70 77 16 Threonine * 60 66 6 Tryptophan % 20 «22 19 Tyrosine % 40 +44 30 Valine % 60 -88 | 25 Wheat, grain, thresher-run, mn 55 mx 60 wt mx 5 fm, (4) Ref no 4-08-165 Canada Ory matter % 88.0 100.0 Aah % 1.6 1.8 Crude fiber % 2.6 2.9 Ether extract % 1.2 1.4 N-free extract % 66.7 75.8 Protein (N x 625) % 15.8 18.0 Sheep dig prot % 12.3 14.0 Energy GE kralfig | 4224. 4800. Shesp DE mal/g | 3376. 3836. Sheep ME keal/ug | 2766. 3146. Sheep TON % 76. 87. Wheat, grain, thresher-run, mn 60 wt mx 5 fm, (4) Ref no 4-08- 164 Canada Ory matter % 88.0 100.6 Aah % 1.8 2.0 Crude fiber % 2.2 2.5 Ether extract % 1.4 1.6 N-free extract % 69.1 78.5 Protein (N x 625) % 13.6 15.4 Sheep dig prot % 10.6 12.0 Energy GE keal/feg [9174. 4743, Sheep OE malig (3914. 3880. Sheep MEbalfg | 2600. 3182. Sheep TON % 77. as. Whest, grain, Pacific coast, (4) Ref no 4-08-142 Dry matter % 89.2 100.0 Ash % 1.9 2.1 Crude fiber % 2.7 3.0 Ether extract % 2.0 2.2 N-free extract % 72.8 81.6 Protein (N x 6.25) % 9.9 11.1 Sheep dig prot % 7.7 6.6 Energy Sheep DE mcal/ig | 3461. 3680. Sheep ME aifg | 2838. 3182. Sheep TON % 78. 68. Contioeed (1) dry forages and roughages @) pasture, range plants and forages fed green 118 Nutrient Requirements of Sheep 57 Feed name or Mean Vz analyses As fed Dry +% Calcium % 12 ~14 Phosphorus % 30 .34 Niacin me/ke 59.1 66.3 Pantothenic ecid mek 11.5 12.9 Riboflavin me/eg 1.1 1.2 Thiamine mg/kg 4.9 5.5 Wheat, grain, (4) Ref no 4-06-211 Dry matter * 69.0 100.0 2 Ash % 1.6 1.8 25 Crude fiber % 3.0 3.4 31 Ether extract % 1.7 1.9 24 N-free extract % 70.0 76.6 Protein (N x 625) % 12.7 14.3 14 Sheep dig prot % 10.0 11.2 Energy GE kcalfrg | 4001. 449s. Sheep DE kealig 13455. 3660. Sheep ME alg 12832. 3182. Sheep TON % 78. 686. Calcium % .05 -06 1/99 tron % 005 »006] 55 Magnesium % - 16 -18 | 27 Phosphorus % + 36 4) [24 Potassium % ~52 -58 | 22 Sodium % 09 210 155 Cobalt me/kg 080 090] 31 Copper me/kg 7.2 8.1 4) Manganese mete 48.8 54.8 30 Zine mg/kg 13.7 15.4 Biotin me/kg .10 -10 | 84 Choline mg/kg 630. 933. 28 Folic acid mg/kg 40 ~40 | 36 Niacin me/kg 56.6 63.6 29 Pantothenic ecid mesg 12.1 13.6 17 Riboflavin mg/kg 1.2 1.3 60 Thiamine me/kg 4.9 5.5 27 a-tocopherol meg} 15.5 17.4 9 Arginine % .71 .80 | 23 Cystine % -18 20 Glycine % - 89 1.00 Histidine % 027 -30 | 36 Isoleucine % -53 -60 | 33 Leucine * -89 1.00 | 26 Lysine % 245 S51 | 32 Methionine % -18 »20 Phenytalanine % 62 2-70 | 23 Threonine % 236 »40 119 Tryptophan % -18 -20 [25 Tyrosine % 45 51 a4 Valine % ~53 -60 | 27 (3) silages (4) energy feeds (5) protein supplements 119 Feed name o Mean V. analyses As fed Dry £% Wheat, grain screenings, (4) Ref no 4-05-216 Dry matter % 89.0 100.0 2 Aah % 3.2 3.6 41 Crude fiber % 7.0 7.9 73 Ether extract * 3.90 3.4 27 N-free extract % 60.7 66.2 Protein (N x 625) % 15.0 16.9 17 Sheep dig prot % 10.8 12.2 Celtulcse % §.0 5.6 Lignin * 7.0 7.9 Energy Sheep DE alg [S022. 3395. Sheep ME keal/g 124786. 2784. Sheep TON % 68. 77. Calcium % .08 ~09 Phosphorus % - 36 -40 Manganese me/kg 28.6 32.1 Wheat, germ, grnd, mn 25 prot 7 fat, (5) Wheat germ meal (AAFCO) Ref no 5.05-218 Dry matter % 90.0 100.0 2 Aah % 4.3 4.8 8 Crude fiber % 3.0 3.3 18 Ether extract % 10.9 12.1 15 N-free extract % 45.6 50.7 Protein (N x 625) * 26.2 29.1 14 Sheep dig prot % 24.7 27.4 Energy GE bcai/g (4206. 46753. Sheep DE kcai/fig 13649. 4277. Sheep ME talfg (3156. 3507. Sheep TONS | 87. 97. Ceicium % 07 -08 9 tron % 011 O12 Phosphorus % 1.04 1.16 5 Copper mire 8.8 9.8 Manganese mg/kg 134.9 149.9 Choline mee |3010. 3344, 19 Folic acid mg/kg 2.00 2.20 Niacin mg/te 47.3 52.6 50 Pantothenic acid mg/kg 11.2 12.4 59 Riboflavin mg/kg 5.1 5.7 25 Thiemine me/e 27.9 31.0 a2 e-tocopherol mefkg| 132.7 147.4 9 Nginine % 1.60 1.78 Cystine % -50 56 Histidine % «50 56 Isoleucine % 1.20 1.35 Leucine * 1.10 1.22 Lysine % 1.60 1.78 Methionine * -30 ~33 Phenylalanine * -80 - 89 Threonine % »80 ~89 Continued (6) minerats (7) vitamins (8) additives 120

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