National Academies Press: OpenBook

Visualization for Public Involvement (2024)

Chapter: References

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Page 46
Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Visualization for Public Involvement. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27882.
Page 46
Page 47
Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Visualization for Public Involvement. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27882.
Page 47

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References AASHTO (2021) Public Involvement Peer Exchange Summary Report, AASHTO Center for Environmental Excellence, June. AASHTO (2020) Interactive Visualization, .aspx, AASHTO Innovation Initiative. (As of August 15, 2023) Broen, F. (2022) NCHRP Synthesis 584: Visualization of Highway Performance Measures. Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (2017) NCHRP Web-Only Document 226: Data Visualization Methods for Trans­ portation Agencies., 2017. (As of August 15, 2023) FHWA (2022) Virtual Public Involvement, (As of August 15, 2023) FHWA (2020) Fact Sheet, “Emerging Uses of Visualization,” _involvement/vpi/resources/fact_sheets/emerging_vis_techs.pdf. (As of August 15, 2023) FTA (2010) Choosing Visualization for Transportation (interactive portal). Hixon, C. (2006) NCHRP Synthesis 361: Visualization for Project Development. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC Hoermann, S. (2019) “Visualizing Sea Level Rise Impacts in Transportation Planning,” Presented at 9th Inter- national Visualization in Transportation Symposium, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, November. Hutchinson, D. (2022) “Visualization in Transportation Planning—From Visioning to Performance Measures,” Presented at 10th International Visualization in Transportation Symposium, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, November. Iowa DOT and Iowa State University (2018) “I-74 in Virtual Reality,” presented at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2018, as recorded in AASHTO Video, “Innovation in Motion: Iowa DOT Immersing the Public in Virtual Reality.” Lebeaux, P. (2012) What to tell the public? Information Design as Interpretation in Corridor Planning (unpublished doctoral dissertation), Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Mitchell, A., C. Williges, S. Henly-Thomas, and J. Messner (2023) CRP Special Release 4: Lifecycle BIM for Infrastructure—A Business Case for Project Delivery and Asset Management, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Nasr-Azadani, E., D. Wardrop, and R. Brooks (2022) “Is the Rapid Development of Visualization Techniques Enhancing the Quality of Public Participation in Natural Resource Policy and Management? A systematic review,” Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 228, December. NDOT (2018) “A Look at Project Neon’s Interactive Public Outreach” (YouTube video), .com/watch?v=WrsC8ULOlQ8. (As of August 15, 2023) PennDOT (2021) “Public Involvement Requirements and Hearing Procedures,” PennDOT Publication 295, May. Poszich, A. (2022) “Enhancing Engagement through Interactive 360-degree Media,” Presented at 10th Inter- national Visualization in Transportation Symposium, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, November. Salerno, M., A. Lubin and P. Lebeaux (2022) NCHRP Web-Only Document 349: Virtual Public Involvement: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, December. Schmeits, C. (2019) “360-degree Images for Public Communication on the North Tarrant Express 35W Project,” Presented at 9th International Visualization in Transportation Symposium, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, November. 46

References  47 Skaaland, E. and K. Pitera (2021) “Investigating the Use of Visualization to Improve Public Participation in Infrastructure Projects: How are Digital Approaches Used and What Value do they Bring?” Urban Planning and Transport Research, 9:1, February. Szarkowski, M. (2022) “Let the Pictures do the Talking: Using Comparative Illustrations to Communicate the MTA Interborough Express Feasibility Study,” Presented at 10th International Visualization in Transportation Symposium, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, November. VDOT (2020) 3D Model Development Manual, VDOT Location and Design Division, October. Walker, D. (2007) “Visualization as a Common Language for Planning: Good Practices, Caveats, and Areas for Research,” TR News, No. 252, Transportation Research Board, September–October, pp. 7–10.

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 Visualization for Public Involvement
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Visualization methods have long been integral to the public involvement process for transportation planning and project development. From well-established methods such as conceptual sketches or photo simulations to the latest immersive technologies, state departments of transportation (DOTs) recognize that visualizations can significantly increase public understanding of a project’s appearance and physical impacts. Emerging methods such as interactive three-dimensional environments, virtual reality, and augmented reality can dramatically enhance public understanding of transportation options and design concepts.

NCHRP Synthesis 632: Visualization for Public Involvement, from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, documents state DOT practices of visualization for public involvement throughout the life cycle of plans, programs, and projects.


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