National Academies Press: OpenBook

Examination of Transit Agency Coordination with Electric Utilities (2024)

Chapter: References and Bibliography

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Suggested Citation:"References and Bibliography." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Examination of Transit Agency Coordination with Electric Utilities. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27884.
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Suggested Citation:"References and Bibliography." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Examination of Transit Agency Coordination with Electric Utilities. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27884.
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Suggested Citation:"References and Bibliography." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Examination of Transit Agency Coordination with Electric Utilities. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27884.
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References and Bibliography American Public Power Association (APPA). Getting Involved in Fleet Electrification. 2019. https://www.publicpower .org/system/files/documents/Getting-Involved-in-Fleet-Electrification.pdf. American Public Power Association (APPA). Electric Vehicles Issue Brief. 2023. /policy/electric-vehicles. American Public Power Association (APPA). American Public Power Association Website. https://www.publicpower .org/where-public-power. n.d.-a. Accessed June 2023. American Public Power Association (APPA). Public Power. n.d.-b. Accessed June 2023. https://www.publicpower .org/public-power. American Public Transportation Association (APTA). “Transit Agency and Utility Partnerships: Case Studies from Denver, Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro and Portland.” Webinar. June 16, 2020. American Public Transportation Association (APTA). Checklist for Engaging on Fleet Electrification. March 2023. _On_Fleet_Electrification.pdf. American Public Transportation Association (APTA). 2023 Public Transportation Vehicle Database. June 2023. Retrieved from Atlas Public Policy. Deploying Charging Infrastructure for Electric Transit Buses. 2022. /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Deploying-Charging-Infrastructure-for-Electric-Transit-Buses.pdf. California Air Resources Board. California Transitioning to All-Electric Public Bus Fleet by 2040. 2018. https:// California Air Resources Board. Innovative Clean Transit (ICT) Regulation Fact Sheet. May 16, 2019. Accessed July 2023. California Public Utilities Commission. Charging Infrastructure Deployment and Incentives. Accessed August 2023. /charging-infrastructure-deployment-and-incentives. CALSTART. Zeroing in on ZEBs. 2020. _FINAL.pdf. CALSTART. Zeroing in on ZEBs. 2023. Canadian Government Zero Emission Transit Fund. Accessed May 2023. -emissions-trans-zero-emissions/index-eng.html. Center for Transportation and the Environment, AECOM, Fiedler Group. MTS Zero Emission Bus Fleet Transition Plan Study. September 2020. CERES, California Trucking Association, and Navigant. The Road to Fleet Electrification. 2020. City of Charlotte. Strategic Energy Action Plan. December 2018. /Initiatives-and-Involvement/Sustainability/SEAP. City of Charlotte. Charlotte Area Transit System Uses Low or No Emission Grant Funding to Pilot Electric Bus Fleet. February 2023. City of Charlotte. City of Charlotte and Duke Energy Launch Energy Efficiency Program. Press Release, April 11, 2023. -Energy-Efficiency-Program-for-Homeowners. City of Charlotte and Duke Energy. Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Charlotte and Duke Energy Carolinas to Establish a Low Carbon, Smart City Collaboration. January 2019. Colorado Energy Office. Colorado Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap. 2021. https://energyoffice Dayal, A. PSTA: Lessons Learned Operating BEB’s in Different Climates. January 2023. Desmond, C. Xcel Energy-Green Energy Partnership Update. September 2020. 62

References and Bibliography   63 Desmond, C. Zero Emission Bus Transition Plan. May 2022. Desmond, C. Electric Bus Ready – Partnering With Xcel Energy. 2023. Duke Energy. Charlotte Area Transit System, eTransEnergy Celebrate Launch of Battery Electric Bus Pilot Program on Earth Day. Press Release, April 2022. -etransenergy-celebrate-launch-of-battery-electric-bus-pilot-program-on-earth-day. Duke Energy. Duke Energy Expands Clean Energy Action Plan. Press Release, February 2022. https://news.duke Duke Energy. How eTransEnergy Helps Organizations Electrify Vehicles. July 2022. https://illumination.duke Duke Energy. Commercial Charger Rebate. Accessed August 2023. /products/ev-complete/charger-rebate. Duke Energy. Park & Plug. Accessed August 2023. Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions and Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority. Master Services Agreement. August 2022. Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions. Fleet Electrification. Accessed June 2023. https://sustainablesolutions.duke Edison Electric Institute (EEI). Preparing to Plug In Your Bus Fleet. 2019. Accessed June 2023. https://www.apta .com/wp-content/uploads/PreparingToPlugInYourBusFleet_FINAL_2019.pdf. Edison Electric Institute (EEI). Electric Transportation Biannual State Regulatory Update. 2023. Accessed May 2023. Edison Electric Institute (EEI). About EEI: U.S. Investor-Owned Electric Companies. Accessed May 2024. https:// eTransEnergy. Streamlined Fleet Electrification. Accessed June 2023. Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Biden-Harris Administration Announces over $1.6 Billion in Bipartisan Infra- structure Law Funding to Nearly Double the Number of Clean Transit Buses on America’s Roads. August 16, 2022. Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan website. Last updated November 7, 2022. Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Low or No Emission Vehicle Program website. n.d. https://www.transit Fehribach, J. CATS Battery Electric Bus Pilot. April 2023. Guidehouse. Electricity Regulation for a Customer Centric Future: Survey of Alternative Regulatory Mechanisms. 2020. Hanlin, J., D. Reddaway, and J. Lane. TCRP: Synthesis of Practice 130: Battery Electric Buses—State of the Practice. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2018. Heard, R., and E. Mannarino. ACRP Synthesis 91/TCRP Synthesis 137: Microgrids and Their Application for Airports and Public Transit. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2018. Holy Cross Energy (HCE). 2021 EV Update. 2021. _HCE-EV-Progress-Report_spreads_TOPOST.pdf. Holy Cross Energy (HCE). Electrification of Transportation website. Accessed July 2023. https://www.holycross .com/electrification-of-transportation/. Holy Cross Energy (HCE). Time of Day Rate Tariff – General. Accessed August 2023. /wp-content/uploads/2022/03/HCE-Tariffs-Rules-and-Regulations-3.28.22.pdf#page=19. Initiative for Energy Justice. Utilities 101: A guide to the basics of the electric utility industry with a focus on justice. Summer 2020. King County. Ordinance 19052. Feb. 2020. King County Climate Action Team (eds.). 2020. King County 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan. King County, Washington. King Country Metro. Facilities Master Planning Program: Operational Capacity Growth Report. March 2019. King Count Metro. Battery-Electric Bus Implementation Report: Interim Base and Beyond. Jan. 2020. King County Metro. Moving to a Zero-Emission Bus Fleet: Transition Plan. May 2022. King County Metro. Bus Base Expansion. Accessed August 2023. King County Metro and City of Seattle. Interagency Agreement Regarding King County Bus Electrification Test Facility at South Base Between King County and the City of Seattle. Sept. 2020. Linscott, M., and A. Posner. TCRP Research Report 219: Guidebook for Deploying Zero-Emission Transit Buses. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2021. Metro Transit. About Metro Transit. Accessed May 2023. Metro Transit. Electric Buses. Accessed May 2023. Metro Transit. Facts. 2022. Accessed May 2023. /fact-sheets-2022.pdf.

64   Examination of Transit Agency Coordination with Electric Utilities Metro Transit. Zero-Emission Bus Transition Plan. February 2022. /media/about/improvements/electric_buses/220210_zebtp_finalreport.pdf. Metropolitan Council. Met Council, Xcel Energy work to get Council to 100% renewable energy by 2040. Press Release. June 8, 2018., -Xcel-Energy-work-to-get-Council-to-10.aspx. Mountain Line. Mountain Line FTA Transition Plan. 2023. National Renewable Energy Laboratory and USAID. Electrifying Transit: A Guidebook for Implementing Battery Electric Buses. 2021. National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). America’s Electric Cooperatives. 2023. https://www Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA). Steering Toward a Sustainable Future: Sustainable Strategic Plan. March 2021. Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA). PSTA History and Facts. Accessed August 2023. https://www.psta .net/about-psta/history-and-facts/. Roaring Fork Transportation Authority. RFTA Destination 2040 Project Roadmap. Accessed July 2023. https:// Roberts, D. -change/. Rocky Mountain Institute. Steep Climb Ahead: How Fleet Managers Can Prepare for the Coming Wave of Electric Vehicles. 2021. Accessed June 2023. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). SDG&E Launches New EV Incentives Powering San Diego Fleets. ACT News. July 2020. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Power Your Drive Research Report. April 2021. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Clean Transportation Initiatives. Accessed August 2023. https://www.sdge .com/residential/electric-vehicles/electrification-projects-overview/. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Fleet Friendly Charging Rates. Accessed August 2023. https://www.sdge .com/business/electric-vehicles/power-your-drive-for-fleets/ev-hp. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Power Your Drive for Fleets. Accessed August 2023. /business/electric-vehicles/power-your-drive-for-fleets. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Boston Consulting Group, Black & Veatch. The Path to Net Zero. April 2022. San Diego MTS. Zero Emission Bus Rollout Plan. Sept. 2020. Seattle City Light. Transportation Electrification Strategic Investment Plan. 2020. /documents/Departments/CityLight/TESIP.pdf. Seattle City Light. Seattle City Light Electrification Assessment: 2022 Technical Report. January 2022. Seattle City Light website. Accessed September 2023. and Seattle City Light. 23 & 24 Effective Rates with BPA and RSA. 2024. Transportation for America. Greener Fleets: Meeting the Demand for Clean Transit. 2023. /wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Greener-Fleets-2-1.pdf. Trapeze Group. Roaring Fork Transportation Authority Case Study. Accessed July 2023. https://www.trapezegroup .com/case-study/roaring-fork-eam#. Union of Concerned Scientists. Electric Utility Investment in Truck and Bus Charging. Cambridge, MA, 2019. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. United States Elec- tricity Industry Primer. July 2015. -industry-primer. U.S. Department of Transportation. Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Rural Electric Mobility Infrastructure. 2022. Washington State Legislature. HB 1512 Digest. (2019–2020). =1512&Year=2019&Initiative=false. Whatley, K. San Diego MTS: Creative Solutions to Scaling Up Your BEB Infrastructure. April 2023. Xcel Energy. Fleet EV Solutions-Minnesota. 2022. /MN-Fleet-EV-summary-table.pdf. Xcel Energy. Carbon Reduction Plan. Accessed May 2023. /carbon-reduction-plan.

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 Examination of Transit Agency Coordination with Electric Utilities
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Public transit agencies across the United States are transitioning conventional bus fleets to battery electric buses (BEBs). This transition requires large investments in charging infrastructure as well as new demands on the power grid, which provides opportunities for partnership with electric utilities to upgrade grid supply and energy loads, and also to reduce costs during peak load.

TCRP Synthesis 175: Examination of Transit Agency Coordination with Electric Utilities, from TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program, provides practitioners and operational staff at public transit bus agencies and electric utilities with the state of current practices by agencies and utilities that are collaborating on BEB planning and deployments.


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