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4 Technological Aspects of Studies of Near-Earth Objects
Pages 22-26

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From page 22...
... or development of search and observational telescopes for more or less continuous use is desirable. Routine or priority access to optical and infrared telescopes and radar facilities requires strong and focused coordination.
From page 23...
... Asteroid spectra, for example, depend critically on the nature of the outermost surface layers. Regolith breccias contain materials that once resided on the surfaces of meteorite parent bodies, and some interplanetary dust particles may also be surficial materials.
From page 24...
... A more detailed discussion of attractive lines of progress follows for each of the three main mission types. Flyby Missions The simplest mission type is the flyby, without provision for matching velocities to achieve rendezvous.
From page 25...
... Although the use of a single spacecraft might be preferable for multiple flyby or rendezvous missions, use of multiple spacecraft is preferred for sample-return missions because it would increase the likelihood of successful sample acquisition.
From page 26...
... 4. Space Studies Board, National Research Council, Scientific Prerequisites for the Human Exploration of Space, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1993, p.

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