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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Bibliography." National Research Council. 2003. Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10677.

Appendix D

American Institute of Physics. 1997. “Stark Warning Issued on Advanced Technology Program.” Bulletin of Science Policy News.45(March 21).

Anthes, Gary H. 1997. “DARPA Looks Ahead.” Computerworld.July 28.

Arrow, K.J. 1962. “Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention,”in National Bureau of Economic Research, The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: Economic and Social Factors. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Asian Technology Information Program. 1994. Korean Engineering Professors Form a National Group. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Audretsch, David B. and Roy Thurik. 1999. Innovation, Industry, Evolution, and Employment.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Baily, M.N., and A.K. Chakrabarti. 1988. Innovation and the Productivity Crisis.Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution.

Beijing Morning Post. 2000. “Beijing Issued Implementation Rules on Recruiting Talents from Outside City.” August 14.

Bloch, Erich and Jerry Sheehan. 1999. “Federal IT Funding: Creating an Infrastructure, Growing an Infrastructure, Growing an Industry.” IMP Magazine.March.

Bodway, George, Sunlin Chou, Mark Melliar-Smith, and Peter Verhofstadt. 1995. SRC White Paper on Research Investment Gap Analysis. Research Triangle Park, NC: Semiconductor Research Corporation.

Brander, J.A. and B.J. Spencer. 1983. “International R&D Rivalry and Industrial Strategy.”Review of Economic Studies.50(4): 720-722.

Branstetter, L.G. and M. Sakakibara. 1998. “Japanese Research Consortia: A Microeconometric Analysis of Industrial Policy.” Journal of Industrial Economics. 46(2): 207-233.

Branstetter, L.G. and M. Sakakibara. 2000. When Do Research Consortia Work Well and Why? Evidence from Japanese Panel Data. NBER Working Paper No. W7972. October.

Branstetter, L.G. and M. Sakakibara. 2002. “When Do Research Consortia Work Well and Why? Evidence from Japanese Panel Data.” American Economic Review.92(1): 143-159.

Braun, E. and S. MacDonald. 1978. Revolution in Miniature. Second Edition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Bibliography." National Research Council. 2003. Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10677.

Browning, Larry D., and Judy C. Shetler. 2000. SEMATECH: Saving the U.S. Semiconductor Industry.College Station: Texas A&M University Press.

Bureau of Economic Analysis. 1999. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2001. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Burggraaf, Peter. 2000. “2000 Begins with a Revised Industry Roadmap.” Solid State Technology. January.

Burggraaf, Peter. 2000. “A Closer Look at Some of the Most Difficult Processing Challenges.” Solid State Technology. September.

Cahners Semiconductor International. 2000. “Top Fabs of 2000.” May.

Cavin, Ralph K. III, Daniel J.C. Herr and Victor Zhirnov. Undated. Semiconductor Research Needs in the Physical Sciences.SRC Working Paper. Research Triangle Park, NC: Semiconductor Research Corporation.

Chinaonline. 2000. “State Council Releases Text of Software, Integrated Circuit Policies.” August 2.

Choson Ilbo. 2001. “U.S. Questions Bailout of Hyundai Electronics.” January 31.

Chugan Choson. 2001. “The Government Above the Market, the Market Above Hyundai?” March 29.

Clark, Gordon L., Maryann P. Feldman, and Meric S. Gertler, eds. 2000. The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography.Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Clarke, Peter and Yoshiko Hara. 2000. “Analysis: Japan, Europe Ride 300-mm Wave.” Electronic Engineering Times.May 1.

CMP Media Inc. “Taiwan’s IC Makers Eye China—May Contract Low Cost Plants There, but the Island’s Government is Balking.” <>.

Coburn, C. and D. Berglund. 1995. Partnerships: A Compendium of State and Federal Cooperative Technology Programs.Columbus, OH: Battelle Press.

Cohen , Linda R. and Roger G. Noll. 1991. The Technology Pork Barrel. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution.

Council of Economic Advisers. 1995. Supporting Research and Development to Promote Economic Growth: The Federal Government’s Role.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Council of Economic Advisers. 2001. Economic Report of the President.Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

D’Aspremont, C., and A. Jacquemin. 1988. “Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D in Duopoly with Spillovers.” American Economic Review. Vol. 78.

Dasgupta, P. and J. Stiglitz, 1980. “Industrial Structure and the Nature of Innovative Activity.” Economic Journal. 90(June): 266-293.

David, Paul. 2000. “Understanding Digital Technology’s Evolution and the Path of Measured Productivity Growth: Present and Future in the Mirror of the Past,” in E. Brynjolfsson and B. Kahin, eds., Understanding the Digital Economy: Data, Tools, and Research.Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Dieffendorff, Keith. 2000. “Extreme Lithography.” Microprocessor Report. June.

Dixit, A.K. and A.S. Kyle. 1985. “The Use of Protection and Subsidies for Entry.”American Economic Review.75(1): 139-52.

The Economist. 2001. “The Great Chip Glut.” August 11.

Electronic Design. 2000. “DNA Motor Drives Nanotechnology Toward the Post-CMOS Era.” September 18.

Electronic Engineering Times. 1998. “Joint European Electronics Consortium–Cadence Targets RF Design.” March 16.

Electronic Engineering Times. 2000. “Chip Giants Prep. Fabs as Wafer Suppliers Gear Up–Europe, Japan Tool 3mm.” May 1. (Nexis reprint).

Electronic Engineering Times. 2000. “Lab Looks to Wring Two More Generations from Today’s Techniques, Materials—Intel, CMOS up to 70-nm Task.” December 11.

Electronique International Hebdo. 1996. “LETI Joins Forces with Equipment Manufacturers in 0.25-Micron Technologies.June 27.

Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Bibliography." National Research Council. 2003. Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10677.

Elektronik. 1997. “Laser 2000:1KW from a Matchbox.” July 22.

European Commission. 1994. Official Journal of the European Communities.L.126/1. May 18.

FBIS. 1994. Taro Okabe, “Semiconductor Industry Research Institute Resolves Policy Framework.” Nikkei Microdevices(FTS19941201000063). December.

FBIS. 1995. Translation of “For Research and Industry.”Markt und Technik(FTS19951208000472). December 8.

FBIS. 1995. Translation of “JESSI Has Developed Single-Chip Solutions for GSM Telephones.” Mikroelektronik und Mikrosystemtechnik(FTS19951005000666). October 5.

FBIS. 1995. Translation of “Largest Eureka Project a Resounding Success.” Economische Zaken (FTS19951006000613). October 6.

FBIS. 1995. Translation of Emi Yokata, “Japanese Manufacturers to Launch Joint Research on New Chip Technology to Counterattack U.S. Manufacturers.” Ekonomisuto(FTS19951031000245). October 31.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of Andreas Beuthner, “Fraunhofer Tech Transfer to Industry Viewed.” Computer Zeitung(FTS19960815000685). August 15.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of Casper Busse, “Billions in Support Smooth Tough Road.”Handelsblatt (FTS19960226000662).January 2.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of“Dresden Becomes Capital of Microelectronics–Biederkopf’s Dreams.” Markt and Technik. January 12.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of Elisabeth Feder, “GaAs Technology is Becoming an Individual Priority in Germany.”Electronique International Hebdo. May 16.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of Philippe Le Coeur, “European Semiconductor Industry in Economic Turnaround.” Le Monde(FTS19960130001915). January 30.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of “LETI Joins Forces with Equipment Manufacturers in 0.25-Micron Technologies.” Electronique International Hebdo(FTS19960919001047). June 27.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of Leo Ploner, “Compute Electronically, Compete Optically. Photonics: Focus on Research Attention Not the Optical Computer but on the Synergy of Microelectronics and Optics.” VDI Nachrichten(FTS1996100400963). October 6.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of “Remarkable Results of JESSI ‘Phase Shift’ Project.” Computable (FTS19960524001698). May 24.

FBIS. 1996. Translation of Richard Sietmann, “With Research and Development in First Place; Belgian Microelectronics Institute IMEC in Demand as Partner for Cooperation in International Research and Development.” VDI Nachrichten(FTS1996012600087). January 26.

FBIS. 1997. “Media Report ROK, Japanese Strategy to Control DRAM Prices.” Summarizing articles in Digital Choson Ilbo, January 29, 1997; Choson Ilbo,April 17, 1997; Chugang Maegyong, April 30, 1997; and Maeil Kjongje Sinmun, April 8, 1997, (FTS1997062Y002280). June 14.

FBIS. 1997. Reprint of Nir Nathan, “We’ve Taken Silicon Valley.” Tel Aviv Globes.May 6.

FBIS. 1997. Reprint of Shamsul Akmar and Lee Yuk Peng, “U.S. Firms Investment Arm Tie Up for Wafer Fab Project.” The Star(FTS19971015000152). October 15.

FBIS. l997. Reprint of Jennifer Lien, “Germany to Put up First Silicon Wafer Manufacturing Plant.” Singapore Business Times(FTS19970729000242). July 29.

FBIS. 1997. “Research for the Next Millenium.”Electronik(FTS19970801001209). January 21.

FBIS. 1997. Translation of Frederic Fassot, “A European Plan for Passive Components.” Electronique International Hebdo(FTS19980122000510). December 11.

FBIS. 1997. Translation of Photonik–Foerderschwerpunkt–Photonik in Rahmen des Foerderkonzepts Informationstechnik. Cologne. (FTS1997073100045497G16107). August 5.

FBIS. 1997. Translation of “Playing to Our Strengths.”Bild der Wissenschaft(FTS19970730000530). July 1.

FBIS. 1997. Translation of “State Encourages Foreign-Founded Micorelectronics, Basic Electronic Product Items.” Zhongguo Dianzi Bao(FTS19970728001781). January 14.

Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Bibliography." National Research Council. 2003. Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10677.

FBIS. 1997. Translation of Stephen Stroeytkens, “Flemish Technology Will Make Video Cameras Very Cheap.” Groot-Bijgaarden De Standaard(FTS19970916000718). September 15.

FBIS. 1997. Translation of Guenter Weimann, “Compound Semiconductors for Mobile Communications.” Fraunhofer Magazin(FTS19971119000552). November 19.

FBIS. 1998. “Philips Semiconductor Plant in Singapore.”Algemeen Dagblad(BR3009120698). September 30.

FBIS. 1998. Translation of Anne Chatel-Demerge, “The SGS-Thomson Group Invests 3 Billion Francs in Grenoble.” Les Echos(FTS19980512000875). May 12.

FBIS. 1998. Translation of Chong Ch’ang-hun, “Taedok to Become Mecca for Venture Firms.” Chonja Sinmun(FTS19980705000165). April 10.

FBIS. 1998. Translation of “Europe’s Largest Electronics Project Starts in Dresden.” Frankfurter Zeitung/Blick Durch Die Wirtschaft.February 4.

FBIS. 1998. Translation of “Gilles Musi, “Strategy–SGS-Thomson Investing Almost 3 Billion Francs in Grenoble.” La Tribune(Internet Version) (FTS19980513000697). May 13.

FBIS. 1999. “How Does China Attract Foreign Direct Investment.”Guangzhou Gangao Jingji (FTS19990407001093). February 15.

FBIS. 1999. Translation of Motohiko Kitahara, “Interview with Hsuan Ming-chih of UMC Regarding Taiwan’s Semiconductor Foundry Strategy.”Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun(FTS199910030000139). August 25.

FBIS. 1999. Translation of “NGC and Hitachi Join Other Three Big Makers in Commissioning Taiwanese Companies with their LSI Production.” Kagaku Kogyo Nippo (FTS19990427000356). March 30.

FBIS. 1999. Translation of “No End to Global Competition.”Elektronik(FTS19991013001537). October 13.

FBIS. 2000. “Japan Ministry Contracts 5 Firms for Development of High Speed Optical Network.” Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun(JPP2001115000004). November 15.

FBIS. 2000. Reprint of “Jiang Zemin’s Son, Taiwan Company Team Up on Chip Venture.” Taipei Times(CPP20000511000120). May 12.

FBIS. 2000. Reprint of Wen-Hung Fung,“Taiwan’s IT Production Continues Moving Into China.” Taipei Central News Agency. (CPP20000511000146). May 11.

FBIS. 2000. “Taiwan Company to Setup up 6-Inch Chip Foundry in China.” Taipei Times (CPP20001003000135). October 3.

FBIS. 2000. “Taiwan’s High-Tech Advantage Over China Eroding.” Taipei Times (CPP20001130000168). November 30.

FBIS. 2000. “Taiwan Semiconductor Chair Going to China for ‘Bridge Tournament.’” Taipei Times. (CPP20001211000132). December 11.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of “Asuka Joint Industry Project for Micro-Lithography System LSI Outlined.” Kagaku Kogyo Nippo(JPP20001004000002). October 3.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of “Billions for Chip Research.” VDI Nachrichten(EUP200006226). June 9.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Yi Che, “Reportage: Taedok Valley–Over 14,000 Researchers with a Master’s Degree or Better.” Chugan Choson(KPP20000510000022). May 4.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Chu Dechao, “Overview of the Semiconductor Industry in China.” Tokyo Semiconductor FDP World(JPP20001127000111). November 2000.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of “Development of 0.07 to 0.05 micron LSI Technology.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20001018000105).October.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Kazunori Ishiguro, “IT War: US Strategy to Contain the NTT Optical Empire.” Shokun(JPP20000821000008). August 1.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Osamu Katayama, “With the Start of Digital TV Broadcasts, Japanese Home Appliance Makers Now Engaged in a Fierce Struggle for Dominance.” Chuo Koron (JPP2000127000051). December 1.

Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Bibliography." National Research Council. 2003. Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10677.

FBIS. 2000. Reprint of Matthew Miller,“Beijing Approves Motorola Base, to Work with Taiwan Tycoon, Jiang Zemin’s Son.” South China Morning Post. (CPP20008220000287). August 22.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of A. Minamikawa, “Investment in 300 mm Plants Heating Up, 32 Heating Up, 32 New Lines to be Built.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20000706000024). June 1.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Y. Nagahiro, “Hitachi-UMC Tie-Up to Generate Test Cases that Will Forecast the Future of LSI Technology and Business.” Nikkei Microdevices (JPP200002080000029). February 8.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Y. Nagahiro, “World’s First 300mm Production Line–Establishing World Standard 300 mm Technology.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20000516000091). May 1.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Michio Mizogami, “Japanese LSI, LCD Makers Take Note, Part 2: Management Holding Down Production Technology is Reason for Japan’s Decline.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20000911000014). September.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Michio Mizogami, “Prescription for Japan’s Revival.” Nikkei Microdevices. August.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of “Sakakibara on NTT Connection Fee Cuts.” Mainichi Shimbun (JPP20000519000006). May 19.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of “The Strengths of Research Europe.” La Tribune (EUP20000524000474). May 24.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Hajime Susaki, chairman of NEC Corporation “Japanese Semiconductor Industry’s Competitiveness: LSI Industry in Jeopardy.” Nikkei Microdevices.December.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Hitoishi Tanaka, “New Development in Japan’s Economic Diplomacy: Free Trade Agreements.” Chuo Koron(JPP20001019000039). November 1.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Pai Te-hua, Wang Chung-ning and Wang Shih-Chi. “Construction of Taiwan-Funded Microchip Plant Begins in Shanghai.” Chung-Kuo Shih-Puo (CPP2000112000035). November 20.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of interview by Zhou Wei of Zhu Lilan,“PRC Official Discusses Nurturing High-Tech Enterprises.” Jingji Ribao(CPP20000926000052). September 22.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Qu Weizhi, Vice-Minister of Information Industry. “How to Develop Integrated Circuits Industry.” Renmin Ribao.(CPP20000515000066). May 15.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of D. Wendeln, “Europe on the Way to World Class in Microtechnology and Nanotechnology.” VDI Nachrichten(EUP20001011000369). October 6.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Xia Wensi, “The Eldest Young Master Jiang Sailing Smoothly Through Business World–China’s Telecom King Jiang Mianheng.” Kai Fang(CPP200012113000040). December 5.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Suo Yan,“PRC’s State Council Drafts New Policies to Develop IT Industry.” Renmin Ribao(CPP20000712000106). July 12.

FBIS. 2000. Translation of Kazuhiro Yoshihura, “World Expanding With Nano Technology.” Kagaku Gijutsu Janaru(JPP20010118000005). December 1.

FBIS. 2001. “China-Taiwan Princelings Joint Venture Stalled.” Taipei Times(CPP20010116000160). January 13.

FBIS. 2001. “LSI Makers Eye China for Developing New Business Strategies.” Nikkei Microdevices (JPP20010307000003). March.

FBIS. 2001. “PRC: Taiwan Computer Firm CEO Cited On Importance of Mainland Expansion.” China Daily(Hong Kong Edition, Internet Version) (CAP20010118000038). January 18.

FBIS. 2001. “Taiwan Business Leader’s Advice on High Tech Investment in China: Don’t.” Taipei Times(CPP20010116000158). January 13.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “3 major European LSI Makers Show Stable Growth Through Large Investments.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20010131000003). January 1.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of K. Amagasa, “Nano-Intelligent Materials That Utilize Self-Organization.” Tokyo Trigger(JPP20010327000012). March 1.

Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Bibliography." National Research Council. 2003. Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10677.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “Can Next-Generation Semiconductor Project Save Japan?” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20001103000001). November 1.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of Peter Chang, “Expanding Si Foundry Business with 300mm and 0.13 Micron Technology.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20010126000005). January 1.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “From Stagnation to Growth, the Push to Strengthen Design.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20010125000012). January 2.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “The Full Story on Nanotechnology; the U.S. Aims for it after IT! Japan Bets Recovery on it!” Tokyo Trigger(JPP200010316000011). March 1.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “IT Strategy Head Interviewed on Obstacles to IT Revolution.” ChuoKoron(JPP20001019000040). November 1.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “Japan’s NEC to Expand Semiconductor Production in China.“ Kagaku Kogyo Nippo(JPP20010202000013). January 12.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “Japan Pioneers Ultra-Low-Energy, High-Density Ion Implantation.” Tokyo Trigger(JPP20010327000004). March 1

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “Japan’s NEC to Expand Semiconductor Production in China.” Kagaku Kogyo Nippo(Nikkei Telecom Database Version) (JPP20010202000013). February 2.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of M. Kimura, “Industry, Government and Universities United in Enthusiasm and Talent for LSIs.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20010307000001). March 7.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “Nanontechnology Challenge: Hidden Power in Nanometer Size, Key to Japan’s Revival.” Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun(JPP20010223000047). February 12.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “Preferential Treatment for Hyundai.” Choson Ilho (KPP20010202000082). February 2.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of Hajime Sasaki, “Lack of Awareness of LSIs as a Leading Industry, Foundation of Industry Weakening.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20001108000046). November.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of Ulrich Schumacher, “2001 to be a Good Year, Expand DRAM in Areas other than PC.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20010131000003). January.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “Special Projects–Part One–Industry, Government and Universities United in Enthusiasm and Talent for LSIs and LCDs.” Nikkei Microdevices(JPP20010307000001). March.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of “United States, Japan Compete for Nanotechnology Research.” Nikkon Kogyo Shimbun(Nikkei Telecom Database Version) (JPP20010125000031). January 1.

FBIS. 2001. Translation of Yatsuka Yoshida, “Asuka Project Targets Semiconductor Industry Revival.” Tokyo Trigger(JPP20010316000013). March 16.

FBIS. 2002. “MOEA Announces Regulations on Wafer Fab Transfers to Mainland China,” Taipei Central News Agency(08:55 GMT, August 9, 2002) (CPP20020809000092).

FBIS. 2002. Translation of Hsu Yu-chun, “Tsai Ying-wen says Punishment will be Meted Out to Enterprises Which have Moved to the Mainland,” Ching-Chi Jih-Pao(March 2, 2002), p. 1 (CPP20020307000018). March 7.

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Future Horizons. 1999. “An Executive Report on the MEDEA Programme: Mid-Term Assessment.” Online report, <HtmlResAnchor>, accessed onJuly 19.

Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Bibliography." National Research Council. 2003. Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10677.

Gibson, D.V. and E. M. Rogers. 1994. R&D Collaboration on Trial. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

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Greenspan, Alan. 2000. Technological Innovation and the Economy, Remarks Before the White House Conference on the New Economy. Washington, D.C.: Federal Reserve Board. April 5.

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Bibliography." National Research Council. 2003. Securing the Future: Regional and National Programs to Support the Semiconductor Industry. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10677.

Kamien, M.I., E. Muller and I. Zang. 1992. “Research Joint Ventures and R&D Cartels.”American Economic Review. 82(5): 1293-1306.

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Based on the deliberations of a high-level international conference, this report summarizes the presentations of an exceptional group of experts, convened by Intel's Chairman Emeritus Gordon Moore and SEMATECH's Chairman Emeritus William Spencer. The report documents the critical technological challenges facing this key industry and the rapid growth in government-industry partnerships overseas to support centers of semiconductor research and production in national economies. Importantly, the report provides a series of recommendations designed to strengthen U.S. research in disciplines supporting the continued growth of semiconductor industry, an industry which has made major contributions to the remarkable increases in productivity in the U.S. economy.


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