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FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation (2015)

Chapter: Appendix E - NYSDOT DDIR Form Instructions

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix E - NYSDOT DDIR Form Instructions ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22164.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix E - NYSDOT DDIR Form Instructions ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22164.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix E - NYSDOT DDIR Form Instructions ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22164.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix E - NYSDOT DDIR Form Instructions ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22164.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix E - NYSDOT DDIR Form Instructions ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22164.
Page 303

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299 APPENDIX E NYSDOT DDIR Form Instructions NYSDOT DDIR and PoP INSTRUCTIONS (MAP 6.2-4: FHWA EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM PROCEDURES) DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE DETAILED DAMAGE INSPECTION REPORT (DDIR) FORM Report No. Unique site number assigned by the Applicant or the Region. ALL DDIRs MUST HAVE A NUMBER. Suggested that number begin with reference to the County or Sponsor, but not necessary; this is an easy way to reference/track sites/projects. Example: first site in Broome County could be Report # BR-01. Sheet No. _____ of _____ Especially important when a DDIR involves more than one (1) page. Does not mean number of DDIRs by an Applicant. Disaster No. Number provided by FHWA when the Emergency Relief Program is authorized. Inspecžon Date Date when site was visited to gather informažon needed to prepare/complete the DDIR form. Applicant Applicant/agency/organizažon responsible for the ER Program-eligible facility on the form. Examples: NYSDOT, Delaware County Department of Public Works, Town of Pendleton Highway Department, NYS Thruway Authority.

300 Locaon (Name of Road and Milepost) Specific locaon, including milepost/reference markers where available, Bridge Idenficaon Number (BIN), Culvert Idenficaon Number (CIN), intersecon, etc. See Site Guidance Secon III. Procedural Guidelines for addional informaon. Descripon of Damage Describe the nature and extent of the problem/damage, not the work to be done to repair the damage. “Repair flood damage” does not describe the damage. What is the nature, extent, etc. of the damage? If you need to reline a culvert, describe the nature of the damage to the culvert, etc. Be as descripve as possible: 200 yards of shoulder is washed out 2 feet wide and 6 inches deep. Include photographs that show the damage. For some sites/DDIRs, a sketch of the site may be useful. Cost Esmate The esmated cost to effect the repair/restoraon, allocated to three (3) categories: Emergency Repair Completed (as of date of site inspection), Emergency Repair Remaining (as of date of site inspecon), and Permanent Restoraon (permanent work yet to be done). The amounts are esmates only, not final costs. Indicate method(s) of work to be used to accomplish repair/restoraon: Local Forces, State Forces, Emergency Contract and/or Permanent Repair Contract. Include addional pages with sketches and computaons as necessary. METHOD How is the described work to be accomplished? More than one method can be checked. Local Forces – refers to Sponsor’s (municipality’s/local jurisdicon’s) own employees, equipment, supplies, etc. State Forces – refers to NYSDOT’s and NYS Thruway Authority’s own employees, equipment, supplies, etc.; for NYSDOT, indicate the MAMIS Work Order number Contract – refers to a properly executed contract; when known, indicate Contract number and appropriate PIN number of the Contract PE/CE The esmated cost of required preliminary engineering/construcon engineering directly aŸributable to repair eligible damage. Right-of-Way If Right-of-Way costs will be involved, provide an esmate of those costs. County Where the ER Program-eligible facility is located. Only one (1) county can be included on the form.

301 Esmated Total Sum of all cost esmates for the site/project. Environmental Assessment Recommendation Are potenal environmental/historical impacts an issue for the site/project? Repair projects under the ER Program must comply with the requirements of the Naonal Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. Categorical Exclusion Emergency repairs to restore essenal travel, minimize the extent of damage, or protect remaining facilities are normally classified as categorical exclusions under 23 CFR 771.117(c)(9), as are ER Program projects to restore permanently the exisng facility in-kind at the exisng locaon, ref. 23 CFR Part 771.117(d). However, if impacts to protected or otherwise sensive or high-value resources are possible, advance coordinaon with the appropriate local, State, and Federal resource agencies should be closely considered to avoid or minimize project delays or shutdowns. EA/EIS (Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement) Does the proposed repair/restoraon work require either an environmental assessment and/or an environmental impact statement? On occasion, an ER Program project that includes a be”erment, whether or not eligible for ER Program reimbursement, may require further NEPA review. Although on the surface a project may appear to qualify for a categorical exclusion, certain be”erments many need either an environmental assessment (EA) to determine whether or not the project will cause significant environmental impacts, or an environmental impact statement (EIS) if significant impacts are predicted. Recommendaon Does the FHWA Area Engineer consider the site eligible and the proposed repair/restoraon appropriate? This may be completed by the FHWA Area Engineer at the FHWA New York Division Office. FHWA Engineer Name of the FHWA Area Engineer who reviewed the DDIR and/or visited the site/project, if appropriate.

302 Concurrence Does the NYSDOT representative agree/concur with the FHWA Area Engineer, if the FHWA Area Engineer visited the site? If no, aach a statement to the form nong item(s) in disagreement. State Engineer Name of the NYSDOT representative who prepared the DDIR and/or visited the site/project. Concurrence Does the Sponsor (Municipality/Jurisdicon) Agency Representative (when Sponsor [municipal/local jurisdicon] ER Program-eligible facility involved) agree/concur with the FHWA Area Engineer and/or State Engineer? If no, aach a statement to the form nong item(s) in disagreement. Local Agency Representative Name of the Sponsor (Municipal/Jurisdicon) Agency Representave who prepared the DDIR, provided informaon to the NYSDOT representave who prepared the DDIR, and/or visited the site/project with the FHWA and/or NYSDOT representative(s). NOTE: -DDIRs need to be periodically reviewed and necessary revisions made in Locaon and Descripon of Damage. Significant Cost Esmate changes also should be revised. Revised DDIRs should be submied according to the appropriate Procedures. DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE PROGRAM OF PROJECTS LISTING NOTE: Nearly all the informaon for the Program of Projects Lisng is taken from the DDIR forms. EVENT NAME Name NYSDOT and/or FHWA has given the event, such as April 2007 Flooding.

303 EVENT NUMBER Number provided by FHWA when the Emergency Relief Program is authorized. The two (2) digits a‚er NY indicate the year; the last two (2) digits indicate the sequen†al number of the event in the year. Example: NY07-01. REVISION Revision 0 = the initial submission; number Revisions sequen†ally. COUNTY Also include Report Number in parenthesis and Revision number (Rev1, Rev3) in parenthesis. Example: ALBANY (ALBC-01) (Rev2) APPLICANT Agency/department/organiza†on/jurisdic†on responsible for the ER Program-eligible facility on the DDIR form. Examples: NYSDOT, Delaware County Department of Public Works, Town of Pendleton Highway Department, NYS Thruway Authority AGR Place an X in the cell when the required agreement has been executed with the Applicant. For NYSDOT projects, place NA in the cell. For Thruway Projects, place X, since using their Master Agreement for Construc†on/Federal Aid Highway Projects (D140943). MAMIS PTC & WO # OR CONTRACT # & PIN # OR OTHER (IDENTIFY) Indicate the appropriate MAMIS PTC (Project Tracking Code) number and associated Work Order number(s); Contract Number(s) and the associated PIN number(s) for the contract(s); or any other appropriate number(s) and iden†fy. Do not list the assigned Federal PIN(s) in this space. E/P Place an E in the cell when the work described on the DDIR is all Emergency Work; a P when the work described on the DDIR is all Permanent Work; or E&P when the work described on the DDIR is both Emergency Work and Permanent Work.

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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 472: FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation documents the experiences of state departments of transportation (DOTs) with federal disaster reimbursement programs. The report summarizes efforts and enhancements made by DOTs to secure appropriate reimbursements and simplify cost identification.


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