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Page 66
Suggested Citation:"Acronyms." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22164.
Page 66

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66 ACRONYMS ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADEM Arizona Division of Emergency Management ADOT Arizona Department of Transportation APWA American Public Works Association ARAN Automatic Road Analyzer Caltrans California Department of Transportation CFR Code of Federal Regulations CRS Congressional Research Service DAF Damage Assessment Form DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DDIR Detailed Damage Inspection Report DOTD (Louisiana) Department of Transportation and Development DSSR Damage Survey Summary Report EMA Emergency Management Agency EMAC Emergency Management Assistance Compact EMMIE Emergency Management Mission Integrated Environment EEO Equal Employment Opportunity ER Emergency Relief ESA Endangered Species Act ESF Emergency Support Function FDOT Florida Department of Transportation FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map FMAG Fire Management Assistance Grant FMIS Fiscal Management Information System FY Fiscal year GAO Government Accountability Office GIS Geographic information system HMGP Hazard Mitigation Grant Program ICS Incident Command System IDOT Iowa Department of Transportation IITF Irene Innovation Task Force JFO Joint Field Office LPA Local public agency MMS Maintenance management system NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NIMS National Incident Management System NYSDHSES New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services NYSDOT New York State Department of Transportation NYSOEM New York State Office of Emergency Management NYSTA New York State Thruway Authority PA Public Assistance PACL Public Assistance Crew Leader PDA Preliminary Damage Assessment PL Public Law PNP Private nonprofit PoP Program of projects PW Project worksheet RA Regional Administrator (FEMA) REOC Regional Emergency Operations Center RMS Resource Management System RPA Request for Public Assistance SCOTSEM Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management SHPO State Historic Preservation Office SOP Standard operating procedure SOW Scope of work SRIA Sandy Recovery Improvement Act STICC Statewide Transportation Information Coordination Center TDOT Tennessee Department of Transportation TxDOT Texas Department of Transportation U.S.C. United States Code VSA Vehicle staging area VTrans Vermont Agency of Transportation WisDOT Wisconsin Department of Transportation WBS Work breakdown structure

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 FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation
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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 472: FEMA and FHWA Emergency Relief Funds Reimbursements to State Departments of Transportation documents the experiences of state departments of transportation (DOTs) with federal disaster reimbursement programs. The report summarizes efforts and enhancements made by DOTs to secure appropriate reimbursements and simplify cost identification.


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