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Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports (2015)

Chapter: Appendix C - Applications/Systems

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Applications/Systems." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22198.
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57 57 Overview 57 Alternative IT Delivery Methods 59 Evaluation Criteria 61 Office Productivity 64 Enterprise Systems 66 Airport Special Systems 70 Building Technology/Facility Systems 72 Safety and Security Systems Overview This appendix first introduces the IT delivery methods associated with applications and sys- tems. It then discusses benefits, risks, cost considerations, scalability, integration, and depen- dencies, before mapping these to the specific IT delivery method. The following IT application/ system categories are addressed in this appendix: office productivity, enterprise systems, airport special systems, building technology/facility systems, and safety and security systems. Within each of these broad categories, the discussion is then grouped into specific types of applications/ systems found to be implemented at airports of varies sizes. Alternative IT Delivery Methods There are many different IT delivery methods associated with applications and systems. These include purchase off the shelf, internal or external development, onsite or remotely (cloud) hosted subscriptions/licenses, shared collaboration with another entity, or freeware/ open source. Purchase off the Shelf Sometimes referred to as COTS (commercial off the shelf), this IT delivery method deals with pre-built, factory-packaged, non-customized, and easy-to-install software applications generally provided by a third-party vendor. COTS can be purchased, leased, or licensed to companies and the general public. Development—Internal vs. External Application/system development in general refers to the process of defining, designing, testing, and implementing a new application/system. A P P E N D I X C Applications/Systems

58 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports This development can occur internally using an organization’s own IT resources. It usually includes some level of customization based on specific needs and requirements. Formalized standards and procedures ought to be developed as they guide the application/system’s process- ing functions. Leadership must define and implement these standards and develop a suitable system development life cycle methodology in order to properly govern the process of develop- ing, acquiring, implementing, and maintaining these applications/systems. Applications/system development can also be done externally by hiring a third-party ven- dor. In this case the responsibility of system customization and the development and related standards and procedures lies with the vendor. A hybrid approach, where internal and external development is combined, is also an option. Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite vs. Remote (Internet/Cloud) Onsite hosting means that the hardware required to run the system is physically located at the airport. Often locally installed hardware is a capital expenditure, where the airport manager owns the system hardware and is responsible for the system maintenance, repairs, and replace- ment. However, in a hardware license relationship, the hardware can reside locally at the airport, but the airport manager will not own the hardware or have responsibility for the system main- tenance, repairs, and replacements. In the context of a remotely hosted system, “internet” and “cloud” are synonymous as this is effectively what is referred to as “cloud computing.” Cloud computing refers to software applica- tions and servers that are accessed and interfaced remotely over the internet. Specific capabilities are sold as a service with a guaranteed level of functionality and availability. Cloud computing can be the delivery method for a number of airport business solutions such as office productivity soft- ware, email and calendar services, and enterprise systems (i.e., parking control systems, accounting, human resources, etc.). It can even serve as an “infrastructure” solution, termed “infrastructure as a service” (IaaS), through the provision of primary and secondary backup storage solutions for electronic files and other uses. Cloud computing is a shift from capital expenditure models to operational expenditure models. The service provider owns, maintains, updates, and replaces the software and hardware as needed. Cloud computing has become a mainstream method for access- ing data and receiving required services, and several airports have implemented some level of cloud computing. However, many are still skeptical of the levels of reliability and security of having data stored offsite by a vendor. Although cloud computing as a service is relatively new, many of the technological advancements [i.e., virtual private network (VPN)] used to achieve these solutions have been in use since the late 1990s/early 2000s. All subscription/licensing models can be hosted either onsite or remotely. In general, in a subscription/licensing model, a customer pays a subscription fee to have access to a certain product/service. There are differing model types, including a perpetual license, annual sub- scription, and per use. Perpetual licensing includes a one-time payment to use an application without any expiration date. Annual support, updates, and upgrades are not included and can range around 20 percent of total cost of purchase. Annual subscriptions require recur- ring payments for one year and generally include support, updates, and upgrades in addition to the cost of the license itself. The per-use model requires an airport to only pay for what is used. Share (Collaboration with Another Entity) At times, airport managers can share applications/systems with other entities. For example, a city-owned airport, as compared to an authority, can use a city-wide human resource system. It is also possible for an airport manager to share resources with outside external entities, such as a

Applications/Systems 59 shared geographic information system with emergency providers (police, fire, medical). In case of such collaboration, the owner of the system must be clearly established to properly allocate staff and other resource commitments and responsibilities. Open Source/Freeware Although these two terms are not interchangeable, they do overlap to a good extent. The following is a brief overview. Freeware refers to software that is free of cost and can be used, at least for personal and non-commercial use, without restriction for an indefinite amount of time. Depending on the author’s licensing terms, freeware may require a license fee if used commercially. Some freeware is proprietary, which means the source code may be inaccessible to the user, but not necessarily. If freeware is free of charge and open source, it is often called “free software” or “free and open source software” (FOSS). Open source software (OSS) can be free or purchased at cost. This depends on the under- lying license. If there is a dual license, OSS can be free to some users and at cost for others. The software code for OSS is open, thereby allowing users to use and modify the application, and can also be redistributed. The driver behind OSS is the creation of developer communities to accelerate innovation and development by sharing the modifications, which often include new features and patches. OSS is the opposite of proprietary software, whose software code is closed, and which can be free or purchased at cost. A related concept is commercial open source software (COSS), which is usually free and open source, but only offered with limited functionality. A full-featured version is then available for purchase. Evaluation Criteria Benefits and Risks Although the benefits and risks associated with various delivery methods in regard to applications/ systems listed in the first column of Table C1 are fairly self-explanatory, a short description is provided in column two. Please note, that not all benefits and risks apply to all IT delivery methods. Cost Considerations The above-mentioned IT delivery methods are also evaluated as high, moderate, and low, relative to one another, based on cost impacts in these areas: • Planning/Design: During this phase, the primary cost considerations are centered on human resources in the form of consultants and airport staff support. Details are discussed in the main body of the report and Appendix B under Project Delivery. • Implementation: This cost category includes both the procurement/purchase of an application/ system as well as the human resources efforts (as discussed in the main body of the report and Appendix B) associated with it, including installation, configuration, integration, data migra- tion or conversion, customization, reporting, testing, training, documentation, and project management efforts. • Operations and Maintenance Costs: These generally include costs associated with managing, administering, and maintaining the systems. This includes human resource costs, as well as licensing fees, utilities, spare parts, and consumables.

60 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports Scalability Each application/system delivery option is evaluated as high, moderate, and low, relative to one another, according to the following: Not scalable (no improvement or upgrade available or pos- sible); dynamically scalable on demand (features/capabilities only added when needed); existing system upgrade (upgrade to a more recently released enhanced version of existing system); and existing system replacement (new/different system with more applicable/relevant features). Integration As discussed in the main body of the report, to an increasing degree, systems can be integrated with other systems across the airport. The various delivery methods are evaluated as high, mod- erate, and low, relative to one another, considering the integration opportunities with regard to processes, system functionality, data, and network considerations. Dependencies As with the other appendices, for the purpose of providing practical guidance to an air- port, this appendix evaluates the various applications/system IT delivery methods as high, moderate, and low, relative to one another, according to these four dependency categories: Benefit/Risk Description Benefits Some alternative IT delivery methods can benefit an airport in regard to: Hosting options (onsite/offsite) … choosing whether to opt for onsite or offsite hosting Can use capital funds … funding the project using the capital budget Support options (staff/contract) … choosing whether to opt for using internal or contracted staff Reduced time requirement … shortening the associated project life cycle Potentially greater quality … potentially experiencing better, improved quality Customizable … choosing and controlling customization features Limited hardware onsite … keeping the onsite hardware to a required minimum Reduced operating and maintenance cost … saving in operating and maintenance costs Reduced capital costs … saving in capital costs Reduced support costs … saving in support cost Reduced or eliminated costs … potentially eliminating costs altogether Risks Some alternative IT delivery methods can challenge an airport in regard to: May provide limited functionality … possibly providing only a limited set of features May have limited control over functionality … possibly having less control over certain functionalities May have limited control over performance … possibly having less control over the performance May require staff or contractor for configuration … possibly having to engage additional staff/contractor resources for system configuration efforts Requires staff with expertise … having staff with enough related experience available Requires contractor … having to hire contractor resources Requires onsite support … having onsite support resources available Limited support options … being constrained to choose support options May require onsite support … possibly having onsite support resources available May not have specific expertise … possibly not having required expertise to perform the specific functions needed May not be able to get staff positions allocated … successfully allocating required staff positions May require supporting hardware and infrastructure … possibly having to purchase needed hardware/infrastructure components Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) could be higher … facing increased TCO relative to other options Expensive … facing high costs Potentially expensive … possibly facing high costs Potential for divergent interests … may face conflicting stakeholder requirements Procurement requirements … developing specific procurements requirements May require extensive time … possibly longer project life cycle May not have control over time/availability … possibly lacking control over resource time and availability Table C1. Delivery methods—applications/systems—benefits and risk.

Applications/Systems 61 airport processes, human resources, other systems, and hardware/infrastructure. Within each, dependencies can be internal and/or external as well as in project and/or out of project, as discussed above. Overview Summary In an effort to consolidate the foregoing information, Tables C2 and C3 map the benefits, risks, and cost considerations as well as scalability, integration, and dependencies to the various IT delivery methods. Office Productivity This section covers the solutions for achieving and providing the platforms for what is often termed “office productivity.” It is the work most associated with the development of content through the use of such software applications as word processors, spreadsheet applications, Delivery Methods Benefits Risks Cost Considerations Purchase Off the Shelf Hosting options (onsite/offsite) Can use capital funds Support options (staff/contract) Reduced time requirement Potentially greater quality Potentially expensive May provide limited functionality May require staff or contractor for configuration Planning/Design – Low Implementation – Moderate Operations/Maintenance – Moderate Develop—Internal Hosting options (onsite/offsite) Reduced capital costs Reduced support costs Customizable Requires staff with expertise May require extensive time May provide limited functionality Planning/Design – Moderate Implementation – Low Operations/Maintenance – Low Develop—External Hosting options (onsite/offsite) Can use capital funds Potentially greater quality Customizable Support options (staff/contract) Requires contractor Potentially expensive May require extensive time Planning/Design – High Implementation – High Operations/Maintenance – High Subscription (License)— Hosted Onsite Reduced capital costs Support options (staff/contract) Reduced time requirement Potentially greater quality May require supporting hardware and infrastructure Requires onsite support TCO could be higher Planning/Design – Low Implementation – Low Operations/Maintenance – Moderate Subscription (License)— Remote (Internet/Cloud) Limited hardware onsite Reduced capital costs Reduced time requirement May require staff or contractor for configuration May provide limited functionality May have limited control over performance Planning/Design – Low Implementation – Low Operations/Maintenance – Moderate Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Hosting options (onsite/offsite) Reduced or eliminated costs Potential for divergent interests May have limited control over functionality and performance Planning/Design – Low Implementation – Low Operations/Maintenance – Low Open Source/Freeware Hosting options (onsite/offsite) Reduced or eliminated costs Limited functionality Limited support options Planning/Design – Low Implementation – Low Operations/ Maintenance – Low Table C2. Delivery methods—applications/systems—benefits, risks, and cost considerations.

62 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports Delivery Methods Scalability Integration Dependencies Purchase off the Shelf Not Scalable – Moderate Dynamic Scalability on Demand – Low Upgrade Existing System – High Replace Existing System – Moderate Processes – Moderate System Functionality – Moderate Data – Moderate Network – High Airport Processes – Moderate Human Resources – Moderate Other Systems – Moderate Hardware/Infrastructure – High Develop—Internal Not Scalable – Low Dynamic Scalability on Demand – Moderate Upgrade Existing System – Moderate Replace Existing System – Moderate Processes – High System Functionality – High Data – High Network – High Airport Processes – High Human Resources – High Other Systems – Moderate Hardware/Infrastructure – High Develop—External Not Scalable – Low Dynamic Scalability on Demand – Moderate Upgrade Existing System – Moderate Replace Existing System – High Processes – High System Functionality – High Data – High Network – High Airport Processes – High Human Resources – Low Other Systems – Moderate Hardware/Infrastructure – High Subscription (License)— Hosted Onsite Not Scalable – Low Dynamic Scalability on Demand – Moderate Upgrade Existing System – Moderate Replace Existing System – Low Processes – Moderate System Functionality – Moderate Data – Moderate Network – High Airport Processes – Moderate Human Resources – Moderate Other Systems – Moderate Hardware/Infrastructure – High Subscription (License)— Remote (Internet/Cloud) Not Scalable – Low Dynamic Scalability on Demand – Moderate Upgrade Existing System – Moderate Replace Existing System – Low Processes – Moderate System Functionality – Moderate Data – Moderate Network – High Airport Processes – Moderate Human Resources – Low Other Systems – Moderate Hardware/Infrastructure – Moderate Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Not Scalable – Moderate Dynamic Scalability on Demand – Moderate Upgrade Existing System – Moderate Replace Existing System – Moderate Processes – Moderate System Functionality – Moderate Data – Moderate Network – Moderate Airport Processes – Moderate Human Resources – Moderate Other Systems – Moderate Hardware/Infrastructure – Moderate Open Source/Freeware Not Scalable – High Dynamic Scalability on Demand – Low Upgrade Existing System – Moderate Replace Existing System – High Processes – Low System Functionality – Low Data – Low Network – Moderate Airport Processes – Moderate Human Resources – Moderate Other Systems – Moderate Hardware/Infrastructure – Moderate Table C3. Delivery methods—applications/systems—scalability, integration, and dependencies.

Applications/Systems 63 presentation development, email, calendar management, etc. and this section addresses the solu- tions for providing staff with the tools to perform this work. Desktop Computing Desktop computing is a term that generally refers to larger more complex computer work usually performed at a desk rather than on a mobile device due to the complexity and need for more computing “power” and the larger “real estate” provided by a larger monitor. Much of this work is performed using what is known as productivity software (such as Microsoft® Office and Lotus Notes) for word processing, spreadsheet development, presentation development, etc. As laptops have become more powerful, this term has become broader to include work performed in productivity software regardless of whether it was performed using a laptop or a larger desktop computer. Historically, the productivity software suite was installed locally on a desktop workstation using CDs or DVDs. It then became common to upload software from an enterprise server, owned by the organization and managed by its IT staff. Basic software images (replicas of a computer’s programs, files, and configurations) are loaded onto the workstations remotely over the network to ensure every computer in the organization is set up with the appropriate software and configuration for the user. Ongoing updates are pushed out on a regularly scheduled interval to ensure the users have the latest security enhancements and security programs, most updated software supported by the organization, and so on. Users’ daily working files are typically stored on the server, enabling backup and shared access of the files throughout the organization. Installation of these products using CDs, DVDs, and servers has been in use for more than 10 years in varying capacities. Potential IT delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) • Open Source/Freeware Mobile Computing Just as desktop computing speaks to computer work usually performed at a desk, mobile computing speaks to computer work performed on a mobile computer (mobile device) regard- less of the location and typically refers specifically to tablets and smartphones. Benefits of mobile computing is that it provides “anywhere” access to a user’s organizational information (email, calendar, working files) allowing the user to maximize their productivity while on the go. Inno- vation is increasingly making these mobile devices more powerful and able to handle more computing tasks though they are generally hindered by their size and means for inputting infor- mation. Mobile devices use Wi-Fi, cellular, and satellite connectivity to establish a two-way secure data connection to the organization’s information where it resides. Mobile computing has been around for more than 10 years in various degrees; however, it was around 2003 that BlackBerry smartphones started offering email, text messaging, web browsing, and other wire- less information services, effectively launching the mobile computing industry known today. Potential IT delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) • Open Source/Freeware

64 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports Cloud Computing For airports, office productivity cloud computing is in the form of productivity suites such as Microsoft 365 and Google® Apps but can also include file storage and backup services that generally are handled locally by large organizations. Cloud computing as a productivity suite was generally introduced in 2006 through Google Apps and has continued to grow as Microsoft and other vendors begin offering similar services. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Enterprise Systems This section addresses enterprise systems which are large-scale software applications that support business processes, data/information flows, and reporting for relatively complex organizations. Many of these systems can be implemented through a fully integrated package of modular solutions that maintains consistency among each module and uses a common database. They are able to harness enterprise-wide information more easily and ensure consistency of data. In these ways they differ from the common independent systems for enterprise functions that small airports tend to use. Financial, Human Resource, and Lease Management Systems Financial management systems include both financial accounting and management account- ing functions. Financial accounting consists of general ledger, payables, receivables, fixed assets, cash management, and financial consolidation. Management accounting consists of budgeting, costing, cost management, and activity-based costing. Human resources management systems typically provide functions for payroll, benefits, recruiting, training, diversity management, 401(k), retirement, and separation. Lease management systems provide functions for agreement management, activity statistics, and tenant billing. These management systems perform the functions by becoming a central repository for all related information across the enterprise. Given the correct inputs or information by aviation staff, the system is able to provide the appropriate calculations and analysis and likewise auto- mate a number of processes. Traditionally, these solutions have been procured as capital expen- ditures with hardware residing locally, but now these services can be procured in a cloud-based model to work as described in the section on cloud computing. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Develop—Internal • Develop—External • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Parking Revenue and Control System A parking revenue and control system (PARCS) is a software and hardware solution that manages access to and payment and revenue control for parking at an airport. Its focus in this area provides the airport operator simplified administration of its parking operations,

Applications/Systems 65 reduces accounting fees, and enables more efficient use of parking resources. Additional benefits include features for customer convenience such as space selection guidance, pre-booking of parking, credit card in and out payment options, and pay on foot. It can expedite entry and egress, maximize space availability, and facilitate all types of revenue and customer service opportunities. PARCS is a highly mature solution that has been growing in functionality as technological advancements are made. Scheidt & Bachmann, a pioneering company in the area of PARCS, started incorporating microprocessors into their solution in the late 1960s. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Point-of-Sales System Point-of-sales (PoS) systems are made up of hardware and software and are used to complete retail transactions. They have largely replaced cash registers. The PoS has evolved to include functionality and processes such as credit card processing, employee time tracking, and gift card activation. In addition to processing sales, PoS systems are used today for accounting, inventory management, and client relationship management among many other things. Software-run PoS systems were introduced in the early 1990s running on a Microsoft Windows platform. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Asset and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems An asset management system is software that provides the ability to manage a variety of assets, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), fleet vehicles, airport landscape machinery, airfield assets, plumbing, and electrical assets. Most sizeable airports have implemented some computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to log, track, monitor, maintain, report, and provide alerts regarding maintenance-related activities at the airport and to facilitate automation of business processes. The CMMS can assist in service-level agreement management and alert facilities and maintenance staff to potential customer service agreement violations. It can preserve institutional knowledge and provide data for trend analysis and service-level performance management. A CMMS can provide web access for web-based tracking using an internet browser and can have the capability of integrating with mobile devices. CMMS functionality will overlap with other airport systems (purchasing, property, documentation, drawings, geographic informa- tion system, etc.). Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Develop—Internal • Develop—External • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity)

66 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports Geographic Information System A geographic information system (GIS) is a system of integrated hardware, software, and data to capture, manage, analyze, and display geographically referenced information. A GIS produces maps, reports, and charts that allow users to view, understand, interpret, and visualize data regarding the information they have geographically referenced. This might include land platting information, outside plan infrastructure management, locations of fire hydrants, management of noise regulations, and analyzing annual capital improvement plans. Information can be input into the system in many different ways—manually for older information, electronically from real-time input streams such as satellite data feeds, in table form for population information, etc. Some small airports are currently using freely accessible maps (with mixed results) from Google Maps, Google Earth, and other web-based resources on an as-needed basis. The modern version of GIS was first developed in the 1980s and has continued to develop in sophistication. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) • Open Source/Freeware Electronic Document/Content Management System An electronic document/content management system (EDMS) is a software solution for the management of electronic files or content. The technology was birthed out of a need to man- age electronic documentation but has broadened to include all manner of electronic content (i.e., photos, audio files, video files, blogs, etc.) as industry continues to develop and broaden its use of various types of content. An EDMS acts as a central repository for the organization’s electronic con- tent; can be configured to manage accessibility permissions, and retention and archiving policies for various documentation types; and can automate business workflow processes by electronically routing files for review and authorization as configured. An EDMS provides the automated intel- ligence for management of documentation that is lacking in standard network file folder structures where individuals can name and manage documentation of their own accord. A well-deployed EDMS can provide increased efficiency of hardware such as storage drives (mitigates duplication of files) and increased efficiency and productivity of staff. It is likely an EDMS would be a part of an overall enterprise systems solution such as those listed in this section. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) • Open Source/Freeware Airport Special Systems This section covers systems that are uniquely applied in airports, such as electronic visual information display system (EVIDS)/flight information display system (FIDS)/dynamic signage, airport operational database/data warehousing, common use, local departure control, passenger self-services, passenger self-tagging, off-airport check-in and bag drop, baggage processing, gate information display, resource management system, and ramp services management.

Applications/Systems 67 EVIDS/FIDS/Dynamic Signage Multi-user information display systems (flight, baggage, ramp, etc.) have become common in airports of all sizes in recent years. In small airports, these systems are often the first special system to be implemented, providing consolidated flight and baggage carrousel information to passengers. Multi-user information displays are an essential component of the common use environment. These systems are primarily driven by business need, with regard to the type of information to be displayed to the traveling public, and for airline/airport operations. Dynamic signage is being used more often to manage and direct passenger and staff flows and are used widely for advertising delivered to passengers along with informational data. Displays are being used more frequently by security or other control authority agencies at security check- points for guiding and informing passengers proceeding through the queue. They are also being used more often for safety-related paging, such as for fire and emergency evacuation, as well as with audio/public announcement, weather, news, and other general information. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Airport Operational Database and Data Warehousing An airport operational database (AODB) is a database software solution that is the central repository for all airport-related data (e.g., flight schedules, baggage system information, resource allocation and usage information) which drives many critical systems and processes and can be used for generating historical reports, predicting future needs, analyzing operational efficiency, analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs), and supporting other management requirements. The AODB uses an information broker/message broker (IB/BM) to enable the integration of the AODB and other systems, as well as the transfer of information between the various systems. Data warehousing is a database software solution that provides support to the AODB by offloading the reporting and analysis tasks such as general reporting, operations planning que- ries, historical data analysis, KPI monitoring, data mining, and other less essential operational queries. Data warehousing is a customized portal to provide operational and financial data and tools to drill down into data and to do ad hoc queries and reports. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Develop—Internal • Develop—External • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Common Use and Shared Tenant Systems Common use systems are agent-facing passenger processing systems based on a client-server architecture that enable multiple different airlines to log in and perform passenger processing functions at the same check-in or gate positions. There are currently two separate approaches for providing this type of system: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) Common Use Passenger Processing System (CUPPS) and shared tenant systems. CUPPS is an IATA initiative that overhauls the common use terminal equipment (CUTE) standard, IATA Recommended Practice 1797. It is a software and hardware solution whose objective is to create a common, standardized system and platform upon which airlines can

68 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports operate a CUPPS-certified flight operations application(s) across multiple vendor platforms at multiple different airports without significant customization. The CUPPS-standardized plat- forms are commonly implemented at international airports due to the strong support of many international airlines. Shared tenant systems are non-IATA-compliant solutions that provide the same multi-user passenger processing functionality through an independent platform. These systems enable the airline’s passenger processing applications to be directly ported to the common use posi- tion using virtualized workstations. Many small airports prefer shared tenant systems for the cost-effectiveness. Using common use equipment (ticket counters, gate counters, boarding door podiums, back wall signs, etc.) in an airport maximizes use of space for an airport manager, allows dynamic recon- figuration of airport space for use by any airline, and enables introduction of new airlines with minimal effort. It effectively increases the capacity of the airport without construction of new gate concourses, terminals, or check-in counters by maximizing the usage of the current facilities. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Local Departure Control System A departure control system (DCS) automates the processing of an airline’s airport management operations (baggage processing, production of boarding passes, boarding load control, etc.). How- ever, smaller start-up airlines and aircraft charters do not necessarily have a DCS that can be employed across its many airports. In this instance it may be advantageous for the airport manager to provide a local DCS which can be enabled as a standalone system or as a part of a common use environment to provide an alternative to the manual boarding process for these clients allowing them to support automated or electronic boarding procedures. It can also be used as a backup in the event of a common use system failure. PC-based DCSs have been in use for more than 25 years. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Passenger Self-Service Passenger self-service speaks to the initiative to streamline the movement of passengers from curb to gate, minimize the need for agents, and reduce queues. It is used in both traditional and common use environments. Current types of self-service initiatives revolve around kiosks for dispensing boarding passes and bag tags, selling upgraded services to passengers, provid- ing information through dynamic signage, enabling services through the internet and mobile devices, reporting mishandled or lost baggage, and automated (self-service) boarding gates. Pas- senger self-service has been around for about 10 years with the advent of the airline-provided kiosks for self-service printing of boarding passes. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Develop—Internal • Develop—External • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite

Applications/Systems 69 • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Passenger Self-Tagging Passenger self-tagging (PST) enables passengers to deliver their bags to an authorized check- in agent tagged and ready for acceptance, thus speeding up the check-in process. At the airport, the passenger uses self-service kiosks for check-in and bag tag printing. At present, various offsite options are also under review and consideration, including permanent radio frequency identifi- cation (RFID) bag tags and home printing. Observed benefits include significant improvement on check-in times, reductions in mis-tagged bags, and high passenger adoption rate in a short period of time. Airlines and airport managers are installing PST solutions, but at a rate slower than expected. While it is a passenger self-service, it is broken out separately from the passenger self-service section as it is a current trend and warrants a more detailed review. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Off-Airport Check-in and Bag Drop Off-airport check-in and bag drop is self-explanatory in that it speaks to the efforts of moving airport check-in and bag drop off to locations outside of the airport premises. Airport and pas- senger benefits include alleviation of congestion at ticketing, increase in passenger throughput within current space, improvements in customer service, improvement in speed of passenger clearance through the checkpoint, and an increase in duration of time for baggage screening by airport security. This service requires setting up an off-airport check-in facility but often those costs can be shared with a second party offering the facility as a differentiating service to its cus- tomers. This is a service that is currently being tested and has seen some early success, such as with the Orlando International Airport and its Disney off-airport process. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Develop—Internal • Develop—External • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Automated Baggage Processing Automated baggage processing includes four optional system components that may be imple- mented independent of one another or as part of an integrated solution: • Baggage Sortation—Provides for the automatic verification of baggage and its destination for accurate and efficient routing. • Baggage Tracking—Provides for the automated tracking of baggage from check-in to final destination. • Baggage Recovery—Facilitates the efficient recovery of bags due to mishandling or disrupted aircraft operations. • Baggage Reconciliation—Provides for the identification of passengers that have not yet boarded and prevents their baggage from being loaded. Integration between bag belt and the baggage sortation systems is particularly important to enable flexibility in a common use environment. Without such a system, the scheduling of check-in and

70 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports gate assignments is limited to combinations in which there is direct accessibility between the two. This can be a costly modification, which could reduce the scope of a common use implementation. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Gate Information Display Systems A growing trend with airlines is the provision of airline-specific gate information display sys- tems (GIDS). Airlines are installing GIDS to provide information useful to their traveling public, such as the status of their stand-by list for the current flight, destination weather, and other features. Many of these airlines are also considering their GIDS as a means of airline branding. In a common use environment, many airport managers identified the need to ensure that airlines have equal facilities available to them, which also enables competition. Airlines operating under common use that do not have a specific GIDS application may request access to a GIDS. In addition, airlines that do have proprietary GIDS would prefer access to their GIDS, even when required to operate in a common use environment. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Resource Management Systems A resource management system (RMS) consists of a set of software modules for the planning, assigning, and monitoring of key airport resources, including gate management, check-in space allocation, baggage belt allocation, and personnel (rostering). Interfacing the RMS with an AODB can optimize the use of these resources and provide data needed for collaborative decision making. A RMS is a typical component in a large common use environment; however, in a small common use environment, check-in and gate allocations are often managed with a spreadsheet application. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Develop—Internal • Develop—External • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Building Technology/Facility Systems This section covers building management systems and smart airports, visual docking guid- ance systems, automated vehicle identification, and digital wayfinding signage. Building Management Systems and Smart Airports Building management systems (BMS) are PC-based software application control systems that monitor and control a building’s mechanical and electrical equipment. The use of a BMS in air- ports is not a new concept. However, more advanced uses of BMS enables integration of his- torically disparate building management systems such that information is shared to minimize the

Applications/Systems 71 long-term costs of facility ownership, improve operational performance, increase occupant com- fort and satisfaction, manage and minimize energy consumption, and contribute to environmental sustainability. These are a part of the emerging “smart building” trend. Virtually all operational and some special systems can integrate into a BMS. Some small airports have BMS in place for lighting and HVAC controls, which may be capable of expanding to support additional systems. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Visual Docking Guidance Systems A visual docking guidance system is made up of software and hardware that provide effective gate-specific guidance to the pilot for the positioning of an aircraft to the final parking position at a gate. The system utilizes a visual sensor(s) at the gate to monitor an aircraft’s real-time posi- tion as it approaches a gate and provides feedback for any necessary adjustments the pilot needs to make on final gate approach to a designated aircraft stand. The proper positioning of aircraft at the gate ensures it remains clear of obstructions and ensures jet bridges can reach and prop- erly align with the aircraft. These systems are more commonly used in environments where an airport may need to dock in poor weather conditions to avoid having ramp personnel exposed more than necessary. Visual docking guidance systems have been in use since the late 1990s. Potential delivery methods include: • Purchase Off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Automated Vehicle Identification Systems Automated vehicle identification (AVI) systems are vehicle tracking systems used for a num- ber of purposes. AVI systems allow vehicles to be processed more quickly at entry and exit points, increase airside security, decrease congestion at entry/exit points to the airports, and increase revenues from commercial vehicles’ use of the airport. They also can prevent runway incursions; register visits to airport curbs; and record dwell-times for commercial buses, shut- tles, and taxis for billing purposes; as well as enable frequent travelers to pay for parking. RFID tags are placed in vehicles and are read, from a distance, by RFID readers whose systems decipher the tag information in similar fashion as badging systems. These systems have been widely used by toll road authorities and increasingly in airports for more than 15 years. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Digital Wayfinding Signage The category of digital wayfinding signage includes all manner of digital displays that work with a PC-based software application to provide wayfinding guidance. This can be roadway

72 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports signs and signs within the terminal building and it includes simple LED signs through high- definition video monitors. Digital signage provides the capability of dynamic communications that traditional static signage cannot provide. This flexibility can be used to communicate road closures; directions using text, maps, and video; emergency messaging and other airport-centric information. Digital wayfinding signage is a highly mature technology that continues to evolve with advances in technology. Digital signage is a trend in airports that can help to make the trip inbound and outbound to the airport easier for passengers and can provide flexible communica- tions for the airport. The flexibility of dynamic signage allows interacting with other information systems that display ground transportation systems data. Interaction with intelligent transporta- tion systems technology can help the traveler at the airport simply, efficiently, and interactively evaluate his/her airport ground transportation options. On roadways, dynamic signs can be useful for current conditions, tenant moves, hazard reporting, and other dynamic information. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Safety and Security Systems This section covers access control systems (ACS), closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems, lightning detection systems, visual paging, incident management systems, video analytics, and integrated security systems. Access Control Systems ACS are a combination of hardware (badge readers, badges, badging stations, fingerprint sta- tions, alarms, etc.) and software that serves to administer access privileges and control access through secured doors and gates. Modern systems are highly scalable to any size airfield or airport with complex security requirements across widespread sites. Electronic access control systems are a highly mature technology that has been in use since the 1960s. These systems can and should evolve as security standards change and new requirements are added. In addition, such systems need to have the capability of integrating to other airport systems (CCTV, emergency notification system, badging, etc.) to form the complete security control system needed by the airport. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite Closed-Circuit Television System A CCTV system is a closed (private) system of electronic devices consisting of CCTV cameras which capture images, CCTV monitors which display the images, network video recorders to record and call up archived video images, and components to control and position the cameras. The CCTV system provides a visual indication of the current and recorded conditions of the monitored area to improve situational awareness (which accelerates response and management decisions); enhance security access control; deter vandalism, theft, or other crime; and increase overall public and staff safety. CCTV has been in use since the 1940s. The CCTV system, effectively delivered to both opera- tions and security users, can substantially increase the effectiveness of both organizations while also

Applications/Systems 73 reducing the total investment cost for these systems. Comprehensive integration of multiple systems can significantly enhance efficiency and provide higher levels of security. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Develop—Internal • Develop—External • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Lightning Detection Systems A lightning detection system uses local monitoring devices, commercial lightning detection networks, and other general purpose weather information (including radar data) to predict lightning strikes at an airport. The system is a PC-based software application that consolidates the information and provides the findings in different report formats including maps. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Visual Paging Visual paging is a system that uses a software application, video monitors, and PCs to display text versions of audible pages for the hearing impaired and is oftentimes linked to an airport’s effort to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for airport passenger paging. Many common use platforms can interface with existing airport audio paging systems allowing transference of paging data from one system to the other. However, in some cases, the interface functionality is limited in its ability to easily apply sophisticated color/font schemes, based on airport-defined rules such as type or priority of page. Visual paging systems have been in use for greater than 10 years. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) Incident Management Systems An incident management system (IMS) is a software application that connects to other systems including ACS, CCTV, fire detection, AODB, BMS, and others. It integrates the data from these systems, providing a single interface from which to alert, monitor, con- trol, and log ongoing incidents. The IMS helps airports effectively manage and coordinate response during an emergency or crisis situation. These systems started being used in the mid to late 2000s. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Develop—External • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite

74 Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Video Analytics Video analytics is a trending software technology that is coupled with CCTV systems to evalu- ate video images from the cameras by analyzing the behavior of objects in the scene and process- ing the images based on defined scenarios. Video analytics fills in the gap for the high rate of overlooked events by human operators due to manpower costs, boredom, and fatigue. Those scenarios might include identifying incidences of tailgating through doors, recognizing aban- doned packages, tracking an image seamlessly from camera to camera, and detecting an intruder approaching or climbing over a perimeter fence. Although security is the leading driver for video analytics, other potential uses might include passenger flows, queue monitoring, and ramp/ apron surface movement tracking. Video analytics has been in heavy evolutionary development over the last 10 years. It still holds much promise and is helpful in certain application though it has not yet achieved full maturity. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Purchase off the Shelf • Develop—External • Subscription (License)—Hosted Onsite • Subscription (License)—Remote (Internet/Cloud) • Share (Collaborative with Another Entity) Integrated Security Systems The general trend in the industry is toward integration of security systems and distribution of relevant information from those systems to airport management. Systems integration may encompass such systems as the following: • Access control • Video motion detection • Command and control/decision support • Communications • Smart fencing • Ground surveillance radars • Air traffic management • Airport operations Information from these systems can be integrated within a single system, allowing users to identify and respond to potential threats faster and more efficiently, enable security managers the ability to centrally manage all systems under their control, and support management dash- boards for real-time alerts to management within the context of their usual desktop working environment. Potential delivery methods include the following: • Develop—Internal • Develop—External

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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 128: Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports provides guidance and templates to help airport staff understand the appropriate IT delivery methods and best practices based on their unique strategic goals, requirements, and overall airport goals.


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