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Suggested Citation:"Bibliography ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22567.
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Page 27
Suggested Citation:"Bibliography ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22567.
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27 Aberdeen Airport Limited, Aberdeen Airport Conditions of Use Including Airport Charges from 1st January 2012, 18 pp. [Online]. Available: http://www.aberdeenairport. com/static/Aberdeen/Downloads/PDF/aberdeen-airport- conditions-of-use-2012.pdf [accessed Nov. 17, 2011]. BAA Glasgow, Glasgow Airport Conditions of Use Including Airport Charges from 1st January 2012, Dec. 15, 2011, 18 pp. [Online]. Available: http://www.glasgowairport. com/static/Glasgow/Downloads/PDF/GlasgowAirport ConditionsofUse.pdf. Bergman, D. and S. Lancaster, Perpetuating a Competitive Edge: DFW’s Case for Sustainability, Jan. 2010, 74 pp. Chicago Department of Aviation, Chicago, Department of Aviation, 2011 Sustainability Report, 2011, 22 pp. [Online]. Available: report.pdf. City of Chicago, Standard Terms and Conditions, 47 pp. [Online]. Available: city/depts/dps/ContractAdministration/StandardForms Agreements/StandardTermsAndConditions110211.pdf [accessed Nov. 2, 2011]. Edinburgh Airport, Edinburgh Airport Conditions of Use Including Airport Charges from 1st January 2012, Dec. 22, 2012, 18 pp. [Online]. Available: commercial/noise/Edinburgh_Airport_Conditions_of_ Use_2012.pdf. Flughafen Zürich AG, General Environmental Terms and Conditions for Zurich Airport, Sep. 2010, 3 pp. [Online]. Available: Resources/documents_unternehmen/umwelt_und_laerm/ Gen_Env_Cond_ZRH_2010_E.pdf. Flughafen Zürich AG, 2011 Annual Report of Zürich AG, Zürich, Switzerland, Mar. 8, 2012, pp. 44–53. Fraport AG, Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, Connect- ing Sustainability Report 2011, 2012, 33 pp. [Online]. Avail- able: binaer/sustainability/connecting-sustainability-/jcr:content. file/2012_04_30_FraportNB11%20ENG%20final.pdf. Gold Coast Airport Pty Limited, Conditions of Use Document as at 1 January 2011, Mar. 1, 2009, 48 pp. [Online]. Avail- able: downloads/2011/01/FINALCOUJAN11.pdf. Hong Kong Airport Services, Ltd., Delivering Performance, Sustainable Development Report 2011, 2012, 40 pp. [Online]. Available: downloadable/SD%20Report%202011.pdf. Incheon International Airport Corporation, Social Responsi- bility Report 2012: the Initiatives for Our Better Future, Incheon, Republic of Korea, July 2012, 72 pp. [Online]. Available: scode=C1402030109#popup/. Jacobs Consultancy, Portland International Airport, Mas- ter Plan Update Sustainability Report, Port of Portland, Portland, Ore., July 2010, 85 pp. [Online]. Available: www. Northern Territory Airports, Conditions of Use. Northern Ter- ritory Airports. For Darwin, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek Airports, July 1, 2011, 49 pp. Partners in Project Green, Greater Toronto Airports Author- ity (GTAA)—Corporate Responsibility, n.d., 8 pp. [Online]. Available: GTAA_CorporateSustainability.pdf. Pidwerbesky, B.D., “Performance-Based Contracts and Their Impact on Construction and Maintenance Practices: A Contractor’s Perspective” 6th International Conference on Managing Pavements, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2004 16 pp. [Online]. Available: www.pavementmanagement. org/ICMPfiles/2004040.pdf and http://www.greenrealestate clauses-in-green-leases/ [accessed Aug. 23, 2012]. Planning and Environmental Division, Department of Avia- tion, City of Atlanta, Annual Environmental Report, 2010 Progress Update, 2010, 4 pp. [Online]. Available: http:// 2010ProgressUpdate.pdf. Port of Seattle, A Vision for 2014 and Beyond. Environmen- tal Strategy Plan 2009, 2009, 54 pp. [Online]. Available: Documents/Documents/09_Env_Strategy_Plan.pdf. Port of Seattle, Port of Seattle/Environmental Report 2011– 2012, Seattle, Wash., 2012, 26 pp. [Online]. Available: Documents/Pages/default.aspx (click on “2011-2012 Envi- ronmental Annual Report”). RICS Oceana, Guide to Environmental Performance Clauses, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2009, 28 pp. [Online]. Available: Web/Home_files/RICS%20Environmental%20Clauses% 20Australia.pdf. Southampton International Airport Limited, Conditions of Use Including Airport Charges from 1 May 2011, Mar. 23, 2011, 13 pp. [Online]. Available: commercial/noise/Southampton_Conditions_of_Use_ 2011-12.pdf. Stansted Airport Limited, Stansted Airport, Conditions of Use Including Airport Charges from 1 April 2011, Mar. 1, 2011, 16 pp. [Online]. Available: static/Stansted/Downloads/PDF/STN_Conditions_of_Use_ 2011-12.pdf. Sydney Metro Airport/Bankstown Airport, Conditions of Use (Effective 01 July 2011), July 1, 2011, 16 pp. [Online]. Available: documents/COU%20YSBK%201%20July%202011.pdf. Sydney Metro Airport/Camden Airport, Conditions of Use (Effective 01 July 2011), July 1, 2011, 18 pp. [Online]. BIBLIOGRAPHY

28 Available: documents/COU%20YSCN%201%20July%202011.pdf. The Manchester Airport Group, PLC, Sustainability Report 2010/11, 86 pp. [Online]. Available: http://www.manchester 57364002D85FA/$File/SustainabilityReport.pdf [accessed July 11, 2011]. The Waste and Resources Action Programme, The Big Picture: Specifying Recycled in Local Authority Contracts for High- way Maintenance: Good Practice, Banbury, Oxon, U.K., July 2004, 40 pp. [Online]. Available: uk/downloads/HighwaysMaintenance.9af05e45.416.pdf. Vanden Oever, K., et al., ACRP Report 33: Guidebook for Developing and Managing Airport Contracts, Transporta- tion Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2011, 84 pp. [Online]. Available: Publications/Blurbs/164803.aspx. Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., 2010 Environmental Data Report, Boston Logan International Airport, EOEA #3247, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, MEPA Office, Oct. 2011, 628 pp. [Online]. Available: reporting/Documents/EDR/2010EDR_Part_1_Main.pdf. Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., San Francisco International Airport 2011 Environmental Sustainability Report, San Francisco International Airport Commission, San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 2011, 120 pp. [Online]. Available: http://www. Sustainability_Report.pdf. Vancouver Airport Authority, Vancouver Airport Authority 2011 Annual and Sustainability Report, Vancouver, British Columbia, n.d., 50 pp. [Online]. Available: http://www.yvr. ca/AR/2011/assets/pdf/vancouver-airport-authority-2011- annual-and-sustainability-report.pdf.

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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 42: Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts provides examples of how airports might help drive environmental sustainability performance improvements at their facilities by integrating environmental sustainability concepts into contracts with contractors, suppliers, and vendors.


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