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Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts (2013)

Chapter: Chapter Two - Airport Contract Types and Project Phases

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Suggested Citation:"Chapter Two - Airport Contract Types and Project Phases ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22567.
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Page 7
Suggested Citation:"Chapter Two - Airport Contract Types and Project Phases ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22567.
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7 At any given point, airport operators have a wide range of active contracts and agreements, spread among many outside companies. These contracts cover everything, from supply- ing light bulbs in the parking garages and pens and paper in the airport administrative offices, to on-call planning con- tracts and ten-year lease agreements with airlines. This abun- dance and variety of contracted goods and services makes contracts a powerful focal point for pursuing environmental sustainability throughout the different facets of an airport. Although certain types of contracts present more obvious opportunities than others, there is no shortage of potential areas for incorporating environmental sustainability clauses in airport contracts. Table 1 lists the major airport contract types and some potential topics within those contract types where associated conditions and specifications could be addressed to enhance environmental sustainability performance at an airport. Exam- ples for all of these contract types and environmental topics are found in the appendix. This snapshot of airport contract types and potential top- ics shows that there are multiple opportunities, both large and small, for incorporating environmental sustainability clauses into airport contracts. Each topic touches one or more project phases depending on the nature of the type of con- tract or service. Arguably, the contract types where there is scope for environmental sustainability to be implemented throughout the entire project provide the biggest opportu- nity for change. Table 2 presents which contract types can influence change throughout the greatest number of project phases at an airport. This table shows that there are opportunities to incorpo- rate sustainability goals into all contracts. There are at least three airport contract types that assume environmental sus- tainability can be considered and integrated into the contract at all phases of the project; concessions agreements, provi- sion of ground transportation and design, and construction of capital projects. Appendix A provides examples of actual sustainability language for these contract types. chapter two AIRPORT CONTRACT TYPES AND PROJECT PHASES Type of Contract Example Contract Topics to Enhance Environmental Sustainability Basic Airline Use and Lease Agreement Use of preconditioned air, ground service equipment, waste hauling, ticket counter allocation, gate electrification, common use equipment, participation in working groups, general maintenance services Concessions Agreements Waste hauling, source reduction, programs to facilitate food quality/sourcing/recycling/composting, energy and water efficiency, packaging, sustainable design for tenant alterations, alternatively fuelled rental cars Provision of Ground Transportation Alternative fuels, anti-idling, dynamic efficiency, fleet composition, transportation demand management Procurement of Goods Green products, recycled content, office supplies, chemical supplies, fleet vehicles, packaging, energy efficiency standards Procurement of Services Planning and design services, landscaping, custodial, maintenance, construction, information technology, travel, waste management and recycling, hazardous materials Ground Leases Tenant improvements, operational efficiency, recycling and composting, energy efficiency Interagency Agreements Energy efficiency, confiscated goods, waste management and recycling, transportation planning, stormwater management Design and Construction of Capital Projects Integrate sustainability measures into new construction, existing buildings, operations and maintenance, commercial interiors, core and shell TABLE 1 CONTRACT TYPES AND EXAMPLE TOPICS TO ENHANCE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY

8 The literature review showed that, in particular, the implementation of sustainable design and construction clauses and specifications has the most widespread adop- tion across airport operators worldwide. Over the last two decades, design and construction companies, working alongside industries including airports, have built a solid track record for achieving environmental sustainability and financial performance through sustainable design and con- struction practices. Airport operators are often motivated by the potential for significant cost savings when environ- mental initiatives are factored into the life-cycle cost of buildings; for example, diverting construction waste from landfill for reuse or recycling. All of the airport operators surveyed had environmental sustainability conditions inte- grated into major design and construction projects at their airports. Beyond design and construction contracts, no widespread adoption of any specific process for integrating environmen- tal sustainability was determined. Although airport operators acknowledge the opportunity in this area, and are making inroads at tackling procurement to drive sustainability, the practice is currently informal. There are select areas of good practice rather than widespread trends. Type of Contract Planning/ Design Construction Operations and Maintenance Occupancy/ Properties Basic Airline Use and Lease Agreement X X X Concessions Agreements X X X X Provision of Ground Transportation X X X X Procurement of Goods X Procurement of Services X X X Ground Leases X X X Interagency Agreements X X X Design and Construction of Capital Projects X X X X TABLE 2 CONTRACT TYPES AND ASSOCIATED PROJECT PHASES

Next: Chapter Three - Current Trends in Incorporating Environmental Provisions into Airport Contracts »
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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 42: Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts provides examples of how airports might help drive environmental sustainability performance improvements at their facilities by integrating environmental sustainability concepts into contracts with contractors, suppliers, and vendors.


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