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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 1 - Background." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22681.
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1 This section provides background information on the original problem statement and research objectives for ACRP Project 02-16 [“Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Inventory and Emission Reduction Strategies”]. 1.1 Problem Statement and Research Objective The original problem statement and objectives for ACRP 02-16 as developed by the project panel are restated as follows: Increased levels of demand at airports in the United States may result in a growth in airport GSE activity and an associated increase in airport surface emissions. Local air quality and global climate change concerns, regulatory pressures, and the desire to be environmentally responsible have resulted in a growing number of airport programs around the United States looking to assess and reduce airport emissions. Although much is known about aircraft fleets, operations, and emissions, comparatively little is known about GSE. The available GSE data are outdated, unreliable, and limited. Accurate GSE data are needed by the FAA and airport sponsors to plan adequately and to balance the growing demands of air travel with air quality concerns. Proactive strategies that reduce surface emissions may help airports address air quality concerns. As such, research is needed to obtain additional information on GSE equipment and to identify programs and best practices that could reduce GSE emissions for GSE owners, operators, and airports. In response to this problem statement, the primary objectives of this research were to (1) develop a tutorial that describes GSE operations and identifies potential strategies to reduce emissions from powered GSE for use by GSE owners and operators and (2) conduct a representative inventory of powered GSE at airports to help the industry assess the contribution of GSE to air quality impacts at airports. 1.2 Scope of the Research Project The scope of the research project comprised nine tasks, which are discussed in the next chapter. C h a p t e r 1 Background

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 Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial
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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 78: Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial is designed to help assess and mitigate the contribution of ground support equipment (GSE) to air quality impacts at airports.

The report presents an inventory of GSE at airports, identifies potential strategies to reduce emissions from powered GSE, and provides a tutorial that describes GSE operations and emission reduction technologies for use by GSE owners and operators.

The tutorial is a user-friendly, interactive, self-paced, stand-alone tool that is designed to provide a better understanding of GSE, its operations, applicable federal environmental regulations, and potential approaches to reduce GSE emissions.

The tutorial is structured in three modules: GSE Basics, Emissions Reduction Approaches and Case Studies, and Converting to Cleaner GSE. The tutorial is on a CD-ROM that is included with the print version the report.

The CD-ROM is also available for download from TRB’s website as an ISO image. Links to the ISO image and instructions for burning a CD-ROM from an ISO image are provided below.

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