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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 2 - Research Approach." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22681.
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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 2 - Research Approach." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22681.
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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 2 - Research Approach." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22681.
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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 2 - Research Approach." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22681.
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2In accordance with the original concept developed by the ACRP panel for conducting the research, the approach for completing the assignment followed a two-phase, nine-task working plan described in the following paragraphs and illustrated in Figure 2-1. Task 1 [Define and identify powered GSE types and how the equipment is used at a variety of airports ranging from non-hub to large hub, both in warm and cold climates, taking into consideration airport equipment requirements (e.g., fuel delivery systems and cargo).] The principal aim of this task was to obtain, compile, and summarize all that is presently known, being planned, and/or forecasted in connection with the types of GSE at airports of every size (i.e., large, medium, small) and function [i.e., hub, non-hub, general aviation (GA)] and how the equipment is used under varying operational, climate, and infrastructure conditions. Serving as the basis, or foundation, upon which this research project was ultimately constructed, this compendium served several important purposes including: • Provided a comprehensive and “up-to-date” portrayal of the U.S. airport GSE fleets; • Served as the basis for the research conducted under Tasks 3 (Economic and Environmental Considerations), 5 (GSE Tutorial), and 7 (GSE Inventory); and • Aided in identifying any important weaknesses, discrepancies, or gaps in the available data and information. Task 2 [Identify the federal regulations and programs that govern emissions for powered GSE that were identified in Task 1.] The purpose of this task was to identify and describe federal regulations and programs that govern emissions for the GSE identified in Task 1. This information was considered central to the outcomes and applications of this project as the information can both help and hinder programs, actions, or initiatives that are designed to reduce GSE emissions. Examples include the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) and the FAA Voluntary Airport Low Emissions Program. Because some state-level regulations also apply to GSE, they are also mentioned. Task 3 [Based on the results of Task 1, provide a detailed review of the economic and environmental con- siderations and challenges associated with owning and operating GSE.] C h a p t e r 2 Research Approach

research approach 3 With the principal aim of comparing GSE powered with conventional (i.e., diesel and gasoline) fuels to those powered with alternative fuels (i.e., ethanol, biodiesel, natural gas, propane, methanol, hydrogen and electricity), the following factors were evaluated: • Fuel availability and costs, • Performance characteristics and energy efficiency, • Training and storage requirements, Figure 2-1. ACRP 02-16 work plan.

4 airport Ground Support equipment (GSe): emission reduction Strategies, Inventory, and tutorial • Emission reduction potentials, and • Environmental and safety considerations. Task 4 [Identify operational approaches that have been implemented at various airports to reduce GSE emissions. Include voluntary approaches from both U.S. airports and non-U.S. airports that may be applicable to U.S. airports. Identify and describe potential incentives, hurdles faced, and realized benefits of these approaches.] Under this task, a number of operational approaches that have been implemented at both U.S. and non-U.S. airports to reduce emissions from GSE were identified and summarized. Task 5 [Develop a GSE tutorial based on the results of Tasks 1 through 4. This tutorial is intended to be a stand-alone document to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of GSE, their operations, and applicable federal environmental regulations and potential approaches to reducing GSE emissions. It should include illustrations and basic technical data including approximate cost range forecast for each type of equipment by fuel type.] This task included development of a GSE tutorial as a user-friendly, interactive, and self-paced tool for learning about GSE and their functions, and alternative fuels and their emission reduction potentials. Users can “point and click” their way through convenient, easy-to-follow synopses of the materials in a fashion that helps users synthesize and apply the knowledge to real-world practice. The tutorial is structured in three modules: • Module 101, GSE Basics, includes the types and functions of GSE, usage considerations, alternative fuels, air quality impacts, environmental regulations, and a primer of air quality science and policy principles. • Module 201, Emissions Reduction Approaches and Case Studies, addresses emissions reduction approaches applicable to GSE including infrastructure improvements, vehicle retro- fitting, alternative-fuel usage, and operation/maintenance strategies. Airport and airline case studies are also presented. • Module 301, Converting to Cleaner GSE, summarizes economic costs and environmental trade-offs of using cleaner GSE (where available), lists available vendors and distributors of both conventional-fuel and alternative-fuel GSE, and presents life-cycle (i.e., “well to wheels”) considerations that GSE owners and operators should keep in mind during their decision- making processes. The tutorial is on the CD bound into this report. Task 6 [Prepare an interim report that includes (1) the GSE tutorial developed in Task 5 and (2) an updated Phase II work plan. The work plan should identify sources of data (including existing GSE inventories), potential data gaps, proposed plans for addressing data gaps and the approach for data extrapolation, and proposed structure for the electronic database.] Under this task, the interim report was prepared that summarized the findings of Tasks 1 through 4, presented the tutorial concept developed under Task 5, and updated the work plan to complete Phase II of the project.

research approach 5 Task 7 [Prepare an inventory of powered GSE that is based on a specific sampling of large-hub, medium-hub, small-hub, and non-hub airports and is representative of airports located in varying climates, with varying airport equipment requirements (e.g., fuel delivery systems and cargo operations). The inventory is to include GSE-specific factors including fuel type, equipment age, anticipated equipment life expectancy, and data related to use (e.g., mileage, hours of operation).] In-the-field surveys of GSE at 12 airports were conducted that together characterized the varying size and climate conditions that are expected to have an affect on the GSE population and fleet. These data were supplemented with GSE population data obtained from a number of airlines as well as data collected previously by members of the research team. From these expansive and multi-faceted data sets, a comprehensive statistical process was undertaken resulting in a national database of GSE. Segregated by equipment and fuel types, that database can be used as the basis for developing national GSE emission inventories. Task 8 [Evaluate GSE economic factors including answering the following questions: (1) What alternative fuels are appropriate and available for GSE equipment types; (2) What is the range of costs for infrastructure for each alternative-fuel type; (3) What are the relative costs for retrofits vs. purchasing new equipment; and (4) What are the qualitative considerations an airline and airport must take into account concerning operating GSE?] For the purposes of this task, much of the information collected and developed under Task 3 was restructured to provide succinct and straight-forward answers to the four proposed questions. Task 9 [Submit a final report that documents the methodology and findings of the research associated with Tasks 1 through 8, the final GSE tutorial as a stand-alone document, and the finalized equipment inventory in the form of an electronic database.] This report is the final report under Task 9. The tutorial and the equipment inventory, a Microsoft® Excel™ spreadsheet, are available on the accompanying CD. The research study findings and conclusions are presented in the next chapter.

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Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial Get This Book
 Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial
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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 78: Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Emission Reduction Strategies, Inventory, and Tutorial is designed to help assess and mitigate the contribution of ground support equipment (GSE) to air quality impacts at airports.

The report presents an inventory of GSE at airports, identifies potential strategies to reduce emissions from powered GSE, and provides a tutorial that describes GSE operations and emission reduction technologies for use by GSE owners and operators.

The tutorial is a user-friendly, interactive, self-paced, stand-alone tool that is designed to provide a better understanding of GSE, its operations, applicable federal environmental regulations, and potential approaches to reduce GSE emissions.

The tutorial is structured in three modules: GSE Basics, Emissions Reduction Approaches and Case Studies, and Converting to Cleaner GSE. The tutorial is on a CD-ROM that is included with the print version the report.

The CD-ROM is also available for download from TRB’s website as an ISO image. Links to the ISO image and instructions for burning a CD-ROM from an ISO image are provided below.

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