National Academies Press: OpenBook

Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices (2018)

Chapter: Appendix B - Survey Respondents

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Page 107
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Survey Respondents." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25078.
Page 107
Page 108
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Survey Respondents." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25078.
Page 108

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107 A p p e n d i x B Survey Respondents Table B1. List of transit agencies responding to the survey (sorted in alphabetical order). Agency Full Name Acronym or Common Name Principal City Bus/ Rail Has Service Guarantee Has Customer- Focused Transparency Ridership Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority The Ride Ann Arbor, MI Bus Only Yes 6,689,843 Bay Area Rapid Transit District BART San Francisco, CA Both Yes 135,240,559 Calgary Transita CT Calgary, Alberta, Canada Both Yes 110,000,000 City of El Paso Sun Metro Sun Metro El Paso, TX Bus Only Yes Yes 5,764,797 Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority CCRTA Corpus Christi, TX Bus Only Yes 69,844,822 Dallas Area Rapid Transit DART Dallas, TX Both Yes 70,800,000 GO Transit (Metrolinx)b GO Toronto, Ontario, Canada Both Yes Yes 10,348,856 Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority Dayton RTA Dayton, OH Bus Only Yes 126,268,526 King County Metro Transit Metro Seattle, WA Both Yes 116,219,917 Maryland Transit Administration MTA Maryland Baltimore, MD Both Yes Yes 405,950,873 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority MBTA Boston, MA Both Yes Yes 85,832,184 Metro Transit Metro Transit Minneapolis- St. Paul, MN Both No (Did previously) 25,972,313 Metrolink Metrolink Los Angeles, CA Rail Yes 102,250,731 Montgomery County Transit Ride On Rockville, MD Bus Only Yes 538,079,000 Regional Transportation District Denver RTD Denver, CO Both Yes 70,562,537 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency SFMTA San Francisco, CA Both Yes Yes 4,505,063 (continued on next page)

108 Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency practices Agency Full Name Acronym or Common Name Principal City Bus/ Rail Has Service Guarantee Has Customer- Focused Transparency Ridership Valley Metro Valley Metro Phoenix, AZ Both Yes 10,348,856 Virginia Railway Express VRE Washington, D.C. Rail Yes Yes 116,219,917 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority WMATA Washington, D.C. Both Yes Yes 405,950,873 Note: Information in the table is current as of the date of data collection and does not reflect new services or other changes. Sources: Transit agency names, acronyms, and status of service guarantees and customer-focused transparency are from survey data. Modes operated and ridership for U.S. transit agencies is from the National Transit Database 2015 reporting year. Modes operated and ridership for Canadian transit agencies is from transit agency websites and documents as detailed below. a Calgary Transit (n.d.). b GO Transit (2017b). c Toronto Transit Commission (2016). Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority SEPTA Philadelphia, PA Both No (Did previously) Yes 135,240,559 Toronto Transit Commissionc TTC Toronto, Ontario, Canada Both Yes Yes 13,449,700 Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon TriMet Portland, OR Both Yes 70,800,000 Table B1. (Continued).

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TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 134: Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices documents the nature and prevalence of customer-focused practices among transit providers in North America and supplements the discussion by including information from European transit providers.

A growing number of North American public transit agencies have adopted service guarantees or transparency practices as part of a customer-focused service strategy. Service guarantees describe the level of service customers can expect and the procedures they may follow if standards are not met. Transparency practices might include reporting performance metrics as online dashboards or report cards on the agency’s website. Currently, there is little existing research on these practices and experiences among U.S. transit providers.

Update June 29, 2018: Page i of the synthesis omits some of the authors. The correct author list is as follows:

Michael J. Walk

James P. Cardenas

Kristi Miller

Paige Ericson-Graber

Chris Simek

Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Austin, TX


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