National Academies Press: OpenBook

Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices (2018)

Chapter: Appendix C - Metrolink Service Guarantee

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Page 109
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Metrolink Service Guarantee." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25078.
Page 109
Page 110
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Metrolink Service Guarantee." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25078.
Page 110
Page 111
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Metrolink Service Guarantee." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25078.
Page 111
Page 112
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Metrolink Service Guarantee." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25078.
Page 112

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109 Quality Service Pledge This is Metrolink’s Quality Service Pledge. As Southern California’s premier regional rail system, we do everything in our power to provide high-quality, dependable, on-time service. This commitment to excellence is a promise our riders have the right to expect. There are times that Metrolink service may be disrupted. This pledge outlines Metrolink’s service and compensation policies, as well as what customers can expect should an unforeseen disruption arise. Metrolink Train Hold Policy Metrolink-to-Metrolink Connections • Scheduled connecting Metrolink trains are held up to 10 minutes. • At Union Station, a line’s last departing Metrolink train of the evening can be held up to 10 minutes beyond its scheduled departure time. After 10 minutes, Metrolink Ride Promise is in effect. – The last train of the evening may be held longer at the discretion of SCRRA Operations Personnel. Amtrak to Metrolink Connections • Metrolink trains are not held for late arriving Amtrak trains. • At Union Station, a line’s last departing Metrolink train of the evening can be held up to 10 minutes beyond its scheduled departure time, if Amtrak notifies Metrolink’s Operations Center in advance of the Metrolink departure. Transit Operator to Metrolink Connections • Metrolink trains are not held for late arriving buses, shuttles, light rail, etc. • At Union Station, a line’s last departing Metrolink train of the evening can be held up to 10 minutes beyond its scheduled departure time, if the operator notifies Metrolink’s Operations Center in advance of the Metrolink departure. A p p e n d i x C Metrolink Service Guarantee Source: Metrolink (n.d.).

110 Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency practices TVM Failure • Metrolink trains are not held for ticket machine malfunctions. • At the conductor’s discretion, passengers may be instructed to purchase tickets at their destination station. Alternatively, passengers can use the Metrolink mobile application to purchase fare prior to boarding. Authorization to Hold a Train SCRRA Operations Personnel have the authority to “hold” based on SCRRA Operations Procedures. Metrolink Ride Promise If a passenger misses the scheduled Metrolink train due to an operational issue, Metrolink will make every attempt to secure alternative transportation for the rider to his/her destination station. If Metrolink cannot secure alternative transportation within 60 minutes of the missed Metrolink train’s scheduled departure time, passengers can be reimbursed for their costs for alternative transportation, not to exceed $50.00 per passenger. Reimbursement is based on the passengers’ submission of their original dated receipt from the transit provider (taxi, third party ride share company such as Uber or Lyft, etc.). Exclusions Apply. Causes and length of disruptions vary. When a disruption occurs, Metrolink immediately assesses the situation and takes steps towards recovering service as close to the published time- table as possible. There are various steps required to clear a scene, including assessment by first responders, including Metrolink personnel, law enforcement, and/or fire, securing alternate transportation, coroner response (if applicable), cleanup crew response (if applicable), and/or coordination with freight dispatching (if applicable). If rescue service is needed, staff will make every attempt to secure alternate transportation arriving within an hour or less of the train’s scheduled departure time. Alternative transportation solutions such as replacement train service (Metrolink or Amtrak), bus bridge service (private motorcoach and/or public transit operators), and taxi, Uber, or Lyft are all considered. Metrolink Rider Compensation Policy Chronic Delays Applies to monthly pass holders only. When average on-time performance of a line falls below 85% for a calendar month, Metrolink will offer a line-restricted monthly pass at a discount of 25% valid in a subsequent month after the average monthly on-time performance was below 85%. If monthly passes on the affected line can normally be used on another line, full price passes retaining that benefit will also be available. A train is defined as on-time if it arrives at its final destination within five minutes of its scheduled arrival time. Extensive Delay—One-Time Incident Passengers who experience a one-time, extensive delay may be eligible for compensation tickets. Exclusions apply.

Metrolink Service Guarantee 111 Monthly Pass Holder Upon request, a monthly pass holder is eligible to receive four one-way promo ticket vouchers with a one-year expiration date from the date of the incident. Monthly pass holders must submit proof of their valid Metrolink pass. One-Way, Round-Trip, 7-Day, and Weekend Day Ticket Holder Upon request, a ticket holder is eligible to receive two one-way promo ticket vouchers with a one-year expiration date from the date of the incident. Ticket holders must submit the original ticket(s) to be eligible for a replacement ticket. Request for compensation under the Quality Service Pledge must be received within 60 days of the date of the incident. Exclusions for Compensation Train delays caused by: • Freight delays or interference • Strikes, vehicle or person • Natural disasters or acts of nature • Unforeseen crew changes • Third party activity such as police, fire, or other government agencies • Alternative transportation providers • Temporary operating schedules Sole Authority Metrolink has sole authority to grant an exception to the Compensation Policy. Definitions Alternative Transportation Transportation that replaces regular Metrolink train service. This may include, but it is not limited to another Metrolink train, an Amtrak train, bus bridge, van, taxi, Uber or Lyft, or other charter operator, and is at Metrolink’s discretion. Valid Metrolink tickets will be accepted on alternative transportation, including trains on other Metrolink lines. Extensive Delay Delay to riders exceeding one hour from the published train schedule. On-Time Service Train arrives at its final destination within five minutes of the published arrival time. Scheduled Connections Ten minutes between a Metrolink train’s published arrival time and the connecting Metrolink train’s published departure time at the same station.

112 Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency practices Self-Service Transportation Taxi, shuttle, TNCs/Transportation Network Companies (i.e. Uber, Lyft) Temporary Operating Schedules When Metrolink’s published train schedule is modified to allow planned construction work or Special Event Train service.

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TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 134: Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices documents the nature and prevalence of customer-focused practices among transit providers in North America and supplements the discussion by including information from European transit providers.

A growing number of North American public transit agencies have adopted service guarantees or transparency practices as part of a customer-focused service strategy. Service guarantees describe the level of service customers can expect and the procedures they may follow if standards are not met. Transparency practices might include reporting performance metrics as online dashboards or report cards on the agency’s website. Currently, there is little existing research on these practices and experiences among U.S. transit providers.

Update June 29, 2018: Page i of the synthesis omits some of the authors. The correct author list is as follows:

Michael J. Walk

James P. Cardenas

Kristi Miller

Paige Ericson-Graber

Chris Simek

Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Austin, TX


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