National Academies Press: OpenBook
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: List of Attendees." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Flight Plan to Recovery: Preparing Airports for the Return of the Traveling Public. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25954.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: List of Attendees." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Flight Plan to Recovery: Preparing Airports for the Return of the Traveling Public. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25954.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: List of Attendees." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Flight Plan to Recovery: Preparing Airports for the Return of the Traveling Public. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25954.
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Page 81
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: List of Attendees." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Flight Plan to Recovery: Preparing Airports for the Return of the Traveling Public. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25954.
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Page 82
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: List of Attendees." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Flight Plan to Recovery: Preparing Airports for the Return of the Traveling Public. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25954.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: List of Attendees." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Flight Plan to Recovery: Preparing Airports for the Return of the Traveling Public. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25954.
Page 83

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68 APPENDIX D: List of Attendees   Chance Abbey Jorge Acha David Adams Mark Adams Rose Agnew Matthew Aguilar Marvin Agumagu S. Air Tea Alania Earlyne Alexander Marcia Alexander-Adams Carlos Almeida Carlos Alvarado Fekade Amare Peter Amaro Jaime Ambrosio Doug Anderson Gabriel Andino Eduardo Angeles Api Appulingam Rhonda Arnold Donald Arthur Jason Ashby Ann Asiano Stephanie Atallah Michael Audino Susan Ault Lisa Aultman-Hall Paul Aussendorf Scott Ayers Glen Ayes Abubaker Azam Hasaan Azam Sobi Babu Krishna Balakrishnan Stephanie Baldwin Lori Ballard Numair Bari Francis Barich Justin Barkowski Anthony Barnes Heather Barry Daniel Barton Harper Bateman Steve Baun Gary Beal Jerry Beckmann Heidi Benaman Gloria Bender Younes Benheddi Derryl Benton Allen Berentes Paul Berumen Andrea Bickley Jordan Biegler Jeff Bilyeu Daniel Black Dan Blake Barry Blevins Michael Bloem Terry Blue Sara Bogdan Juanita Bonds Kevin Booth Tommy Booth Jeff Borowiec Kenneth Boudreau Andrew Boyett Michelle Brantley Kelly Braun Rob Brethauer Marc Brooks Renee Brooks Barry Brown Florence Brown William Brown Ellen Brunjes-Brandt AmyClaire Brusch Kenneth Buckner Susan Busque Pete Butler Lissa Butterfield Philip Calderone Brett Caldwell Chellie Cameron Blake Carlson Julien Carron Thiane Carter Bill Casey Gustavo Ceballos Paola Cemin da Silva Andres Chacon Brenden Chainey Colleen Chamberlain Gregory Chappell Daniel Chatters Bhoomin Chauhan Wesley Chee Charles Chen Yi Chen Andrew Cheng Paul Chisholm John Clark Nathan Clifford Michael Clow

69 Adam Cohen Josh Cohn Tim Conahan Matthew Coogan Antonio Correas Stephan Corrie Todd Cox Lana Cramer Michael Crane Melinda Crawford Sonia Cruz Marianne Csaky Laurie Cullen Paul Cullen Stephen Cusick Tim Dacey Crystal Dallas Philip Daniele Marilyn Daniels Cassandra Davisson Doreen Dazenski Gonzalo De La Melena José de Magalhães Lorena de Rodriguez Justin Deadwyler Benjamin DeCosta John DeCoster Britt DeTienne Jay DeWitt Krista Dillion James Dingell Christopher DiPrima Ryan Dittoe Favian Dixon Terry Dlugos Drake Dodson Leah Douglas Roger Dow Brian Drake Anthony Dudas Oris Dunham Jim Durwin Renee Dutia Greg Dyer John Eagerton Kristen Easterday Garfield Eaton Margaret Egerland Curt Eikerman Bart Elias Rich Elwell Karen Engelbrecht Kimberly Engle Michelle Eshow Darron Evans Kimberly Evans Tricia Fantinato Peter Farrell Luis Fermin Alicia Fernandes Florian Fessel Michael Fetchko Grant Firestone Carla Fischer Stephanie Fischer Baruch Fischhoff David Fish Elena Fisher Sarah Fisher Sean Fitzpatrick David Fleet Bob Fletcher Hilary Fletcher Dean Fojo Colleen Forst Josh Francosky Stephanie Freeman Jim Fricke Kelly Fukai Neil Gabrielson Aldo Garcia Mike Garlick Karnardo Garnett Laurie Garrow Robin Gibson Spencer Gillette Mike Gillock Michael Glazer Lauri Goden Hilary Godwin Joletta Golik Ronald Gomes Charles Goodwin Geoffrey Gosling Jim Greaney Marci Greenberger Ginga Griffin Matt Griffin Shannetta Griffin Donald Griffith Emma Griffith Christopher Grillo Courtney Grove Liying Gu Justin Guan Claude Guillaume Pierrette Guimond Reena Gulati Stephanie Gupta Duane Habeck Patricia Haley Alexandra Hall Marcus Hall Mital Hall Douglas Hamilton Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge Belinda Hargrove

70 Catherine Harmel Donald Harper Jerry Harris Andrew Harsh Danielle Hartman Alison Hashimoto Mehnaz Hassan Leslie Hausman Rob Hawks Chris Hedges Brian Helms Katie Hemmer Frank Hermann Martha Hernandez Paul Herrera Angela Hess George Hodgson Diane Hofer Mike Holston Drew Homyk David Hopkins Kirk Hotelling Jeff Hough Joseph Huber Raymond Hunting Ken Ibold David Ishihara Ali Jafarnejad Nick James Sandra Janssen Merritt Jenkins Jessica Johnson Sabrina Johnson Petr Justin Sara Kalb Bhuvaneshwaran Kalimuthu Bernie Kanger Agnieszka Kardasz Alysha Keeling Rob Kelley Paul Kennedy Robert Kenney Vivek Khanna Mitchell Kilian Peter Kirsch Peter Klingman Jason Knipp Tamas Kolos-Lakatos Kristina Korge Art Kosatka Sarah Kosling Lois Kramer Stephanie Kranz Ryan Kreulen Paul Krieger David Kulinsky Aaron Kunz Susan Kurland Paulos Lakew Darin Lang Shawna Larson Patricia Le Gael Le Bris Lisa LeBlanc-Hutchings Jane Lee Lily Lee Joshua Lemeshow Diane Lemke Winsome Lenfert Caroline Leonard Sierra LePore Alex Levin Joseph Licitra Elliott Lindgren Paul Lo Erin Locklear Bryan Loden Joseph Lopano Sean Loughran Remy Lucette Nels Lund Mark Lunsford Claudia Luquin Carol Lurie Jenny Ly Anna Lynch Lance Lyttle Katrina Ma Katy Tang Lynne Madera Todd Madison Stephen Maher Connor Maldonato Scotty Malta Peter Mandle Howard Mann Richard Marchi John Mares Larry Mares Caroline Marete Maria Muia Gail Marnik Casey Martin Juan F. Martinez Rose Marie Martinez Andrew Martz Stacy Mattson Hovlyn May Ellen McClain Kip McClain Denise McElroy Chuck McFall Nancy McGuckin Laura McKee Brian McKeehan Darrin McKenna Margaret McKeough Michael McLanahan

71 Neil McLean Zach McNeal Timothy McNutt Roderick McOwan Syed Mehdi D.J. Mehigan David Melko Zach Mensen Anil Merchant Anna Metcalfe Eva Miller Jennifer Mims Adam Mitchell Rob Mitchell Brian Mohr Barry Molar Márcia Molinari Bob Montgomery Linda Moore Stacy Moore Charles Morley Elizabeth Moselle Jared Mossman Mark Mulchaey Jeff Mulder Sharon Mullarkey Randy Murphy Ryan Murphy Deirdre Nash Jonathan Nathan Joe Navarrete Andrew Ndolo Dana Nelson Giralys Nelson Charl Neser I. Richmond Nettey Gil Neumann Tony Nevarez David Nicewinter Carolyn Niles Tristan Noel Ed Noyallis Seseni Nu Ramsey Nuwar Joseph O’Malley Kyle O’Neal Robert Olislagers Jeroen Olthof Craig Omundsen Maurice Ope Chris Oswald Alexandra Ott Melinda Pagliarello Chad Pakett Courtly Parker Daryl Parks Tonja Pastorelle Aneil Patel Bhavesh Patel Joanne Paternoster Ric Paterson John Payne Michael Payton Neil Pedersen Ricardo Pedroza Kent Penney Chamiinda Perera Lauren Perich Marjorie Phan Jared Pierce James Pio Firelli Pitters Chris Pittman Yasmina Platt Chris Pollock MaryLou Posa Carla Potts Rachelle Powell Viji Prasad Daniel Price Michael Price Sho Quader Alana Quinn Colleen Quinn Navaid Qureshi Christine Rajpal Alex Ralli Shankar Ramakrishnan Angel Ramos Craig Rangel Alexander Rao Rob Rau Wilson Rayfield Jared Raymond Heather Ream Pauly Reason Justin Reed Gene Reindel Warren Relaford Matthew Remynse Araceli Rey Greg Rhodes Selma Ribiero Colby Richardson Pete Ricondo Piet Ringersma Danielle Rinsler David Roberts Robert Roland Brad Rolf Kristi Rollwagen Lawrence Rolon G. Rosander Michele Ross Maitee Rossoukhi Chermaina Roundtree Carlos Ruiz

72 Patricia Ryan James Rymsza Merachew Sahle Dan Sal David Saleme Robert Samis William Sandifer Paulo Sandoval Sharon Sarmiento Mark Schenkelberg Dean Schuerman Theresia H. Schatz T.J. Schulz Dianne Schwager Kurt Schwager Jason Schwartz Darija Scott Karen Scott Nicholas Scott Abigail See George Selkirk Kaveh Shabani Mihir Shah Arezoo Shayan Jennifer Shearer Kim Sheredy Lance Sherry Ryan Shropshire Brian Shutt Ronald Siecke Glenda Silva Lauren Silverang Alexa Sindelar Sandeep Singh Namali Sirisoma Kaley Skantz Liz Smart Guy Smith Jessica Smith Lawrence Smith Stanis Smith Andrew Smyth Ashley Sng Tess Snipes Chip Snowden Jason Snowden Mary Soderstrum Tina Soike Amy Sonbuchner Carmen Sorensen Ana Sotorrio Andrew Sousa Chris Spaulding Jesse Spearo Greg Spitz Gail Staba Carlos Staff Tom Stagliano David Staples Thomas Stastny Tara Stearman Gail Stein Ronald Stella Kathie Steller Cathryn Stephens Paul Strack Ray Strege Fran Strouse Christen Suda Kate Sullivan Brittany Summerlin-Azeez Zhe Sun Bob Swensen Gary Sypek Ida Talley Rachel Tang Scott Tatro Charles Taylor Sydnor Tetterton Anthony Tezla Larry Thomas Lily Thomas William Thompson Joe Thornton Valerie Thorsen Kristallia Tiligadis Ian Todreas Eric Toler Chad Townsend Cindy Tran Andrew Tron William Turner David Ulane Chaim Van Prooyen Marian Van Poppel Stephen Van Beek Kevin Vandeberg Pamela Vanderbilt Beau Vanderford Alexandra Vargas Leslie Vasconcelos Eileen Velez-Vega Samuel Veliz Tony Vicari Mary Vigilante Brandt Vogel Kathleen Wade Molly Waits David Wall Yanyu Wang Kyle Wanner Scott Wardwell Steve Wareham Jerome Warner Bobby Watson Allison Wavra Linda Weiland

73 Karen Weller Dan Wesely Brad Weston Brooke Wheeler Caleb Whitby Chris White Marion White Vic White Dillan Wicklund Jonathan Wicks Frederick Wieland Julie Wienberg Shamith Wijethilake Amy Willard Jack Williams Sharron Williams Ted Williams Mike Willingham James Wilson Sonya Wilson Kelsey Wingo Susan Winslow Gordon Wong Arnold Wood Christina Wood Yolanda Woodruff Kevin Wu Tod Yankee Gabe Yesho Kristen Young Thomas Zajkowski Jean Zoglman Oliver Zornoza Beth Zsoka

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 Flight Plan to Recovery: Preparing Airports for the Return of the Traveling Public
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This report summarizes an event focused on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic response and its impact on the operational and economic recovery of airports.

The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program'sConference Proceedings on the Web 27: Flight Plan to Recovery: Preparing Airports for the Return of the Traveling Public includes presentations from airport industry leaders who discussed current and ongoing practices to get passenger confidence back to aid in airport recovery during an ACRP Insight Event over Zoom on May 28, 2020.

Specific topics presented the aviation industry with challenges that are mutually shared by all partners, including safety, public confidence, and financial sustainability. Other topics included gaps in the industry and public response to date and how the industry may address them, as well as operational mitigation strategies to enable recovery in the post-lockdown environment.


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