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Suggested Citation:"5 Conclusions." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Data Collection Practices for Use with In-Service Performance Evaluations. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27911.
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5 CONCLUSIONS The focus of this research was to identify the appropriate data elements to collect in order to evaluate the field performance of roadside hardware. Upon identifying those data elements, this research maximized the use of routinely collected data and minimized the amount of additional data collection, thus minimizing the time spent on-site by transportation agency personnel. The “Guidelines for the Collection, Extraction, and Documentation of Data” resulting from this research simplified and standardized the data survey and data extraction and documentation steps. These procedures also include a process for the interconnection of routinely collected data elements contained in multiple databases (i.e., schema mapping) with any additional data collected through field visits. These data collection procedures will promote using ISPEs, collaboration among transportation agencies, and sharing of ISPE data. The “Guidelines for the Collection, Extraction, and Documentation of Data” is included in Appendix A. 12

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 Data Collection Practices for Use with In-Service Performance Evaluations
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Crash test evaluations of roadside hardware have long been recognized as an initial assessment of hardware performance. The proper installation and maintenance of roadside hardware allows for the hardware to perform as designed and evaluated when impacted within the performance limits of the hardware.

NCHRP Web-Only Document 407: Data Collection Practices for Use with In-Service Performance Evaluations, from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, develops a transportation agency data collection methodology and associated guidelines to support individual investigative in-service performance evaluations (ISPEs), ISPE Programs, and asset management of roadside safety hardware.

Supplemental to the document are an ISPE Manual (Appendix A) and an implementation plan.


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