National Academies Press: OpenBook

Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues (2009)

Chapter: Appendix B - Advertiser Interview Guide

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Page 94
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Advertiser Interview Guide." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14269.
Page 94
Page 95
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Advertiser Interview Guide." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14269.
Page 95

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B-1 October 2, 2007 Image • What is your image of transit media? • Does it differ from your image of other OOH media? If yes, how so? • Who do you think is the target audience for transit media? • Do you think of transit as a national or local medium? Media Planning/Purchasing Process • Do you advertise nationally, regionally/locally, or both? • How do you purchase media? (in-house vs. agency?) • What types of media do you [they] purchase [on your behalf]? • Who selects the different types of media? Can you explain the planning process? • Do you ever request certain media? • Do you ever specify that you’d like to use transit or is it rec- ommended to you? • When you purchase transit, is it part of a package of out- door media or is it purchased on a standalone basis? – Do you make one purchase for the year or purchases on an ad hoc basis? – Are the purchases of transit media planned or purely opportunistic? • Who develops the “creative” for Transit? Usage of Transit • Do you have a typical media plan? or does it vary? – If it varies, under what circumstances? (probe for differ- ent campaign objectives) • Have you used OOH? • What percent of your total media spend is allocated to OOH? • Have you used Transit media? IF NO, why not? IF YES: • Has your usage changed/increased over time? • Were you reluctant to try transit? If so, why? • What percent of your total media spend is allocated to Transit media? • If you have used Transit, what was the objective of the campaign? • What do you think are the best applications for Transit? – Driver of campaign or supplemental? – Build/extend reach or frequency? – Launch of a new product? – “Heavying up” in a certain geography? Attributes/Benefits • What are the benefits of transit? • Do the benefits differ from other OOH media? What about BB? Barriers • What do you see as obstacles for using transit media on a larger scale or more frequent basis? Metrics/Measurement • How important are metrics in selecting media? • Are you feeling increased pressure internally to measure your media effectiveness? A P P E N D I X B Advertiser Interview Guide

• In your current media mix, how much of it do you cur- rently measure? • Do you feel your current media mix is effective? • Would your usage of transit media increase if a measure- ment system was established? Satisfaction with Transit • How confident are you that transit delivers impact for your business? (more or less than with other media?) • Did it meet your expectations or fall short? • Did you see an impact on your business/organization? New Media • How has digital advertising changed your media choices, if at all? • Do you generally look for innovative/non-traditional types of media for your advertising needs? or do you tend to stick w/ more traditional media? • How much of your media budget is spent on new media? • How much has that increased over the years? • What new media formats in transit are you aware of? • Are any appealing to you? Satisfaction with the Sales/Purchasing Process • How do you learn about transit media? • Are you ever approached by advertising sales contractors or the transit agencies themselves? IF YES TO ASCs: • How satisfied are you with the sales representative present- ing transit? • Are the benefits of the medium clear to you? • How do they compare to other media sales reps? Competitors of Transit • What else did you consider doing with the budget you spent on transit? • Do any of the new outdoor media threaten to take the place of transit in your plan? Other • What are the top 2-3 marketing challenges or concerns you face as a marketer in your company today? B-2

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 Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues
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TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 133: Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues explores strategies designed to significantly increase transit’s share of total advertising expenditures. The report examines advertising decision makers’ perceptions about current and future transit advertising products and highlights a strategic responsive communications plan designed to improve those perceptions and increase transit revenue.

An executive summary and PowerPoint presentation on this report are available online.


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